The Spoof Text

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Name : Arijie Balqiis Suryanjani

Nim : 1215030034
Class : 2A

1. Bad Dream
Once there was a couple sleeping. The wife had a bad dream. She woke up. She was scared
and cried. Her husband tried to make her comfortable and asked why she cried. Then she
replied: “I had a dream that a very rich and handsome man kidnapped me from you.” Hearing
his wife answer, the husband said: “It is ok honey, it was just a dream.” Immediately the wife
responded loudly: “That is why I am crying.”

Terjemahan : Mimpi Buruk

Suatu ketika pasangan suami istri sedang tidur. Sang istri bermimpi buruk. Dia bangun. Dia
sangat takut lalu menangis. Suaminya mencoba untuk membuatnya nyaman dan bertanya
mengapa dia menangis. Kemudian dia menjawab: “Saya bermimpi ada seorang pria yang
sangat kaya dan tampan menculik saya dari anda.” Mendengar jawaban dari sang istri, sang
suami berkata: “Tidak apa sayangku, itu hanya mimpi." Segera sang istri merespon keras:
“Itulah sebabnya aku menangis.”

Generic Structure Analysis

Orientation : There was a couple sleeping.
Events : The wife got bad dream, got up, and cried.
Twist : Wife cried because she got up from the dream

2. Falling Into a Well

There was a man. When he was walking, he fell into a well. Many people saw the incident so
they came to save him. Unfortunately no one could enter the well to bring him out. Later, a
smart man came up with a bright idea to throw the man a strong rope to try to pull him out the
well. When the rope reached and hit the man’s head, he shouted angrily: “Don’t bother me!
Pick your own well, I am bathing.”

Terjemahan : Terjatuh ke Sumur

Ada seorang laki-laki. Ketika dia sedang berjalan, laki-laki itu tercebur ke dalam sebuah sumur.
Banyak orang yang melihat kejadian tersebut lalu mereka mendekat untuk menyelamatkan
laki-laki itu. Sayangnya tak satupun yang bisa masuk kedalam sumur itu untuk
mengeluarkannya. Kemudian seorang yang cerdas datang dengan ide cemerlang untuk
mengeluarkan Laki-laki itu dari sumur dengan sebuah tali yang kuat. Ketika tali itu sampai dan
menyentuh kepala orang didalam sumur itu, laki-laki itu berkata: "Jangan ganggu saya. Pakai
sumu kamu sendiri. Saya sedang mandi."
Generic Structure Analysis
Orientation : There was a man who was walking and fell into a well.
Events 1 : People saw the incident.
Event 2 : A man has bright idea.
Event 3 : He throws a rope into the well.
Event 4 : The rope hits the man’s head
Twist : The man said that he was bathing.

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