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Are you handling a team? If yes,

share your experience with your
current team. What are the hurdles
in team management?

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Sunny Shah · Follow

Analyst at KPMG · 6y

Handling a team is an important life lesson learning,

why? Coz it has to do with different people,
different thinking in different mindset. One needs to
understand that no one method to manage team
can ever give successful output. Rather than
stating specific hurdles, I will outline few points
which are important aspects of effective team

1. Understand the need of all individual and

what drives them. One may like
challenging work, freedom of work,
appreciation. You can refer to Maslow's
need hirerchy Maslow's hierarchy of needs
- Wikipedia for more details on this.

2. Geography matters

Upvote · 2

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Sumit · Follow
Lives in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
(2000–present) · 5y ·

Related How can we develop leadership

qualities while in college?
“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn
more, do more and become more, You are a

While you are a student, your mind is subjected to

new ideas each day, meeting new people,
discussing thoughts, innovating processes etc. So
this is the best time to focus on leadership skills as
youth is what willContinue
bring change to the world. It is
said that, As you sow, so shall you reap. So every
Upvote · 62

Ankit Pandey · Follow

Former Quantitative Analyst at Mudraksh &
McShaw LLP (2020–2020) · Updated 4y

Related Who's your favourite leader?

Originally Answered: Who's your favourite leader ?


He is my favourite leader due to the following


Wise: He was soContinue

intelligent that he kept his
enemies guessing from whose side he was fighting
for. Adilshah declared him enemyYouronly afterishe
response had
Was thismany
his forts.
This helps us sort answers on the page.
Diplomat: He could make his enemies fight against
each other by using his superb diplomacy. He used
Shah Jahannot
Absolutely to free his father from Adilshah.
Definitely yes

Leader: Leadership is the ability to turn vision into

Upvote · 91 2 1
reality. He was able to inspire simple villagers to
fight against a powerful Sultan.
Vikas R Bhatia · Follow
Tolerant: He was
Managing tolerant
Director to all religions
(2019–present) · 4yunlike the
other kings of his time.
Related What are the tips for team handling?
Warrioyou look at any tips, an important thing
would be to understand the identify the current
stage of your team(new, emerging,
accelerating,mature); and the diversity quotient
(DQ) of your team’s strengths/preferences.

Once you are more aware of the above, navigating

through the various situations becomes a breeze..
yeah…but it still requires due care in addressing
various issues.

The first could be to ensure that everyone is

aligned and on the same page. One should make
enough efforts to remind of the team’s purpose,
and what would define as the key goals for the
team to be successful. A large majority of the
issues arise because of non-alignment and
understanding of key goals. Next is their role and
how their actions contribute to the team goals.
Once you have done that, you also need to ensure
that we celebrate successes and also understand
and accept failures.

Transparency and fairness are two qualities which

help the team to be together and perform well.
213 views · View 2 upvotes · Answer requested 1 of 1 answer
by Amrit Kaur

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Upvote · 596

Susan Smith · Follow

I love learning about people especially if I don't
have to talk to them to do it. · 9y

Related What are some of the best insights or

criticisms about yourself that you got from
others (that you were blind to yourself before
then) - that you accepted and worked on to
help make you a better person than you were?
"Shyness is just another form of self conceit. You'd
rather withdraw from people than to allow them to
potentially see your faults."

My dad told me that. I'm not saying he was 100%

right but I resolved to put myself out there, to be
friendly and easy to talk to even though doing so
was contrary to my nature. It has helped me
become much more outgoing and (eventually) self-
Upvote · 4

Sajeev Rajan · Follow

KC Researcher · Upvoted by Nga Mbatsogo Didi,
Master Spécialisé "Management des
Etablissements de Santé" Management, Inseec…
Bordeaux (2009) and Laxmikant Punekar, MMS
How doManagement
RelatedOperations I become a& great
A goodUniversity
(2012) · do
7motheir job i.e.

511.5K views · View 15,264 upvotes · 1 of 357 answers

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Upvote · 171

Sanjay Kumar Verma · Follow

SEO Outreach Specialist at ProofHub
(2021–present) · Feb 16

RelatedWhy is team management important

for a manager?

Team management is important for a manager for

several reasons:

1. Achieving goals: A manager's primary

responsibility is to achieve the
organization's goals, and effective team
management ensures that the team
Continue Reading
members work cohesively and
collaboratively to achieve the goals.
Upvote · 2

Cliff G. · Follow
Technologist, Problem Solver, Product Manager,
Lawyer, and all-around fun guy. · 10y

RelatedHow do great managers manage non-

or underperforming team members in their
Originally Answered: How great managers manage non/under
performing team members in their team?

This isn't a difficult thing to understand - though it

can be a difficult thing to manage effectively:

1. Set clear expectations with your

employees or reports. If you don't tell them
what you expect them to be able to do,
you can't actually judge whether or not
they're "under-performing". This shouldn't
be a checklist that's dictated to them, it
should be a mutual understanding that's
brought about throug proposal, discussion,
and negotiation. Both sides should
understand the expectations and agree
that they are reasonable.

2. Set regular checkpoints on these

expectations. This is Reading
Continue one of the mai

Upvote · 39

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Joydip Roy · Follow

Apr 2

RelatedWhat are the benefits of working as a

team, and what makes a team have great
Working as a team has several benefits, such as:

1. Diverse perspectives: When working in a

team, each member brings their unique
experiences, skills, and perspectives,
which can help generate new ideas and

2. Increased productivity: When individuals

work together, they can divide the
workload and complete tasks more
efficiently, leading to increased

3. Enhanced learning: Working in a team can

help individuals learn from one another,
and from mistakes made by others in the
group, leading to enhanced learning.

4. Improved problem-solving:
Continue ReadingTeams can
pool their collective knowledge and s
Upvote · 1

Lenna Reichman · Follow

Working for Saas startup, SEO expert , Website
traffic analyzer · 6y

RelatedHow do you want to manage your

startup? How would you treat your team?

Agile Method and Remote team

If I were to manage my own startup, I will adopt the
Agile Method to software development and apply it
to my team. I will also treat my team as if they were
a remote team.

Why Agile?
Agile is an incremental and iterative approach to
software development.
a great alternative to the
waterfall or sequential approach. Although initially
created for software
Upvote ·1 development, 2 the principles
can also be applied to businesses. The core
principle behind
Mårten the Agile
Mickos approach is a responsive
· Follow
approach to development
Professional with empirical
CEO passionate feedback.
about leadership (see
Here ismyhow the
blog theAgile approach
School help
of Herring) · 6ybo

What are the core skills needed to

manage a team?
To manage a team successfully, you need this:

A genuine interest in making sure everyone

on the team is successful in their job

A good understanding of the work the

team is expected to do

Goal-setting, project management and

time management skills

Communication skills

Upvote · 10

Ambra Benjamin · Follow

Engineering Recruiter @ Facebook · 9y

RelatedHow would you respond to the

question, "Walk me through your resume"?
"Walk me through your resume" is the perfect time
to discuss your career progression, your high level
responsibilities in each role, and the rationale
behind why you moved from one role to the next...
Upvote · 23

Ratnakar Sadasyula · Follow

Life has been the best teacher I had. · 9y

RelatedWhat has your educational experience

whether through teaching or being a student
taught you?
Honestly speaking, what I learnt in school and
college later was purely theoretical. The only thing
my college education gave me was a degree in
hand. But at a personal level, my college days
taught me to open up more, break my shyness, be a
bit more social.

Working as a teacher though, I did learn some

valuable lessons,which stood me in good stead,
even when I later switched careers into IT. First and
foremost taught me the value of team work, that
you need to carry every one in the group, the
brilliant, the ordinary and Reading
Continue the dullards. It taught me
the fact that you need to address every stu
Upvote · 12 3 2

Sandhya Bhide · Follow

Certified Facilitator in The Leadership Challenge ·
Apr 4

RelatedHow do you manage a team with no

Managing a team with no experience can be
challenging, but it's not impossible. Here are some
tips that can help:

1. Set clear expectations: Make sure you

communicate clearly what you expect from
your team, what their roles are, and what
their responsibilities are. This will help
them understand what is expected of them
and what they need to do to meet those

2. Provide guidance and support: Since your

team has no experience, they will likely
need guidance and support. Provide them
with training, resources, and feedback to
help them improve and grow in their roles.

3. Be patient and understan

Continue Reading


Rick Bruno · Follow

Retired cop, marathoner,
husband/father/grandfather, time traveller · 8y

What is the biggest challenge of

managing a team?
Originally Answered: what is the biggest challenge of
managing a team?

You've got to get them to buy into the process of

achieving the collective goal. It requires leadership.
If you cannot do that, it's like herding cats.
Upvote · 8 2

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