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Procedia CIRP 98 (2021) 43–48

28th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering

Life Cycle Primary Energy Demand and Greenhouse Gas Emission benefits
of vehicle lightweighting with recycled carbon fibre
Di Hea*, Vi Kie Sooa, Hyung Chul Kimb, Matthew Doolana
ARC Training Centre in Lightweight Automotive Structures, Research School of Electrical, Energy and Materials Engineering, Australian National University,
Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia
Research and Innovation Center, Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, Michigan USA

* Corresponding author. E-mail address:


Recycled carbon fibre (rCF) is a potential material for sustainable vehicle lightweighting but its realistic environmental impacts are still unclear.
In this study, a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) investigates the primary energy demand (PED) and global warming potential (GWP) of using rCF
reinforced Polyamide 66 (PA66) for a side-view mirror bracket, in comparison with its conventional cast aluminium counterpart. Results indicate
that using rCF+PA66 with 40wt% rCF in the US can achieve around 13% and 34% reduction in the PED/GWP of the cradle-to-gate phases and
the use phase, respectively. Scenario analysis is also carried out to understand the impact of geographical setting and fibre content in rCF+PA66.
It shows that replacing aluminium with 40wt% rCF+PA66 in the EU saves 31.5% and 29.7% more cradle-to-gate PED and GWP, respectively,
than in the US. A higher reduction of 43.4% and 41.2% in the cradle-to-grave PED and GWP compared to aluminium can be achieved by
increasing fibre mass fraction.
© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 28th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering.
Keywords: Recycled carbon fibre; vehicle lightweighting; primary energy demand; global warming potential; greenhouse gas emission;

1. Introduction and 50%, respectively, when replacing steel [2]. It is estimated

that a 6-8% fuel saving can be achieved as a result of a 10%
The transportation sector is a significant contributor of weight reduction of a vehicle [3]. The reduced fuel
global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. It accounts for nearly consumption leads to a reduction in GHG emissions in the use
a quarter of the global energy-related GHG emissions, of which phase of a lightweight vehicle.
nearly 80% come from road vehicles [1]. Reducing the GHG Despite the benefits in the use phase, lightweight materials
emissions of road vehicles is important to tackle the climate usually have higher energy consumption and GHG emissions
change crisis. than steel in the production stage. For instance, the embodied
Lightweighting is an effective approach to improve fuel primary energy of AA6060 aluminium alloy and AZ61
efficiency and reduce GHG emissions in the use phase of road magnesium alloy is 207.5 MJ/kg and 350.5 MJ/kg, respectively,
vehicles. It involves the substitution of low-carbon steel with compared to 32 MJ/kg for steel [4]. Similarly, the embodied
new materials that could satisfy the performance criteria for CO2 emission of the aluminium and magnesium alloy is 12 kg
application in a vehicle while providing a lower weight. Some CO2 eq./kg and 22 kg CO2 eq./kg, compared to 2.5 kg CO2
examples of these materials are advanced high strength steel eq./kg for steel [4]. Hence, despite reducing the environmental
(AHSS), aluminium alloys and magnesium alloys. The weight impacts during the use phase of a vehicle, many lightweight
reduction potential of these materials is on average 20%, 45%

2212-8271 © 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 28th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering.

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44 Di He et al. / Procedia CIRP 98 (2021) 43–48

materials lead to increased environmental burdens on the functional unit is a side-view mirror bracket satisfying the
vehicle manufacturer. criterion on Noise, Vibration and Harshness (NVH)
Virgin carbon fibre (vCF) is another lightweight material performance. The die cast aluminium part weighs 0.773kg and
with a high weight reduction potential, but is highly energy the rCFRP part weighs 0.364kg, after design optimisation. The
intensive in the production stage. Carbon fibre has a high mirror bracket is assembled with mirrors, control devices,
specific stiffness and specific strength, making it suitable for wirings and plastic casing (Fig 1b). Only the mirror bracket is
structural applications without adding a large weight burden analysed in this study, while the other components are
[5]. It is estimated that using carbon fibre reinforced polymers considered out of the scope. The lifetime travel distance of the
(CFRP) can achieve 50-70% of weight saving when compared vehicle depends on the geographical setting, which will be
to conventional steel [2]. Nonetheless, the embodied energy for discussed in Section 2.3.
PAN-based vCF is up to 286 MJ/kg, almost 10 times higher
than steel [6]. This is partly due to the high energy consumption
of the conversion process from precursor Polyacrylonitrile
(PAN) fibre to carbon fibre [5].
Compared with vCF, the use of recycled carbon fibre (rCF)
can achieve similar lightweighting while avoiding the high
energy consumption associated with vCF production. It is
estimated that nearly one million tonnes of CFRP waste will be (a). (b).
generated by 2050 from the aerospace and wind industry Fig. 1. (a) Conventional aluminium mirror bracket (left) and rCFRP mirror
combined [7]. This usually comes as off-cuts from the bracket (right); (b) an assembled side-view mirror.
production of CFRP products, which has a scrap rate of more
than 30% [8]. By using the current pyrolysis recycling 2.2. System boundary
technique, rCF can be recovered from CFRP waste with similar
mechanical properties compared to vCF [6]. However, the This LCA covers the life cycle of the mirror bracket, which
energy consumption of recycling carbon fibre is reportedly includes the material production, part manufacturing, use and
only 10% of the energy required for vCF production [9]. end-of-life (EOL) phases. The transportation, assembly and
Therefore, rCF has a significant lightweighting potential but a maintenance phases are excluded in this study. An overview of
low energy intensity associated with the production stage. the processes included in the system boundary in each material
The life cycle environmental impacts of rCF used in actual case is shown in Fig 2.
vehicle components are not clear in the literature. Despite a Aluminium scrap

number of studies that have investigated this topic, these

Secondary Primary
studies investigated the use of rCF in either generic or Aluminium Aluminium
ingot ingot
hypothetical vehicle components, with assumptions on the Energy production production 66% scrap Emission to air

material properties and performance [10–13]. With rCF being

Die casting
increasingly adopted in the automotive industry, it is important
Emission to water

Al cast part
to understand the realistic life cycle environmental impacts of Resources Emission to land

lightweighting with rCF, based on primary lightweighting data. Use phase

This study will investigate the life cycle environmental

impacts of lightweighting a side-view mirror bracket for a light (a).
duty truck with rCF. Through industry collaboration, data on
Post-industrial CFRP waste
the development of an rCF+PA66 rCFRP mirror bracket was from aerospace industry

obtained. A comparative Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) was scrap Size

conducted for the component to understand its life cycle Disposal

environmental impacts, in comparison with the conventional Energy production

Energy recovery Emission to air
aluminium counterpart. A scenario analysis was also carried Char PA66
out to understand the impact of geographical setting (US & EU) 1%
rCF Emission to water
Extrusion compounding
and fibre content in the rCFRP. The results of this study would Resources
disposal Emission to land
enhance the understanding on the potential of rCF as a
Injection moulding
rCFRP part

sustainable lightweight material for the automotive industry. Use phase

2. Methodology
Fig. 2. Detailed processes included in the system boundary of (a) the
aluminium part and (b) the rCFRP part.
2.1. Goal and scope definition
The material production phase consists of primary and
The goal of this LCA is to understand the life cycle secondary material productions. In the aluminium case,
environmental impacts of an rCF+PA66 rCFRP side-view primary and secondary aluminium productions are modelled.
mirror bracket, replacing the conventional die cast aluminium Primary aluminium production includes bauxite mining,
design (Fig 1a) in a gasoline light-duty truck. The LCA is alumina production, anode production, aluminium smelting
conducted in accordance with the ISO 14040 series. The and ingot casting [14]. Secondary aluminium production
includes scrap processing, remelting and ingot casting [14].

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Di He et al. / Procedia CIRP 98 (2021) 43–48 45

The primary/secondary ratio depends on the geographical index (MI), based on the material selection methodology by
setting and will be discussed in Section 2.3. In the rCFRP case, Ashby [24]. A higher material index indicates the capability of
primary PA66 production and rCF production are modelled. a material to satisfy a particular functional requirement with a
Primary PA66 production includes all processes from the lower weight. The ratio between the MI of two materials
extraction of crude oil to the production of Hexamethylene indicates the inverse of the expected material substitution ratio.
diamine, adipic acid, and finally PA66 pellets [15]. The rCF For instance, an MI ratio between material A and B of 2
production follows the pyrolysis recycling technique, which indicates that material A would require half of the mass of
includes a pyrolysis process to decompose the resin in CFRP material B to satisfy the functional requirement of the part. The
waste, followed by a char removal process in air to recover MI for NVH performance in the application of mirror brackets
clean fibres [6]. Energy recovery from the pyrolysis by- can be derived by:
products such as oil and gases is also modelled. The current
fibre mass fraction in the rCFRP is 40%.

భ మ
The part manufacturing phase includes the die casting ‫ ܫܯ‬ൌ ቆ ఘ ቇ (1)
process in the aluminium case. This is modelled with a scrap
rate of 66% [16]. Aluminium scrap from this process is
where E is the stiffness of the material and ρ is the density. A
recycled in a closed-loop. In the rCFRP case, the part
discussion on the reliability of this approach will be presented
manufacturing phase includes compounding and injection
in Section 3.2 based on the actual cases.
moulding. The compounding process combines short rCF with
PA66 to produce pellets. The injection moulding process
2.4. Life cycle inventory data
produces the rCFRP component with a scrap rate of 2% [16].
For the use phase, the mass induced fuel consumption
The life cycle inventory data in this analysis is obtained
method is used to estimate fuel savings as a result of the
from part suppliers, industry reports, GaBi professional
component lightweighting [17].
database, GREET model and literature studies. Primary and
The EOL phase is modelled with the Recycled Content
secondary aluminium production processes in GaBi are used
approach. This is considered the most appropriate approach for
[25], with data from Aluminium Association [26] (for US) and
this study, where the material production has a high recycled
European Aluminium Association [14] (for EU). The die
content, to ensure the recycling credit is not double-counted.
casting process is modelled with foreground data from the
GaBi and the industry partner. In the rCFRP case, the PA66
2.3. Scenario analysis
production is modelled with foreground data from
PlasticsEurope [15]. The rCF production is modelled with
The differences in the benefits of lightweighting with rCF in
foreground data obtained from literature studies [10,11,27].
the EU and US, the two major markets for commercial light-
The manufacturing processes for rCFRP are modelled with
duty trucks, are investigated. The first major difference
foreground data from GaBi and the industry partner. For the
between the two regions is the 25% higher secondary content
use phase, data from EPA and U.S. Department of Energy
in cast aluminium in the US (Table 1). Moreover, the lifetime
[28,29] are used to calculate the fuel consumption following
travel distance of this vehicle, as a commercial light-duty truck,
the mass induced fuel consumption method. The emission
is 38% shorter in the EU than in the US. The modelling of
factors for the operation of a light duty truck are obtained from
background energy and feedstock supply is also region-
the GREET model [18]. All background processes are
modelled with data from GaBi to ensure consistency in the
Table 1. Scenario analysis on geographical setting and fibre mass fraction. background assumptions.
Scenario analysis Details
2.5. Life cycle impact assessment
Geographical setting US: 85% secondary Al [18], lifetime
travel distance = 363,494km [19]
Primary Energy Demand (PED) and Global Warming
EU: 60% secondary Al [20], lifetime
Potential (GWP) are the two environmental impact categories
travel distance = 223,945km [21]
investigated in this study.
Fibre mass fraction in rCFRP 20%, 40% (current), 60%

3. Results and discussion

The impact of fibre content in the rCFRP on the life cycle
environmental impacts of the part is also investigated. Two
3.1. Process-level PED and GWP intensity
hypothetical rCFRP parts with a fibre mass fraction of 20% and
60%, respectively, are modelled (Table 2). 20% fibre mass
To understand the different life cycle impacts of
fraction is more easily achievable and also commercially
lightweighting with rCF in the EU and US, a starting point is
available [22]. The 60% fibre mass fraction represents a future
to first compare the energy and GHG emission intensities of the
scenario where higher fibre mass fractions are achievable in
production and manufacturing processes in the two regions.
rCFRP as a result of improvements in the processing of rCF to
Table 2 lists the PED and GWP intensity per kg of material
enhance packing density and arrangement. This has been
processed for all cradle-to-gate processes. All processes except
achieved under small-scale laboratory conditions [23]. The
the primary aluminium production process have a larger PED
weight of the hypothetical parts is estimated using material

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46 Di He et al. / Procedia CIRP 98 (2021) 43–48

intensity in the US than in the EU. The GWP intensity of all the PED and GWP intensities are higher in the US, in
processes is higher in the US than in the EU. comparison with the EU (Table 2). This is because the energy
source for these processes is either the general electricity mix,
Table 2. PED and GWP intensity of the production and manufacturing or the thermal energy from natural gas, or a combination of the
processes for the aluminium and rCFRP mirror bracket.
two [14,15]. Both these energy supplies have a higher PED as
Impact category PED intensity GWP intensity well as GWP intensity in the US than in the EU (Table 3).
(MJ/kg) (kg CO2 eq./kg)
Understanding the comparison of process-level PED and GWP
EU US EU US intensity between the two regions provides a good basis for
Aluminium Primary aluminium 159.3 147.2 8.3 9.0 pinpointing the differences in the life cycle impacts, which will
part production be discussed in the coming section.
Secondary aluminium 8.2 12.1 0.4 0.7
production 3.2. Cradle-to-gate impacts
Aluminium die casting 13.1 14.6 0.5 0.7
rCFRP part rCF production 51.4 55.3 4.2 4.7 The weight and the cradle-to-gate PED/GWP of the rCFRP
PA66 production 150.1 162.8 6.5 7.7 mirror bracket are sensitive to the fibre mass fraction. Table 4
shows the material indices (MI) calculated by Equation (1) for
Compounding 5.1 5.4 0.2 0.3
the four material cases, and the estimated part weights for the
Injection moulding 7.4 7.8 0.3 0.4
rCFRP cases with 20wt% and 60wt% rCF. The ratio between
the MI of rCFRP with 40wt% rCF and the aluminium case
The differences observed in the PED and GWP intensity of
(4.03/1.86 = 2.17) is close to the inversed ratio of the part
primary aluminium production can be attributed to the different
weights of these actual cases (0.773/0.364 = 2.12). This denotes
energy efficiency and GHG emission intensity of the
confidence that the material indices can closely reflect the
background energy supply processes between the EU and the
actual material substitution. The weight of the hypothetical
US. The energy consumption in primary aluminium production
rCFRP cases with 20wt% and 60wt% rCF is then estimated
is mainly in the smelting process, which is electricity driven
(Table 4). As expected, a larger weight saving is achievable at
[14,26]. In both the US and the EU, the electricity used in the
a higher fibre mass fraction. In terms of environmental impacts,
smelting process is not drawn from the general electricity grid,
larger reductions in cradle-to-gate PED and GWP can be
but rather, a dedicated electricity supply with a high fraction of
achieved at higher fibre mass fractions. The best case is 60wt%
hydroelectric power. The share of hydroelectric power in the
rCF in the EU, where 60.1% reduction in cradle-to-gate PED
smelter electricity mix in the EU is at 64.8% [14], which is
and 55.2% reduction in cradle-to-gate GWP can be achieved,
lower than 75.1% in North America (NA) [26]. Large-scale
compared to the aluminium case (Fig. 3a and 4a). While in the
hydroelectric power generation has an efficiency at around
worst case with 20wt% rCF, the cradle-to-gate PED and GWP
90%, much higher than other power sources [25,30]. A larger
of the rCFRP part in the US are 26.4% and 16.9% more than
share of hydro power would improve the efficiency and reduce
the aluminium part, respectively (Fig. 3b and 4b). Since the
the PED intensity of the overall electricity supply. Hence, the
PED and GWP intensity of PA66 production is around 2.9
PED intensity of the smelter mix is higher in the EU, in
times and 1.6 times higher than rCF production (Table 2),
comparison with the NA (Table 3). This results in an 8.2%
respectively, PA66 production is an environmental hotspot in
higher PED intensity of primary aluminium production in the
the cradle-to-gate phases of the rCFRP part. Increasing fibre
EU compared to the US, as shown in Table 2. However, the EU
mass fraction in rCFRP can reduce the overall cradle-to-gate
smelter electricity mix has a 29.2% lower GWP intensity
PED and GWP of an rCFRP mirror bracket.
compared to the US smelter electricity mix (Table 3). This is
due to an 11.1% lower share of coal-fired power generation but Table 4. The material index and the part weight in all material cases.
a 10.6% larger share of natural gas power generation and a Material case Material index Part weight (kg)
9.5% larger share of nuclear power in the EU smelter electricity (MI) for NVH
mix [14]. Hence, the primary aluminium production in the EU performance
is less GWP intensive than in the US. Aluminium 1.86 0.773 (actual)

Table 3. PED and GWP intensity of the background energy supply processes rCF+PA66 (40wt% rCF) 4.03 0.364 (actual)
in the EU and the US (North America (NA)). rCF+PA66 (20wt% rCF) 3.23 0.453 (estimated)
Impact category PED GWP intensity rCF+PA66 (60wt% rCF) 4.73 0.310 (estimated)
intensity (kg CO2
(MJ/kg) eq./kg) A more significant reduction in cradle-to-gate PED and
EU smelter electricity mix 1.70 0.051 GWP can be achieved by substituting aluminium with rCFRP
NA smelter electricity mix 1.68 0.072 in the EU than in the US. At 40% fibre mass fraction, the
EU general electricity mix 2.94 0.110 percentage reduction in cradle-to-gate PED and GWP in the EU
is 31.5% and 29.7% more than in the US, respectively (Fig. 3
US general electricity mix 3.08 0.152
and 4). Firstly, this is due to the higher environmental impacts
EU thermal energy from natural gas 1.25 0.067
of cast aluminium production in the EU. As discussed in
US thermal energy from natural gas 1.42 0.073 Section 2.3, the secondary aluminium content in EU is 25%
lower than in the US. From Table 2, the PED and GWP
For all processes other than primary aluminium production,

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Di He et al. / Procedia CIRP 98 (2021) 43–48 47

intensity of primary aluminium production is on average 19.3 shown in Fig 5 and 6. The life cycle PED and GWP are reduced
times and 12.2 times higher than secondary aluminium by up to 43.4% and 41.2%, depending on the fibre mass
production, respectively. Hence, the total aluminium fraction of the rCFRP. Not surprisingly, this is largely
productions in the EU consume 112% more PED and emit 86% attributed to the PED and GWP reduction in the use phase of
more GHG than in the US (Fig. 3 and 4). Secondly, the cradle- the mirror bracket, as a result of fuel saving. At 60% fibre mass
to-gate PED and GWP of the rCFRP parts in the EU are on fraction, around 38% reduction is achieved in the use phase
average 7.4% and 15.5% lower than in the US (Fig. 3 and 4), PED and GWP in both the EU and the US. At 20% fibre mass
respectively. This is attributed to the higher PED and GWP fraction, despite the increased cradle-to-gate impacts (Fig. 3
intensity of the general electricity grid mix and the supply of and 4), the life cycle PED and GWP of the rCFRP part are still
thermal energy from natural gas in the US, compared to the EU around or more than 20% lower than the aluminium part in both
(Table 3). Hence, the use of rCFRP to replace aluminium for regions.
the mirror bracket provides more PED and GWP reduction The life cycle PED and GWP are reduced by a larger
benefits in the EU, compared to the US. Nonetheless, this is percentage in the EU, in comparison to the US. The percentage
highly sensitive to any improvement in the recycled cast reduction in life cycle PED and GWP in the EU is on average
aluminium content in the EU. 4.9% and 3.7% more than in the US, respectively. This is
mainly attributed to the larger percentage reduction in cradle-
3.3. Total life cycle impacts to-gate impacts in the EU, as discussed in section 3.2. For the
use phase, the percentage reduction in the PED and GWP is
The life cycle PED and GWP of the mirror bracket are similar in the two regions.
Primary energy demand (gross cal. value)
100 100
‐19.4% +26.4%
80 80
‐44.2% ‐12.6%
60 ‐60.1% 60 ‐37.6%


40 40
20 20
0 0
Aluminium rCF+PA66 rCF+PA66 rCF+PA66 Aluminium rCF+PA66 rCF+PA66 rCF+PA66
(60wt% (40wt% rCF) (20wt% rCF) (60wt% rCF) (85wt% (40wt% rCF) (20wt% rCF) (60wt% rCF)
recycled) recycled)
(a). (b).
Fig. 3. The cradle-to-gate primary energy demand of aluminium and rCFRP mirror bracket with different fibre mass fraction in (a) the EU and (b) the US.
Global warming potential
5 5
4 ‐23.7% 4
kg CO2 eq.

kg CO2 eq.

3 ‐43.0% 3 ‐32.4%
2 2
1 1
0 0
Aluminium rCF+PA66 rCF+PA66 rCF+PA66 Aluminium rCF+PA66 rCF+PA66 rCF+PA66
(60wt% (40wt% rCF) (20wt% rCF) (60wt% rCF) (85wt% (40wt% rCF) (20wt% rCF) (60wt% rCF)
recycled) recycled)
(a). (b).
Fig. 4. The cradle-to-gate global warming potential of aluminium and rCFRP mirror bracket with different fibre mass fraction in (a) the EU and (b) the US.
Primary energy demand (gross cal. value)
500 500 ‐19.8%
400 400 ‐31.1% ‐38.1%
300 ‐36.0% ‐43.4% 300


200 200 ‐26.3%

‐25.8% ‐33.7% ‐38.2%
100 ‐33.2% ‐37.7% 100
0 0
Aluminium rCF+PA66 rCF+PA66 rCF+PA66 Aluminium rCF+PA66 rCF+PA66 rCF+PA66
(60wt% (40wt% rCF) (20wt% rCF) (60wt% rCF) (85wt% (40wt% rCF) (20wt% rCF) (60wt% rCF)
recycled) recycled)
(a). (b).
Fig. 5. The life cycle primary energy demand of aluminium and rCFRP mirror bracket with different fibre mass fraction in (a) the EU and (b) the US.
Global warming potential
40 40
30 30 ‐21.8%
kg CO2 eq.

kg CO2 eq.

‐35.2% ‐25.5%
20 ‐41.2% 20
10 ‐33.7% ‐26.3%
‐33.4% ‐26.0% 10 ‐38.2%
0 0
Aluminium rCF+PA66 rCF+PA66 rCF+PA66 Aluminium rCF+PA66 rCF+PA66 rCF+PA66
(60wt% (40wt% rCF) (20wt% rCF) (60wt% rCF) (85wt% (40wt% rCF) (20wt% rCF) (60wt% rCF)
recycled) recycled)
(a). (b).
Fig. 6. The life cycle global warming potential of aluminium and rCFRP mirror bracket with different fibre mass fraction in (a) the EU and (b) the US.

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48 Di He et al. / Procedia CIRP 98 (2021) 43–48

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