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"Bp ice ‘eee Chapter is jsan extremely strong feel, Soni coxa AO ‘» pe) NB of af 00d, fea ye . _ CHAPTER yyy ‘TYPES OF CRIMINALS BY GRO ‘ALO Raffaele Garofi pin ‘Naples) was an Italian stiminolog 5 lets, He was a student of Ces of Criminology. He r main tenet of the Cl inthat crime can beun .. He attempted hat would designate porishment. These co offenses vi peowle, nam injurious to $0 than Lombroso’s physical-type Essay Garofalo’ law of Charles Darwin unable to adapt in a kind ot he suggested have ¢ sentiments but circumstances and a" pressure of excep do so again. Chapter Vi: psf Cinna 1 2 | aroflos four criminal type _escrbe Omand the thee ways of cine = of Crimes sheoiesand C865 OUNCES of ing them Organized crime Avenge Hate crimes Opportunism Murderer Homicide L.A is someone who terminates the lie g another person unlawft 2 isthe conscious policy and practice oftakig SUvantage of ircumstances ~ with ttle regard for prince, dr with what the consequences are for other. are crimes against persons or propert prejudices of race, gender a yy, sexual orient and services Shih crime is a category of crime that among other crimes, burglary, larceny, theft, motors theft, arson, shoplifting, and vandalism someone who terminates the life of angy nie numerous types of murderers, ‘ae some killers who are mentally esult of their psychological pr. sho commit this crime in a fit of i eee gio bea cause of murder, There em, Raigious Hindnes ale person has committed a Series of murda) instances a 2 singin as serial killers. Generally, they mung ej forthe sake of Kling. Mais murder sionally murder a large number of people eer ‘ashort period oftine. Spree killers are thoy, ‘urder in several locations within a by who com be intentionally murders a particulg etd potecthe honor fhis family. This type of murderiscalleg Fea Research sas tat certain conditions lke negliene poreryase in childhood lead persons towards criminal activites se section provides information about s infamous murderers from all over the world. lem, serangers and the are those who inte athe same time oF ver 2. ‘Those who are satisfied from vengeance /revenge Revenge is both @ noun and a verb.and generally means the ‘act of taking vengeance for injuries or wrongs; retaliation. While revenge can function as a verb, it is much more common for it tobe seen asa noun. ‘+ Hewas so blinded by a desire to get revenge. (Noun) ‘+ Itwas difficult not to be overwhelmed by feelings or hate and revenge. (Noun) + "Rodman, a lifetime fifty-eight-per-cent free-throw shoots was decidedly less amused, but he got revenge by making nine of twelve from the line” ~ The New Yorker (Noun) + Weare determined to revenge our humiliating loss from st ‘year. (Verb) Typeset, Revenge is 4 more personal form oye, ener 3r00nd LIBS OF ger and eng EERIE aly In the example above, who pe to the team wl Ee ‘up an impressive lead and then ended vy, eg oF immoral, but they are seeking pen water team for this. Revenge is much less concerned with ret swith personal satisfaction oran eveningupefthes nse A jh a personal feeling, revenge often deals wit ey vyongs, whether or not any harm was done th real or perc When to Use Avenge ‘Avenge is a verb meaning to inflict a punishment or 3 fora injury OF a wrong. ‘ + Wewill avenge your son's death. «Iwill avenge those who sullied your name. «The victim was avenged after the shooter was s. * “As her family, we do not seek to avenge her death” - The Guardian In this sense, avenge is a word that connotes 2 p ‘e for someone other than one’ se ¥ person when someone is looking to vindicate someone else other than himself or herself—or is serving the ends of justice It could be said that a prosecutor in a murder case is looking to avenge the parents or other family members ofthe victim. The key point is that Tetribution than it does ‘Sxaction for a wrongdoing and ‘or those other than themselves, bs idk should help you out ans the achievement of justice, Both ay, the letter “A.” S Avenge achievement starts W Revenge means retaliation. Both revenge and ret Re ang start with the letter “R” Summary Being careful nt to mix up fevenge VS. avenge is im forclearand precise writing, and while itis sometimes di ishich isbetter word, revenge oF avenge, choosing one over the, vwll affect the tone of your writing. is a word broadly concerned with inflict, pursuit of justice. Ba Porta tot the ‘Aveng punishment or penalty in the Revenge isa word broadly concerned with inflicting harmo, punishment for personal retaliation. Difference between Revenge and Vengeance Key Difference: In terms of context, revengi personal, while the use of the term vengeance implies j honor. Vengeance implies righteousness, whereas revenge vile or cheap depending on the situation used. ‘The terms revenge and vengeance are closely intertwined which is why there is no wonder that they are often confused. It fact, many people use them interchangeably, and while they a not wrong, it should be noted that the two words have diferes connotations and are used in different situations. das According to, “revenge” is define exact punishment or expation for a wrong on behalf of, especilt in a resentful or vindictive spirit” Whereas, “vengeance” is defined snot joes not make a lot of diference, and th sly nevertheless. synonymous of the term vengeance implies justice a righteousness, whereas revenge is dirty, vile or tation used. Vengeance been grossly wronged or humi something petty or tedious. vengeance is a noun, whereas 1 ‘noun. However, revenge isco asa verb is so rare that As it can be seen vi rfliction of injury harm, hum her who has been harmed by that pr, sounds a ke, ona person by here sa very minor be said that while is technics 4. Wilent Criminals ‘Violent in British Marked or caused by great physical force or yigy, pemon) ssi, the use of violence, esp inte, (of s Perc imsimidate others: marked by intensiy we ME, 6 fan unde use of fC Sere harsh eq, tgstrong or undue mental or emotional force; teng, .digort the meaning oF ‘intent ing tfsomeoneis violent orifthey do something Which viol hey we physical foreeor weapons thu, jure, orkilother peo Violence is defined by the World Health Organizati “abe intentona use of physical force or power, threatened ora Erna once another person, Or against a group or com (Sich ether results in or has @ high likelihood of resulting ini Jesh, prchological harm, mal development, or deprivatio “Sthough the group acknowledges that the inclusion of “the us generally, anything tht is excited in an injurious or damaging wa may be described as violent even if not meant to be violence (by a person and against a person). 22 co MN seat by fcearn was the lang cause of death a iepesnal vee, with 190,00 such deaths es ted sh reals The same year, assault by sharp object resulted y deaths, with a remaining 110,000 deaths from Personal violence being atributed to other causes. Origin and Etymology of Criminal Aalo-French cri ftom crimin., crimen ictment, CRIME” + -dlis'-AL Ong pefinition of Criminal a. One who has ¢ a person who proved to be gi of an act that is unlawh 4, Actime is defined as any act laws Use the Word Criminal in a Sentence | Ahistory of criminal behavio: | ‘The captain of the wrecked boat was, negligence. 3, ‘The company brought criminal charges 2g It’s criminal that the government i stop the problem. Car thieves, pickpockets, burglars, and ot e society are menace Recent Examples of Criminal from the Web + Varga noted that und Indiana criminal code, misdemeanor charges: «Arpaio was conv ntempt for refusing to honor a court TSA to $7,500 for br s been extren ‘umented immigrant, als and even as charges of armed Violencs i ce murder 0 Ba eing an armed habitual criminal, during a Fri hearing before Kane County Judge David Kliment ay 4, The Opportanist ism is the conscious policy and practice of taking je regard for principles, of advantage of circumstances ~ with drag consequences ate fr othe. Opportunist action are ded primarily by self-interested motives. The to individual humans and living organisms sijles, behaviors, and trends. a person who fain immediate advantage rather than groups, organizations, exploits circumstances tO telng guided by consistent principles or plans. ‘These criminals look for any quick grab they can get from a venerable target. ‘Most burglaries are committed by casual ipportunias most common targets: cell phones, handbags, pockets and unprotected properties. 5. Team Thieves Team means a of ans a group of people with 2 full se of complementary skills required to complete a task, job, or project: interdependence, Fam menbes( ‘operate with a high degree of a jority and responsibility for self-management, (3) are accountable for the collective performance, and (4) work toward a ofonsidered to be synonymous M placed larceny. Someone who carries 0 Sereer of theft is known as at Sther terms such as stealing, ‘These criminals usu you whilst the other quick! Targets: someone iho ‘vulnerable 6, ‘The Professionals Crimes committed by persons for punishable acts are a permanent occupation Source of money. Persons who engage in the skills and means necessary for criminal in some particular type of crime, such as theft Professional crime has its own psychology and custo significant place in the st outstrip of the types of crime. AS known as syndicates, are 810 ‘They are monopolizing 5 narcotics traffic a. Simple b Qusifed & Crimes Against Property Property crime is a category of crime th: sol 5, Hate Crimes es are crimes Jnst persons or s of race, fae ‘exual orientation, or ethnic Us. remains fairly constant from been a few events that have caused su, = imes In 2016, the election of Donald Trump to presides,” sca by ten days of ate crimes. bl Hate ti invoking pref ‘bate crime is 2 traditional offense like murder, ary oc vandaiom with an added element of bias. For the ee ering satis, the FBI as defined a ate crise ss a etek ems aginst a person of property motivate in whole or in part + spotendersbias against arace, reli in, disability, sexual orientation, not a crime—and nicity, gender or gender identity” Hate itsel eT mindfal of protecting freedom of speech and other ci ee These ers serve asa backstop for investigations by state apd local authorities, which handle the vast majority of hate crime cases throughout the country. Here are the four categories of hate-crimes, along with some xamples, many of which are hypothetical taken from the EBIS training manual on recognizing and collecting data on hate crimes: 10, Thrill-seeking These hate crimes are often driven by an immature itd fet Gama, Think bored and drunk young = narzling tough neighborhoods, mayhem on their minds. fen temo lea fo hse cimes, experts Sy Theyre Snes rill oft and the victims are vulnerable simply Nees sexual racial etic, gender or religious background daca tat of thr atacker, Often the attackers think society victims ~- or worse, will applaud their assault. sroys property and scrawls on Yeaults a Hindu man Sf men viciously attack men leavi “sissy!” and "Gitlie-man!” 11.Defensive In these hate crimes, the attackers sees themselves 36 sgefending’ their turf: their neighborhood their workplace, ther seligion or their country. Unlike thrill-seckers, who invade other neighbor antack without warning, “defenders” target specific ost thee crimes a5 necessary to keep tests st bay They ate triggered by a particular even, such 28 2 family moving into a new neighborhood. J or no remorse Like thrill-seekers, the “defenders” shot fy SUppOrTS for their attacks and believe that mos, if not al ‘them but is too afraid to act. “They honestly believe that what they're Going has 9 sort of communal assent? said Brian Lev ads the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California Sate University, Sam Bernardino. Examples: A group home for| people with psychi fire by a man heard to say, ret rid of those ‘woman is attacked near her h queers in this neighborhood!” A J ~B-- sn oneview COMPLAIN come ecient ee ent 13. Mission Oflenders “Thea are the deadliest -- and rarest -- types of hate crim, ‘They are committed by people who consider themselves “crussée™ ‘often fr » racial or tehgious cause. ‘Their mission: total war ag2i"% -metnbery of 3 rival race or teligion. They are often linked to gro” that share heir rac views. E condemn hi as permed ics the tended to want three things 1) A statement from put cals denouncing the ery the beliefs that mang . the crime -- and thei 2) For law officers to cif ditty 2 pr vulnerable ~ seriously: Yo Pro 4 For communities t value them and make clear i they seep animosity that triggered the hate crimes In of rehome here. Behind every strong community ig angq” ‘Yes, youare. i 14. Crimes Against Morality Ieacaegoyoferime that is considered victimless because th sso sec vicim, especially when committed against consent vented Morality is defined as a descriptive account of so personal values about the ways peoplein society should behave. Th bp of crime generally oflends those values, or Code of conduct Taste ofrime includes prostitution, bigamy, pornography, legal gambling and illegal drug use. 15, White-collar Crimes Ate crimes committed by people of high social status who cémait their crimes in the context oftheir occupation? eneniig (sealing money from ones employer) evasion, and other violations of income tax laws. vl tle aon crimes generally generate less concern in the esr types of crime, however in terms of crimes are even more consequential for society ‘cause they are prot of privileges of race, class and gender ¢. Organized Crime and slo ee Benes pally the Mafia whe i rm can refer to any group tl fag iegal enterprises (suchas the drug trade, ilgal gambling prostitution, Weapons smugeling, or money laundering). the study or organized that these indus pusinesses and take on a corporate form. There are typically se partners who control profits, employees who ‘manage and w« the business, and clients who buy the goods and services & organization provides. 17. Inchoate Crimes Inchoate crimes refer to those crimes that were initiated but rot completed, and acts that assist in the com crime. Inchoate crimes require more than a person simy or hoping to commit a crime. Rather, the individual must “substantial step” towards the completion of the crime in order to be found guilty. Inchoate crimes include aiding and abs and conspiracy. In some cases, inchoate crimes can be punished to the same degree that the underlying crime would be punished, while in other cases, the punishment might be less severe 18, Statutory Crimes le those crimes, in addit Statutory crimes ich are proscribed b crimes discussed abov giant ypesof statory crimes ae alchol ‘crimes traffic offenses, and financial/white colja ‘mes are specifically prohibited by statute Crdeter individuals from engaging in them. Alco} asiode a variety of offenses regarding how and wt consumed, such as: «Driving Under the Influence (DUIOWL/Dw7) + Open Container Violations ‘area of criminal law’ ‘Traffic offenses include crimes that may stories nd Causes of Crimes Post-Test: Use the separate paper for your answer, Anal {questions before answering by chooein tet 1 by writing the corresponding letter ee beg Ur chy Multiple Choices. 1. Under the concept of statutory crimes, DUI meay a. Driving Under the Instigation oa b. Driving Under the Influence ¢. Driver Under the Influence 4d. Department Under Installations e. Any of the above 2 crimes refer to those crimes th, initiated but not completed, and acts that assist commission of another crime . a. Hate crimes b. Statutory crimes c. White Collar crimes 4d. Inchoate crimes e. Allofthe above 3, ____are the deadliest -- and rarest -- typ. hate crimes. They are committed by people who consi themselves “crusaders” often for a racial or reli ‘Their mission: total war against members of a rival race or religion a. Violence b. Revenge Organized crimes d._ Mission offenders Organized crimes ¢. Hate crimes against oneself, another Jerson, of against a group orc person, o geist a foup or community b. Revenge c. Mission offenders Organized crimes e. Hate crimes crimes concern any involvement in the creation or distribution of drugs, including drug possession, drug manufacturing, and drug traficking : a, White Col b. Revenge C fission offenders d. Drug crimes e. Hate crimes crimes 1, Do you agree that many hate-crime offenders bi society supports their violent prejudices? Sup answer? ‘Among the categories of crim ‘most investigated and the least investigated? Support Your answer? pter VILL Top Causes of Crirne ila CHAPTER VIII TOP CAUSES OF CRIME We, Talidari artists, propose a new solution to crime by offering a triple action transition formula, one that works on all three levels of the disorder: the source, the symptoms and the prevention. ‘There, where policy makers and scientists are short of a conclusive fix, artists come forward to offer their take on the Matter as well as efficient resolution - the crime cure. This cure is part of our art therapy program and it is available in our art pharmacy at the wealth counter (because it offers ways to gain wealth that are alternative to the criminal ways). Thanks to generous donations all our art therapy products are free at present. Before we can start concocting a crime solution tha actually works, we need to dig for the root causes of crime. Only then we can find the right solutions that deal directly with the source of the problem, as opposed to limiting ourselves to dealing with the symptoms through punishment measures. 10 causes of crime article provide resources to identify the source(s) of the disorder, as well as suggesting solutions. There is no single cause to any disorder, including crime. While clearly we are all ultimately responsible for our own actions, it is wrong to hold an individual wholly responsible for his unlawful act. There are certain factors in our societies, cultures (family values), system (educational, political, law-enforcement...), economy, and so on that endorse the potential of criminal activities of an individual. An organization as a whole should take a part of the blame in order to transform the conditions in which criminal-minds breed. If we want to know the exact top 10 causes of crime, it would be necessary to narrow it down toa specific geographic location or region, Since our readership is not limited to one particular region, ores Causes of HIMES eneral list that was concocted after an extensi author's narrow view. The list Merete (Caper Vit Top Causes of Crim represent and it doesnt FePE variety of scienti of 1g pre- Test Fine wi sgl TB tears, wigets | ye the separate pape fry 1 eosin minds themed | Semen ution: br sien by sin appeal satest ase DY WE ingthecoreponde a ng the bso vord in the blank, Routine Activity — eet Love Imbalance Weaknesses Unemployment requires three elements: a offender, and the absence of capable gua hhas a definite effect on education, because do not have high- 5 oe impoverished neighborhoods quality schools. 3, People are not bad by nature, but sometimes simply too timid toresist the vicious demons that and cut their bond with the source o 4, Lack of proper —____— igish nk they are doing som 5, When there combined with other factors can be created a>~ urown dea, whichis on€ Fhe 001 causes Inv unemployment? SUPPOT Your answer How do you relate Poor Judgment to Weakness, causes of crime? roy, 4, Weakness People are not bad by, oresistthe vicious demo; bond with the source of ther Foner han put not everyone is made of steel so a5 to ge yg oo OY default, the demonic forces - destructive lefend th joan ignorance, hatred, worry, een ee 1 seishnes, doubt, preaee yse, < iiscrimination, arrogance, ambition, blame, anxiety, frustration and so on, We all get attacked by those faul Ise y ethe b minds and hearts, but most of us aes ea act on anger, greed, revenge or any of highlighted above, but ke courage and strength to determine that there is mae ae important than that. . Aadition,ghtton, ‘There are two core reasons why weakness prevail with some: 1) Lack of faith, not believing enough in the power of cones own internal weapons (against inner dem such as: courage, tolerance, understanding, forgi mercy, honesty, sino hhumbleness, generosity, love, compassion, kindnes pumping up the body mus and emotional mu the movie trilogy ‘Samu Inagaki. It tells the story Saag physical skills, ne weaknesses i @ gentine human ves from OUF source (Highs “ite 1 ligher Po to Hein a wrong relationship or in gr feat wrong time, but also in a yr fo the wrong things, on the Wrong ss Side 2. Poor Judgment a and Darius state: “Lack of proper educa tion Weer Ta se many to fail to distinguish at role-models cause inguish right Su most cases offenders do k they are doing, iene 7 rong seems right from their point of view. Poor judgment ig, at ected in knowing its wrongs but thinking they could get aysy swith it, mot getting caught: 7 ‘Among the psychol of America are poot judgment and psychological weakness Many ofthe perpetrators of crimes are, more often than not, the fandymen or women. Te crime bosses do very litle to soil thei hands The fact that many of these individuals give into pressures to join criminal gangs, is’ enough evidence of the apparent pychologicl weakness that ‘many of these’ inidividuals suf. States 3.Lackof Love igguMclak Hal, David and Bart, Bacharach wrote ths Peat cgi Wht he word needs now love sweet ge dyectgel to the central problem in society. Living mot cause crime, “Arcee isadvantaged environment does According to one author, these factors cause the lack of love, the ue ie tee and tolerance for others, Whe ather factors © Heeger eeech and tolerance, combined with Pit: activities can be created Chapter Vit Top Causes ot 259 or coming from a inated, none of it ean cause cFime. There ae so man ions, but nevertheless dont ' crime. However they ‘hat, endorsed with 4. poverty “poverty is often blamed for leading to cri is something more vtal-socety bowbords a ea Jues, making us want more and more material thing that some would do anything including eriminl acs) tof them. Unemployment s another for in ths category that contributes (0 crime through looking at ways to earn money by {fy means possible” For decades many agencies and #2) sng the United Nations have researched the impact of poverty Ine ime and have found ths statement toe true tothe pol 0 is considered a main reason about why crimes are fappening. From simple theft to burglary crimes, the number of fakes mentioned is realy high. However, beyond that is something ‘more vital, The society today bombards the people with commercial salues, making people want more and more material things, to the point that some people would do everything, like a crime 3 them. Unemployment is also another factor inthis category that ‘contributes to crime. ‘impoverished crimi inals fee ossibility of being caught. Teases the crime rate (Pov _ HirschPeld also believe that _delinked to high poverty nighborhow yrel-of, neighborhoods cannot be disputed. The rapper as The Game speaks of inequality and the inferior education bred byt through saying the following: Thinking how they tion dollars on airplanes When there’ kids stary see and Brenda sill throwing babies inthe garbage I wa known tha PeY spend ving Pac ig int to know ‘what's going on lke I hear Marvin [Gay] No school books They use ther wood to bud coffins (The Game). One oth sain reasoas an individual commits crime is because it giv, balance resources without posse skis to do so legitimately. Ths is especially true communities with a high crime rate. Everyone in societ look good and looking good entails being paid well. Eve this country, regardless of class, is scl can The lif expectancy ini such shorter living a go soto when people who grew up they come from, re crime Medator searching for a meal, Dep a8 2 nether from poverty 0 ring crime in suburban children, re Gait and steal because their parents youis % , oF the new shoes that everyone ee eedeprived of something can cause a p Shemative means of reaching’ equal which that feeling is multiplied when, intext gome things, a person is deprived of neary ssa iving in a poor neighborhood escalates: child is placed in an inferior school. Along witht a Nobel Prize the reason that these argumet eventually cause criminal b mates These only ervey Te, seeing that many despers a seinga vietim in a chain of even, 6 agometimes individuals don mean nto it by @ chain of events that are b Mice” This is not being stated 35 an exes jduals> especially those who have been 13 : sand have not developed adi ‘te ct that this is a fclt fest to achieve inthe righ, vet es many opting ime (Reames, 2005) ‘Theefes sa ighborhood have on the cme ats 8 very signi arth the youths a desire to break out ofthe poverty, sense in at whatever cost Some ofthese youths opt tod ‘asstated previously, causation and harm canalso be inal offense if the offense requires a ba i or the casei crime. sthefew sho makeithrough theuse oftheirtalent successful breakout ofthe poverty chain, but the many who fail to succeed end in the poverty-ridden neighborhoods they desperately wanted to leave. Many of those who failed. end up as gangsters or mobsters in their towns and neighborhoods, The resu, isa big boos tothe crime rates of the society in which they requisite Fetfates circumstances that result in harm, butt woe fold the defendant criminally responsible. Thus causation sotbe rigidly determined in every instance, and the tries perform an analysis that promotes fairness. Int in fact and legal causation are examined as the defendant may be insulated from criminal respor ‘The need to have equality in all the neighborhood ‘America, is a pressing one. It is instrumental in removing the feelings of discrimination and favoritism that many individu: deprived neighborhoods feel. The alleviation of these fe play a great role in the fight against crime, seeing that individuals in these neighborhoods have one-less incentive to venture into crime as a ‘career than they did before these feelings are removed. Economically impoverished neighborhoods breed criminal minds Causation in Fact Every causation analysis is twofold, Firs, the defendant be the factual or but for cause of the nT comes from this phrase: “bi not have occurred” (Del. Code Ann. Penal Code states, “conduct is the cause an antecedent but for which the res occurred” (Model Penal Code § 2.03 is the factual or but for cat act starts the chain of e Deprived neighborhoods are huge influences on the lives of many youths, The fact that the youths in these neighborhoods a incapable of accessing some basic social amenities leaves many of 'm frustrated. The inability of the government to provide thesé “Fhos although Henry is the a death, be is probably not the legal cause = poor parenting skills sing to American SPCC, children who grow yp roweholis with loving, supportive parents have a’ mach bg seer becoming healthy, successful adults. But as all those se woth children know, this islt always the ease, Many of them ve to endure abuse, neglect, and other types of bad paren a practices each day. And this leads to serious emotional an} EEhavoral problems that affect them throughout the rest of thei life ‘Basause ofthis, great debate has started on how much the par of children who end up being violent and aggressive are to blame for their behvior. jee ofall children that exhibit behavioral + SN Matherless homes (US. Center for Deseo 40% of all homeless and runaway chil homes (U.S. Bureau of the Censt g0% of rapists moti 7 fatherless homes (Criminal Justice & 3: ‘403-26, 1978); ‘s 70% of juveniles in state-operated institutions fatherless homes (US. Dept. of 5 1988); «8596 of all youths sitting in pri home (Texas Dept. of Corre What do you think? Is the lack of parental guidance main response for children being violent or is there other mor dominant factors for that could explain childs aggressive behavi Read the arguments below and leave your comment at the end. Talija and Darius state “erratic or harsh disciplin lack of parental control, supervision and monitoring, parental confi family dysfunction/breakdown, criminal, anti-social and/ In fact, you can pi thatthe correlation with fatherlessnes Suicide, Dropping out of school. Teens sum, fatherless children are: + Stimes more ‘© 32times more ‘most likely affect the childs psychological mind. He itis right to commit a crime when his parents also do it. + 20 times more likel B es of CS penis and spore likely to commit TaPes + et kel t0 drop ou of hgh school . gtimes voor likely to abuse chemical substances, 1otimes: ina mental instit ikely to end up ina times more ee more likely tend up in pison(l). 20tim n are also, according to one fathers te ily to be abused In 158 suds aboot MF Heath and Human Services found that gp eee js inflicted by mothers with sole custody of 4) ti apAlmast all of the rest comes from other mem ae entourage, especialy boyfriends and second hushange e Us % of Under these circumstances, you would think that there vouldbe an enormous amount of research under way in an attem to understand what is happening. The media would be demand growers Are men abandoning their children, as is commo supposed, or are they being forced out? Or simply treated as 4 convenient source of sperm? How does child support affect issue? Is there a difference between unwed and divorced moth: Istheea difference between welfare mothers and the others does continued father contact affect things? Is there an ident group of single mothers who do significantly better than others - or signicantly worse? And most of all, why do single father families notexibit the same sort of pathology? ‘Yet for all this talk about the root causes of crime, ther one factor which overwhelms all of the others: fatherlessne: link berwen fatherlessness and crime isso strong « that controls family configuration erases the relationship between race and crime ‘and between low income and crime », as Barbara Defoe Whitehead ia ier famous article from Atlantic Monthly « Dan Quayle ring aor often than, Rot, the avenue is crime. In many fami ms to be a ‘hereditary’ aspect of their lives. ‘Chapter yin. Top Causes of Cri who have ever been cony4 viduals i taken indi yeast one family member that hay