Таблица Времен Английского Глагола

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The English Tenses

Tense Group Simple Continuous Perfect Perfect Continuous

V / Vs(es) Be (am, is, are) +Ving Have / has +Ved / V3 Have / has been +Ving
I/you/we/they have eaten pizza
I / you / they / we eat pizza every I am eating pizza now. recently. I / you / they / we have been eating
day. You / we / they are eating He / she / it has eaten pizza pizza all day long.
He / she / (it) eats pizza every day. He / she is eating recently. He / she / it has been eating pizza
Present I don’t eat
He doesn’t eat
I’m not eating
We aren’t eating
I haven’t eaten
He hasn’t eaten
all day long.
We haven’t been eating
Do you eat? She isn’t eating Has she eaten? He hasn’t been eating
Does he eat? Are they eating? Have they eaten? Have they been eating?
Always, usually, every day Is she eating? Already, yet, just, ever, never, Has she been eating?
(when, before, as soon as, after, Now, at the moment, these days recently, lately, since, for Since, for, all day, for 3 hours
till, until-future) (always/constantly – irritation)
Ved / V2 (irr. verbs) Was / were + Ving Had + Ved / V3 Had been + Ving
I ate pizza yesterday. I had already eaten pizza by the
I / he / she / it was eating pizza at time he came. We had been eating pizza for 2
He didn’t eat 8 pm yesterday. I had eaten / he had eaten hours when you arrived.
Past Did he / you eat? We / you / they were eating
I wasn’t eating
We hadn’t eaten
Had she eaten?
She had been eating
Had he been eating
yesterday, last winter, 2 years ago, They weren’t eating (no negative as a rule)
in 1999 Was she eating? before (when) Mother came / a
(when, before, as soon as, after, Were you eating? friend called / the show began for 3 hours before Mother came / a
till, until) yesterday at 5 pm, while (past simple) friend called.
Before, after, by
Will + V Will be +Ving Will have + Ved / V3 Will have been + Ving
I will have eaten pizza by the
I will eat pizza tomorrow. This time tomorrow I will be time you arrive. I will have been eating pizza for 2
I will eat / I’ll eat eating pizza. He will have eaten hours by the time you arrive.
Future He will not eat / He won’t eat
Will you eat?
We’ll be eating
He won’t be eating
They won’t have eaten
Will she have eaten?
Will she be eating? (is practically never used by native
tomorrow, next week, next by 6 pm tomorrow / by the time speakers)
Sunday, in a week at 4 pm tomorrow, from 4 till 6 the parents come home, before, by…, by the time, for
next Sunday, this time tomorrow until

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