Brand Strategy1

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Product - Brand and Performance

Table of contents
Impress your prospect
USP - How do we take a unique approach to content
How is our social copy excellent?
The Comprehensive process
How are we great at Performance marketing
Understanding Goals

Here’s how to impress your prospect: meeting prep
Research about your client
1. What is the main product/service offered by [client's business]?
2. Can you provide a brief overview of the [client's industry] and its current trends?
3.Who is the target audience for [client's business]?
4.What are the main challenges faced by businesses in the [client's industry]?
5.Who are the main competitors of [client's business]?
6.What are the unique selling points (USPs) of [client's business]?
7.Can you provide examples of successful marketing campaigns in the [client's
8.What are some common marketing channels and tactics used by businesses in the
[client's industry]?
9.Are there any recent news or events related to [client's business] that I should be
aware of?
10.What are the key regulations or compliance requirements that affect marketing in
the [client's industry]?
Learn about them - Ask questions
Questions to ask the client: a. What are the key performance indicators (KPIs) you
want to track? b. What is your budget for this project? c. Do you have any specific
preferences in terms of video style, tone, or messaging? d. Who are your main
competitors, and what marketing strategies have they employed? e. How do you
envision the collaboration between our teams?
Offer a customized product
To cater to different clients and their unique requirements, provide personalized
marketing packages that include a mix of product photography, video creation, brand
marketing, and performance marketing services.
Offer a tailored solution: Propose a customized strategy that combines creative
videos and marketing tactics to achieve the client's goals. Include suggestions for
platforms, content types, targeting, and measurement

Objective Platform Content Type Targeting Measurement
Brand YouTube Showcase video series Local audiences, Video views, "The Making of
Awareness Luxury car Impressions, a Luxury Icon":
enthusiasts, Click-through A documentary-
potential buyers rates style series
featuring the
history, design,
and innovation
of Mercedes
Weekly stories
Local audiences,
Story views, featuring
Behind-the-scenes Luxury car
Instagram Engagement, different
stories enthusiasts,
Follower growth employees and
potential buyers
their unique
roles in crafting
luxury vehicles
"Virtual Drives with Local
Video views, Celebrities": Collaborate
Click-through with local
Test 360-degree test drive Mercedes-
Facebook rates, Test celebrities/influencers
Drives videos Benz owners,
drive who take the audience on
bookings virtual 360-degree test
"Driven to Success":
Testimonials from
Video testimonials Video views, successful professionals
LinkedIn from satisfied Engagement, discussing how their
customers Inquiries Mercedes-Benz
enhances their personal
brand and image
"The Future of
Luxury": A sci-fi-
Cinematic themed launch
New Model product Video views, Impressions, campaign
YouTube Luxury car
Launches launch Click-through rates showcasing the
videos advanced features
potential buyers
of new models in a
futuristic setting
"Luxury in
Disguise": A series
of teaser posts
Post engagement, featuring new
Teaser videos Luxury car
Instagram Impressions, Follower models hidden
and images enthusiasts,
growth within various art
encouraging users
to guess the model
"A Race to Savings": A
Video ads Local audiences, Video views, gamified ad where
with Mercedes-Benz Click-through users race against the
Sales Promotions Facebook
promotional owners, potential rates, Sales clock to grab limited-
offers buyers conversions time offers on select
Google Video Users searching for Impressions, "Elevate Your Drive":
Ads display ads luxury cars, Click-through Compelling ads
competitors' rates, Sales comparing Mercedes-
keywords conversions Benz driving
experiences with
highlighting the
superiority of
"The Ultimate Loyalty
Email opens, Roadmap": Personalized
Personalized customers,
Customer Email Click-through video messages guiding
video Loyalty
Retention Marketing rates, Repeat customers through their
messages program
sales loyalty program benefits and
tailored offers
"Mechanic Masterclass": A
video series featuring expert
Video views,
DIY and Mercedes-Benz technicians demonstrating
YouTube maintenance owners and tips and tricks for
video tips enthusiasts maintaining and
personalizing Mercedes-Benz

These creative campaigns are designed to capture attention, encourage engagement,

and create memorable experiences for your target audience. By using a mix of
intriguing themes, storytelling, and interactive elements, these campaigns aim to set
Mercedes Benz of Princeton apart from the competition.
Cutting-edge creative marketing(social media) videos
Utilizing a unique approach to content creation
How do we take a unique approach to content creation?
1. Understand your audience: Know your target audience and their preferences,
interests, and pain points. Creating content that resonates with them will make your
approach more effective and relevant.
Sparktoro -
Tell compelling stories: Use storytelling to convey your message in an engaging and
memorable way. Share stories that evoke emotions, relate to your audience's
experiences, or offer new perspectives.
How do we do that?
Read #1 - we’re making notes on demographics, interests, preferences, and pain
points this creates resonance.
Choose the right emotion: Determine which emotions you want to evoke in your
audience, such as happiness, sadness, excitement, nostalgia, or curiosity. Selecting
the appropriate emotion will depend on your message, goals, and target audience.
Emotion Message Goals Target Audience
Sharing a success story of a Build trust, increase brand Existing and potential
satisfied customer loyalty customers
Highlighting the impact of a Raise awareness, inspire Socially conscious
social issue action individuals
Announcing a new product
Excitement Generate buzz, drive sales Prospective buyers
launch or promotion
Showcasing the brand's history Strengthen brand identity, Long-term customers,
and milestones evoke loyalty brand enthusiasts
Teasing an upcoming event or Create anticipation, Existing customers, event
unveiling engage audience attendees

c. Develop relatable characters: give them authentic personalities, backgrounds, and

motivations that make them feel real and relatable.
d. Establish a clear narrative structure: Craft a compelling beginning, middle, and end
for your story.
<< See frameworks we’ve built>>
e. Use sensory details and vivid descriptions: Enhance your storytelling by
incorporating sensory details and vivid descriptions that help your audience visualize
the scenes and feel the emotions of the characters
f. Focus on authenticity: Share real-life experiences or draw inspiration from actual
events. Authentic stories are more likely to resonate with your audience and evoke
g. Offer new perspectives or insights: Present a fresh angle or an unexpected twist to
make your story more engaging and thought-provoking. Challenge assumptions,
question conventional wisdom, or explore alternative viewpoints.
h. Select the right medium and distribution: Choose the most suitable medium or
format to share your story. Consider the strengths and limitations of each medium
and how they can best convey your message and evoke emotions.
<< see performance marketing platforms and formats developed>>
Each asset we create undergoes a thorough evaluation to ensure it elicits emotions,
resonates with audience experiences, and presents fresh perspectives.
Develop a distinctive visual style: Create a consistent and recognizable visual identity
that sets your content apart. Experiment with different styles, color schemes,
typography, and layouts to find a unique look that represents your brand.
Collaborate with diverse talents: Work with a diverse team of creatives, including
writers, designers, videographers, and animators, to bring different perspectives and
ideas to your content. Collaborations with influencers, experts, or other brands can
also add value and originality to your content.
Keep up with trends and cultural moments: Stay informed about current events,
popular culture, and industry trends. Incorporate timely and relevant themes into
your content to make it more engaging and shareable.
We’re huge on encouraging user-generated content: Invite your audience to
contribute content, such as testimonials, stories, or creative submissions. This will not
only help you create unique content but also foster a sense of community and
involvement among your audience.
Continuously iterate and improve: Regularly review your content's performance and
gather feedback from your audience. Use this information to refine your approach,
experiment with new ideas, and stay ahead of the competition.
We use tools like
Hootsuite integrated with Brandwatch for measuring content performance

Share testimonials and success stories: Offer testimonials from satisfied clients or
share case studies that illustrate the positive impact of your creative marketing
videos on brand growth, customer acquisition, and sales. Quantifiable results and
real-life examples can help reinforce the effectiveness of your USP.
Tailor your pitch to the prospect's needs: Understand your prospect's target
audience, goals, and challenges, and explain how your cutting-edge creative
marketing videos can address their specific needs. Offer personalized suggestions
and insights to demonstrate your commitment to helping their business succeed.
Here’s how that looks like - taking the example of David’s cookies
We understand that David's Cookies is dedicated to delivering the highest quality,
freshly baked cookies and desserts to customers. Your target audience values
delicious treats, convenience, and memorable gifting experiences.
We believe our cutting-edge creative marketing videos can address your specific
needs by:
Showcasing your delightful product range: Our videos will highlight the scrumptious
variety of cookies, brownies, and other baked goods that David's Cookies offers,
appealing to your audience's taste buds and encouraging them to try new flavors.
Demonstrating the convenience of your online store: We'll create engaging videos
that emphasize the ease of ordering David's Cookies online, highlighting features like
same-day delivery, subscription options, and customized gifting.
Telling heartwarming stories: We'll craft videos that evoke emotions by sharing real-
life customer stories of memorable gifting experiences, emphasizing the personal
touch and thoughtfulness behind each David's Cookies order.
Addressing seasonal promotions and events: Our creative videos will capitalize on
holidays and special occasions like Christmas, Valentine's Day, and Mother's Day,
showcasing how David's Cookies can make these moments even sweeter.
Offering fresh perspectives: We'll present innovative ideas, such as behind-the-
scenes glimpses of your bakery, interviews with your bakers, or fun baking tips and
recipes that involve your products, to engage and entertain your audience while
showcasing your brand's personality and passion.
Our team is committed to helping David's Cookies succeed by delivering captivating
marketing videos tailored to your unique needs, engaging your target audience, and
driving growth for your business. We look forward to the opportunity to collaborate
and create memorable content together.
Offer a risk-free trial or demonstration: If possible, consider offering a short trial or
creating a sample video for your prospect to experience the quality and creativity of
your work firsthand. This can help build trust and confidence in your services.
Discuss scalability and adaptability: Explain how your unique approach can be scaled
and adapted to meet your client's changing needs or objectives, whether they
require a single video or a full-fledged campaign.
Say something like, “One of the core strengths of our unique approach to content
creation lies in its scalability and adaptability, allowing us to accommodate your
evolving needs and objectives effectively. By choosing to work with us, you can be
confident that our scalable and adaptable approach to content creation will cater to
your changing needs, whether you require a single video or a full-fledged campaign,
while consistently delivering high-quality, engaging, and results-driven content.”

The Known: highlighting our familiarity with best practices
Audience-centric: Understanding target audience preferences, interests, and pain
Clear and concise language: Writing copy that is easily accessible and
Consistent brand voice: Maintaining a cohesive brand experience through tone and
Strong call-to-action: Motivating the audience to take the desired action.
SEO-friendly: Incorporating relevant keywords and phrases for search engine
The Unique: Our ability to create unique and engaging content
Attention-grabbing headlines: Crafting compelling headlines that capture the
audience's attention.
Emotional appeal: Evoking emotions to drive engagement and encourage social
Timely and relevant content: Staying current with trends and industry news to create
fresh, engaging copy.
Platform-specific optimization: Tailoring copy to the requirements and best practices
of each social media platform.
<< Check out the Sneaky Psychology technique here>> *adding more to this. We
use creative writing techniques, vivid imagery, descriptive language.
We are committed to improving our copywriting skills and keeping up with the latest
creative ideas by actively looking for inspiration and information. Furthermore, we
harness the power of AI to supplement creativity, ensuring that ideas remain
innovative, fresh, and of the highest quality, enabling us to consistently deliver
excellent and engaging content.
The Expertise: our expertise in optimizing and adapting our copy for maximum
Data-driven approach: Continuously analyzing the performance of social media copy
and optimizing content based on insights and feedback.
Adaptable and innovative: Incorporating emerging trends and technologies to keep
content fresh and ahead of the curve.
<< See Brand Strategy - Measure and Asset performance - Hypothesis testing>>
"The Comprehensive Process: From Creative Asset Production to Performance
Before our creative assets go live, they undergo a rigorous process to ensure their
quality, effectiveness, and alignment with your marketing objectives. This process
Concept development: Our team collaborates to brainstorm innovative and engaging
ideas that align with your brand, target audience, and marketing goals.
Scriptwriting and storyboard creation: We develop a clear, concise, and compelling
script, and create a storyboard that outlines the visual flow and transitions for each
Design and production: We craft visually appealing designs, animations, or live-
action footage to bring the creative concept to life, while maintaining a consistent
brand identity.

Final approval: Once the creative assets have been revised and refined, we obtain
your final approval before they go live.
<< See Creative execution process>>
After the creative assets go live, we closely monitor their performance and adjust our
social media strategy accordingly:
Analyze performance metrics: We track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as
engagement, reach, conversions, and ROI, to evaluate the effectiveness of the
creative assets and overall social media strategy.
Gather audience feedback: We pay attention to audience reactions, comments, and
shares, using this feedback to identify areas of improvement or opportunities for
further engagement.
A/B testing: We conduct A/B tests to compare variations of creative assets, headlines,
or calls-to-action, identifying the most effective elements to optimize future content.
Adapt to trends and changes: We stay informed of industry trends, platform updates,
and emerging technologies, adjusting our strategy to maintain relevance and
maximize engagement.
Iterate and optimize: Based on our analysis and insights, we continuously refine and
optimize our creative assets and social media strategy to drive better results, improve
audience engagement, and achieve your marketing objectives.

Define your marketing objectives: Clearly outline your performance marketing goals,
such as improving conversion rates, increasing ROI, or reducing customer acquisition
Leverage ChatGPT-4 for data analysis: Use ChatGPT-4 to analyze your marketing
data, identify trends and patterns, and understand your target audience's behavior
and preferences. This will help you make data-driven marketing decisions.
Generate campaign ideas: Utilize ChatGPT-4's natural language processing
capabilities to brainstorm campaign ideas, ad copy variations, and content ideas
based on your audience's preferences and interests.
Optimize ad targeting and bidding: Use ChatGPT-4 to analyze historical campaign
data and predict the best ad placements, targeting options, and bidding strategies
for your campaigns.
A/B testing: Employ ChatGPT-4 to design and execute A/B tests for ad creatives,
landing pages, and other campaign elements. Analyze the results and use the
insights to refine your marketing strategies.
Monitor performance: Use ChatGPT-4 to track your marketing campaign
performance, identify areas for improvement, and provide data-driven
recommendations for adjustments to optimize your efforts.
Continuously improve: Leverage ChatGPT-4's learning capabilities to improve its
recommendations over time. By continuously feeding it new data and refining its
understanding of your marketing goals, you can enhance its effectiveness in
providing actionable insights.
How does this help us?
1. Speed and efficiency: ChatGPT-4 can analyze large volumes of data and generate
insights more quickly than manual methods.
Data-driven decisions: ChatGPT-4 can process and analyze vast amounts of data
from various sources, helping you make more informed, data-driven decisions for
your marketing strategies
Enhanced creativity: ChatGPT-4 can generate diverse and creative ideas for ad copy,
content, and campaign strategies.
Automated A/B testing: ChatGPT-4 can efficiently design and execute A/B tests,
enabling you to identify the best-performing ad creatives, landing pages, and other
campaign elements more quickly.
Continuous improvement: ChatGPT-4's learning capabilities enable it to improve its
recommendations over time, resulting in progressively better marketing strategies
and outcomes.
Cost-effectiveness: By automating data analysis, campaign optimization, and A/B
testing, ChatGPT-4 can help you save time and resources, reducing the overall cost of
your marketing efforts.
Scalability: As your marketing campaigns grow and expand, ChatGPT-4 can easily
scale its analysis and recommendations to accommodate larger data sets and more
complex strategies.
I understand, but other agencies are also using ChatGPT - I know.
Brand equity: Build and enhance the brand's overall value, positively influencing
consumer preferences, premium pricing, and long-term financial performance.
Emotional connection: Establish an emotional bond with the target audience by
resonating with their values, needs, and aspirations.
Competitive differentiation: Set the brand apart from competitors by effectively
communicating its unique selling points and value propositions.
Content marketing: Create and distribute valuable, relevant, and engaging content to
attract, inform, and retain the target audience, while reinforcing brand identity and
Social media presence: Cultivate a strong social media presence to connect with the
target audience, create brand advocates, and support customer service efforts.
Community building: Foster a sense of community among your audience through
social media, content marketing, and offline events. Engage with your audience,
encourage discussions and user-generated content, and create opportunities for
brand advocates to emerge.
Digital Marketing Goals:
Traffic generation: Attract a higher volume of targeted visitors to the company's
website, social media profiles, or other digital assets.
Lead generation: Convert website visitors or social media followers into potential
customers by capturing their contact information.
Sales and conversions: Drive online sales or other desired actions, such as signing up
for a newsletter, registering for an event, or requesting a demo.
Customer acquisition: Increase the number of new customers acquired through
digital channels, often measured by the customer acquisition cost (CAC).
Engagement and retention: Encourage ongoing interaction and engagement with
existing customers through digital channels, leading to higher customer lifetime
value (CLV).
Search engine optimization (SEO): Improve the website's ranking on search engine
results pages (SERPs) to increase visibility, drive organic traffic, and boost credibility.
Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising: Manage and optimize paid advertising campaigns to
reach the target audience, drive conversions, and achieve a favorable return on ad
spend (ROAS).
Email marketing: Design and execute targeted email campaigns to nurture leads,
promote products or services, and maintain customer relationships.
While brand marketing goals focus on establishing and maintaining a strong brand
image and perception, digital marketing goals emphasize driving specific results and
actions through online channels. Both are essential components of a comprehensive
marketing strategy and should be aligned to support the overall business objectives

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