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Heaven Kid's School System

Class 10th subject. Biology

Name …………. Ch# 3
Time 35mint. Marks 20
QNO1. Encircle the correct option.
1. The human nervous system consists of billions of neurons plus…
a) Epithelial cell. b) neuroglial cells c) nerve cell. d) Non of these
2. Dendrites conduct impulses ………… cell body?
a) Away from b) towards c) both a&b d) non of these
3. The wave of electrochemical changes that travel along length of neuron
called as ?
a) Nerve impulse b) axon. c) cell body d) Schwan cell
4. In certain parts of body, the cell bodies of many neurons form a group
enveloped by a membrane. This is called as?
a) Neuroglial cells. b) ganglion c) Moter neuron d) Non of these
5. Feelings such as rage, pain, pleasure and sorrow are under control of ?
a) Medulla. b) Thalamus c) hypothalamus. d). cerebrum

QNO2. Write the short answers of following questions.

1. Define effectors with one example ?
2. What is neuron and draw it's diagram?
3. What is brain stem?
4. What is cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)?
5. Write down the function of Medulla oblongata?

QNO3. Write a detail note on forebrain?

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