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Unit/Chapter Activities –Experiential/SEA/M.A. /Art Integrated Assessments/Rubrics

Unit- 1 -Ice-cream Man/Wonderful Speaking & Writing Activity - Mention some of the things which are
Waste thrown away at home and also write some of the interesting ways in Listening skill –Comprehension
which they can be made useful. Share it with the class.
Grammar- Noun Listening Activity - Listen to the sounds and guess the objects. Speaking Skill -Content, Presentation and
World Book Day Celebration- 23rd April
 Introduction of the Novel- Best Friends Forever (Poem)Speaking Skill- Recitation, speed,
 Bookmark Making expression and presentation
Unit- 3 My Shadow Speaking Activity- Poem Recitation
Project 1- Extra Reading Activity – Best Friends Forever-
Grammar- Plurals/ Possessive nouns/
Character Sketching(Summer HW) Reading Comprehension-Pronunciation,
Gender. Listening Activity –Listen to the folk tale and answer the questions Fluency, Comprehension
Story Writing that follow.
Unit- 2 - Team Work/Flying Together Reading Comprehension Writing Skill-Format, Sentence structure,
Speaking Activity - Ask your friends questions about all the things Vocabulary and Spelling
Grammar- Prepositions/ Verbs/
he/she does. Pg.- 35(T.B)
Contractions Assessments- Dictation test, Class test-
Speaking Activity - Talk about “Unity is Strength”
Listening Activity - Listen to the paragraph and answer the questions Written/Oral
that follow. Pg-34(T.B)
Unit- 3 Robinson Crusoe Reading Comprehension
Picture Description Writing Activity - Picture Description

Unit/Chapter Activities –Experiential/SEA/M.A. /Art Integrated Assessments/Rubrics

Unit-4 - Crying / My Elder Brother Speaking Activity- Poem Recitation Listening skill-Comprehension
Reading Comprehension- Pg-74 (T.B)
Informal Letter Writing (Poem) Speaking Skill- Recitation, speed,
Speaking Activity- Learning from day to day experience is as
important as what we learn from books in the school- Talk about it. expression and presentation
Writing Activity - Narrate an incident when you have experienced
Speaking Skill -Content,
happiness, excitement, surprise. Pg-62 Presentation and Confidence
Unit- 5 The Lazy Frog/ Rip Van Project 2- Writing Activity - “Time and Tide wait for no man”- write
Winkle about the importance of time to the character building of the child. Reading Comprehension-
Grammar- Pronunciation, Fluency,
Adverb/Pronouns/Conjunction Comprehension
Unit- 6 Class Discussion/ The Speaking Activity- Discuss on “Being an Introvert is a good thing or
Talkative Barber not”- Present your views on it. Writing Skill-Format,
Grammar- Modals/ Subject and Writing Activity -Write Do’s/Don’ts for your classroom. Sentence structure, Vocabulary and
Predicate And Dialogue writing
Dialogue Writing Art Integrated Project with the paired state- Jammu & Kashmir Project- Content, Creativity and Presentation
Unit-7 Topsy – Turvy Land Extra Reading Activity- Best Friends Forever-Talk about your Best
Grammar- Sentences Friend. Assessments - Dictation test, Class test-
Listening Activity - Grammar book- Pg. 113 /Ex A Written/Oral
Listening Activity - Grammar book- Pg. 114 /Ex B Art Integration Activity:-Presentation,
Vocabulary test(Spell Bee)
finishing, colour combination
Reading Comprehension
Make a poster on Traffic safety with a catchy slogan.
Unit- 8 -Nobody’s Friend/ The Little Listening l/ Speaking Activity- Listen to the short story and answer the
Bully questions that follow.
Grammar- Adjective/ Punctuation Writing Activity- A Friend in need is a Friend Indeed- In a short
paragraph , write how you can be a good friend.
Project 3- Find out from internet or encyclopedia about some famous
people who are well known for their personal collection. Display it in
the class.
Unit/Chapter Activities –Experiential/SEA/M.A./Art Integrated Assessments/Rubrics

Unit- 7 Gulliver’s Travel Reading Comprehension Listening skill-Comprehension

Writing Activity - You woke up one morning and found yourself in
the land of dwarfs! Write a paragraph describing your experience there (Poem) Speaking Skill- Recitation, speed,
Articles/Quantifiers expression and presentation
and how you got back home finally.
Listening Activity -Listen to the instruction given and draw the map.
Speaking Skill -Content,
Presentation and Confidence

Unit- 9 - Sing a Song of People/ Speaking Activity - Poem Recitation Reading Comprehension-
Around the World Pronunciation, Fluency,
Speaking Activity- Talk about your dreamland. Comprehension
Grammar- Tenses
Writing Activity - “Let’s Interview”- Pg. 153(T.B) and Diary Entry
Diary Entry and Paragraph Writing Writing Skill-Format,
Listening Activity- Let’s listen and answer.Pg-155 (T.B)
Sentence structure, Vocabulary and
Reading Comprehension

Project- Content, Creativity and Presentation

Unit- 10 MaluBhalu/ Who will be Speaking Activity - What was the most difficult thing you couldn’t do Assessments- Dictation test, Class test-
Ning Thou? earlier but now you can do it? Who taught you this? Written/Oral

Grammar- Subject-Verb
Agreement Election in Classroom-Sit in a group of 8. Now each student will tell
a story. Decide which story is best and declare a Ningthou of the group.

Extra Reading Activity- Best Friends Forever-Character dress up

and talk about your favourite character.


Reading comprehension- Reading comprehension- Reading comprehension-
Unseen passages and finger point reading Unseen passages and finger point reading Unseen passages and finger point reading

Unit 1- Ice Cream Man/ Wonderful Waste! Unit 4- My Elder Brother Unit 7- Gulliver’s Travels
Unit 2- Teamwork and Flying Together Unit 5- The Lazy Frog/ Rip Van Winkle Unit 8- The Little Bully
Unit 6- Class Discussion/ The Talkative
Unit 10- MaluBhalu/ Who will be Ningthou?

Grammar :
Grammar :
 Adverbs
 Nouns
 Pronouns Grammar :
 Irregular Plurals
 Conjunction  Adjectives
 Possessive nouns
 Modal  Punctuations
 Gender
 Subject and Predicate  Articles
 Prepositions
 Sentences  Quantifiers
 Verbs
 Tenses
Writing- Picture Description and Story  Subject-verb Agreement
Writing- Informal Letter Writing and Dialogue
Writing Writing Writing- Diary Entry and Paragraph

Unit / Chapter Activities – Experiential / SEA/ M.A. / Art Integrated Assessments/ Rubrics

व्याकरण -भाषा और व्याकरण,वणण-ववचार ,शब्द- Activity - अपनी विय पुस्तक के िथम पेज का पोस्टर बनाना |
Listening Skill: Comprehension
ववचार (world Book Day)
पाठ 2 फ़सलों के त्योहार Listening Activity - नवीन शब्दों का श्रुतलेख | Reading Skill: Pronunciation, Fluency,
Reading Activity - राख की रस्सी Comprehension
Speaking Activity - गुजरात के िवसद्ध त्योहार की जानकारी
Writing Activity - वववभन्न राज्यों में फ़सलों के त्योहारों के Speaking Skill: Conversation , Recitation ,
नाम वलखना | Fluency
व्याकरण – संज्ञा, ललंग, पयाणयवाची शब्द, वचन Listening Activity -
कहानी श्रवण आधाररत दृश्य – श्रव्य माध्यम | Writing Skill: Creativity, Originality, Hand
वचत्र के आधार पर कहानी लेखन writing ,Spelling , Vocabulary
पाठ 3वखलौने वाला Reading Activity - नन्हा फनकार
पाठांशके आधार पर िश्नों उत्तर | Activity: Creativity, Innovation, Participation
Writing Activity-
भगवान राम काचररत्र वचत्रण |
काव्य रचना | Assessments–
पाठांश के आधार पर िश्नों उत्तर | Oral Test
कारक , ववलोम शब्द , काल Reading Activity - ईदगाह Class Test
Finger Point Reading
पद्ांश / गद्ांश Speaking Activity - कहानी कथन Open Book Test
पाठ 5जहााँ चाह वहााँ राह Writing Activity–कहानी लेखन Worksheet

Unit / Chapter Activities – Experiential / SEA/ M.A. / Art Integrated Assessments/ Rubrics

व्याकरण – क्रिया , वाकयांश के वलए एक शब्द , Reading Activity - डाक्रकए की कहानी Listening Skill: Comprehension
सवणनाम , क्रिया-ववशेषण Writing Activity - पोस्टकाडण पर वमत्र को संदशे वलखना |
Reading Skill: Pronunciation, Fluency,
पाठ 6 वचट्ठी का सफ़र पाठांश के आधार पर िश्नों उत्तर |
Listening Activity - श्रुतलेखन |
लहंदी क्रदवस गवतवववध - अधूरी कहानी पूरी करना | Speaking Skill: Conversation ,
Recitation , Fluency
व्याकरण – अनुच्छेद लेखन , वाकय , अववकारी Listening Activity
शब्द (संबंधबोधक) श्रुवतसमवभन्नाथणक शब्दों के आधार पर वाकय रचना | Writing Skill: Creativity, Originality,
अनुच्छेद श्रवण आधाररत दृश्य – श्रव्य माध्यम | Hand writing ,Spelling , Vocabulary
पाठ 9 एक मााँ की बेबसी
Reading Activity -
Activity: Creativity, Innovation,
वे भी कया क्रदन थे
पाठांश के आधार पर िश्नों उत्तर |
Speaking Activity
‘मााँ भगवान का दूसरा रूप’ ववचारावभव्यवि | Assessments–
Writing Activity Oral Test
अनुच्छेद लेखन | Class Test
मैं और मेरी मााँ | Finger Point Reading
Reading Activity - एक क्रदन की बादशाहत Open Book Test
व्याकरण –ववशेषण , अनेकाथणक शब्द
पाठ 13 स्वामी की दादी Speaking Activity - ‘बुजुगों का वात्सल्य’ ववचारावभव्यवि
श्रुवतसमवभन्नाथणक शब्द, कला एकीकृ त गवतवववध – जम्मू और कश्मीर के वन्य अभ्यारण की
पद्ांश / गद्ांश जानकारी |

Unit / Chapter Activities – Experiential / SEA/ M.A. / Art Integrated Assessments/ Rubrics

व्याकरण – ववराम वचह्न , अववकारी शब्द Listening Activity Listening Skill: Comprehension
(समुच्चयबोधक , ववस्मयाक्रदबोधक) नवीन शब्दों का श्रुतलेखन |
पाठ 14 बाघ आया उस रात पाठांश श्रवण आधाररत दृश्य – श्रव्य माध्यम | Reading Skill: Pronunciation, Fluency,
Reading Activity- पाठांश के आधार पर िश्नों उत्तर |
वबशन की क्रदलेरी
Speaking Skill: Conversation ,
Recitation , Fluency

मुहावरे Reading Activity - पानी रे पानी Writing Skill: Creativity, Originality,

पाठ 17छोटी-सी नदी हमारी Speaking Activity Hand writing ,Spelling , Vocabulary
‘मेरा जीवन खतरे में’(बाघ) ववचारावभव्यवि |
‘अगर मैं नहीं रही तो’ (नदी)ववचारावभव्यवि | Activity: Creativity, Innovation,
Writing Activity Participation
वगण पहेली भरना |
संवाद लेखन | Assessments–
Oral Test
व्याकरण –पत्र लेखन , संवाद लेखन Reading Activity - नदी का सफ़र Class Test
पाठ 18 चुनौती वहमालय की पाठांश के आधार पर िश्नों उत्तर | Finger Point Reading
Writing Activity Open Book Test
पठन कायण – नदी का सफ़र
पत्र लेखन| Worksheet
पद्ांश / गद्ांश
अमरनाथ के बारे में जानकारी |

सावहत्य-पाठ 2 फ़सलों के त्योहार, सावहत्य-पाठ 6 वचट्ठी का सफ़र सावहत्य-पाठ 14 बाघ आया उस रात
पाठ 3वखलौने वाला पाठ 9 एक मााँ की बेबसी पाठ 17छोटी-सी नदी हमारी
पाठ 5जहााँ चाह वहााँ राह पाठ 13 स्वामी की दादी पाठ 18 चुनौती वहमालय की

व्याकरण- भाषा और व्याकरण,वणण-ववचार ,शब्द- व्याकरण-क्रिया , वाकयांश के वलए एक शब्द , सवणनाम , व्याकरण-ववरामवचह्न,अववकारी(समुच्चय
ववचार, संज्ञा, ललंग, पयाणयवाची शब्द, , कारक , ववलोम क्रिया-ववशेषण, वचन , अववकारी शब्द (संबंधबोधक) , ,ववस्मयाक्रदबोधक) , ववशेषण, अनेकाथणक शब्द, वाकय,
शब्द , काल मुहावरे ,
श्रुवतसमवभन्नाथणक शब्द
अपरठत गद्ांश
अपरठत गद्ांश अपरठत पद्ांश
पत्र लेखन, संवाद लेखन
कहानी लेखन अनुच्छेद लेखन

Unit / Chapter Activities – Experiential / SEA/ M.A. / Art Integrated Assessments/ Rubrics

ગતિતિતિ. સ્િર,વ્યંજન,બારાક્ષરી,ફળો,શાકભાજીના નામ,અઠિાક્રિયા, Listening Skill - સમજ.

(ક્રિયા) ગુજરાિીમાનજી મક્રનનાના નામ-(LS,RS)
Speaking Skill -
ફળો,શાકભાજીના સચિત્ર નામ (WS)
ગુજરાિી મક્રનનાના ઋત ુઓ સાથન નામ (WS)

અઠિાક્રિયા,ગુજરાિી,માનજી મક્રનનાના નામ બોલિા (SS) (Poem) Speaking Skill-


કાવ્ય 1 –.વ્નાલી બનન. કાવ્ય ગાન અનન કાવ્ય પંક્ક્િ પ ૂણગ કરશન. (SS)
Reading Comprehension-
કુટુંબના સભ્યોના સંબિો લખશનદા).,િ:-બાપાના બા – દાદી( (LS,RS) ઉચ્િારણ,િાક્પટુિા,સમજ.
િમારા ભાઈ/બનેન તિષન પાંિ િાક્યો લખશન.(LS,RS)
Writing Skill-
રાખિીનું ચિત્ર દોરી િનમાં રં ગ પ ૂરાિા.(WS) સર્જનાત્મક,મૌચલકિા,અક્ષર,શબ્દભંિોળ

Assessments- શ્રુિલનખન કસોટી

પાઠ લોભી િીર 3 –. ૧ થી ૨૦ ના મકો ગુજરાિીમાં બોલશન. (SS)
, િગગ કસોટી,લનચખિ/મૌચખક
તિતિિ ફૂલોના ચિત્ર ઓળખી ગુજરાિીમાં નામ લખિા. (RS,LS)

પિંચગયાનું ચિત્ર બનાિી રં ગ પ ૂરાિા.(WS)


Unit / Chapter Activities – Experiential / SEA/ M.A. / Art Integrated Assessments/ Rubrics
કાવ્ય – ૪ કાવ્ય ગાન અનન કાવ્ય પંક્ક્િ પ ૂણગ કરો .(RS,LS) Listening Skill - સમજ.
િષાગરાણી,િષાગરાણી. પોિાની તિય ઋત ુ તિષન દસ િાક્ય લખશન. (WS)
પુસ્િકમાં આપનલ િષાગઋત ુના ચિત્રમાં રં ગ પ ૂરાિા.(WS) Speaking Skill -
પાઠ – ૫ િાિાગના િાક્યોનન યોગ્ય િમમાં બોલશન અનન લખશન .(SS,WS) િાિિીિ,િાિન,િાક્પટુિા.
ઉંદરની િત ુરાઇ. તિતિિ િાણીઓ ના રનેઠાણ તિશન શીખશન( .RS)
‘સાિા તમત્રો’ તિષન કોઈપણ િાિાગ લખશન.(WS) (Poem) Speaking Skill-
પુસ્િકમાં આપનલઉંદરોની િતુરાઇ ચિત્રમાં રં ગ પ ૂરાિા.(WS) કાવ્યગાન,િાક્પટુિા
પાઠ ૮ - િષગ દરતમયાન ઉજિાિા િનેિારોની યાદી િૈયાર કરશન .(WS)
જમમાાટમી. કોાટકમાંથી કૃાણ ભગિાનના નામ શોિિા.(LS) Reading Comprehension-
જમમ ક્રદિસનું શુભનચ્છા કાિગ (WS), પાઠનું િાંિન (RS) ઉચ્િારણ,િાક્પટુિા,સમજ.
તિિારીનન િનેિારના નામ લખશન.(WS) Writing Skill-
પાઠ– ૯ પોિાના ગામ કે શનેર તિષન દસ િાક્યો લખિા.(WS), પાઠનુ ં િાંિન (RS) સર્જનાત્મક,મૌચલકિા,અક્ષર,શબ્દભંિોળ
તુરિ -િાયમંિ સીટી. મ ૂળાક્ષરની મદદથી શબ્દ બનાિિા(LS)
નોખું – અનોખુન ું િાિન, લનખન (SS) Assessments- શ્રુિલનખન કસોટી
, િગગ કસોટી,લનચખિ/મૌચખક

Unit / Chapter Activities – Experiential / SEA/ M.A. / Art Integrated Assessments/ Rubrics

કાવ્ય – ૧૦ ભારિના નકશામાં રાાર ધ્િજનો રં ગ પ ૂરિો(.WS) Listening Skill - સમજ.

મારો દે શ. તિતિિ િનેિારોની યાદી િૈયાર કરિી,કાવ્ય ગાન (WS,RS)
ભારિ દે શમાં બોલાિી પાંિ ભાષા,સંિો,નનિાઓ,રાજ્યોના નામ Speaking Skill -
લખશન.(WS,RS) િાિિીિ,િાિન,િાક્પટુિા.
પાઠ–૧૨ વ ૃક્ષના જિન માટેના ત ૂત્ર લખિા.(WS)
ઝlિ,પાન અનન આપણન િમનન ભાિિા શાકભાજી અનન ફળોના નામ(SS) (Poem) Speaking Skill-
પાઠનુ ં નાટકની રીિન િાંિન (RS) કાવ્યગાન,િાક્પટુિા
પાઠ – ૧૪ તિતિિ પશુ પક્ષીના બચ્િાંના નામ લખિા.(WS)
િત ુર બચ્િાં શબ્દ રમિ િ.દા). – ‘માં’થી શરૂ થિાં શબ્દ( (LS) Reading Comprehension-
કોઈપણ ચિત્રિાિાગ બોલિી. (SS) ઉચ્િારણ,િાક્પટુિા,સમજ.

પાઠ-૧૫ ગુજરાિનાં િખ્યાિ સ્થળો તિષન માક્રનિી મનળિશનનન યોગ્ય ખાલી જગ્યામાં Writing Skill-
ગુજરાિની નિાં-જૂની લખશન (WS,RS) સર્જનાત્મક,મૌચલકિા,અક્ષર,શબ્દભંિોળ
ગાંિીજી તિષન પાંિ થી દસ િાક્યો લખશન.(WS)
તિશ્વમાં સૌથી ઊંિી મ ૂતિિ તિષન લખશન.(LS,SS) Assessments- શ્રુિલનખન કસોટી
, િગગ કસોટી,લનચખિ/મૌચખક

ગતિતિતિ - કાવ્ય .િષાગરાણી ૪-િષાગરાણી કાવ્ય મારો દે શ ૧૦-

સ્િર,વ્યંજન,બારાક્ષરી,ફળો,શાકભાજીનાનામ,અઠિાક્રિયાઅનનમક્રનનાનાનામ. પાઠઉંદરની િતરુ ાઇ ૫ - પાઠ – ૧૨ ઝlિ, પણ અનન આપણન

કાવ્ય–1 .વ્નાલી બનન. પાઠ – ૮ જમમાાટમી પાઠ – ૧૪ િત ુર બચ્િાં

પાઠ–૩. લોભીિીર પાઠ – ૯ િાયમંિ સીટી – તુરિ પાઠ-૧૫ગુજરાિનીનિાં-જૂની

િશ્નોનાંઉત્તર,ખાલીજગ્યાપ ૂરો, િશ્નોનાં ઉત્તર,સમાનાથી,તિરોિી અથગ, િશ્નોનાં ઉત્તર, સમાનાથી, તિરોિી

બારાક્ષરીપુરીકરો, જોિણી તુિારો,૧ થી ૨૦ મકો મક અનન અથગ,

ફળોકેશાકભાજીનાનામલખો, શબ્દમાં,ખાલીજગ્યા પ ૂરો.જોિકા જોિો.. જોિણી તુિારો,ગદ્યખંિ, ખાલીજગ્યા

સમાનાથી,તિરોિીઅથગ. પ ૂરો,િાણીના બચ્િાંના નામ.જોિકા


Unit / Chapter Activities – Experiential / SEA/ M.A. / Art Integrated Assessments/ Rubrics

Ch.- 1 The fish tale  Write message to save aquatic animals. Indian and International Place  Activity: - Creativity, Interest, Application
value system)
 Make fish using different shapes  Mental Ability: - Solving mental math
Ch.- 13 Ways to  Worksheets.( Multiplication and Division) sums, spontaneity in mental calculations,
multiply and divide  Recording the temperature of Anand city for a week and calculate its Accuracy, Tables
average temperature.
Ch.-8 Mapping your  Create a map showing the route from your home to the school  Written Work: Presentation, Neatness
way(Activity) showing directions and important keys.
 Use of Google maps: Mobile application in daily life to be written in  Concept: Class test ,Quiz, Class
( Direction : South, East, West, North)
Assessment: Oral Test/ Written Test/ Surprise
Test/ Worksheet


Unit / Chapter Activities – Experiential/ SEA/ M.A. / Art Integrated Assessments/ Rubrics

Ch.- 5 Does it looks the  Making chart on mirror image of Alphabets.  Activity: - Creativity, Interest,
same  Draw mirror image of names of your family member in your note Application
book.(Shapes and Symmetry)
Ch.- 10 Tenths and  Multiply two decimal numbers using grid paper.  Mental Ability: - Solving mental math
hundredths  Worksheet.(Decimals) sums, spontaneity in mental
calculations, Accuracy, Tables

Ch.- 4 Parts and whole  Equivalent fraction activity(Fractions)  Written Work: Presentation, Neatness
 Concept of addition, subtraction and multiplication of fraction using
paper.  Concept: Class test ,Quiz, Class
Ch.-6 Be my multiple , I  Use of factors in our daily life while using money. Assessment: Oral Test/ Written Test/ Surprise
will be your factor  Worksheet.( Multiples and Factors) Test/ Worksheet

Ch.- 7 Can you see the  Draw any shape and rotate it clock wise and anticlockwise & draw
pattern different shapes
 Worksheet.( Rotation of shapes and number patterns)

Ch.- 9 Boxes and  Draw floor map and deep drawing of your house.
sketches (Activity base)  Making model of net of different shapes.
 Art Integrated Project with the paired state- Jammu & Kashmir


Unit / Chapter Activities – Experiential / SEA/ M.A. / Art Integrated Assessments/ Rubrics

Ch.- 3 How many  To find the area of different shapes using Tan gram puzzles.  Activity: - Creativity, Interest, Application
squares(Activity base)  On a graph paper draw their palm and count the number of square  Mental Ability: - Solving mental math
Ch.- 11 Area and its  Worksheet( Area and Perimeter) sums, spontaneity in mental calculations,
boundary Accuracy, Tables
 Written Work: Presentation, Neatness
Ch.- 2 Shapes and  Making chart to Show the angles on clock.  Concept: Class test ,Quiz, Class
angles  Draw and identify different angles in alphabets formed by straight Participation
lines.( Angles) Assessment: Oral Test/ Written Test/ Surprise
Test/ Worksheet

Ch.- 14 How big? How  To find the volume of any two 3D objects (Cube and Cuboid) of your
heavy? choice.(Volume )

Ch.- 12 Smart charts  Draw tally marks to represent the data of different types of items having
different shapes present in your house.
 Draw a bar graph, circle graph and line graph representing weekly
attendance of your class.( Data handling)



Chapter 1: Fish tale Chapter 3: How many Squares? Chapter 11: Area and its boundary
Chapter 13: Ways to multiply Chapter 4 : Parts and whole Chapter 2: Shapes and angles
and divide Chapter 10: Tenths and hundredths Chapter 12: Smart charts
Chapter 7 : Can you see the pattern Chapter 6: Be my multiple , I Chapter 14: How big? How
will be your factor heavy?

Activity based Ch.-: 5, 8, 9


Unit / Chapter Activities – Experiential / SEA/ M.A. / Art Integrated Assessments/ Rubrics

Ch-1 Growing Plants  Seed Germination ( Diagram ) Concept : Application , Comprehension of

 Chart work on dispersal of seeds. text, diagram and web chart , Reasoning
 Group discussion on different methods of growing new plants.
 Observing characteristic features of different seeds. Activity / Project :Participation , Interest ,
Creativity , Innovation
Ch-2 Health and Hygiene  Chart work on communicable and non-communicable diseases. Scientific Skills: Observation ,
 Lab visit to observe different types of slides of microbes under the Inquisitiveness , Recording , Inference
microscope. ,Application , Accuracy , Analysis
 Group Discussion on various deficiency diseases, their causes,
symptoms and cure. Group discussion: Active Participation ,
 Visit to a Dental Clinic. Relevance , Observation , Analysis
Ch-3 Safety and first Aid  Chart work on road signs / traffic signs.
( Activity Based ) Group discussion on importance of traffic rules. Assessments: Class Test, Dictation,
 Guest Lecture on Safety. Crossword, Quiz, Worksheets and Class
Ch-4 Solids, Liquids and  Listing physical and chemical changes ( any 5 ) in the class
Gases notebook.
 Arrangement of molecules ( Diagram )
 Group Discussion on different examples of contraction and
expansion of solids.
 World Earth Day & World Environment Day

Unit / Chapter Activities – Experiential / SEA/ M.A. / Art Integrated Assessments/ Rubrics

Ch-5 Rocks and Minerals  Pasting pictures of different types of rocks ( any two ). Mention Concept : Application , Comprehension of
any two characteristic feature for each. text, diagram and web chart , Reasoning
 Group Discussion on Importance of rocks and minerals in our
daily life. Activity / Project :Participation , Interest ,
 Observing the specimen of different rocks and minerals. Creativity , Innovation
( Composite Lab Activity )
Scientific Skills: Observation ,
Ch-6 Soil Erosion and  Listing causes of soil erosion and ways of conservation of soil. Inquisitiveness , Recording , Inference
Conservation  Group Discussion on importance of soil. ,Application , Accuracy , Analyzation

Ch-7 Amazing Animals  Collect pictures of some rare animals and paste them in the class Group discussion: Active Participation ,
notebook. Relevance , Observation , Analyzation
 Lab visit to observe different body covering of animals.
Group Discussion on different types of movements in animals. Assessments: Class Test, Dictation,
Crossword, Quiz, Worksheets and Class
Ch-8 Skeletal System and  Simple Physical Exercises to observe the movement of the participation
Nervous System skeletal system.
 Lab visit to observe the human skeleton.
 Group Discussion on different types of joints.
Ch-9 Force , Work and  Making a list of simple machines that we find at home and school.
Energy  Chart work on different types of lever.
 To observe friction on different types of surfaces. (Class Activity)
 World Ozone Day
Art Integrated Project with the paired state- Jammu & Kashmir

Unit / Chapter Activities – Experiential / SEA/ M.A. / Art Integrated Assessments/ Rubrics

Ch-10 Essential for life :Air  Simple experiment to conclude that Air is necessary for burning. Concept : Application , Comprehension of
and Water (Composite Lab Activity ) text, diagram and web chart , Reasoning
 Properties of Air.
Activity / Project :Participation , Interest ,
Creativity , Innovation
Ch-11 Moon and Artificial  Recording phases of the moon in the class notebook for the Scientific Skills: Observation ,
Satellites given time period. Inquisitiveness , Recording , Inference
 Group Discussion on achievements of Indian Astronauts. ,Application , Accuracy , Analyzation
 Occurrence of Eclipses.( Solar Eclipse and Lunar Eclipse )
Group discussion: Active Participation ,
Ch-12 Natural Disasters  Field trip to visit NGO like Red Cross Society , WHO or Relevance , Observation , Analyzation
 Group Discussion on Natural Calamities or disasters Assessments: Class Test, Dictation,
Crossword, Quiz, Worksheets and Class

Ch-13 Our Environment and  Pasting pictures of renewable and non-renewable resources.( two
Natural Resources. each in the class notebook )
( Activity Based )  Ways to conserve Natural Resources.( write up )
 Group Discussion on Greenhouse effect and its impacts.
 National Science Day

Ch-1 Growing Plants Ch-5 Rocks and Minerals Ch-8 Skeletal System and Nervous
Ch-2 Health and Hygiene Ch-6Soil Erosion and Conservation System
Ch-7 Amazing Animals Ch-9 Force , Work and Energy
Ch-10 Essential for life : Air and Water
Ch-11 Moon and Artificial Satellites

Unit / Chapter Activities – Experiential / SEA/ M.A. / Art Integrated Assessments/ Rubrics

Ch. - 1. Maps and Globes  Map work : On an outline map of the world, mark the following with the help Map
of an Atlas.  Accuracy
New Delhi, Sahara Desert, River Amazon, Australia, Suez Canal, Red Sea,  Identification
Mount Kilimanjaro, Himalayas and Pacific Ocean  Labelling
 Make a map of your house. Give an index with signs, symbols and colour  Presentation
schemes to help people understand your home and the allotment of space to
different family members. Environmental Sensitivity:
Special Days to be celebrated:  Value
April 18 (World Heritage Day)  Appreciation
April 24 ( National Panchayati Raj Day )  Aesthetic Sensitivity
Group Discussion:
Environmental Sensitivity:  Content-collection information
Poster Making Depicting the Soul of Rural India  Originality
 Level of engagement
Group Discussion: (1) Why explorers carry maps instead of a globe?  Preparedness
 Map work: Mark four metro cities of India in the outline map of India.  Relevance
Group Discussion:
Ch.- 2. Parallels and  A globe shows several countries marked on it. What would happen if Collage
everyone on earth lived as one big family? Would it have been better? Let’s  Creativity /Presentation,
discuss.  Content- Collection of
information / images &
Ch.-3. Movements Of The Collage: Our food, clothes and games changes according to the season.
Earth –Their Effects  Originality
Prepare an attractive collage based on the two main seasons-Summer and
Winter.  Neatness-
 Creativity
Environmental Sensitivity:
 Build an eco-friendly bird feeder Group Activity
 Interest
Special Days to be celebrated:  Creativity
 May 1 (International Labour Day) (Special Assembly)  Originality
 June 5 (World Environment Day)  Teamwork
Ch.- 4. Major Landforms  Map work : Atlantic Coastal Plain, Andes in South America, Rockies in
North America, Plateau of Tibet and Sahara Desert.
 Antarctica is the largest coldest desert in the world. Collect relevant  Creativity/ Presentation/
information and write in your scrapbook about interesting facts, vegetation Content- Collection of
and wildlife of Antarctica along with pictures. information/ images
Ch.5- Natural Resources Group Activity:
(Activity)  By practicing the five Rs-Reduce, Renew, Revise, Recycle and Replace. Class Assessment: Class test, Open book
will be divided into five groups. Each group will make a project on each ‘R’. test, Quiz, Cross word, Dictation and
Environmental Sensitivity:
 When at home, how do you think you can carefully and responsibly save and
recycle water.

Ch.- 6 Weather And  Map work :Mark the places in the world map.
Climate Chicago, Matadi, Oklahoma City

 Draw, label and colour the heat zones of the world in your notebook

Environmental Sensitivity:
 Nature walk. Collect the fallen leaves and make birds, animals or any other
picture of your choice .(A visit to a park)
Ch.-7 The Equatorial Group Activity:
Region  The groups are expected to collect information and pictures of animals found
in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and give presentation in the class

Special Days:
July,28 (World Nature Conservation Day)


Unit / Chapter Activities – Experiential / SEA/ M.A. / Art Integrated Assessments/ Rubrics

Ch.- 8. The Land Of Sand  Map work : List the countries that surround Saudi Arabia. Mark them on a Map
map and paste it in your notebook.  Accuracy
 Identification
 Labelling
Ch.- 9. The Land Of Snow  Map work :Mark the following places on a map of Greenland:  Presentation
and Ice 1. The island nearest to Greenland 2. Nuuk 3. The Arctic Ocean
Environmental Sensitivity:
Ch-14. Staying Healthy Activity  Value
(Activity)  Find out why the government gives certain vaccines free of cost. Make a note  Appreciation
of the names of these vaccines.  Aesthetic Sensitivity
Environmental Sensitivity:
Group Discussion:
 Find ways to keep ourselves healthy and free from diseases.  Content-collection
Special Days: information/
 August, 15 (India’s Independence Day)  Originality
 Level of engagement
Ch.-10. The Treeless Activity  Preparedness
Grasslands  Paste the pictures of the ploughing, sowing, harvesting, threshing and  Relevance
winnowing in the correct order to show the farming process. Also, stick
pictures of other occupations in the grasslands. Activity
Group Discussion:  Interest
 Imagine a land without trees. It seems scary. Can this situation be avoided?  Creativity
Let’s discuss.  Originality
Ch.-11. Our Environment Activity  Teamwork
.  Replacement means replacing things that harm the environment with other
harmless or less harmless substances e.g. CNG fuel and organic farming.
Make a project on two harmless substances and present it to your class. Collage
Environmental Sensitivity:  Creativity/Presentation,
 Creating best out of waste with household items.  Content- Collection of
Ch.-12. Environment Activity: information / images &
Pollution (Activity)  Find out about five pollution –related diseases in humans and the types of captions/Originality/Neatness-
pollution that cause those diseases  Creativity
Environmental Sensitivity:
Assessment: Class test, Open book
 Write a slogan to create awareness about problems of honking.
test, Quiz, Cross word, Dictation and
Special Days:
 September,16 (World Ozone Day)
Ch.- 13. Natural Disasters Group Activity:
 In groups of 4 or 5, make a Power Point presentation on one of the natural
disasters mentioned in the lesson.
 Map work :In map of India mark the places where cyclones and floods occur
Ch.- 15 Communicating Activity:
Through Writing  Find out the names of some of the scripts out of which languages have
(Activity) developed in India.
 Letter Writing
Ch.-16. Let’s Keep In  Collect information about supplements of newspapers and make a collage of
Touch (Activity) clippings and pictures from each of the supplements
Special Days:
October,2 (International Day of Non-Violence/Gandhi Jayanti)
October,31(Sardar Patel Jayanti)
Ch.-18. They Make Us Group Activity:
Proud  Each group will choose any one personality mentioned in the lesson and will
find out more about their life and achievements.
Environmental Sensitivity:
 Sharing in true sense
Special Days:
 November, 13 (World Kindness Day)
Ch.-17. Transport Activity:
(Activity)  Find out your privileges or right as a passenger if your flight is cancelled. List
the facilities the airline has to give in such a case.
Group Discussion:
 Importance of the different modes of transport.
Art Integrated Project with the paired state- Jammu & Kashmir


Unit / Chapter Activities – Experiential / SEA/ M.A. / Art Integrated Assessments/ Rubrics

Ch.-19. Struggle Towards Activity: Map

Freedom  Find out the sobriquets of any five freedom fighters.  Accuracy
 Role Play  Identification
 On a map of India mark the important centres of the Revolt of 1857  Labelling
Environmental Sensitivity:  Presentation
 Try to teach a child who cannot go to school. Try to stress the value of
education in his life through your effort. Environmental Sensitivity:
Special Days:  Value
December,10 (Human Rights Day)  Appreciation
Ch.-20. India Wins Group Discussion:  Aesthetic Sensitivity
Freedom  What does freedom mean to you?
 Flags are hoisted as well as unfurled. What is the difference? Group Discussion:
Ch-21. Governing Group Discussion:  Content-collection
Ourselves  Is it good to follow rules? (In relation to traffic, school, family, etc) information/
Activity:  Originality
 Quiz on the government of India  Level of engagement
Link  Preparedness
Special Days:  Relevance
 January, 26 (Republic Day) Activity
January, 30 (Martyrs Day)  Interest
Ch.-22. The United Environmental Sensitivity:  Creativity
Nations  Poster Making-Peace Creates and War Destroys  Originality
Activity: Find out the names of monuments in India that are World Heritage Sites.  Teamwork

Assessment: Class test, Open book

test, Quiz, Cross word, Dictation and


1. Maps and Globes 6. Weather And Climate 13. Natural Disasters
2. Parallels and Meridians 7. The Equatorial Region 18. They Make Us Proud
3. Movements of the Earth- Their 8. The Land Of Sand 19. Struggle Towards Freedom
Effects 9. The Land Of Snow and Ice 20. India Wins Freedom
4. Major Landforms 10. The Treeless Grasslands 21. Governing Ourselves
11. Our Environment 22. The United Nations

Unit / Chapter Practical/ Assessment

Ch.- 1 Evolution of Computer Lab Activities
Activities given in the text book
Ch.- 2 Understanding Windows 10
Assignments / Written Work

Unit / Chapter Practical/ Assessment
Ch.- 3 Working with Tables Lab Activities
Activities given in the text book
Ch.- 4 Using Mail Merge
Assignments / Written Work

Unit / Chapter Practical/ Assessment
Ch.- 6 Formatting a Presentation Lab Activities
Activities given in the text book
Ch.- 9 Microsoft Excel 2016
Assignments / Written Work


Class Test and Practical Exam Ch:3 Working with Tables Ch:6 Formatting a Presentation
during regular classes Ch:4 Using Mail Merge Ch:9 Microsoft Excel 2016

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