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Name: Mary Joy A.

Fuentebella Course & Section: BTVTED FSM -

. Lesson I : Various Presentation Media

Let’s Do It!

Ponder in this. Cite one traditional media and one computer technology
that you are familiar with. Were these media helpful in making your
lessons interesting? How? Discuss your answer.

Traditional Media: It is helpful in making your lessons interesting because

you can apply your own strategy in teaching. You can use flip chart, black
board, overhead projector, and others. Also they can used newspapers ,
radios, and televisions for education. In using traditional media this is
where your creativity can be seen. It also for students with the ability to get
more some learnings and information to connect with learnings and other
instructional structures that make education convenient.

Computer Technology:
Name: Course/Year/Section:
Class Schedule:

Let’s Test What You Know!

Pros and Cons. List down three advantages and three disadvantages of each of
the two presentation media. You may include your personal views and experience
about them.
Lesson 2: Strategies in Making a Presentation
Lesson 3: Strategies in Making a Visual Aid

Let’s Do It!

Pen your ideas. In your own words, explain the most important strategy that you have
learned in using the following visual aids.

Power Point:
Handouts :
Video Clips:
Flip charts:
Products objects or artifacts:
Lesson 4: Appropriate Medium to a Communication

What’s the Best Channel? Supply the channel which you think would be most
appropriate for the message and example situation. Be specific in citing the
channel that you would be using.

Message Situation Channel

Social issues Dispute in the barangay

Values Dispute with your sibling

Financial information Losing your ATM card or

credit card.

Feedback Returning an expired food

you bought from the

Operational Working on a video project

communication with your classmates
e: Course/Year/Section: _
Class Schedule: _
Media Good Bad
Ex. Watching television Bonding with family, Being idle and
gain knowledge inactive, not much
physical movement,
too many
1 Posting comments in

2 Listening to news in the


3 Texting

4 Making/Watching Tiktok

5 Telephone calls

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