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Exam Form Process for STUDENT and COLLEGE

Exam Form generate and Submit by STUDENT:

1. Student will visit R. T. M. Nagpur University website ‘’
2. Click on ‘UG/PG Exam Process’
3. Click on ‘Generate and submit student exam form’
4. Student will enter Username and Captcha (Username will be same as used for admission process)
5. Student will click on ‘Generate’ button
6. Student will check the subject/Papers. If subjects were not as per student desire, student will visit
the college to ‘change subject’. Check the exam form next day for the changes. Repeat the above
7. Student will check the subjects/Papers and if all information is correct, will click ‘Submit’ to submit
the exam form to college.
8. If system did not found the information for the username entered by the student, then his/her
information/ documents/ confirmation is pending. Student will visit the college and get done the
incomplete work. Once the college confirms the admission for such student, student will get the
exam form on the next day.
9. End of process for STUDENT

Exam Form process for COLLEGE:

1. College will visit R. T. M. Nagpur University website ‘’
2. Click on ‘UG/PG Exam Process’
3. Click on ‘Exam for inward and Invoice payment by College’
4. College will login to the portal
5. Go to ‘Registration’ section and click on ‘Course Change Request’ for ‘Subject Change’ if not as
per required.
6. Go to ‘Pre-Examination’ Section and click on ‘Inward Exam Form’
7. Inward the student for the course. Only exam forms submitted by STUDENTS will appear in the
list. Exam fee is calculated after giving benefit of 75% rebate for covid-19 and deducting Rs. 10/- of
enrollment process share of college.
8. PRN generated is a Temporary number for EXAMINATION purpose only UNTIL RTMNU
Enrollment Section Marks them as "Eligible" after Verification either form HSC Board Data or
One to One Verification Process".
9. College will generate the invoice.
10. College will make Online Payment by NEFT/ RTGS or by Debit/Credit Card/ PayU
11. End of process for COLLEGE

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