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Title Site Readines Checklist

Number YA450a10
Version 3



This README sheet provides information about the checklist in the following sections:
A. Objectives
B. Use of Checklist during the Order Realization Process
C. Instructions for use of the Workbook / Spreadsheet
D. BIU Content owners
These Site Readiness Checklists are meant to provide an accurate and specific measurement of the progress of the preparation of a site. The
checklist has been designed with a limited list of items that are "key success" factors on the site that indicate the ease of installation. Through use of
these checklists the information flow relative to judging site readiness can be of great help in making informed decisions relative to: 1) request dates,
2) moving systems into the frozen period, 3) selecting the date for actual delivery to the customer site and 4) improving Installation Productivity. The
checklist uses 3 categories of items to differentiate items of greater impact.
Next to this the Site readiness checklist also marks the Handover from Project Manager to Installer: The Project Manager is supplying the site to the
installer who on his turn commits himself to do the installation within the agreed targets. The Site readiness checklist provides an overview of the
status at the moment of handover and can include open actions. Both Project Manager and Installer shall sign the document and this will then be the
reference. The checklist score is an indicator of how well prepared the site was at the moment the installer took over.
The BIU’s are owner of the content of the Site readiness checklist, and are responsible for definition of the right criteria.
We recommend to use this checklist at least:
a) 7-10 days before SID (Start of Installation): this gives the opportunity to postpone the delivery from factory if the site can not be ready on start
installation date .
b) on SID ( Start of Installation): this is the handover between Project Manager and Installer. Checklist should be filled out and signed. This is also the
formal measurement of site readiness.
The 3 categories of items are:
50% Items:
Must be completed for the equipment to be installed. If any of the items in this category are incomplete it will delay the delivery and installation start
date. Delivery of a system to a customer site should only happen if all the applicable items in this section are complete.
40% Items:
Need to be completed based on the Project. Any of the items listed as incomplete in this category may delay the installation completion date and may
cause loss of productivity.
10% Items:
To be completed but lower adverse affect on Project. Any of the items listed as incomplete in this category should only cause a small delay in the
installation completion date or small loss of productivity.
Through being able to more accurately measure the condition of site readiness the responsible Philips & Customer Project representatives will be able
to make better informed decisions. It will also allow more specific communication relative to site readiness through a better common understanding of
the Key elements of the site preparation.

The checklist can be used throughout the process but the major time stamps are:
First Customer Meeting:
Share with the customer the Key Success Factors to be able to predict the completion of the site preparation so that the installation can start & end
Construction Progress:
Maintain focus on the items and understanding the impact of items that are not complete. For each item that is open make sure that a responsible
Project representative has a plan to complete prior to the projected system delivery day.
Moving System into Frozen Period:
Maintain focus on the items and understand the impact of items that are not complete. For each item that is open make sure that a responsible
Project representative has a plan to complete prior to the projected system delivery day. Remember at this point the project manager is making a
decision to have the factory build the system which will have inventory impact if the delivery / installation start date is delayed.
Final Site Readiness Check:
Understand the impact of items that are not complete. For each item that is open make sure that a responsible Project representative has a plan to
complete prior to the projected system delivery day. Remember at this point the project manager is making a decision to have the system either
delivered to the site or put into storage which will have inventory impact.

This inventory impact needs to be balanced against the loss of productivity due to incomplete site preparation using the following general rules:
Less than 50% means DO NOT deliver since major items are not done
Between 50% and 90 % means system can be delivered but the installation will not be fully productive.
Above 90% means very good shape, minimum loss of productivity
1. Select the MR, CT, AMI, DXR or IXR checklist
2. Enter order header information
3. In column "Applicable" select each item that applies to this order / site
4. Printout copy to mark-up during site inspection by evaluating each item or fill in electronically
5. Enter data in columns "Complete", "Open" & "Remarks"
6. Enter the Project Manager’s and Installer’s name
7. Check the scoring section at the bottom of the sheet to see that the words " Calculation Verified " are visible.
8. If the word "ERROR" is visible then an item marked as Applicable has no status Page 2 of 6
9. Save the document in DMS and print
1. Select the MR, CT, AMI, DXR or IXR checklist
2. Enter order header information
3. In column "Applicable" select each item that applies to this order / site
4. Printout copy to mark-up during site inspection by evaluating each item or fill in electronically Final Checklist
5. Enter data in columns "Complete", "Open" & "Remarks"
6. Enter the Project Manager’s and Installer’s name
7. Check the scoring section at the bottom of the sheet to see that the words " Calculation Verified " are visible.
8. If the word "ERROR" is visible then an item marked as Applicable has no status
9. Save the document in DMS and print


For any questions or suggestions on the content of the checklist, please contact:
DXR: Esdert Bakker (
IGT: Joost van der Weerden (
MR: Jochem van Dijk (
CT: Gary Berry (
AMI: Dave Howard (

Page 3 of 6
Site Readiness Checklist CT YA450a10_v3

CUSTOMER: El Hamd INSPECTION BY: Alfa Healthcare



ID 50% 40% 10% Description Applicable Status Responsible REMARKS

1 X Customer site preparation verified in general against the Philips Final Planning Drawings. yes complete

Gantry, couch move-in through wall-, roof- or floor- opening is prepared as committed,
2 X
checked for size, weight, elevator lift capy/size and that all non-moveable obstacles removed yes complete
along the entire delivery path. Verifyed floorloading capacity. Transport & handling tools
(crane, forklift, wheels, trolleys) have been specified with the rigging company.

Mains supply according to specification available (including impedance and isolated

grounds), distribution unit has been installed. System electrical power and as well as power waiting for final
3 X yes open isntillations of ups and
for tools are available in the scanner room. full system UPS is fully installed if ordered. elctrical power
Earthing system is fully functional and reads less than .5 ohms

4 X Floor load checked and certified according to specification. yes complete

Levelness of floor checked with Laser Level to Philips Final Planning Drawings
5 X
tolerance. Floor concrete specification and strength verified with system PRD yes open
requirements. Anchors must hold torque specifications as provided in Philips Final
Planning Drawings.

6 X
Air Conditioning is installed and functioning properly to maintain room temperature and yes open
humidity within system specifications.

7 X
Space for cables checked, openings for cables cut or arranged. All cable raceways/conduits yes complete
are installed and cable run lengths verified.
8 X Radiation shielding installed (windows, doors, walls, clg, floor). yes open

Magnetic fields witin vacinity of CT/ NM/ X-ay equipment have been determined as
9 X yes complete
acceptacble for CT system components.

10 X
Network connection planned are the connectors / interfaces are prepared as specified. yes select:
Network questionnaire filled out (RSN).

11 X
Gantry and Table Anchoring method has been identified and all anchoring materials other yes select:
than those shipped with the system are available.

All network connections hardware is installed and active. All network information i.e. IP
12 X adresses (static only), AE Titles, SNM, GTWY and DNS server are available. Network yes select:
connection point available and prepared for RSN as well as contact details for facility IT

Access is available or has been arranged for needed rooms including after-hours. Storage for
13 X no select:
tools, parts, covers and packing material has been arranged.

14 X
Xray on light and associated cabling and cutout switch installed in the scanner room. Door no select:
interlock switch and cabling installed if required.

All project members (PMS, Customer, vendors) have been identified. Escalation
15 X procedures are known. Schedules after system delivery have been coordinated between no select:
Philips, our vendors, the customer, and the customer's vendors.

16 X Installation Team has received the room drawings and points of contact phone numbers. no select:

17 X
All construction and building work is finished around the installation area. Including no select:
windows, doors and lighting.
18 X All control room funiture is installed. no select:

19 X
Performance testing requirements identified (NEMA), test kits ordered and a schedule has no select:
been determined. (If NEMA required)
20 X If necessary, excess cable storage has been identified and allowed for. no select:

21 X Parking places for installers are available. no select:

22 X Walls are painted / tiled / finished no select:

23 X Toilet facilities including area to wash up are available. no select:


(after correcting for not applicable) Applicable Complete Score
50.0% ..................... items in 50% categories ..................... 9 5 0% vs. maximum of 50 % (all or nothing)
13.3% ..................... items in 40% categories..................... 3 0 0% vs. maximum of 40 %
0.0% ..................... items in 10% categories..................... 0 0 0% vs. maximum of 10 %
Result in total: *Fill out NOT complete/correct* 0% vs. maximum of 100 %


DATE: 6 Jun 2021 DATE:

50% ITEMS Must be completed for the equipment to be installed .

Any of the items listed as incomplete in this category will delay the delivery and installation start date.

40% ITEMS Need to be completed based on the Project.

Any of the items listed as incomplete in this category may delay the installation completion date and may cause loss of productivity.

10% ITEMS To be completed but low adverse affect on Project.

Any of the items listed as incomplete in this category should only cause a small delay in the installation completion date or small loss of productivity.

For detailed specification, please refer to the PRD on InCenter (hyperlink ) for the specific system in question
Space reserved to optionally include pictures of the technical, examination and operator room(insert - picture - select picture - insert)

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