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Ms. Ramshee G. Fran

English 10

13 October 2022

Yes to Uniform

School uniforms show unity and equality among the students. Some people usually prefer

wearing casual clothes to school. Saying that they are more comfortable with it. However, for

some students who cannot afford an everyday style they are going to be left behind because they

cannot fit in the vibe. Students should be required to wear uniforms whenever they go to school.

This helps to increase the safety of the students, having a proper attire can save parents money,

and helps students to focus.

Having a proper uniform can keep the students safe. It can lower the kidnapping case inside

and outside the school. For the reason that students can easily be recognized and found since

they are wearing a uniform. It can also prevent the students from sneaking out during classes.

Because they can be easily identified by the authorities. School uniforms promote the safety of

the students.

On the other hand, having a uniform policy will save parents money. As we all know, fashion

trends are continuously changing. And it would be expensive for the parents to buy clothes that

are currently trending. Also not every parent or student has the ability to purchase those. In

addition, having a uniform can reduce potential bullying for what they are wearing. Uniforms

help parents to lessen the expense.

Another thing is that they will be focused on their studies when they are all wearing the same

attire. School uniforms improve students' focus on the lecture rather than comparing each other's

fashion, wondering if they fit in. It will also help them to be more productive. They will not be

distracted if we have school uniforms.

Wearing uniforms is very essential in every school. It promotes the security of the students.

And help out parents to save money that can be used for emergency purposes. Lastly, it will

increase students to be more active. If you want to be organized and ensure safety it is advocated

to wear school uniforms.

Works Cited

Australia, School Uniforms. “5 Reasons Why Schools Uniforms Are Essential.” School

Uniforms Australia,



Chen, Grace. “Uniforms: The Pros and Cons | PublicSchoolReview.com.” Public School Review,

23 Apr. 2008, www.publicschoolreview.com/blog/uniforms-the-pros-and-cons.

‌“I Believe Students Should Not Have to Wear Uniforms. «Evan | This I Believe.”

Thisibelieve.org, 2000, thisibelieve.org/essay/63982/.

Morin, Amy. “The Pros and Cons of School Uniforms for Students.” Verywell Family, 4 Jan.

2021, www.verywellfamily.com/school-uniforms-for-students-4846642.

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