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Data Analytics

Using Python

Python Duration: 5 Months

Introduction To Python
l Why Python
l Application areas of python
l Python implementations
l Cpython

l Jython

l Ironpython

l Pypy

l Python versions
l Installing python
l Python interpreter architecture
l Python byte code compiler

l Python virtual machine(pvm)

Writing and Executing First Python Program

l Using interactive mode
l Using script mode
l General text editor and command window

l Idle editor and idle shell

l Understanding print() function

l How to compile python program explicitly
Python Language Fundamentals
l Character set
l Keywords
l Comments
l Variables
l Literals
l Operators
l Reading input from console
l Parsing string to int, float
Python Conditional Statements
l If statement
l If else statement
l If elif statement
l If elif else statement
l Nested if statement
Looping Statements
l While loop
l For loop
l Nested loops
l Pass, break and continue keywords
Standard Data Types
l Int, float, complex, bool, nonetype
l Str, list, tuple, range
l Dict, set, frozenset

String Handling
l What is string
l String representations
l Unicode string
l String functions, methods
l String indexing and slicing
l String formatting

Python List
l Creating and accessing lists
l Indexing and slicing lists
l List methods
l Nested lists
l List comprehension
Python Tuple
l Creating tuple
l Accessing tuple
l Immutability of tuple
Python Set
l How to create a set
l Iteration over sets
l Python set methods
l Python frozenset

Python Dictionary
l Creating a dictionary
l Dictionary methods
l Accessing values from dictionary
l Updating dictionary
l Iterating dictionary
l Dictionary comprehension
Python Functions
l Defining a function
l Calling a function
l Types of functions
l Function arguments
l Positional arguments, keyword arguments

l Default arguments, non-default arguments

l Arbitrary arguments, keyword arbitrary arguments

l Function return statement

l Nested function
l Function as argument
l Function as return statement
l Decorator function
l Closure
l Map(), filter(), reduce(), any() functions
l Anonymous or lambda function
Modules & Packages
l Why modules
l Script v/s module
l Importing module
l Standard v/s third party modules
l Why packages
l Understanding pip utility
File I/O
l Introduction to file handling
l File modes
l Functions and methods related to file handling
l Understanding with block
Regular Expressions(Regex)
l Need of regular expressions
l Re module
l Functions /methods related to regex
l Meta characters & special sequences

Object Oriented Programming

l Procedural v/s Object Oriented Programming
l OOP Principles
l Defining a Class & Object Creation
l Inheritance
l Encapsulation
l Polymorphism
l Abstraction
l Garbage Collection
l Iterator & Generator
Exception Handling
l Difference Between Syntax Errors and Exceptions
l Keywords used in Exception Handling
l try , except , finally , raise , assert

l Types of Except Blocks

l User-defined Exceptions

GUI Programming
l Introduction to Tkinter Programming
l Tkinter Widgets
l Layout Managers
l Event handling
l Displaying image
Multi-Threading Programming
l Multi-processing v/s Multi-threading
l Need of threads
l Creating child threads
l Functions /methods related to threads
l Thread synchronization and locking


Introduction to RDBMS
l What is Relational Database Package
l Difference between SQL & Database
l Installing MySQL Server database

SQL Basic
l DDL: Create, Alter, Drop, etc.
l DML: Insert, Update, Delete ,etc.
l DQL : Select
l Autoincrement field
l SQL Comments
l SQL Aliases
Savepoint & rollback
SQL Constraints
Not NULL, Unique key
Primary key, Check
Default, Foreign key
SQL Operators
Arithmetic operators
Logical operators
Conditional operators
Like, between, in operators
SQL Clauses
Order by
Group by
SQL Joins
Inner Join
Left Join
Right Join
Full Join
SQL View
creating view
updating view
fetching data from view
SQL Functions
String functions
Aggregate functions
Date & time functions
Stored Procedures & Functions
Understanding stored procedures and their key benefits
Working with stored procedures
Studying user-defined functions
Working with CSV Files:
How to write result to csv file
How to read csv file
Python Database Connectivity
Database Drivers and connectors
Creating connection object
Understanding cursor object
Executing SQL statements using cursor
Fetching records from cursor
Storing and retrieving Date and Time

Introduction To MongoDB
Understanding NoSQL DB
Understanding Mongo DB
Downloading & Installation
Introduction of MongoDB shell and Compass
Understanding database, collection & document
Crud Operations
Insert Document
Delete Document

Update Document
Query Document
Operators In MongoDB
Query and Projection operators
Update operator
Aggregation Pipeline operators
Methods In MongoDB
limit and sort
bulk methods
other methods
Indexing And Relationships
Types of Indexes
Creating an Indexes
Dropping an Indexes
Defining Relationships between Documents
Python Connectivity With MongoDB
Introduction to pymongo
Installing pymongo module
Getting database and collection
CRUD operations
Range Queries

Statistics & Analytics

Numpy Package
l Difference between list and numpy array
l Vector and matrix operations
l Array indexing and slicing
Pandas Package
Introduction to pandas
l Labeled and structured data
l Series and dataframe objects
How to load datasets
l From excel
l From csv
l From html table

Accessing data from Data Frame

l at & iat
l loc & iloc
l head() & tail()

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

l describe()
l groupby()
l crosstab()
l boolean slicing / query()
Data Manipulation & Cleaning
l Map(), apply()
l Combining data frames
l Adding/removing rows & columns
l Sorting data
l Handling missing values
l Handling duplicacy
l Handling data error

Handling Date and Time
Data Visualization using matplotlib and seaborn packages
l Scatter plot, lineplot, bar plot
l Histogram, pie chart,
l Jointplot, pairplot, heatmap
l Outlier detection using boxplot

Advanced Excel
Advanced Excel Course - Overview of the Basics of Excel
l Customizing common options in Excel
l Absolute and relative cells
l Protecting and un-protecting worksheets and cells
Advanced Excel Course - Working with Functions
l Writing conditional expressions (using IF)
l Using logical functions (AND, OR, NOT)
l Using lookup and reference functions (VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, MATCH, INDEX)
l VlookUP with Exact Match, Approximate Match
l Nested VlookUP with Exact Match
l VlookUP with Tables, Dynamic Ranges
l Nested VlookUP with Exact Match
l Using VLookUP to consolidate Data from Multiple Sheets
Advanced Excel Course - Data Validations
l Specifying a valid range of values for a cell
l Specifying a list of valid values for a cell
l Specifying custom validations based on formula for a cell
Advanced Excel Course - Working with Templates
l Designing the structure of a template
l Using templates for standardization of worksheets
Advanced Excel Course - Sorting and Filtering Data
l Sorting tables
l Using multiple-level sorting
l Using custom sorting
l Filtering data for selected view (AutoFilter)
l Using advanced filter options
Advanced Excel Course - Working with Reports
l Creating subtotals
l Multiple-level subtotals
l Creating Pivot tables
l Formatting and customizing Pivot tables
l Using advanced options of Pivot tables
l Pivot charts
l Consolidating data from multiple sheets and files using Pivot tables
l Using external data sources
l Using data consolidation feature to consolidate data
l Show Value As ( % of Row, % of Column, Running Total, Compare with Specific Field)
l Viewing Subtotal under Pivot
l Creating Slicers ( Version 2010 & Above)
Advanced Excel Course - More Functions
l Date and time functions
l Text functions
l Database functions
l Power Functions (CountIf, CountIFS, SumIF, SumIfS)
Advanced Excel Course - Formatting
l Using auto formatting option for worksheets
l Using conditional formatting option for rows, columns and cells
Advanced Excel Course - Macros
l Relative & Absolute Macros
l Editing Macro's

Advanced Excel Course - WhatIf Analysis
l Goal Seek
l Data Tables
l Scenario Manager
Advanced Excel Course - Charts
l Using Charts
l Formatting Charts
l Using 3D Graphs
l Using Bar and Line Chart together
l Using Secondary Axis in Graphs
l Sharing Charts with PowerPoint / MS Word, Dynamically
l (Data Modified in Excel, Chart would automatically get updated)
Advanced Excel Course - New Features Of Excel
l Sparklines, Inline Charts, data Charts
l Overview of all the new features
Advanced Excel Course - Final Assignment
l The Final Assignment would test contains questions to be solved at the end of the Course


Create a Macro:
l Swap Values, Run Code from a Module, Macro Recorder, Use Relative References,
FormulaR1C1, Add a Macro to the Toolbar, Macro Security, Protect Macro.
l MsgBox Function, Input Box Function.

Workbook and Worksheet Object:

l Path and Full Name, Close and Open, Loop through Books and Sheets, Sales Calculator,
Files in a Directory, Import Sheets, Programming Charts.
Range Object:
l Current Region, Dynamic Range, Resize, Entire Rows and Columns, Offset, From Active
Cell to Last Entry, Union and Intersect, Test a Selection, Possible Football
Matches, Font, Background Colors, Areas Collection, Compare Ranges.
l Option Explicit, Variable Scope, Life of Variables.
If Then Statement:
l Logical Operators, Select Case, Tax Rates, Mod Operator, Prime Number Checker, Find
Second Highest Value, Sum by Color, Delete Blank Cells.
l Loop through Defined Range, Loop through Entire Column, Do Until Loop, Step Keyword,
Create a Pattern, Sort Numbers, Randomly Sort Data, Remove Duplicates, Complex Calculations,
Knapsack Problem.
Macro Errors:
l Debugging, Error Handling, Err Object, Interrupt a Macro, Macro Comments.

String Manipulation:
l Separate Strings, Reverse Strings, Convert to Proper Case, Count Words.

Date and Time:

l Compare Dates and Times, DateDif Function, Weekdays, Delay a Macro, Year Occurrences,
Tasks on Schedule, Sort Birthdays.
l Before DoubleClick Event, Highlight Active Cell, Create a Footer Before Printing, Bills and Coins,
Rolling Average Table.
l Dynamic Array, Array Function, Month Names, Size of an Array.

Function and Sub:
l User Defined Function, Custom Average Function, Volatile Functions, ByRef and ByVal.

Application Object:
l Status Bar, Read Data from Text File, Write Data to Text File.

ActiveX Controls:
l Text Box, List Box, Combo Box, Check Box, Option Buttons, Spin Button, Loan Calculator.

User form:
l User form and Ranges, Currency Converter, Progress Indicator, Multiple List Box Selections,
Multicolumn Combo Box, Dependent Combo Boxes, Loop through Controls, Controls Collection,
User form with Multiple Pages, Interactive User form

Power BI
Introduction to Business Intelligence (BI)
Various BI tools
Introduction to Power BI
Why Power BI
Power BI Components
Introduction of Power BI Desktop
Installation of Power BI Desktop
Understanding Power View and Power Map
Data visualization techniques
Page layout & Formatting
Power BI Desktop visualization
Formatting and customizing visuals
Column chart, Pie chart, Donut chart,
Scatter chart, Funnel chart
Include & exclude
Geographical data visualization using Maps
Drill down
Drill through
Page navigations
Selection pane to show/hide visuals
Comparing volume and value-based analytics
Combinations charts (dual axis charts)
Filter pane
Use of Hierarchies in drill down analysis
Sync slicers
Tooltips & custom tooltips
Tables & matrix
Conditional formatting on visuals
Introduction to Power BI Service
Introduction of workspaces
Creating & Configuring Dashboards
Dashboard theme
Reports vs Dashboards
Sharing reports & dashboards
Shaping data using Power Query Editor
Formatting data
Transformation of data
Understanding of Data types
Naming conventions & best practices to consider
Working with Parameters
Merge Query
Append Query
Group by of data (aggregation of data)
Duplicate & Reference tables
Pivot & Un-pivot of data
Custom columns
Conditional columns
Replace data from the tables
Split columns values
Move columns & sorting of data
Detect data type, count rows & reverse rows
Promote rows as column headers
Hierarchies in Power BI
Introduction of relationships
Creating relationships
Cross filter direction
Use of inactive relationships
Introduction of DAX
Why DAX is used
DAX syntax
DAX functions
Context in DAX
Calculated columns using DAX
Measures using DAX
Calculated tables using DAX
Learning about table, information, logical, text, iterator,
Time intelligence functions (YTD, QTD, MTD)
Cumulative values, calculated tables, and ranking and rank over groups
Date and time functions

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