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Topic 4
Who was Jesus?


Name: ___________________________________
Form: __________
RE Teacher: ________________________
What do I have to do?
Each week you will practise using the new subject-specific vocabulary to
review the learning you have done in class.
You should spend twenty minutes each week on this homework.
You will write a number of sentences, or a paragraph, to show your
Aim to write a paragraph, if you can, as this will ensure you link ideas together,
rather than seeing them as separate ideas.
You must aim for accurate correct spelling, punctuation and grammar.
This is useful because:
 It increases your familiarity with subject-specific vocabulary
 It helps you to remember what we have learned
 You will practise your writing

Remember to look up the meaning of the word using the glossary on page 4.
The booklet is available in student share>subjects>RE>Year 7
For this first week, the sentences have been done for you. You just need to fill
the gaps using the words in the table.

authority People or organisations that have power over others
baptism Using water to symbolise washing away of sin
Beatitudes Jesus’ teachings about how to live a moral life.
Bethlehem Town of Jesus’ birth. In Palestine. 10km from Jerusalem.
Bible Christian holy book. Contains accounts of Jesus’ life.
Catholic Christian denomination led by the Pope.
crucifixion Execution method. Death by being nailed to a cross.
denomination A group within the religion of Christianity.
disciples Jesus’ closest followers.
divinity Having characteristics that are God-like.
Eastern Orthodox Christian denomination found mainly in Eastern Europe.
founder Person who starts something new.
God incarnate God in human form (made flesh). Jesus.
Gospels Four accounts of Jesus’ life found in the Bible.
humanity Characteristics that make someone human.
Jerusalem City in Israel. Where Jesus spent the last days of his life.
ministry Part of Jesus’ life when he taught & performed miracles
miracle A good action that breaks the law of nature.
Nativity The story of Jesus’ birth as told in the Bible.
Nazareth Town where Jesus was raised and taught about Judaism
New Testament Part of the Bible that starts with the Gospels.
Palestine Country where Jesus lived. Next to Israel.
parable Story told with a moral meaning.
prophet A messenger of God.
Protestant Denomination of Christianity – grew out of Catholicism.
rebel Someone who acts or speaks against authority.
resurrection Coming back to life.
River Jordan The river in which Jesus was baptised (see map)
Romans The political rulers at the time of Jesus.
saviour Someone who saves. (Jesus saves us from sin)
sermon A talk about religious ideas or teachings.
sin Acting or speaking against God’s rules.
Son of God Jesus. God in human form.

Week 1: In what way was Jesus the founder of Christianity?
Jesus was Jewish and never states an intention to start a new religion.
Christianity did not exist until after his death. The Early Church was made up of
people who believed Jesus had been more than a prophet, they believed Jesus
was uniquely special and set about spreading his teachings. St Paul was a key
character in spreading and promoting Jesus’ teachings after his death. In doing
so a new religion, distinct from Judaism, was founded.
Which words do I need to use? (tick when done)
Key vocabulary to use Tick when done
Eastern Orthodox

My sentences or paragraph:
1. Although Jesus was Jewish, he is seen as the _______________________
of Christianity.
2. Jesus life is written about in Bible. Four different accounts can be found
in the ______________________.
3. The part of Jesus’ life when he taught and performed miracles only
lasted about three years. This is called his ________________________.
4. Over time the religion of Christianity split into three different
___________________. They are all part of the same religion but have
slightly different beliefs and practices.
5. The ____________________ denomination is led by the Pope.
6. The _____________________________ denomination is found mainly in
Eastern Europe.
7. The _________________________ denomination grew out of protests
against some of the practices of the Catholic Church.

Week 2: Was Jesus a miracle worker?
Christians believe Jesus’ birth was a miracle as he was born to a virgin. Later in
his life (early thirties) the Bible gives accounts of various miracles performed by
Jesus. These include healing, command over nature and raising the dead. Many
Christians believe these accounts are literally true, whilst others think they are
Which words do I need to use? (tick when done)
Key vocabulary to use Tick when done
Resurrection (Jairus’ daughter)
Bleeding woman
If you can: symbolic/ literal

My sentences or paragraph

Week 3: Was Jesus a teacher?
The Gospels contain many of Jesus’ teachings about how to live. Jesus often
taught in stories known as parables. Many of the best teachers use stories to
help people understand ideas. In Matthew’s Gospel Jesus also gives a long
sermon about the right and wrong way to live.
Which words do I need to use? (tick when done)
Key vocabulary to use Tick when done
Sermon (on the Mount)
Good Samaritan
If you can: inner purity

My sentences or paragraph

Week 4: Was Jesus a rebel?
In Jesus’ time, the Romans were in charge; they were not religious. At the
same time, Jewish priests held religious power over Jews. Accounts of Jesus’
life in the Gospels show he was not afraid to challenge those in authority
(Priests and Romans) and did not always stick to the rules. However, there are
cases where Jesus insists that people do obey the law (political and religious).
Which words do I need to use? (tick when done)
Key vocabulary to use Tick when done
If you can: temple, crucifixion, taxes

My sentences or paragraph

Week 5: Was Jesus the Son of God and saviour?
The most important belief in Christianity is that Jesus wasn’t just a human, he
was also God in human form (God incarnate). They refer to him as the ‘Son of
God’ but this means ‘God as a human’. Christians believe God came to earth to
save us from our sins. Jesus is said to have taken our punishment for us by
dying on a cross (crucifixion) and then coming back to life (resurrection),
meaning we can go to heaven when we die. This is why Christians call Jesus
their ‘saviour’.
Which words do I need to use? (tick when done)
Key vocabulary to use Tick when done
Son of God
God incarnate
If you can: divinity, relationship, sacrifice

My sentences or paragraph
Week 6: Was Jesus a human?
Christians believe Jesus was God incarnate but also that he was fully human.
This is a difficult idea to understand; how can someone by ‘fully God and fully
human’? However, Jesus’ humanity is important to Christians as it connects
them to God and allows them to have a personal relationship with him. They
believe Jesus has shown us what it means to live a perfect human life. Many
people who are not Christians accept that Jesus did exist and was an important
person. For example, in Islam Jesus is seen as a prophet (but not as God).
Which words do I need to use? (tick when done)
Key vocabulary to use Tick when done
If you can: Lazarus, doubt, suffering

My sentences or paragraph

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