Intro To Computing Assignment

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Table of Contents

Topic: How to gather/access research materials online............................................2

1. Identify relevant resources............................................................................................2

2. Access the resources.......................................................................................................2

3. Search for relevant materials........................................................................................2

4. Refine your search..........................................................................................................2

5. Read and download materials.......................................................................................2

6. Evaluate the materials...................................................................................................2

E-Book, E-Journals & Database................................................................................2


Research Objectives:............................................................................................................3

Research Hypotheses...........................................................................................................3

Hypothesis 1:........................................................................................................................4

Hypothesis 2:........................................................................................................................4

eBooks and reading behavior......................................................................................4

eBooks and reading enjoyment...........................................................................................7


Table of figure

Figure 1:Proporatioon of children reading in print and on electronic devices....................5

Figure 2:: What children read in print and on electronic devices........................................6

Figure 3:Proportion of children reading fiction by format and gender...............................6

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Table of tables

Table 1: Use of electronic devices to read by age and gender.............................................8

Table 2:Reading Attitudes and Enjoyment in children who read in Print and on-screen

Table 3:Age..........................................................................................................................9

Table 4:Ethnic background..................................................................................................9

Topic: How to gather/access research materials online.

1. Identify relevant resources: Determine what you are looking for and which
online resources might have the information you need. This could include an
academic database online library or individual publishers.
2. Access the resources: Once you have identified the relevant resources. You will
need to access them. Depending on the resource this may be required a
subscription or payment. many universities and research institutions provide
access to various databases and online libraries, so it’s worth checking if you have
any access to any of these resources through your affiliation.

3. Search for relevant materials: Use the search functionality provided by the
resource to locate relevant materials. This could involve searching for specific
keywords, authors, or titles.
4. Refine your search: If your initial search results are too broad, consider refining
your search by adding additional search terms or using advanced search options.
5. Read and download materials: Once you have located relevant materials, you
can usually read them online or download them to your computer or device. Some
resources may have restrictions on how much content you can download or how
long you can keep it, so be sure to check the terms and conditions of the resource.
6. Evaluate the materials: When you find relevant materials, evaluate them to
ensure they are appropriate for your research needs. Consider the authority,
credibility, and relevance of the source.

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E-Book, E-Journals & Database


As one of the modern phenomena of the information age, electronic books have caused
rapid progress in educational media since the early 1990s. The emergence of concepts
such as electronic books and electronic learning into the field of education indicates
the development of education and the creation of the possibility to learn for everyone
anywhere and anytime. The National Literacy Trust recognizes the importance of
technology as a tool for teaching literacy skills and we are keen to explore this in
greater detail. In September 2014, the National Literacy Trust and RM Books are
embarking on a joint study to explore the impact of eBooks on the reading motivation
and reading skills of children and young people in around 100 primary and secondary
schools across the UK. The conclusions will be published in October 2015. In
preparation, this rapid literature review explores some of the research currently
available on the role that technology plays in the literacy lives of young people.

Considering the increasing growth of electronic books in several educational fields, these
resources are counted as one of the purposes of distance education, several aspects of
which can be studied.

Readers of electronic books can search for their favorable topics more easily and rapidly
compared to those printed ones The possibility of accessing desired content as well as
the lack of need for physical presence in the library, time- and energy-saving and,
sometimes, users' costs-savings are popular among readers of an electronic book.

A large number of researches have been already conducted to investigate the effect of electronic
books on academic progress and students' interest in studying; but, what distinguishes the
present research from other similar ones is that it investigates the effect of electronic books on
students' academic progress and, at the same time, compares it to that of printed books. This
may assist relevant officials in making their future decisions to more and better use this
technology or to limit it.

Research Objectives:

1. To investigate the effect of electronic books on students’ learning rates.

2. To investigate the relationship between students’ genders in taking advantage of
electronic books.

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3. To study the effect of computer skills literacy on students’ benefit from electronic
4. To investigate students’ viewpoints on the use of electronic books.
5. To study the effect of taking advantage of electronic books on students’ academic

Research Hypotheses

Considering the objectives of the research, the research hypotheses are as follows:

1. Use of electronic resources makes a meaningful difference in academic progress

between the students of conventional and virtual programs.
2. Use of electronic resources makes a meaningful difference in the variety of
learning resources between the students of conventional and virtual programs.
3. Use of electronic resources makes a meaningful difference in flexibility during
the learning process between the students of conventional and virtual programs.
4. Use of electronic resources by students of virtual programs makes a meaningful
difference in learning speed between the students of conventional and virtual
5. Use of electronic resources by students of virtual programs makes a meaningful
difference in learning efficacy between the students of conventional and virtual

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Hypothesis 1:

Hypothesis 2:

eBooks and reading behavior

2012 was the first time that the proportion of respondents to the National Literacy
Trust’s annual literacy survey reporting reading on the screen outside school
outnumbered those reading in print.

Figure 1:Proporatioon of children reading in print and on electronic devices

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Children responding to the survey were also more likely to say that they preferred
reading on screen, with more than half (52.4%) saying they would rather read on
an electronic device, compared with just under a third (32%) preferring print. This
was evident in responses relating to reading behavior, as 38.9% of respondents
reported reading daily on screen only, 33.2% reported reading daily both in print
and on-screen and only 27.9% reported reading daily in print alone. Different
materials tended to be read depending on the device, with news and non-fiction
featuring highly on computers and smartphones and fiction being more popular on
e-readers and tablets. Although the proportion of children reading eBooks more
than doubled between 2010 and 2012 (increasing from 5.6% in 2010 to 11.9% in
2012), when compared to all electronic devices, print remained the favorite
medium for reading fiction for most children.

Figure 2: What children read in print and on electronic devices

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Figure 3:Proportion of children reading fiction by format and gender

Table 1: Use of electronic devices to read by age and gender

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eBooks and reading enjoyment

National24 and international research25 have long recognized the strong association
between reading for pleasure and improved academic performance. Our annual
literacy survey in 2012 found that children and young people who read in print
daily were nearly three times more likely to say that they enjoyed reading “very
much” than those who read on-screen only. However, children who read using a
mixture of formats had better overall reading enjoyment and were also more likely
to self-identify as a reader and to have a favorite book.

Table 2:Reading Attitudes and Enjoyment in children who read in Print and on-screen daily

Overall, considering the results of the present research, it can be confirmed that the
electronic book has stabilized its place as a good way to access printed words,
alongside its printed counterparts, can be seen in collections of any library today,
and will be an attractive topic of digital type for the future publications.
Undoubtedly, there is a long way against electronic book technology until it gains
the legibility and richness of the features of printed books. Nonetheless, the
electronic book has its unique features making it flexible, available, and dominant
over the printed book. There is no doubt that the role of electronic books in

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libraries will be highlighted in the future. Electronic books are likely to attract
new users to libraries and obviate their specific needs (such as those of physically
disabled people). The future libraries may be hybrid environments several services
of which use various media to meet the users’ increasing needs and expectation

Table 3:Age.

Table 4:Ethnic background

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