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Name: Brandon Class: 3W No.

: 20

S3 Extensive Reading
Answer Sheet

Book Title Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

Author Robert Louis Stevenson
Publisher Longmans, Green & Co.

Question Fiction/Non-fiction (please delete inappropriate one)

Question No. 1
Question Write a diary entry from the point of view of a character in the book. Remember
to describe the full situation clearly.
My struggle to pursuit science

Somewhere in a Victorian period

Dear Diary,
I was born in Victorian times, a period when science was developing and improving with due
respect to medical improvisations, particularly in the field of psychology. Although it was only
in its infancy of pioneering stage, I as a doctor and scientist, am willing to try something which
was ethically and morally debatable--spitting an individual into evil and good.

Thrilled, I decided to share and explain my entire plan to my best friend Lanyon.

Unfortunately, he refused to cooperate in my experiment, as we couldn’t reach to a moral and

ethical consensus. He attempted to stop me from doing the experiment, that he even described
me as being a ‘psychopath’. Yet I believed the whole idea was out of the world, at some point
that I thought I was ‘playing god’. Still, I surmise that conducting this experiment was
appropriate and right, since I was at the threshold of breakthrough if I succeed.

In neglection of Lanyon, I continued to conduct the experiment which no one else had done
before, where I placed myself as the stakeholder of the petri-dish. After days and months of
hard work, I am successful in finally isolating and created from myself an individual which
solely consist of my evil personality, leaving myself with an individual only possessing all the
kindness and forbearance. The evil, was given the name of Edward Hyde, whereas the angelic
personality is of course Henry Jekyll-me myself.

The further step of my experimentation involves myself to correct Hyde’s evil personality to
that of a kind person instead of being a monster.

As the experiment had to be completed furtively, I made the decision to vie for a spot which no
one knew about. Therefore, I discovered a tattered looking building, which featured the marks
of prolonged and sordid neglect. Moreover, this is the house where Hyde would be destinated.

At the beginning, everything worked well. When Hyde accidently trampled on that cute
innocent girl, he didn't fight back, instead he went into her house and brought out a cheque for
the sum of a hundred pounds as an apology. However, things started to get worse afterwards.

When I woke up one day, my body felt unpleasant and weird. At one of my more conscious and
fully awake moments, my eyes fell upon my hands. In ordinary condition, the hands of Henry
Jekyll, was professional, no matter in shape or size. It was enormous, firm white and comedy.
Nevertheless, the hand I caught sight with, was lean, corded, knucky, of a dusky pallor, and
thickly shaded with a swart growth of hair. Petrified, I stared at the mirror, my blood turned ice
cold. It was the face of Hyde. He sniggered, grinned in a psychotic way and whispered, 'You're
losing.’ From that moment, I started to conceived that “I am losing control.”

There was no time to lose, I resorted to Utterson for assistance, I provided him my written will,
which explains briefly what have been carrying out recently, and how I was feeling extremelly
concerned about Hyde.

In addition, I was going to prove Lanyon that splitting a person into its individual evil and kind
personalities was actually possible, before Hyde took full control of me. I visited his house as
Hyde, and shook the powders, divided them into proportions, doing everything single act in
front of Lanyon to prove that I wasn’t falsified. At last, I consumed the potion and transformed

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