Marking+Rubric Assessment+2 PBHL20007 T12023 Final

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Assignment 2 - Marking Rubric: PBHL 20007

Cultural Immersion and Lived Experiences

Individual Assignment: Reflective Practice Paper

Task Description

We each come to public health with a set of our own beliefs, assumptions, experiences, judgements, and views that reflect our culture and
upbringing, as well as the events in our life. For this assignment, you must think about your own health experiences and the way they have been
impacted by your own socio-cultural background and how you think about health.

Assessment Questions

Firstly, think about how your family perceive about health and illness.

What is their understanding of health and illness? How do they treat illness? How do they decide when medical help needed? What are their
preferred ways of managing health and illness?

Secondly, compare how your personal view about health and illness with how your family and other people in your community see it.

What is your personal view around health and illness? Is it similar to what your family think, or it is different and why? Is your family act differently to
the most people in the community? If they are different, then explain why and how their behaviour was shaped in a way that is different to others in
the community.

Thirdly, critique about the responsibility to health and managing illnesses.

Who do you think is responsible for health - the individual involved, the family, the society in which he or she lives, the government, health services or
others? Discuss why you think that way.

Finally, discuss how socio-cultural context of populations impacts health.

Discuss the ways socio-cultural context of population might affect professional practice in public health, including why it is necessary for a public
health practitioner to be aware of socio-cultural differences in health.

This essay must be written as a first person. This is an individual 2000-word reflective assessment. Your reflections on these areas should be
supported by evidence from literature, textbooks or other reputable sources. All references must be cited appropriately with a reference list included.
You cannot use materials from Google or any internet sources which do not meet academic standards and guidelines. This reflective practice
assessment will be assessed against the following criteria.

Assessment Criteria High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail

A deep reflection with Consistently Consistently Demonstrates a good Demonstrates some Does not consistently
ability to write clearly demonstrates an demonstrates a high level of deep reflections level of reflections of demonstrates
following academic exceptionally high level level of in-depth experiences in writing. experiences in writing. reflections of
of in-depth reflections reflections of experiences in writing.
of experiences in experiences in writing.
20/100 writing.
Logically draws and Critically analyses Critically analyses Good analysis of Basic analysis of Limited or no analysis
analyses personal personal experiences personal experiences of personal experiences personal experiences of personal
perspectives around of health and illness health and illness with of health and illness of health and illness experiences of health
with the use of the use of supportive with the use of with the use of and illness with the
health and illness.
theories and evidence. supportive evidence. supportive evidence. use of supportive
20/100 supportive evidence. evidence.
Critically examines Systematically Systematically Thoroughly examines Descriptively A basic examination
and compares the examines and critically examines and and compares the examines and and comparison of the
compares the familial compares the familial familial and social compares the familial and social
familial and social contents of health with
and social context of and social context of context of health with familial and social
context of health. no supportive examples.
health with health with supportive supportive examples. context of health
25/100 exceptionally examples. with some
supportive examples. examples.

Succinctly provides Consistently, critically, Consistently, clearly Clearly and succinctly Clearly presented Inconsistently and
evidence-based clearly and succinctly and succinctly presented arguments arguments unclearly presented
presented arguments presented arguments demonstrate expert demonstrate expert arguments
arguments around demonstrate expert demonstrate expert and specialized and specialized demonstrate expert
responsibilities to and specialized and specialized knowledge of knowledge of different and specialized
knowledge of different knowledge of different different responsibilities to knowledge of different
health. health.
responsibilities to responsibilities to responsibilities to responsibilities to
health. health. health. health.

Appropriate grammar, Writing adheres Writing adheres Writing mostly Some grammatical Consistent
citations and grammatical grammatical adheres errors in writing. grammatical errors in
references. conventions conventions grammatical Sources are writing. More than 10
consistently. Sources consistently. Sources conventions. inconsistently errors in
10/100 are always are mostly Sources are mostly acknowledged, and acknowledging
acknowledged, and acknowledged, and acknowledged, and referencing is sources and
referencing is complete referencing is mostly referencing is incomplete using references. In
using consistent style complete using mostly complete inconsistent style with consistent referencing
with no errors. consistent style. using consistent errors. style.
style with errors.
Total Marks

Marker’s Comment

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