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New Wave Marketing (NWM) is still a new concept and is increasingly relevant in this digital
and connected era. Some companies have been implementing this approach though certainly
there are some challenges in the conversion process from the Legacy Marketing approach to
NWM. That is why we need your expertise to help several prominent brands in Indonesia using
the guidelines as follows:

a. Identify several strong brands in Indonesia (at least ten brands from various products) that
are still implementing the conventional/legacy marketing approach;

b. Analyze them and choose three brands that are very suitable and have the potential to adopt
and implement at least one out of twelve NWM elements. Give three brief arguments for
each brand why they are ready to adopt and enforce the NWM approach

c. Choose one element (out of twelve) of NWM that can be adopted and implemented for
each brand. Based on this then, determine what shift from Legacy Marketing to NWM you
will attempt on each brand;

d. Describe for each brand the existing condition before using the NMW approach;

e. Describe for each brand the proposed condition after adopting the NMW approach;

f. Based on what you have explained, then identify some challenges―among others,
including the difficulties, constraints, complexities, complications, etc.―in adopting and
implementing the NWM approach for each brand;

g. Finally, give your advice(s) on how to overcome those challenges;

List of Brands Top-3 Brands Brief Arguments

1. One of the oldest brand for Jamu in

Indonesia and also represent Indonesia that
1. Jamu Jago popular with herbs and spices, which make
2. Gajah Duduk the brand can be character of the product
3. Tong Tji
2. Because of it’s age, the product brings Us to
4. Siantar Top nostalgic and “home” feeling, it also
5. Swallow Agar represent the character of the product
6. Cap Kaki Tiga
7. Madurasa 3. Jamu jago has many product lines and quite
8. Sarang Tawon complete, they have jamu for human and also
animal, it has potential to leads the brand to
9. Adem Sari be main reference of the customers, which
10. Yupi also can be character of the product, “one
stop jamu product”

1. Gajah duduk has uniqueness in material,

when the weather is cold, they make
warmer and when the weather is hot, they
feel cold. It shows differentiation of the
product, leads to codification of it’s
original authenticity

2. Because of it’s material and motif, they

have chance to do co-creation with their
product, customer can customize the motif
of the sarong or the apparel via website

3. Gajah duduk has strong brand image for

Sarong, which is for Men, they already
enter woman market by sell the woman
apparel called Gamis but as popular as their
sarong, it will be better if they do
collaboration to other brand to gain women
market, eg : Buttonscarve to make hijab,
because their material really needed and
like a new innovation by the woman who
wear hijab.
1. Tong Tji said that they dedicated them self
for tea lover, they also said that their tea is
premium, it really has potential if they
develop their segment become a

2. Tong Tji also develop the culinary by tong

tji, which more focus on the food, tong tji
tea house, whereas they also can utilize this
to do communitization, making tea
workshop and focus on the tea, in line with
their purpose to serve the tea lover, for
example like what sababay winery do.

3. Tong Tji has so many product line in tea,

they do innovation to make flavored tea
that follow the market, they also make
gelato from their tea flavor, actually they
also can do collaboration with other brand
to make their brand stronger and popular
instead of they only do it by themself
Shift from Existing
Proposed Condition
Brand Marketing Legacy condition before Challenges Advices
after NWM
• Jamu Jago do • Highlighting their • They have to stick • They have to make it
more vertical brand so it can be to the rules that clear about the
interaction with their character. And government has regulation if they want
their customer, also need to do been made if they to use “Indonesia”
they just do tvc horizontal want to put name/term at first, so
and do interaction with the “Indonesia” name they will not find the
promotion with customer while build in their campaign problem later on
banner in jamu their character or tagline, and use
shop it carefully because • They have to targeting
• Their product is the sometimes it few segments, from
• Their tagline oldest one in sensitive for some the old until young
“jagonya jamu” Indonesia and also people if you do a generation. The old
also not the ingredient they mistake generation, e.g. The
explaining the use is natural Mother or Father to
value of the ingredients comes • Nostalgic feeling influence the young
product and from Indonesia, so means that it’s generation or to do the
what makes they can use that quite difficult to storytelling to feel that
them different “Indonesia” touch the emotion nostalgic feeling. And
form others. character to highlight of new young the young generation
their product and generation is for influence the
• They sell their campaign to bring because they don’t young generation to,
product online emotional effect to feel it, so it has so they get the wide
but not many the market potential to range of age market
people know limiting the
because they do market. • Make sure the RnD
• Because it’s the
not marketing it oldest, we grew up team to make the
well with them, they can • Everywhere and formula that safe for
• Brand into everytime, means longer use, and safe if
build emotional
Character feeling to the that they have to having lsonger expired
customer because make product date.
their product can which easy to Also make sure the
makes us have bring, easy to find team can approach
nostalgic moment, and simple, which modern market so
e.g “buyung upik” they have to make they product can exist
that my mother sure that their everywhere and easy
always give to me, it product must can to get.
also can be be for longer use
highlighted to their but still safe, and
campaign to show off have to be
their character accessible, it must
be easy to find in
traditional and
• Because they have so
modern market,
many product line
which their
and for wide age
product right now
range, they can also
not so easy to be
make campaign that
found in modern
their product will
company Us
everywhere and
every time, like our
Mother and our
country, Indonesia
• They only do • They have a unique • The supplier of the • They must have few
promotion in tv material which they material have to be supplier not
and banner on not highlight it yet, consistent in depending with just
some store, more whereas it can be making the fabric one supplier so they
in vertical their unique selling and on time for the have back up if there’s
interaction with point to the market, distribution and for a problem with one
the market, they that makes them the delivery. Also supplier. Also they
also using different to others, the customer have to make standard
Instagram but their uniqueness can expectation about of the material, so they
still more like be code of their the material is a get same material
vertical approach original authenticity potential if they do from few suppliers.
to buy their the wrong
product • They have tagline campaign/word • Doing the research
“Kreasi Indonesia” that highlight this first to find top 5 until
• Also their because pattern that uniqueness 10 top pattern that can
advertisement is they use is traditional be use, the pattern
only show up in pattern origin from • Sometimes the that has big market
certain moment, Indonesia. With their complexity of the but also not too
like Ramadhan material and pattern, pattern comes from difficult to be execute
they should utilize it Indonesia is quite in the production. Do
to do co-creation, high, so they need not forget to have the
invite customer to and so many. It’s copyright or permit to
• Differentiation to make customization quite challenging use the pattern so it
Codification sarong or apparel via when it comes to will not be a problem
their website, it also the production, the later on.
will have personal production can be
• Product to Co- touch product for very costly. • Doing research first to
Creation market find the potential
• Doing collaboration partners that have
• Doing collaboration means more than 1 same value and
• Process to with other product or decision maker, purpose with our
Collaboration brand will increase different product but still
their market. Now, perception, consistent with each
Their known-well different value, brands characteristic.
product mostly in different market Also involving the
Sarong, which means insight can be a customer in process of
their biggest market problem and it can finding the right
is Men, they can do make the process collaboration, like
collaboration with to finding the right doing survey, or make
woman brand to get partner takes time design contest for the
women market, e.g. customer that we will
they can make hijab use in product
with Buttonscarves, collaboration.
with Gajah Duduk’s
comforting material,
it will be perfect
match if they can
produce hijab, or etc.
• They only do • On website, they said • Finding the right When they got the
promotion in tv that they dedicated person who can teacher, they have to get
and banner on them self to always tell/teach the the same training, also
their store, more doing innovation to customers in the tong tji have to
in vertical serve the best the tea tea class is not standardize the SOP and
interaction with lover. Actually there is easy, and curriculum for the trainer.
If we still want to use the
the market, they a potential to sometimes it leads
food outlet, either we
also using communitization their to subjectiveness
renovate all parts of the
Instagram but segment or market. based on the
outlet, or we separate it,
still more like There are many teacher which room for dine in,
vertical approach people who love tea, preference. Also which room for
to buy their even there are many changing the food workshop
product community of tea outlet that noisy
lover out there. They become place to Doing research to find
• They have should make tea workshop that product that have same
premium product workshop to fulfil that have calm values with us, also the
but not as needs. For example atmosphere is not RnD team from both
popular as their like what Sababay easy parties have to
regular product, winery. collaborate to keep the
making the It is also supported • Sometimes the characteristic of each
segmentation with the fact that they collaboration in products. Also involve
feels blurry had food outlet that fnb is just like a the customer when doing
can be used for that. testing before the
trend, not work
collaboration product is
• Segmentation to for long run. Also
Communitization • At this time, tong tji because tea is
only sell their product about smell, Before entering the
in their own stall or flavour, aftertaste, premium market, we can
• Process to their own food outlet. they have to find do blind test first, the
Collaboration With their many the right product respondent is the
product line and to collaborate that customers of TWG
innovation in will not ruin that house, if tong tji win in
• Positioning to flavoured tea, they points. the blind test, then we can
Clarification should do go further, because at the
collaboration with • Creating the new essential point (taste,
another fnb business market from not smell, aftertaste) the tong
to gain more market. premium into tji is win, means that we
Or they can invite premium is quite have the fundamental that
another product to can support to develop
collaborate with them our product and market
because the
in their outlet perception of the
brand has been
• Making premium tea made in
house like TWG Tea customers mind
House also can be a that the product is
good way to enter not premium. And
premium market and because they want
clarify that they also to grab premium
have premium market, the
quality. So the investment will
customers can have quite high if they
experience in want to make the
premium tea house premium outlet
origin from Indonesia,
it will be touch the
emotion and pride of
the market.

In the new Entrepreneurial Marketing (EM) concept, a company must be able to converge
several capabilities at once. The two capability clusters that must be converged are the
entrepreneurial capability and professional capability clusters. Entrepreneurial capability
consists of several capabilities: creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship, and leadership (CI-
EL). Meanwhile, professional capability consists of productivity, improvement,
professionalism, and management (PI-PM).

Concerning the company where you are currently working, try using the questionnaire tool
provided (see the link below) to measure (based on your perception) the CI-EL and PI-PM
levels for people and your company to develop the Omni Capability Radar (OCR).


After you’re done filling the questionnaire, notify the SMEMBA-7 admin for you to get the
result of the OCR graph based on your data. Remember that the graphs show the extent to
which the capability level of CI-EL and PI-PM of people in the company. Meanwhile, the
company chart shows how much the company supports creating people’s CI-EL and PI-PM

Based on the results, please answer some questions as follows:

1. Is there a significant gap between the people’s CI-EL and PI-PM? What are the
implications of that condition for the competitiveness of your company? Is this a serious
issue? Give arguments to support your answer.
2. Is there a significant gap between the company’s CI-EL and PI-PM? What are the
implications of that condition for the competitiveness of your company? Is this a serious
issue? Give arguments to support your answer.
3. Is there a significant gap between people and corporate CI-EL? What are the implications
of that condition for the competitiveness of your company? Is this a serious issue? Give
arguments to support your answer.
4. Is there a significant gap between the people’s PI-PM and the company’s PI-PM? What
are the implications of that condition for the competitiveness of your company? Is this a
serious issue? Give arguments to support your answer.
5. Based on your answers, what can you conclude? Give at least three essential conclusions.
6. What are your recommendations? Give at least one recommendation for each of your
CI-EL People CI-EL Company PI-PM People PI-PM Company
3,8 4 3,4 4
3,8 4,2 4,2 3,8
MANAGEMENT 4 3,8 4,2 5,0
15,6 16 15,8 17,1

OMNI Capability Radar

CI-EL People CI-EL Company
PI-PM People PI-PM Company



1. People’s CI-EL and PI-PM

People CI-EL x PI-PM Arguments and Implication

This chart shows that there’s a gap between the Creativity and Productivity on
people in the company. As start-up company, we pushed to be creative in every
aspect to reach our goals, to find innovation for our product and in solving our
Creativity (3.8)
– But there’s chance of this many ideas makes us not focus on what idea should
Productivity (3.4) be prioritized, because we also pushed by time to follow the market and done
our job that very dynamic

And the implication of this gap is, there’s some ideas that actually good but can’t
executed well

Innovation (3.8)
This chart shows that there’s a gap between the Innovation and Improvement
on people in the company. As start-up company we pushed to be innovative
Improvement (4.2) people so we can be creative, but our company also dynamically changing in
the process of finding the fit product in the market, because of that changes, our
people more focus on the improvement rather than the innovation, which
actually should be balance with the improvement that they have to do.

So the implication of this gap is, the people too focus on the old product/task
which make the innovation is slow

Entrepreneurship (4) There’s no gap between entrepreneurship and professionalism on people in the
company. We always trying to follow the working procedure and increase the
achievement while we also become proactive, sharing our ideas but also
Professionalism (4) calculate the risk of what we do

There’s a gap between Leadership and Management approach on people in the

company. We’re start-up company but all the top management is from
corporate background. So they bring that corporate style in managing the
Leadership (4) people, and stick to tangible result
The implication of this gap is, when the company getting bigger and have to
Management (4,2) assign the employee to be a leader, the new leader afraid to explore the style of
leadership, because they only have example from management approach or
from the previous leader, whereas as the leader we need to be adaptable to all
generation which need different style of leadership

2. Company’s CI-EL and PI-PM

Company’s CI-EL x PI-PM Arguments and Implication

There’s no gap between creativity and productivity of the company. As

Creativity (4) start-up company, we need to be creative in making our product so we can
– fit in the market, but we also need to have a clear objective, have a clear
Productivity (4) vision and stick to the role we have in order to be productive to support the
company’s creativity, so we can execute our ideas well

There’s a gap between Innovation and Improvement on this chart.

As start-up, the company have to find the product that can be solution, we
have to convert technically feasible ideas into product and service to help
people, and make sure the product and service are ready for
commercialization. From time to time we always create the product based
Innovation (4.2) on problem of our market, that’s our trigger for our innovation
Improvement (3.8) Go along with that, the market moves very dynamic, we always try to
follow what market needs, but sometime we miss about the improvement
with the previous product that we had before.

The implication of this gap is, with innovation we always try to make a
products to fit into this dynamic market, but there are always flaws on the
product because sometimes we missed the details for improvement
There’s gap between the entrepreneurship and professionalism on the
company. Entrepreneur approach is braver to take the risk, but not in m my
company. The company prefer to be more conservative in making deal with
the clients. The company is very rarely doing aggressive deals with the
Entrepreneurship (4)
- Because of that conservativeness, sometimes we afraid in taking risk, just
Professionalism (4.3) work as procedure and focus on incremental achievement that feels very
slow if we compare with another start-up company with the same business

The implication if the gap is, for start-up category, the growth of our
company can be slower than others start-up, but we become more stable
and the business will sustain.

There’s a gap between Leadership and Management approach Qin the

company. We’re start-up company but the style of management is like in
corporate. We do task based management and always stick to tangible
Leadership (4)
- The gap is actually not significant, as the new baby born, we must be
Management (4,2) careful in making every decision, everything must be calculated that makes
we focus on tangible result, but we still trying to having a value in every
step we take and every product we make. The implication of this gap is, we
focus more on administrative thing rather than motivating to get our value

3. People and Corporate CI-EL

CI - EL Arguments and Implication

On Creativity charts, there’s a gap between People and Corporate.

We are start-up company that needs to make product which innovative and be
solution for the market’s problem. The company should have many idea to
create valuable product. And the company’s born because of the idea.
Creativity :
- People (3.8) But the employee of our company, more than 50% is from corporate
- Corporate (4) background that inflexible, that why there’s gap. But actually the gap is not

The implication of this gap is, there’s so many ideas and vision of the company
but the people need harder effort to make this happen and to have the same
page with the company, so the idea can be executed well

Innovation : On Innovation charts, there’s a gap between People and Corporate.

- People (3.8) As start-up company, innovation on product and team management is very
- Corporate (4.2) important to follow the market that change very fast. Also as the company, not
only the value, but the ideas have to be able to be commercialized. The
company quite ready to build that product or system.
In other side, the innovation from people is below the corporate. It can cause
by the product that change dynamically to follow the market, they still focus on
1 product, but at the same time the market need upgrade from the product itself.
There’s a potential miss on that point.

The implication of this gap is, company are ready for the innovation but the
people sometime get left behind, so the “growth” of the innovation is not as fast
as that company expect

Entrepreneurship :
There’s no gap between Entrepreneurship People and Corporate. We can have
- People (4)
same page between company and people in seeking market opportunities, the
- Corporate (4) idea of taking risk and creating the business

On Leadership charts, there’s a gap between People and Corporate.

Sometime in start-up, the change is also fast, the people pushed to be creative
in making decision, that why the leadership point on people is higher that the
corporate. Also as the ‘new born” company, we need to calculated and focus
Leadership :
on what’s tangible for everything we do, in order we can survive.
- People (4)
- Corporate (3.8) The implication of this gap is, sometime the people have limitation in making
a decision because of the company quite afraid to taking risk. But it’s also
good because it balancing each other and make the company and people well

4. People and Corporate PI-PM

PI - PM Arguments and Implication

There’s gap between Productivity of people and corporate.

Corporate has higher point on productivity than the people. As new born
Productivity : company we need to be productive to fulfil what market need and getting
- People (3.4) revenue. But it has to be followed by the productivity of the people.
- Corporate (4)
On the other side, the productivity of people is less than the company itself, so
the implication of this case is make the production not as fast as what company

Improvement : There’s gap between Improvement of people and corporate.

The people look up to the market about the solution their company can provide
- People (4.2)
so they also doing improvement to follow the market.
- Corporate (3.8) But sometimes the capability of the company to do that improvement is slow
because the inflexible
The implication of this case is, actually the people in the company have
capability in developing innovative solution but the company still have lacking
in see that opportunity as business.

There’s gap between Professionalism of people and corporate.

The company provide the system to make everything we work is trackable so
the people on the company have guideline when they need to execute their task.
Professionalism : But not all the people in the company follow the rules, especially for the people
who work in the field, there’s lack of administration things. Whereas, with that
- People (4)
system company expect every execution of every project is going well.
- Corporate (4.3)
The implication of this case is, the procedural working flow that made by
company is not followed well by the people and makes the execution of the
project is not as good as what company expect

There’s gap between Management of people and corporate.

We are start-up company but feels like corporate style. One of the reason is
Management : because the top management is come from corporate background. In other side,
75% of the employee is millennial and gen z who prefer work with their own
- People (4.2)
style, but it’s can’t fully accommodate by the company because we are more
- Corporate (5) like task-based management with top-down approach

The implication of this case is, the people might be not have access to the top
management to share their idea because the approach more like top-down

5. Conclusions

a. As the start-up company, my company more into like corporate, it because the top
management is the people who don’t have experience in start-up, they bring culture of the
corporate to the company
b. The Point in “People” is less than “Corporate”, it potential to be a problem when the company
has well vision and mission, but the people can’t execute it as good as and as fast as the
company expect
c. As start-up company that pushed to follow the dynamic market, sometimes we confused
about what action we have to do and with no experience, but with the people who more like
in corporate style, sometimes it helps up to control and doing balancing about the action we
have to take and what is not.

6. Recommendation

a. The Start-up vibes and positive value from start-up must be build in the people’s mind, it will
maximize what we have from the human resource potential to make our company growth
faster as the company expected
b. Making the training program and the people and do it cross functionally so everyone in the
company knows that they also take parts in the process and know what they have to do, so
they can follow the pace that company wants
c. Keep the composition of the employee who have corporate background and start up
background to keep the balancing perception in making decisions.

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