Agile Assignment - Individual

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Hi Class, 

Assignment Title: Understanding Agile Values and Principles: A Practical

Objective: The goal of this assignment is to gain an in-depth understanding
of the Agile values and principles, and their application in real-world project
Assignment Description:
1. Research: Choose a Canadian company known for its Agile practices.
Understand how Agile values and principles are embedded in their
project management approach.
2. Case Study: Based on your research, prepare a case study that
 A brief overview of the company and the nature of its projects
 Description of how the Agile values are demonstrated in their
project management
 Explanation of how the Agile principles guide their project
 Analysis of how adhering to Agile values and principles has
contributed to the company's project success and overall
business performance
3. Reflection: Reflect on the importance of Agile values and principles
in today's project environments. Discuss any challenges that
organizations might face while implementing them and possible
Submission Guidelines:
 The case study and reflection should be around 1000-1500 words
 All sources must be accurately cited using APA style.
 Submit your assignment in a PDF format.
Evaluation Criteria:
 Depth and accuracy of the research conducted
 Clarity and coherence in the case study analysis
 Insightfulness of the reflection on the importance and challenges of
Agile values and principles
 Quality of writing and citation

Deadline: Midnight Sunday May 28th  

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