сталі вирази

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Сталі вирази для НМТ

znohub Сталі вирази для НМТ 1

1 Keep on doing something продовжувати робити щось

He keeps on phoning me, and I don’t really want to talk to him

2 In charge of відповідальний за

He asks who is actually in charge of foreign policy.


3 To congratulate on вітати з

I congratulated Jill on winning

4 To look after піклуватися про

We look after the neighbours' cat while they're away.

5 To spill the beans розповісти секрет

My friend promised not to spill the beans about my plans to get married

6 I can’t help but я не можу не

When I look at him, I can’t help but smile

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7 Weather the storm пережити складні часи

He insists he will not resign and will weather the storm

8 As hard as nails не сентиментальна людина

I thought she was as hard as nails when I met her.


9 To break the law порушити закон

I don't want to break the law by any means.

10 Piece of cake щось, що дуже легко зробити

The exam was a piece of cake.

11 Dressed up одягнений

Women dressed up in national ukrainian costumes

12 To have a sweet tooth бути сладкоїжкою

Most of us have a sweet tooth and thus cannot stay away from sweets.

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13 To call off відміняти

On account of bad weather, we were forced to call off the assembly.

14 Overwhelmed by перевантажений, приголомшений

Today the world is overwhelmed by an invisible signals that support


us informed and connected.

15 To have an impact on мати вплив на

No other book has had such an impact on human history.

16 To carry out здійснювати

With its help, you will carry out all operations for money transfer.

17 To give up здаватися

You need to pursue your dreams and not give up.

18 To calm down заспокоїтись

It is necessary to calm down and completely distract from all

domestic problems.

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прийняти щось за чисту

19 To take something at face value
монету , повірити в щось

I took the offer at face value. I didn't think they might be trying to trick me.

20 To make the acquaintance завести знайомство

Not everyone in the real world can easily make the acquaintance, but


it is not a problem in the video chat.

21 To be keen on захоплюватися

She is keen on playing football

22 To come to terms with прийняти щось, зміритись з

My dad needed to come to terms with the fact that I had become an adult.

23 To call in заглянути до когось

I got into the habit of calling in on Gloria on my way home.

24 To keep the bed дотримуватися постільного режиму

You will tell her you have a fever and must keep to your bed.

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25 To run into someone натрапити на когось

It’s too likely she will run into someone from her old life

26 In terms of з точки зору

Cultural differences can also create problems in terms of conflict



27 To take offence ображатися

I usually say, what I think, that is why people around me often take offence.

28 To depend on залежати від

Execution terms depend on project, chosen technology and other factors.

29 To take part брати участь

Other companies may also take part on the auction.

30 To tend to схилятися до

You also tend to get depressed in some periods of life.

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31 To figure зʼясувати

We need to figure out the key issue and develop it.

32 To pay attention to звертати увагу на

He wasn't paying attention to the safety instructions.


33 To get along with ладити з

I don't really get along with my sister's husband.

34 To catch up with наздоганяти

I have to run faster to catch up with him.

35 To have no clue немає розуміння

They have no clue what they write about.

36 To star in зніматися в

The singer was offered to star in a film called Zorro, but she for some
reason refused.

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37 Regardless of незалежно від

Enjoy the game regardless of the results.

38 To do a favour зробити послугу

Do me a favour and stay at home.


39 To attract attention привертати увагу

Such watches will attract attention and will be better for fans of hunting.

40 On the contrary на противагу, навпаки

Open mind, on the contrary, helps to focus on a collective goal.

41 Vice versa навпаки

Do not place a small bed in a large bedroom, or vice versa.

42 To be fed up with набридло

Many townspeople were fed up with harmonists playing on the streets

for money.

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43 To be sick of набридло

I'm getting sick of doing your dirty laundry.

44 To pull yourself together взяти себе в руки

This dream will help you pull yourself together and keep from


some hasty steps.

45 To be fond of захоплюватися

I've always been fond of flowers, so I'm delighted that the new house

has a little garden.

46 To deal with боротися з

She's used to dealing with difficult customers.

сподіватися на, з
47 To look forward to
нетерпінням очікувати на

We are open to cooperation and look forward to further dialogue.

48 By hand вручну

No longer must you type information about every book by hand.

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49 Keep in mind мати на увазі, памʼятати

And keep in mind that only full confidence and patience will bring
positive results.

50 Slip someone’s mind забути

I'm sorry I forgot your birthday - it just slipped my mind.



To look round оглядати

We arrived late, and didn't have much time to look round before


52 To cope with справлятися з

Alcohol has never helped anyone cope with life's difficulties.

53 To come up with вигадати

Together with the family lawyer, they come up with a cunning plan.

54 Sooner or later рано чи пізно

This problem occurs sooner or later for almost every person.

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55 To stand out виділятися

Every company wants to stand out and be the best.

56 Out of the blue несподівано

In fact, a very good ship was lost out of the blue, in a completely
meaningless battle.



To insist on наполягати на

I could not insist on something.

58 To rely on покладатися на

In this case, you should rely on your feelings and wishes.

59 To make a living заробляти на життя

I can't make a living from my hobby.

60 To make ends meet зводити кінці з кінцями

People were working two or three jobs to make ends meet.

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61 To settle down оселитися

Decide carefully on the area where you would like to settle down

62 On the verge на краю, на межі, на порозі

We are on the verge of global improvement of our platform and

its adaptation.



By/ from all accounts судячи з усього

By all accounts, San Francisco is a city that's easy to fall in love with.

64 By all means всіма силами

Ferry found himself in a difficult position and tried to get out by all means.

65 To take advantage отримати вигоду

I was able to take advantage

66 To cut down скоротити /зменшити

This measure alone may cut down your monthly water bills

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67 To take into account враховувати , брати до уваги

In calculating these data should take into account all possible


68 To set up створити

Players will set up multiple accounts and play one against the



69 To come across зустріти , натрапити на

In super markets we come across different variety of cheese.


To do your best зробити все можливе

Don't fear failure, just try and do your best.

To break free звільнитися, вирватися на свободу

No matter how he tried He could not break free

72 To come into force вступити в силу

The new rules may come into force a year later.

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73 To come into view потрапити в поле зору

We stood at the window until their car came into view .

74 To catch sight кидається в очі

As many local familiar faces catch sight.


75 To pay a compliment зробити комплімент

George Stigler, who is a very nice man, wanted to pay me a compliment.

76 To come to an agreement домовитися

However, in many cases, the ex-spouses cannot come to an agreement.

77 To pay wages платити заробітну плату

Do not forget also that such employees have to pay wages,

including other types of payments.

78 To make sense мати сенс

Increases in defense and security spending make sense from this


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79 To break a promise порушити обіцянку

It was irresponsible of him to break a promise.

80 To give a speech виступати з промовою

In 1964, Guevara travelled to the United States to give a speech to

the United Nations in New York.



To keep track of стежити за

Meanwhile, even a younger preschooler can keep track of their belongings.

82 To take a risk ризикувати

Of course, you can take a risk in a big city, but then you have to come up
with something completely unusual to attract customers.

83 To come clean about розповісти правду

She came clean about her pregnancy.

84 To break the silence порушити тишу

Students must not break the silence in the hostel.

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85 To break the ice розтопити лід

The talks in Geneva helped break the ice and introduce nations
to the benefits of global free trade.

86 To make a profi отримати прибуток

There you probably will lose your money and not make a profit.



To take cover сховатися

He manages to get away from the pursuit and take cover in Trip's garage.

88 To break loose зірватися

He can break loose and say offensive things, but you must forgive and
forget everything as quickly as possible

89 To take time займати час

It will take time and require a lot of effort.


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