2023 - 14 May - 5th Pascha - Samaritan Woman Sacred Lessons

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Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria & All Africa

Archdiocese of Good Hope

Sacred Lessons
14 May 2023
5th Sunday of Pascha – Sunday of the Samaritan Woman

By the Grace of God

Compiled, Adapted, Edited & Printed
Marguerite Paizis
Archondissa & Teacher by Divine Grace
Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria & All Africa
Po Box 28348
Sunridge Park
Republic of South Africa
or download directly from Resurrection Gospel 4 John 20 : 1 – 10
Marguerite Paizis on Scribd – www.scribd.com/writers4574
Acts 11 : 19 – 30
John 4 : 5 – 42
Re-edited & Published - 16 May 2023


RESURRECTION GOSPEL 7: JOHN 20:1 - 10 For only when we do not belong to ourselves do we become like Him
St Peter & St John Witness The Empty Tomb Of Our Risen Lord Jesus Christ Who through Love has Reconciled us to Himself.
Τῇ μιᾷ τῶν Σαββάτων Μαρία ἡ On the first day of the week Mary No one achieves this unless we persuade our immortal soul not to be
distracted by the false glitter of this life.
Μαγδαληνὴ ἔρχεται πρωῒ Magdalene went to the Tomb
σκοτίας ἔτι οὔσης εἰς τὸ early, while it was still dark, and  Free will is the power of a deiform soul to direct itself by deliberate
Μνημεῖον͵ καὶ βλέπει τὸν λίθον saw that the stone had been choice towards whatever it decides.
ἠρμένον ἐκ τοῦ Μνημείου. taken away from the Tomb. Let us ensure that our soul directs itself deliberately only towards
what is Good, so that we always consume our remembrance of evil
Τρέχει οὖν καὶ ἔρχεται πρὸς Then she ran and went to Simon with Good Thoughts.
Σίμωνα Πέτρον καὶ πρὸς τὸν Peter, and to the other Disciple,
ἄλλον Μαθητὴν ὃν Ἐφίλει ὁ whom Jesus Loved, and said to  The Light of True Knowledge is the power to discriminate without
Ἰησοῦς͵ καὶ λέγει αὐτοῖς͵ them: “They have taken away error between good and evil.
“Ἦραν τὸν Κύριον ἐκ τοῦ Then the Path of Righteousness leads our intellect upward towards
the Lord out of the Tomb, and we
the Sun of Righteousness and brings it into the boundless
Μνημείου͵ καὶ οὐκ οἴδαμεν ποῦ do not know where they have Illumination of Spiritual Knowledge, so that henceforth it shall
ἔθηκαν Αὐτόν.” laid Him!” grow more and more confident in its quest for Love.
Ἐξῆλθεν οὖν ὁ Πέτρος καὶ ὁ ἄλλος Peter went out, and the other With an incensive power free from anger we should snatch
μαθητής͵ καὶ ἤρχοντο εἰς τὸ Righteousness from the hands of those who dare to outrage it,
Disciple, and they hastened to since the aspiration for Holiness triumphs not by hating others,
the Tomb. but by convincing them of their faults.
Τρεχον δὲ οἱ δύο ὁμοῦ· καὶ ὁ They ran together, and the other
 Spiritual Discourse fully satisfies our intellectual perception, because
ἄλλος Μαθητὴς προέδραμεν Disciple outran Peter and got to it comes from God through the Energy of Love.
τάχιον τοῦ Πέτρου καὶ ἦλθεν the Tomb first, and, stooping It is on account of this that the intellect continues undisturbed in its
πρῶτος εἰς τὸ Μνημεῖον͵καὶ down, he looked in and saw the concentration on Theology.
παρακύψας βλέπει κείμενα τὰ Linen Cloths lying there, but did It does not suffer then from the emptiness, which produces a state of
Ὀθόνια͵ οὐ μέντοι εἰσῆλθεν. anxiety, since in its Contemplation, it is filled to the degree that
not enter.
the Energy of Love desires.
Ἔρχεται οὖν καὶ Σίμων Πέτρος Simon Peter also arrived after him, So it is right always to wait, with a Faith Energised by Love, for the
ἀκολουθῶν αὐτῷ͵ καὶ εἰσῆλθεν and he went into the Tomb. Illumination that shall enable us to speak.
εἰς τὸ Μνημεῖον· For nothing is so destitute as a mind philosophising about God when
it is without Him.
Καὶ θεωρεῖ τὰ Ὀθόνια κείμενα͵καὶ And he saw the linen Cloths lying
τὸ Σουδάριον͵ὃ ἦν ἐπὶ τῆς there, and the Facecloth that had The unilluminated should not embark on Spiritual Speculations nor,
Κεφαλῆς Αὐτοῦ͵ οὐ μετὰ τῶν been around His Head, not lying on the other hand, should anyone try to speak while the Light of
ὀθονίων κείμενον ἀλλὰ χωρὶς with the linen Cloths, but folded the Holy Spirit is shining richly upon us.
For where there is emptiness, ignorance is also to be found, but where
ἐντετυλιγμένον εἰς ἕνα τόπον. together in a place by itself.
there is Richness of the Holy Spirit, no speech is possible.
Τότε οὖν εἰσῆλθεν καὶ ὁ ἄλλος Then the other Disciple, who got to At such a time the soul is drunk with the Love of God and, with voice
μαθητὴς ὁ ἐλθὼν πρῶτος εἰς τὸ there first, also went into the silent, delights in His Glory.
Μνημεῖον͵ We should, therefore, watch for the middle point between these two
extremes before we begin to speak of God.
Καὶ εἶδεν καὶ ἐπίστευσεν· And he saw and believed. This balance confers a certain Harmony on our words Glorifying God.
As we speak and teach, our Faith is Nourished by the Richness of
the Illumination and so, because of our Love, we are the first to
Οὐδέπω γὰρ ᾔδεισαν τὴν Γραφὴν - For as yet they did not know the taste the Fruits of Knowledge.
ὅτι δεῖ αὐτὸν ἐκ νεκρῶν For it is written: “… The farmer who does the work should be the first
Scripture - for He must
Ἀναστῆναι. to eat of the produce…” [2 Timothy 2:6]
Resurrect from the dead.
Ἀπῆλθον οὖν πάλιν πρὸς αὑτοὺς οἱ
The Testimony of St Photini had begun their Spiritual Progress, Μαθηταί. Then the Disciples returned to
because she convinced them to meet our Lord Jesus and as soon
as they saw Him and spoke to Him, their sincere hearts and souls their own homes.
responded warmly to Him: “… they asked Him to stay with
them…”  “On the first day of the week Mary Magdalene went to the Tomb
Over the next two days He Blessed them with His Divine Presence, early, while it was still dark, and saw that the stone had been
Enlightening them with His Divine Love and Truth that taken away from the Tomb …”
Transformed them and filled them with such intensive Joy, Love
and Peace that mere words cannot begin to describe. • “ the first day of the week…” was the day after the Sabbath Day of
Their sincere conversion was evident when they confessed to St Rest, which is Sunday.
Photini “… we have heard Him ourselves and we know that He is • Sunday is also termed “The Lord’s Day” because it is dedicated to
Truly the Saviour or the world – the Christ!” the Glorious Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ – “The
Faith is so much more than merely trusting or believing. It is the Living Monument” of our New Covenant Faith according to St
total, absolute Conviction/unwavering certainty of our heart and Athanasios.
soul that our Lord Jesus Christ is indeed our Divine Saviour, our • On Sunday we rest from all unnecessary, mundane labours in
Lord God, Who is both the Divine, Eternal Son of God our Heavenly order to gather together in communal Prayer and Worship,
Father, and also, having become Incarnate, the All Holy Son of Man which Spiritually Nurtures, prepares and Strengthens us for the
– the Christ/Anointed One of God. week. Being dedicated to the Glory, Honour and Worship of
our Lord God, Labours of Love – Acts of Kindness and
Compassion - ought to be fulfilled whereby we express our
Love for God and our fellow mankind.
 All spiritual Contemplation should be governed by Faith, Hope and • Sunday, which begins at sunset on Saturday, is by no means the
Love, but most all by Love. New Covenant “Sabbath” because the Resurrection of our Lord
Faith and Hope teach us to be detached from visible delights, but Jesus Christ Transformed time, marking Sunday as both the
Love Unites the soul with the Excellence of God, searching out the first day of the week - symbolising the first day of Creation -
Invisible by means of intellectual perception. and “the Eighth Day” - the beginning of Eternity when the
General Resurrection and Final Judgement shall occur.
 Only God is Good by Nature. But with God’s Help we can become • Although Saturday was the Old Covenant Sabbath Day of rest, it is
good through careful attention to our way of Life. now the New Covenant Memorial Day when during the Holy
We transform ourselves into what we are not when our immortal soul, Services we Commemorate the Church Triumphant consisting
by devoting our attention to True Delight, Unites ourselves to God, of all our beloved Reposed Brethren in Christ.
in so far as our energised power desires this.
• While contemplating our own eventual Repose, we prepare
For it is written: “… be Good and Merciful as is your Father in
ourselves physically and spiritually for the Holy Mystery of
Heaven.” [Luke 6:36 & Matthew 5 :48] Communion/Eucharist by Fasting, Self-examination,
Repentance and Prayer.
 Evil does not exist by nature, nor is anyone naturally evil, for God
created nothing that was not good. • Since so few attend the Saturday Holy Services, the Trisagion for
When in the desire of their heart people conceive and give form to the Reposed usually is held immediately after the completion
what in reality has no existence, then what they desire begins to of the Sunday Divine Liturgy.
exist. • St Mary of Magdala was a mature, pious and independently
We should, therefore, turn our attention away from the inclination to wealthy woman who became a close companion of our Lady
evil and concentrate on the Remembrance of God, for Good, which and the other Faithful Disciples of Christ.
exists by nature, is more powerful than our inclination to evil. Because she was profoundly Faithful to the Old Covenant, the evil
The one has existence while the other has not – except when we give one had mistaken her for the Mother of the anticipated Great
it existence through our actions. Messiah, and had possessed her with seven demonic spirits,
that were exorcised by Christ.
 All mankind is created in God’s Image, but to be in His Likeness is Being older and more courageous than the other Disciples, she
granted only to those who through Great Love have brought their seems to have acted as their spokesman.
own freedom into subjection to God.

• Magdala was an ancient Judean city on the shore of the Sea of in Christ and the New Covenant of Love that has lasted
Galilee, 3 miles north of Tiberias.. throughout the centuries.
 “…Then she ran and went to Simon Peter, and to the other Disciple, • After the Resurrection and especially after Pentecost, they brought
whom Jesus Loved, and said to them: “They have taken away millions of souls to Faith in Christ
the Lord out of the Tomb, and we do not know where they have • These Samaritans were amongst the first to recognise and to
laid Him!” acknowledge our Lord Jesus as the Divine Saviour of the world.
• According to St John, St Mary of Magdala reported the Empty • This clearly demonstrates that His Holy Gospel is for all people of
Tomb to St Simon Peter and St John the Beloved Disciple, who every Nation throughout the entire world.
immediately reacted by running to the Sacred Site. • It is interesting to note that many Judeans expected the Great
• Her words “… They have taken away our Lord … we do not know Messiah to forcibly conquer the Roman Empire and re-establish
where they have laid Him!” implies St Mary Magdalene’s failure the former earthly state of Israel. Yet the despised Samaritans
to comprehend our Lord’s Glorious Resurrection. only awaited Christ our Lord for the Divine Salvation and
• Although St John did not mention the other seven Holy Myrrh- Spiritual Knowledge He grants us.
bearers, including our Lady, Theotokos, St Mary Magdalene’s • “I have sent you to Reap that for which you did not Labour. Others
use of the word “…we…” indicated that they had also been Laboured and you have entered into their Labour…” explains
present and had witnessed the opened, Empty Tomb and heard the vast difference between the Old Covenant Prophets of God
the Glorious Annunciation of the Angel that Christ is Risen. and the New Covenant Holy Apostles of Christ.
• Being shocked and confused by their Extraordinary Experience, the • The Holy Prophets preached ‘a terrifying, vengeful and angry’ God
Holy Myrrhbearers could not fully perceive the Glorious Who would not tolerate any disobedience or rebellion, in order
Tidings of the Holy Angel of God, nor comprehend everything for the people to be submissive to His Divine Will for they
they had seen. would never have accepted a God of infinite Love and Great
 “…Peter went out, and the other Disciple, and they hastened to the Mercy Whom our Lord Jesus Christ revealed to us.
Tomb. They ran together, and the other Disciple outran Peter • Thus “…the fear of God…” was definitely a terrifying emotion that
and got to the Tomb first, and, stooping down, he looked in and scared everyone into trembling submission.
saw the Linen Cloths lying there, but did not enter. simon Peter • However, the Eternal, Only Begotten Son and Word of God our
also arrived after him, and he went into the Tomb…” Heavenly Father Himself revealed the Divine Truth that God is
• The immediate reaction of these two Apostles who had been our the Personification of Divine, Perfect and Unconditional Love,
Lord’s closest and most Faithful Disciples is remarkable, for and we, as His adopted Children and Co-Heirs, eagerly and
they did not hesitate, doubt nor question the words of St Mary willingly Strive constantly to fulfil His Divine Will.
Magdalene. • God’s Holy Apostles were sent by Him to all Nations throughout
• The other Disciples, however, failed to believe the Myrrhbearing the known world in order to Enlighten and share that infinite
Women for which they would later be admonished by our Divine Love of our All Merciful and Benevolent God Who never
Resurrected Lord Jesus. forces His Will upon us, but waits patiently for us to warmly
• These were hardworking Fishermen, not erudite Scholars of Holy welcome Him and to joyfully receive His Divine Bountiful Gifts.
Scripture, so only after they become Empowered by God the • When we share our Knowledge of God with others, we too enter
Holy Spirit on Pentecost Sunday, could they fully comprehend into the Spiritual Labours of the ancient Holy Prophets of God
their Marvellous Experiences and all the Teachings of Christ. and Holy Apostles of Christ our Divine Saviour.
• “… the other Disciple…” was St John the Evangelist and Apostle,  Many Samaritans from that city believed in Him because of the
who grew up close to our Lord Jesus Christ to Whom he was Words of the Woman, testifying that “He told me all that I ever
utterly devoted. He was younger than St Simon Peter so he did.” When the Samaritans went to Him, they asked Him to stay
arrived at the Tomb before him. with them – and He stayed there two days. And many more
believed because of His Word. They said to the Woman: “It is no
• However, either out of awe or fear, or respect for Judaic Law, he
longer because of your words that we believe, for we have heard
did not enter the Tomb initially. But the Wonder and Joy of
Him ourselves, and we know that this is Truly the Saviour of the
our Lord’s Resurrection made him brave enough to enter as a
world, the Christ!”
fourth Witness of Almighty God’s Divine Truth.
The citizens of Sychar were the first great multitude to accept our
Lord Jesus as our Divine Saviour.
consisting of “… the Lost Sheep…” of God’s Chosen People and • St Peter, true to his impulsive character, boldly entered the Tomb,
pagan Gentiles who had intermarried. and saw the abandoned shroud and burial cloths.
• “… the Fields are already white for Harvesting…” also refers to “…And he saw the linen Cloths lying there, and the Facecloth that
readiness of the entire world to receive the New Covenant of had been around His Head, not lying with the linen Cloths, but
Love that would spread quickly due to the infrastructure of the folded together in a place by itself. Then the other Disciple, who
vast Roman Empire and the common language of Hellenistic got to there first, also went into the Tomb. And he saw and
Greek. believed….”
• After Pentecost, God the Holy Spirit granted the Divine Gift of • St Simon Peter was the first to witness the discarded “…fine
Languages to make it possible for “… all Nations…” linen…” shroud and burial cloths. St John was the second
to receive and understand the New Covenant Faith. reliable Witness who testified to these Sacred Items, which are
• As we get closer to the Ages of ages, the evil one works harder to the only Sacred Relics of our Lord Jesus Christ.
deceive, misguide and destroy us before we can Acquire • As St Gregory Palamas pointed out, the hardened ‘shell’ of the
Spiritual Perfection in the Likeness of our Lord Jesus Christ. funeral wrappings of Christ, were left like an ‘empty cocoon’,
 “…He Who Reaps receives Wages, and gathers Fruit for Eternal because “…100 pounds of Bitter Aloes…” coating the linen
Life, so that the Sower may Rejoice together with the Reaper! strips would have hardened them in no time into a solid
For here the saying holds True, for One Sows, Another Reaps. I ‘casket’ making it impossible to remove Christ’s Body without
sent you to Reap that for which you did not Labour. Others damaging them.
Laboured and you have entered into their Labour.
• Mysteriously, the Face Cloth that was always placed over the face
• “…He Who Reaps receives Wages, and gathers Fruit for Eternal of a corpse before being wrapped with treated linen strips, was
Life…” refers to our Lord Jesus Christ Who accomplished His neatly folded and placed to one side.
Sacred Mission on Earth before returning to His Heavenly
• It would be humanly impossible to remove the Facecloth or
Father Who Glorifies Him.
Soudarion without tearing the Burial Cloths apart.
• It also refers to His Holy Apostles and their Ordained Successors,
• Furthermore, the fact that the Cloth was neatly folded and laid to
as well as all the Saints and Holy Martyrs who received Crowns
one side of the burial shelf, clearly indicates a Great Divine
of Glorious Victory for all their Spiritual Accomplishments that
Mystery or Miracle had occurred.
brought mankind to the New Covenant Faith.
• This obviously indicated that our Lord Jesus’ Body was Truly
• Furthermore, each of us, as committed Disciples of Christ, ought
Resurrected and not stolen by grave-robbers, nor anyone else,
to Sow good Spiritual Seeds so that God can receive the
as St Mary Magdalene had at first thought.
Glory of our Spiritual Labours – a Heavenly Harvest.
• After Christ’s Resurrection in His human Nature, His burial shroud
• When our thoughts, words and deeds are according to His Divine
and wrappings would never be needed again.
Truth, we shall attract and draw others to a Life in Christ
whereby we receive Salvation and Eternal Life. • This was unlike St Lazaros who emerged from his tomb with his
burial wrappings intact after being four days dead and
• St John Chrysostom believed that “...One Sows, another Reaps...”
beginning to decompose, thereby indicating that he would
referred to the Holy Prophets of the Old Covenant who
eventually Repose again before being Resurrected into Eternal
prepared and guided God’s Chosen People throughout the
centuries before the Coming of Christ, and Christ’s Holy
Apostles who shared the Love and Divine Truth of the New • A further Divine Mystery that continues to intrigue mankind, are
Covenant with “…all Nations…” as Commanded by our Lord the imprinted 3D Images on the Shroud and Facecloth of our
God. severely scourged and crucified Lord Jesus Christ, which has
survived for over 2,000 years, testifying to the Truth and
• The Holy Prophets sowed the Seeds of Faith in preparation for the
Reality of our Incarnate Lord God, Whose Resurrection
Advent of the Messiah, yet they neither witnessed it nor reaped
confirmed our own eventual Resurrection.
the Spiritual Fruit of their Holy Labours until after the Death
and Resurrection of Christ. • Although Faith and Agape can only arise from our immortal soul,
and should never be based on Divine Miracles and Wonders,
• The Holy Apostles witnessed and Experienced the Presence of God
this Unique Sacred Image does confirm our Orthodox Faith.
Incarnate in a very personal manner, and although they had not
prepared the Judeans for the Advent of Christ, they had been
able to draw many of them and innumerable Gentiles to Faith
• Both St Simon Peter and St John “… saw and Believed…” that  Our Lord Jesus Christ rejected the temptations of the evil one,
Christ had truly Resurrected from the dead as He had told which consisted of temporary, material, corruptible and
them before His Passion. Spiritually Unbeneficial things thereby teaching us to reject
all earthly comforts, wealth and possessions including “…
• Belief is more than accepting the Divine Truth. It is KNOWING food that perishes…”
without any doubt that everything our Lord God has taught  Although Adam disregarded the Divine Word of God in order
and revealed to us is indeed the Absolute Truth and Reality. to pursue the grievous passions of the flesh, the New Adam,
“…For as yet they did not know the Scripture - for He must our Lord Jesus Christ, conquers all devious temptations by
Resurrect from the dead. Then the Disciples returned to their His Divine Word and Truth, thereby granting our human
own homes….” nature the Power to conquer Satan. (Genesis 3)
• The fact that St Simon Peter and St John “… as yet … did not know  Matthew 6:25-33 “ … do not worry about your life, what you
the Scripture…” concerning the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus shall eat or what you shall drink, nor about your body, what you
Christ and everything it meant to all mankind, their Absolute shall wear. Is not life more than food and the body more than
Belief in our Lord Jesus as our Divine Messiah/Saviour, was clothing. Look at the birds… they neither sow nor reap, nor gather
completely confirmed by their entire being - ‘heart and soul.’ into barns, yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of
• Belief means complete Trust in God. It is a Spiritual Surrender of more value than them? Which of you by worrying can add one
our entire being – body and soul – to the Divine Will of our cubit to his stature? … consider the lilies of the field, how they
Almighty, Triune Lord God. Belief is a profound, personal grow. They neither toil nor spin, and yet… even Solomon in all his
acceptance of God’s Divine Truth, acknowledging that only He glory was not arrayed like one of these. Now if God so clothes the
knows what is Good and Eternally Beneficial to us. It is eagerly grass of the field, which today is and tomorrow is thrown into the
and Faithfully following wherever He may lead us, without oven, shalt He not much more clothe you, O ye of little Faith?...
having any doubts or fears - KNOWING implicitly that He alone Seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, and all
shall Guide, Protect and Sustain us in every circumstance we these things shalt be added to you…”
experience in this short, preparatory lifespan. • “…My Food is to do the Will of Him Who sent Me, and to
• St Simon Peter and St John were no doubt overwhelmed by their accomplish His Work…” These profound Words of our Lord
Love and Joy at seeing the Empty Tomb with the discarded Jesus Christ ought to apply to each and every one of us who
burial cloths. profess to be His Faithful Disciples for this is the very Sacred
• As they returned home, they would have discussed their recent Core of our own Life in Christ.
Experiences, trying to comprehend what was still beyond their • By Living in Christ, we ceaselessly Struggle against all distracting
grasp, [similar to St Cleophas and St Luke]. and deceptive temptations and our own grievous passions
while Striving to accomplish and to acquire everything that is
according to the Divine Will of God our Heavenly Father.
The negative photographic Image of Our Lord’s
Face is imprinted upon the inner Face Cloth (and • The distractions of our mortal flesh are overcome when we
the Shroud,) concentrate on accomplishing the Divine Will of our Lord God.
The image of our crucified Lord’s Face is known as  “...Do you not say: ‘There are yet four months, then comes the
“the Mandylion,’ or ‘Holy Napkin/Facecloth’ and harvest’? Behold, I tell you: lift up your eyes and see how the
is sometimes depicted upon the Iconostasis Fields are already white for Harvesting!”
above the Royal Gates, with two Angels holding
It aloft. • This Divine Event occurred “…four months …” before the actual,
It was the first Holy Icon of our Lord Jesus Christ physical harvesting of the crops of Samaria.
and innumerable copies of it are entitled “Not • All His Faithful Disciples are commanded to “Behold!” for we must
Made By Hands.”
pay attention to all those people who surround us, so that we
Faith in Christ’s Resurrection began to take hold in the Disciples’ hearts when
they saw the Empty Tomb and the mysteriously abandoned, empty burial may share His Holy Gospel with anyone wanting to receive it –
wrappings – and no doubt, the negative image of our Lord upon the Face Cloth regardless of ethnicity or social status.
and Shroud. • According to St John Chrysostom, Christ wanted His Apostles to
The 14 foot long Shroud of Christ and His Holy Facecloth or Napkin was preserved by see the approaching multitude of white-clad Samaritans who
the Holy Eastern Orthodox Church in Constantinople, having been transferred from
were ready and eager to Believe.
Jerusalem to Edessa and then to Constantinople. We commemorate the
Translations of these most precious Holy Relics at least twice a year. • The great multitude of Samaritans were His ripe Spiritual Crop
who would be Redeemed for the Glory of Almighty God,
• As they spent more time with our Lord, they became kinder, The Divine Mission of Christ fulfilled by His Faithful
gentler and more compassionate towards everyone, although
they still had a lot to learn from our Loving Lord God. Ἐν ταῖς ἡμέραις, ἐκείναις, In those days, those who were
 “…Leaving her water jar, the Woman departed to the city, and said διασπαρέντες οἱ Ἀπόστολοι ἀπὸ scattered after the persecution
to the people: “Come! Behold a Man Who told me all that I ever τῆς θλίψεως τῆς γενομένης ἐπὶ that arose over Stephen,
did! Can this be the Christ?” They went out of the city, and Στεφάνῳ διῆλθον ἕως Φοινίκης travelled as far as Phoenicia,
went to Him…”
καὶ Κύπρου καὶ Ἀντιοχείας͵ Cyprus, and Antioch, preaching
• St Photini “… leaving her water jar…” returned as quickly as she
could to Sychar to tell everyone the Joyful News of the
μηδενὶ λαλοῦντες τὸν λόγον εἰ the Word to no one but the
Appearance of the Great Messiah. μὴ μόνον Ἰουδαίοις. Judeans.
• The abandonment of her precious water jar at the Well, illustrated Ἦσαν δέ τινες ἐξ αὐτῶν ἄνδρες Some of them were from Cyprus
how overwhelmed she was by the need to share such a Κύπριοι καὶ Κυρηναῖοι͵ οἵτινες and Cyrene, who, when they
Marvellous Event with her fellow citizens. εἰσελθόντες εἰς Ἀντιόχειαν went to Antioch, spoke to the
• Her need for water was overcome by the great Spiritual Need for ἐλάλουν πρὸς τοὺς Ἑλληνιστάς͵ Hellenists, preaching our Lord
Christ’s Living Water. εὐαγγελιζόμενοι τὸν Κύριον Jesus.
• Her rhetorical question “… can this be the Christ…?” was already Ἰησοῦν.
answered and confirmed in her immortal soul, and the
profound Spiritual Transformation that occurs when we Καὶ ἦν χεὶρ Κυρίου μετʼ αὐτῶν͵ And the Hand of the Lord was
Encounter our Lord Jesus Christ, also attracted others to πολύς τε ἀριθμὸς ὁ πιστεύσας with them, and a great number
hasten to meet Him. ἐπέστρεψεν ἐπὶ τὸν Κύριον. believed and turned to the Lord.
“…Meanwhile, the Disciples besought Him, saying: “Rabbi, eat.” He
said to them: “I have Food to eat of which you do not know.” Ἠκούσθη δὲ ὁ λόγος εἰς τὰ ὦτα τῆς News of these things was heard by
The Disciples said to one another: “Has anyone brought Him Ἐκκλησίας τῆς ἐν Ἰεροσολύμοις the Church in Jerusalem, and
food?” Jesus said to them: “My Food is to do the Will of Him περὶ αὐτῶν καὶ ἐξαπέστειλαν they sent out Barnabas to go as
Who sent Me, and to accomplish His Work…” Βαρνάβαν ἕως Ἀντιοχείας· far as Antioch.
• When His Disciples offered the food they had purchased to our
Lord He responded: “...I have Food to eat of which you do not
Ὄς παραγενόμενος καὶ ἰδὼν τὴν When he went and saw the Grace
know...” because His physical hunger and thirst was replaced χάριν τοῦ Θεοῦ ἐχάρη, of God, he was glad.
by His Great Joy of Redeeming “…the Lost Sheep of the House of
Israel….” – the Samaritans who so eagerly went to meet Him.
Καὶ παρεκάλει πάντας τῇ προθέσει And he encouraged them all that
τῆς καρδίας προσμένειν τῷ with Purpose of heart they
• Christ is often misunderstood due to our limited human
experience and knowledge. Κυρίῳ͵ ὅτι ἦν ἀνὴρ ἀγαθὸς καὶ should continue with the Lord,
• Through these misunderstandings, our Lord fulfils His Role as our
πλήρης Πνεύματος Ἁγίου καὶ for he was a good man, full of
Divine Saviour by accomplishing the Will of His Heavenly Πίστεως. the Holy spirit and Faith.
Father. Καὶ προσετέθη ὄχλος ἱκανὸς τῷ And a great many people were
• The Redemption of mankind – first His Chosen People and then Κυρίῳ. added to the Lord.
the Gentiles - is His Spiritual Food.
• Our Lord Jesus, by His own Perfect Example, has taught us to
Ἐξῆλθε δὲ εἰς Ταρσὸν ἀναζητῆσαι Barnabas departed for Tarsos to
perform/obey the Divine Will of God throughout our life Σαῦλον͵ seek Saul.
without being distracted by earthly cares such as hunger,
thirst, shelter and comfort.
Καὶ εὑρὼν ἤγαγεν εἰς Ἀντιόχειαν. And when he had found him, he
took him to Antioch.
 John 6:27 “… Do not labour for the food that perishes, but for the
Food that endures to Everlasting Life, which the Son of Man shall Ἐγένετο δὲ αὐτοὺς καὶ ἐνιαυτὸν So it was that for a whole year they
give you, because God the Father has set His Seal upon Him…” ὅλον συναχθῆναι ἐν τῇ assembled with the Church and
 Matthew 4:4 “… Man shalt not live by bread alone, but by every Ἐκκλησίᾳ καὶ διδάξαι ὄχλον taught a great many people.
Word that proceeds from the Mouth of God…” ἱκανόν͵
Χρηματίσαι τε πρῶτον ἐν Ἀντιοχείᾳ The Disciples in Antioch were the • Only in the Holy Gospel according to St Mark were these most
direct and revealing Words recorded, which our Lord Jesus
τοὺς Μαθητὰς ‘Χριστιανούς.’ first to be called ‘Christians’.
Christ used to identify Himself as the Eternal, Only Begotten
Ἐν ταύταις δὲ ταῖς ἡμέραις In those days Prophets went from Son and Word of God our Heavenly Father, being indeed one of
κατῆλθον ἀπὸ Ἱεροσολύμων Jerusalem to Antioch. the Three Persons of the Divine Godhead and Holy Trinity.
προφῆται εἰς Ἀντιόχειαν· • To “…sit at the Right Hand of the Power…” means that our Lord
Jesus Christ certainly shared Divine Authority with God our
Ἀναστὰς δὲ εἷς ἐξ αὐτῶν Ὀνόματι One of them, named Agabos, Heavenly Father because He is Enthroned at the Right Hand of
Ἅγαβος ἐσήμανε διὰ τοῦ stood up and showed by the God our Heavenly Father – the highest Honour befitting God
Πνεύματος λιμὸν μέγαν μέλλειν Spirit that there was going to be the Eternal Son of God and Divine Saviour of all mankind.
ἔσεσθαι ἐφʼ ὅλην τὴν a great famine throughout the • This Divine Statement of Christ our Lord was very clearly
οἰκουμένην· ὅστις καὶ ἐγένετο world - which also had understood by the High Priest to be His Proclamation of Divine
ἐπὶ Κλαυδίου Καίσαρος. happened in the days of Equality with God our Heavenly Father – His Rightful Identity.
Claudius Caesar. • He most certainly revealed that HE IS INDEED GOD INCARNATE
yet all those who schemed and plotted against our Lord failed
Τῶν δὲ Μαθητῶν καθὼς εὐπορεῖτό The Disciples - each according to to grasp this Reality and Truth, which brought about the dire
τις ὥρισαν ἕκαστος αὐτῶν εἰς his ability - determined to send yet Salvific Consequences that followed, which surpassed all
διακονίαν πέμψαι τοῖς relief to the Brethren dwelling human understanding.
κατοικοῦσιν ἐν τῇ Ἰουδαίᾳ in Judea.  Leviticus 24:16 “…Let him who pronounces the Lord’s Name be
Ἀδελφοῖς· surely put to death. Let all the Congregation of Israel stone him
with stones… Let him die when he pronounces the Lord’s Name…”
Ὂ καὶ ἐποίησαν ἀποστείλαντες This they did, and sent it to the • The Name of Almighty God was so immensely Sacred, no one
πρὸς τοὺς Πρεσβυτέρους διὰ Elders by the hands of Barnabas dared mention It, and only alluded to the Lord our God, in
χειρὸς Βαρνάβα καὶ Σαύλου. and Saul. abject fear of being stoned to death for blasphemy.
 The Book of the Acts of the Apostles was written by St Luke ‘the • Our Lord Jesus Christ is Truly Divine for He is the Son of God and
Beloved Physician’ circa 75 – 85 and is actually a continuation of thus one of the three Persons of the Almighty Godhead – the
his Holy Gospel. Holy Trinity – His own use of this Divine Name reveals His True
Kindly refer to previous notes concerning St Luke of the 70 Apostles Unity with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit.
of Christ.  “…And when His Disciples returned, they marvelled, for He was
During the Paschal Season, the usual Sunday/Resurrection Epistles speaking to a woman. Yet none said: “What seekest Thou?” nor
are replaced by Readings from St Luke’s Acts of the Apostles. “Why art Thou talking to her?”
The Acts of the Apostles describes how the Faithful Disciples of
• When our Lord’s “… Disciples returned, they marvelled…” not only
Christ continued to Fulfil our Divine Saviour’s Sacred Mission of
because our Lord Jesus conversed with a Samaritan, but that
Salvation on Earth, despite suffering appalling persecution from
He spoke with an unaccompanied woman, which was
the misguided Judeans and the ignorant pagans, whose corrupt
potentially scandalous for them both! (See previous notes.)
Priests and religious leaders fought to keep their nefarious
lifestyles, possessions and monetary wealth, while oppressing and • Our Lord Jesus Christ is above all social norms and customs,
impoverishing the people. treating women and children with the highest respect, thereby
showing their value and importance in earthly and Heavenly
 “…In those days, those who were scattered after the persecution Life. (John &;53-8:11; Luke 20-30; Luke 20:11-18 & Luke
that arose over Stephen, travelled as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus, 8:1 – 3)
and Antioch, preaching the Word to no one but the Judeans….” • His Disciples were beginning to learn from our Lord’s Good
• “… In those days…” refers to the time following the Resurrection Example so they did not admonish nor question the Samaritan
and Ascension of Christ, and the Descent of God the Holy Spirit Woman for speaking to a Man without having a male relative
on Pentecost Sunday. with her. (Women were always blamed and punished for any
perceived wrongdoing or sins committed by men.)

Truth, are thus Empowered and Enabled to Worship our • “...those who were scattered ...” were the Faithful Disciples of
Triune Lord God with Purity of heart and Truth. Christ who had fled from Jerusalem due to “… the persecution
“…The Woman said to Him: “I know that the Messiah is coming – that arose over Stephen …”
He Who is called ‘Christ.’ When He comes, He shall Reveal all
things.” Jesus said to her: “I Am He, Who speaks to Thee.” • St Stephen was one of Christ’s 70 Apostles who had been selected
as Deacons to serve the needs of the people so that the Holy
• Although the Samaritans no longer lived and believed strictly Apostles could supervise the ever growing Christian
according to the Old Covenant, they all knew about the Great Communities.
Saviour Who had been awaited for so many generations – “I
know that the Messiah is coming…” • St Stephen, the Protomartyr, was one of the first seven Deacons
selected who was soon stoned to death by the Judeans for
• “… He Who is called ‘Christ’…” meant the One Who is Anointed by refusing to renounce his Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Almighty God. All the ancient Kings of Israel were Anointed by
God to rule over and lead the people to God. • St Luke mentions the early Christian Communities/Churches that
were established in “…Phoenicia, Cyprus, and Antioch…” which
• The term “the Christ” or “the Christ of God” identifies our Lord shows us how our Faith had already spread throughout the
Jesus Christ as indeed the Only Divinely Anointed Messiah Who Roman Empire.
is sent to us by God our Heavenly Father to Liberate us from
sin and to Enlighten and Empower us with Divine Truth. • “…preaching the Word to no one but the Judeans…” by no means
implies discrimination against others, but rather that as our
• For those who did not understand the Holy Scriptures and the Lord Jesus Christ had initially only preached to “… the Lost
Sacred Prophecies concerning the Great Messiah, He was Sheep of the House of Israel…” the first Disciples continued to
expected to be a powerful King or Ruler Who would liberate the do so as well, until later, when more Gentiles sought His Divine
Faithful from the oppressive Roman Empire. But for those who Love, Truth and Life.
hoped for a closer Relationship with Almighty God “… He shall
Reveal all Things…” meaning that He shall grant us His Divine • The Old Covenant Israel was supposed to have led the rest of
Truth. mankind to God, but because they failed to fulfil the Teachings
and Commandments of God and His Holy Prophets, Christ and
• Our Lord Jesus Christ reveals His True, Divine Identity as our His Apostles began to Enlighten all other Nations with His
Great Messiah/Saviour by telling St Photini: “I, Who speak to Divine Truth and Love according to His Divine Commandment
you, Am He,” which is literally translated: “I AM (Ἐγώ Εἰμι - to “… make Disciples of all Nations…”
“Ego Imi”) GOD Who speaks to Thee.”
• To be a ‘Disciple of Christ’ means being under the Discipline of
• “Ἐγώ Εἰμι” - “I Am” is the Divine Name of God and its use our Lord Jesus Christ – applying all His Divine Truth to our
indicates a Theophany or Divine Revelation of God Himself. thoughts, words and deeds.
• The use of this Most Holy Name by a mere man would have been  “…Some of them were from Cyprus and Cyrene, who, when they
considered as the worst blasphemy ever – punishable by went to Antioch, spoke to the Hellenists, preaching our Lord
stoning to death! Jesus. And the Hand of the Lord was with them, and a great
•However, because our Lord Jesus Christ is truly Divine – fully God number believed and turned to the Lord…”
by Nature – His use of this Divine Name was certainly not • The New Covenant Faith had quickly spread to “…Cyprus and
blasphemy, for it revealed His Rightful Divine Unity with God Cyrene…” as well as to many regions throughout the vast
the Father, and God the Holy Spirit. Roman Empire.
 John 8:58 “… they took up stones to throw at Him, but Jesus hid • Cyrene was a Hellenistic city in the province of Cyrenaica in
Himself and went out of the Temple, going through the midst of Eastern Libya, Northern Africa. During the reign of Ptolemy
them and so passed by…” Soter (323 – 285 BC) 100,000 Judeans had been forced to settle
The outraged Judeans could not harm our Lord Jesus until God in and around Cyrene, which eventually became an early centre
decided the exact right time for His Passion and Death on the of the New Covenant Faith.
Cross to occur. This again clearly shows us that Almighty God • Antioch was also a Hellenistic city, founded circa 300 BC by
alone is in control of everything. Seleukos, which became one of the most important regions
 Mark 14:61 - 62 “…the High Priest asked Him, saying to Him: during the Hellenistic Period. It was a centre of Hellenistic
“Art Thou the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?’ Jesus said: “I Am. Judaism and, being part of a Pentarchy, became “… the cradle
And you shalt see the Son of Man sitting at the Right Hand of the of Christianity …” having played a significant role in the early
Power, and Coming with the Clouds of Heaven.” Christian Church.
• “...Hellenists...” referred to the Hellenes – the Gentile or Pagan Pentecost, which inaugurated the Worship of our New
Greek people – not the Greek speaking Judeans Covenant with Almighty God.
 “…And the Hand of the Lord was with them, and a great number • “… neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem shalt you Worship
believed and turned to the Lord. News of these things was the Father…” because as our Lord Jesus Christ taught us God’s
heard by the Church in Jerusalem, and they sent out Barnabas Omnipresence – the Divine Presence of Almighty God - fills all
to go as far as Antioch…” places and all things, which we might not be able to see, but
certainly shall perceive as and when we have a close, intimate
• “… the Hand of the Lord was with them…” confirms that ONLY by
Relationship with Him.
the Grace of Almighty God can we Believe and be “… turned to
the Lord.” • Our Lord Jesus Christ refers to the Samaritans - and to all who
have apostasied from the True Faith - “...you worship what you
• Belief and Faith arises from deep within us – from our immortal
do not know. We worship what we know, for Salvation is of the
soul – but we also need to willingly and Faithfully co-operate
with our Lord God, for He never forces His Divine Will and Love
upon us. • The New Covenant of God is the continuation of our Sacred
Relationship with and Worship of Almighty God.
• Every day our Lord offers us His Divine Goodness, which we either
accept or reject by means of our thoughts, words and deeds. • Our Lord affirmed that True Revelation comes from the Old
Covenant Judaism:
• The Evangelisation of the Gentiles caused a significant amount of
conflict in the early Church. • St Athanasios the Great taught us: “The commonwealth of Israel
was the School of the Knowledge of God for all Nations.”
• Even though Christ had Commanded His Holy Apostles to preach
His Holy Gospel universally – “...to all Nations...” – it took a • More importantly, our Lord Jesus Christ testified that the Messiah
while for this to be put properly into practice. Who was prophesied among the Israelites, has risen from the
Judean Nation – from the Sacred House of Israel.
• The “… Church in Jerusalem…” consisted of St Simon Peter and
the other Holy Apostles of Christ who fulfilled their Sacred • While the Gift of the Salvation in Christ is for all Nations, it has
Mission in the region, as well as setting off from there on their come from within Judaism.
different Missionary Journeys throughout the Roman Empire. • Since Christ has fulfilled all the preparatory Requirements of the
• Much debate arose over what requirements from the Old Covenant Old Covenant, we have been granted this New Sacred Covenant
Law – if any – the Gentile Christians would have to follow. of Love whereby we receive Salvation and Eternal Life as
worthy, Sanctified Children of God who become Co-Heirs with
• The Holy Church of Christ in Antioch was instrumental in bringing
Christ of our Heavenly Fathers Eternal Kingdom of Love.
vast numbers of Gentiles to our Lord Jesus Christ
• Our Spiritual Forefathers, from the Holy Apostles to our present
• The fact that St Barnabas was sent to Antioch implies Two
Holy Fathers, have carefully preserved and Spiritually
significant Truths
Sustained the New Covenant Faith as our Lord Jesus Christ
1. Holy Apostles of Christ were sent forth to preach the Holy
taught It to us.
Gospel of Christ but they never worked independently nor
in isolation from the Body of the Holy Church. • The Teachings, Life and Worship we received from our Lord Jesus
2. The Holy Church of Antioch needed the Seal of Holy Apostolic Christ, being the Perfect, Absolute Divine Truth, cannot be
Authority in order to become integrated into the Universal altered to even the slightest degree, for then they are no longer
Church of Christ. the Divine Truth granted to us by Almighty God, and of little
 “…When he went and saw the Grace of God, he was glad. And he Spiritual Benefit to us both now and forever.
encouraged them all that with Purpose of heart they should  .“God is Spirit, and those who Worship Him must Worship in Spirit
continue with the Lord, for he was a good man, full of the Holy and Truth.”
spirit and Faith. And a great many people were added to the • Our Lord God is Spirit and thus cannot be confined nor restricted
Lord. to any particular time or location. Being Omnipresent our Lord
• When St Barnabas “… saw the Grace of God, he was glad…” God is everywhere!
because any Spiritual Father or Teacher, seeing others eagerly • Those who receive the Divine Gift of God the Holy Spirit, and
and willingly becoming Disciples of our Lord Jesus and growing Believe in our Lord Jesus Christ as the Eternal Son and Word
in Faith, is indeed, the greatest Joy, because it is the Sacred of God the Father, Who revealed and taught us His Divine

 Our Lord Jesus Christ has taught and revealed to us Fruit of Divine Grace, which requires constant care and
everything that our Heavenly Father has Willed Him to do. effort.
 Our Lord God has thus provided us with all the necessary • We are One, Holy, Universal Orthodox Family who, always with
Knowledge and means for our Eternal Salvation. Agape/Love, share each other’s joys and sorrows as though
 Nevertheless, there is still much unknown to us, which shall they were our own.
only be fully revealed immediately after our Repose and at
our Resurrection and Final Judgement. • St Barnabas “… Encouraged them all [so] that with Purpose of heart
they should continue with the Lord…” because although it is
• St Photini’s perceptive response to Christ revealed her Spiritual relatively easy to ‘convert,’ it requires our total and sincere
Condition, for she was ready and willing to receive His Commitment to Live in Christ.
Divine Truth and Love.
• Our Life in Christ is a Sacred Life of ceaseless Spiritual Struggling
• Christ’s insight into every human being’s heart, which is and Striving.
repeatedly mentioned throughout the Holy Gospels,
emphasises His Divine Nature. • Our Spiritual Perfection is a lifelong Sacred Process, not an
immediate or instant accomplishment.
• St Photini mentioned one of the differences between the Faith of
the Samaritans, and the Faith of the Judeans: “...Our Fathers • We are all Journeying towards Eternity, and, as Brethren in Christ,
worshipped on this mountain... you say that Jerusalem is the we must always guide and encourage one another along the
place where men ought to worship…” the historical argument, Way.
which only our Lord could settle concerning where and how • St Barnabas had been with Christ since he was Called, so he was
True Worship of God was to be offered. truly “…a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and Faith...” which
• The term “… you say… “ referred to the Judeans who had drew others to our Lord Jesus Christ when they heard his God-
preserved and lived strictly according to the Old Covenant Inspired Words that lit up their heart and spirit – body and
Laws, whereas the Old Covenant Faith of the Samaritans had soul.
been severely distorted and misguided by their intermarriage • Our ‘heart and soul’ naturally responds to the Divine
with pagans and their religious beliefs. Presence/Grace of God, whether directly or indirectly, through
“…Jesus said to her: “Woman, believe Me: for the Hour is coming His Righteous Ones. [The good are attracted by mutual Agape, while
when neither on this mountain, nor in Jerusalem, shalt you the wicked are repelled.]
Worship the Father. You worship what you do not know. We  “…Barnabas departed for Tarsos to seek Saul. And when he had
Worship what we know, for Salvation is from the Judeans. But found him, he took him to Antioch. So it was that for a whole
the Hour is coming – and now is – when the True Worshippers year they assembled with the Church and taught a great many
shall Worship the Father in Spirit and Truth and thus, for such people…”
the Father seeks to Worship Him…”
• Tarsos was an important maritime city and also the capital city of
• Without answering such an earthly question our Lord Jesus Christ Cilicia, situated on the Cydnos River, which divided it into two.
elevated the discussion to the One Whom we Worship: It was renowned for its Hellenistic culture and had numerous
Almighty God Himself. schools of Philosophers.
• The Samaritans were a significant portion of “… the Lost Sheep of It was a free city, exempt from the jurisdiction of Roman
the House of Israel…” whom God our Heavenly Father wanted Governors and Roman garrisons, having received its freedom
to Redeem. from the Roman Empire from Caesar Anthony on condition
• Although the Samaritans had apostasied, they still retained a that it retained its own magistrates and laws, while
certain understanding and remembrance of the Old Covenant acknowledging Roman sovereignty.
Laws and Teachings, which St Photini understood, making her • Tarsos was the birthplace and hometown of St Paul.
receptive to Christ’s Divine Truth. • “…Saul…” became known as St Paul, the great Apostle to the
• “… the Hour is coming…” refers to the Spiritual Enlightenment and Gentiles.
Salvation of the Samaritans, who would soon joyfully accept He had been a most zealous Old Covenant Pharisee who
the New Covenant of Love from our Lord Jesus Christ and His participated in the persecution of the New Covenant
Holy Apostles. Judeans for being ‘blasphemous apostates.’
• “...the Hour is coming...” also refers to the Death and Resurrection  Galatians 1: 13 – 14 “…you have heard of my former conduct in
of Christ and to the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Holy Judaism, how I persecuted the Church of God beyond measure and
tried to destroy It. … I advanced… beyond many of my
contemporaries in my own Nation, being more exceedingly zealous • Therefore, St Photini may have been legally married to five
to the Tradition of my Fathers. But when it pleased God, who brothers without bearing any male children for the family, and
separated me from my mother’s womb and Called me through His then had taken up residence with a sixth man to whom she was
Grace, to reveal His Son in me, that I might Preach Him among not legally married.
the Gentiles, I did not immediately confer with flesh and blood, nor
did I go up to Jerusalem…” • Women had no ‘human rights’ to protect them, and were only
Shortly after the stoning to death of the Holy Protomartyr, St respected and protected when they bore male children to
Stephen, [and other Faithful Disciples of Christ], as he walked continue the family lineage.
along the road to Damascus, he was Converted by Christ • Females were treated appallingly and were regarded as little
Himself Who confronted him, and Transformed him into better than domestic slaves. Although husbands could divorce
one of His greatest Holy Apostles, who brought their wives, women could not divorce their abusive husbands.
innumerable multitudes of immortal souls to God’s New They could never remarry after being divorced, but were
Covenant of Love. continually abused by men and despised by some women.
St Paul “… whether in the body, or out of the body…” was filled • When St Photini confessed “I have no Husband,” she did not try to
with Divine Knowledge that Transformed him into a make excuses nor justify herself.
Divinely Inspired Teacher of God’s Truth by the Grace of
• Our Lord reacted to her honesty by saying “ Well said…” He then
Almighty God. [Acts 9 : 3 – 17]
revealed His Knowledge of her personal circumstances,
Although ‘Saul’ was indeed deeply Faithful to God, he had been
concluding “… This Truthfully Thy spoke…”
misguided and wickedly influenced by the enemies of
Christ. Knowing the very depth of his heart and soul, our • Without being offended, defensive or upset by our Lord’s Words,
Lord Enlightened him with His Divine Truth, and St Paul St Photini responded: “...I perceive that Thou art a Prophet...”
himself chose to Fulfil His Divine Mission on Earth. for she immediately responded to His Divine Presence, and
understood that He was Someone Who was unique - a Holy
• The fact that St “...Barnabas departed for Tarsos to seek...” St Paul,
Prophet of God Who had an extraordinary insight to her
revealed his genuine Humility, for he thereby acknowledged his
complicated, personal lifestyle, although the Samaritans did
own personal limitations, and his true Communion with and
not accept nor recognise any Prophets after St Moses, the
dependence on the other Holy Apostles of Christ.
ancient Patriarch.
• The Body of Christ – His Holy Church – functions by means of
• The only Holy Prophet the Samaritans expected was the Great
Love, Harmony and Unity of its Members, each of us having a
Messiah of Whom St Moses had foretold.
particular, significant Role in Her Sacred Structure. We all
work together to Fulfil the Divine Will of God our Heavenly  D e u t e r o n o m y 1 8 : 1 5 - 1 8 – “...The Lord your God shall raise
Father. up for you a Prophet like me from your Brethren... I shall put My
Word in His Mouth, and He shall speak to them all that I Command
 St Paul and St Barnabas “…for a whole year … assembled with the
Church and taught a great many people…” meaning that they
implemented two key elements of Liturgical Worship:  This indicates that He is the Word made Flesh [Incarnate] for
1. Eucharistic (Thanksgiving) Assembly – Communal Worship no other Holy Prophet of God, including St Moses, would
2. Correct/Orthodox Teaching of the Holy Gospel of Christ. ever speak in such a manner!
• According to His Great Divine Commission, our Lord Jesus had  The Holy Prophets of God were mere human beings whereas
the Holy Prophet Who was to come would be God Incarnate
Commanded His Apostles to “… teach them to observe [fulfil]
– God in the Flesh – a physical, visible God Who would live
all Things that I have Commanded you…”
in our midst to teach us His Divine Truth and Love.
• We cannot ‘pick and choose’ but rather must fulfil EVERYTHING  I s a i a h 5 4 : 1 3 - God also told St Isaiah: “...I shall cause all your
that our Incarnate Lord God has taught and Commanded us to children to be taught by God, and your children to be in Great
do, by applying them to our thoughts, words and deeds, for
only thereby might we become Spiritually Perfected and worthy
 St Isaiah the Holy Prophet of God also prophesied concerning
Citizens of His Eternal, Heavenly Kingdom of Love.
this Divine Prophet.
• It is useless to merely convert or be converted to our Orthodox  The Chosen People of God would be taught directly by God
Faith without first thoroughly learning all aspects of our Life in Himself – by God Incarnate – i.e. our Lord and Saviour,
Christ, which consists of innumerable aspects of our daily Jesus Christ.
Struggles and Strivings.

Grace that not only quenches our Spiritual Thirst for His Furthermore, we all need our Spiritual Fathers and Teachers –
Goodness and Blessings, but also Spiritually Nourishes and and one another - to continuously Guide, correct and
Sustains us as we Struggle and Strive to regain our Divine Encourage us so that we can make good Spiritual Progress
Likeness with which we were created. towards the Acquisition of Spiritual Perfection in the Likeness
• The Living Water that our Lord Jesus Christ grants us, does indeed of our Lord Jesus Christ.
“… become a Spring of Water welling up to Eternal Life…” Being Disciples of Christ, we need constant ‘Spiritual Nourishment’
because it continuously Nourishes and Sustains us during this and Spiritual Guidance that Encourages and Strengthens us in
preparatory period before Eternity, so that we may become our ceaseless Watchfulness/Spiritual Attention, whereby we
Spiritually Perfected, but also continues to do so even can immediately Repent our sins and return to Spiritual Life in
afterwards, for His Divine Truth and Love is Eternal. Christ.
Those who have been properly instructed and then continuously
• Those of us who “...Hunger and Thirst...” for Divine Truth, Love Guided by Spiritual Fathers and Teachers, become good
and Everlasting Life are Sustained, Regenerated, Refreshed and examples to others, and thereby the Holy Orthodox Church of
Renewed by God and by everything He provides for our Christ flourishes and endures throughout the ages.
physical and Spiritual Welfare. The inseparable Holy Virtues of Humility and Obedience are the
• It is natural for our immortal soul to yearn for God Who created very first and most vital to acquire, for only thereby are we
us and gave us Life. This Spiritual Hunger and Thirst is similar able to enjoy Good Spiritual Progress and Well Being. This
to our physical hunger and thirst that needs to be satisfied. applies to every Faithful Disciple of Christ.
• Everything concerning this material, physical existence is merely  “...The Disciples in Antioch were the first to be called ‘Christians’…”
temporary, whereas the Divine Gifts bestowed on us by our • This is more than mere historical Truth. It demonstrates that
Lord God are Eternal. Christ’s Commandment to preach His Holy Gospel among the
 “…The Woman said to Him: “Lord, give me this Water, that I may Gentiles as well - “... to all Nations ...” - was first fully realised
not thirst, nor have to come here to draw.” To her Jesus said: in Antioch, Syria.
“Go, fetch Thy husband, and come here.” Answering, the • St John Chrysostom commented: “It was (in Antioch) for the first
Woman said: “I have no husband.” To her Jesus said: “Well time that people were accounted worthy of that Name.”
said: ‘I have no husband.’ For five husbands hast Thou had and
now he whom Thou hast is not Thy husband. This Truthfully • In order to be truly and worthily entitled “Christian” our thoughts,
Thou spoke.” words and deeds must be like those of our Lord Jesus Christ
– we must become “Christ-Like!” Therefore, as His Faithful
• The reaction of this hard-working Woman is understandable when Disciples, we perpetually Struggle and Strive to become truly
she says: “… Lord, give me this Water, so that I may not thirst, “Christian,” which is a lifelong Process.
nor have to come here to draw [water]…” which she had to do
several times every day.  “...In those days Prophets went from Jerusalem to Antioch...”
• Before explaining further, our Lord told St Photini to “...fetch Thy • Although the terms “Saints” and “Prophets” have vastly different
husband...” thereby showing how our Lord respects everyone connotations these days, they were commonly used terms at
equally, for He did not wish to scandalise either this Woman that time.
nor anyone else because it was forbidden (and still is in certain • Certain New Covenant Faithful within the Holy Church had
cultures) for men and women to converse directly, except received the Divine Gift of Prophecy, since there has always
through a woman’s close male relative. been a wonderful Hierarchy of Honour in the Holy Church of
• Even before St Photini confessed “… I have no husband…” our the New Covenant, which continues to this very day – and shall
Lord Jesus already knew that she was living in sin, and that she continue unabated, until Eternity.
had had “…five husbands…” and that “… now he whom Thou  1 C o r i n t h i a n s 1 2 : 2 9 “...Are all Apostles? Are all Prophets? Are
hast is not Thy Husband…” all Teachers? Are all Workers of Miracles?”
• According to Old Covenant Law, a young childless widow was • However, their ‘Prophecies’ were more like Divinely Inspired
expected to marry the brother of her deceased Husband in Perceptions rather than like the Divine Prophecies granted to
order to bear male children to increase the family and continue the ancient Holy Prophets of God in order to prepare His
its lineage. Consequently, a woman could be sequentially Chosen People for the New Covenant of Love by Guiding them
married to “…five brothers…” and widowed - a subject that properly to Repentance of their sins so that they would be able
was put to Christ on another occasion concerning whose Wife to receive Eternal Salvation.
would she be considered after her own death.
• St John the Forerunner and Baptist was the last and greatest of all gave us this well, and drank from it himself – and his sons, and
God’s Holy Prophets, for once Christ began His Divine Mission, his livestock?”
and Fulfilled the Old Covenant, the Sacred Nation of Israel • St Photini initially misunderstood our Lord Jesus. She at first
would no longer be Divinely Guided, unless they accepted reacted in a practical, mundane manner, but she quickly
God’s New Covenant of Love and Eternal Salvation. grasped our Lord’s Teachings, which revealed the depth of her
• The Apostolic Work of the Bishops sets the pace for all the rest of intelligence and her own Spiritual Hunger and Thirst for Divine
Christ’s Holy Flock. Truth.
• When the Oversight is in correct working order, the rest of Church • Our soul responds eagerly and joyfully to Divine Truth, for we
is free to function at optimal level for the Glory, Honour and were created to perceive and comprehend it.
Worship of God. • Her knowledge of Holy Scripture and the Teachings of the ancient
• Yet, even with all the Divine Gifts in place and operative, there is Holy Prophets of God is evident from her question: “...Art
something far more excellent – the Love of God, which is the Thou greater than our Father, Jacob...?”
True Sign of the Presence of the Holy Spirit. • St Photini believed in our Lord God and she quickly realised that
 1 C o r i n t h i a n s 1 4 : 3 “He who prophesies speaks edification and our Lord Jesus is indeed Someone of great significance. She
exhortation and comfort to mankind.” sensed Him to be a great Holy Prophet of God Who knows
 1 C o r i n t h i a n s 1 4 : 2 9 “Let two or three Prophets speak, and let
Divine Truth.
the others judge.” • St Jacob the ancient Old Covenant Patriarch was a “…type of
Christ…” because he had received the Vision of the Divine
• God is not the Author of confusion - and the Truly Spiritual can
Ladder, which was fulfilled by our Lord Jesus Christ Whose
control themselves, since genuine Spirituality is manifested in
Divine Truth connects us from Earth to His Heavenly Kingdom..
preparedness, propriety and order, courtesy and self-
control/discipline.  Genesis 28:12 – St Jacob had “...dreamed... a Ladder was set up on
the Earth, and ... reached to Heaven... and Angels of God were
• When God the Holy Spirit is present, there is Divine Peace and
ascending and descending ...”
 E p h e s i a n s 4 : 1 1 “…(Christ) Himself granted some to be Apostles,
• The Vision of the Ladder that connects Earth with Heaven refers to
our Ever Blessed Theotokos and Her Divine Son, our Lord Jesus
some Prophets, some Evangelists, and some Pastors and Teachers,
for the equipping of the Saints for the Work of Ministry, for the
Edifying of the Body of Christ until we all come to the Unity of the • Her Holy Icon that is usually situated in the Apse of the Church is
Faith and of the Knowledge of Christ...” called “the Platytera,” meaning “wide,” ”broad” or “[infinitely]
• God the Holy Spirit bestows His Divine Gifts so as to form one spacious” for it depicts our Divine Saviour in Her Womb.
cohesive, harmonious group who are responsible for • Theotokos is the Sacred Ladder that connects Heaven and Earth
equipping – teaching, guiding and preparing others - for the through our Lord Jesus Christ for our Eternal Salvation.
Sacred Task of Christ’s Holy Ministry.  “…Answering, Jesus said to her: “Everyone who drinks of this
• Every Faithful Christian has the Sacred Task of guiding, helping water shall thirst again. Whoever drinks of the Water that I shall
and encouraging one another as we all journey through this give, shalt never ever Thirst again, but shall become a Spring of
preparatory period of earthly life towards Eternity because - Water welling up to Eternal Life.”
whether we are believers or not – all humanity will enter • “…Everyone who drinks of this water shall thirst again …” because
Eternity. we have a perpetual need for water to sustain us and to quench
 One of them, named Agabos, stood up and showed by the Spirit our physical thirst.
that there was going to be a great famine throughout the world • Water is the most essential element for life and growth. Without
- which also had happened in the days of Claudius Caesar. The water all living Creation would cease to exist. The devastating
Disciples - each according to his ability - determined to send effects of drought or any lack of water is clearly obvious, yet
relief to the Brethren dwelling in Judea. This they did, and sent most people who have continuous access to clean, running
it to the Elders by the hands of Barnabas and Saul…” water, take it for granted and fail to recognise how precious is
• St Agabos was one of our Lord Jesus Christ’s 70 Holy Apostles every drop of water.
whom He had sent forth to Preach the New Covenant of Love • “…Whoever drinks of the Water that I shall give, shalt never ever
while Healing the severely afflicted. He was a resident of Thirst again…” refers to God’s Divine, Life-giving Truth and

first five Books of the Old Testament Scriptures – the Jerusalem who fulfilled the Divine Salvific Mission of Christ
Pentateuch. They had built their own temple on Mount until he was eventually martyred in Antioch.
Gerizim, which the Israelites had destroyed in 128 BC. • His prophecy of a great, devastating famine was Divinely Inspired
• Not only was it astonishing that our Lord Jesus asked the or by the Grace of God, for St Agabos “…showed by the
Samaritan Woman for a drink of water, but it also went against Spirit…” that it would soon occur. Only God knows what
moral laws of those days because no honourable man would future Events shall occur long before they happen. God the
dare to directly speak to an unaccompanied woman. [See notes Holy Spirit Enlightens us and grants us Knowledge that is
below.] Beneficial or Salvific to all mankind.
 “…Answering, Jesus said to her: “If Thou knew the Gift of God, and • “...a great famine throughout the world...” did indeed happen
Who it is Who is saying to Thee: ‘Give Me a drink,’ Thou would throughout the known world in 44 – 51 – having begun in
have asked Him and He would have given Thee Living Water.” Judea and spreading as far as Greece and Italy.
• “...if Thou knew the Gift of God...” applies to most of us who fail to • “...each according to his ability...” is an important Principle and
fully understand the Magnitude and Essential Significance of all Practise of our Holy Orthodox Church.
God’s Gifts, which He freely grants us – even though we are Being Disciples of Christ, we must always voluntarily help our
stubborn, unrepentant sinners! Only when we fully grasp the Holy Church in any manner that is possible for us.
Marvellous Reality and Truth of God’s Divine Gifts, shall we We must not wait to be asked but provide anything that shall
Struggle and Strive with body and soul to become “Christ-like.” help the Church operate properly.
• “…Who it is …” Although, like St Photini and many others who Whatever needs arise of the Clergy or our Brethren we ought to
Encounter our Lord Jesus, He identifies Himself to us when we immediately try to resolve according to our personal
are able to receive such Knowledge and Understanding. circumstances.
These necessities may not always require our monetary donations
• Our Lord God alone knows us better than we know ourselves and
but also by providing paper, printing, and cleaning equipment,
thus grants us Wisdom, Knowledge and Divine Truth according
or time spent sewing, repairing, maintaining, cooking, feeding
to our Spiritual State and Ability. This is evident from the Holy
and assisting our Parish Priest and others in various ways.
Gospels that noted the Spiritual Progress of the humble
Fishermen and other Faithful Disciples of Christ who became • By serving the needs of our Holy Church, we are serving our Lord
our greatest Spiritual Fathers. God.
• “...Living Water...” in the ordinary, mundane sense, refers to fresh, • “… determined to send relief to the Brethren dwelling in Judea…”
flowing water from a stream or spring, rather than from a implies this happened before the famine had begun in Judea,
stagnant pond or cistern. and spread further.
• Our Lord Jesus Christ’s “…Living Water…” referred to the Divine • Our Benevolent, Loving God warned His Faithful before this
Grace of God the Holy Spirit, which leads us to Eternal Life. disaster struck them, so that they could be prepared for the
worst that was to befall everyone.
• His Divine Gift of Living Water not only Spiritually Sustains us,
while remaining within us, but is so abundant that it • “...sent it to the Elders...” - the “… Presbyters…” (the Priests) who
‘overflows’ from us to others, affecting us all in the best were Ordained by the Holy Apostles and put in charge of the
possible manner. local Parish churches, which were founded by the Holy
• God’s Living Water/Divine Grace Sustains us and our Faith – our Apostles.
Life in Christ, thereby producing an most Fruitful Harvest for • The ‘Presbyters’ referred to those who were mature, trustworthy
the Glory, Honour and Worship of Almighty God. and Spiritually Experienced. They were sometimes referred to
as “… the bearded ones…” which meant they were middle-aged
• Divine Grace is for the Spiritual Benefit of many, never for one
to elderly men.
individual alone.
• Just as God gave this life-sustaining Well to St Jacob and His • Since those days, the Orders of the Holy Ministry or Holy
Priesthood of Christ consist of the Bishops (the Apostles and their
People, so too, does our Lord Jesus Christ grant us the Life-
direct successors), the Presbyters/Priests, and the Deacons.
giving Well of God the Holy Spirit to Save us, to sustain us and
to grant us Eternal Life.
 “…The Woman said to Him: “Sir, Thou hast nothing with which to
draw water, and the well is deep. Where dost Thou get that
Living Water? Art Thou greater than our Father, Jacob, who
THE HOLY GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST JOHN 4 : 5 – 42 physical effects of our own human condition, with the exception
The Samaritan Woman at Jacob’s Well of temptation and grievous passions that cause us to commit sin.
Τῷ καιρῷ ἐκείνῳ ἔρχεται ὁ At that time, our Lord Jesus went  “…It was about the Sixth Hour…”
Ἴησοῦς εἰς πόλιν τῆς Σαμαρείας to a city of Samaria, called • ‘’… the Sixth Hour…” is Midday – 12:00 - the hottest period of the
λεγομένην ‘Συχάρ,’ πλησίον τοῦ ‘Sychar,’ near the field that Jacob day, when most inhabitants of hot, dry areas seek relief from
the heat, resuming their labours and duties when it is cooler.
χωρίου ὃ ἔδωκεν Ἰακὼβ Ἰωσὴφ gave to his son, Joseph.
τῷ υἱῷ αὐτοῦ.  “…There came a Woman of Samaria to draw water. Jesus said to
her: “Give Me a drink.” For His Disciples had gone into the city
Ἦν δὲ ἐκεῖ πηγὴ τοῦ Ἰακώβ. Jacob’s Well was there. to buy food..”
Ὁ οὖν Ἰησοῦς κεκοπιακὼς ἐκ τῆς Wearied as He was with His • Jacob’s Well provided enough water to sustain all the inhabitants
ὁδοιπορίας ἐκαθέζετο οὕτως ἐπὶ journey, Jesus sat down beside and their livestock in that area for generations.
τῇ πηγῇ· the well. • “…a Woman of Samaria…” had gone “… to draw water…” for the
needs of her household.
Ὤρα ἦν Ὡσεὶ Ἔκτη. It was about the Sixth Hour. • After this Divine Encounter, she is forever Commemorated as one
Ἔρχεται Γυνὴ ἐκ τῆς Σαμαρείας There came a Woman of Samaria to of our great Saints and Holy Martyrs – St Photini/Svetlana.
ἀντλῆσαι ὕδωρ. draw water. She is the earliest Gentile Evangelist, having testified to the First
Appearance of the Great Divine Messiah – our Lord Jesus Christ
Λέγει αὐτῇ ὁ Ἰησοῦς· “Δός μοι Jesus said to her: “Give Me a - to the innumerable citizens of Sychar – most of whom
πεῖν.” drink.” became His Faithful Disciples. Together with her two sons and
five daughters (some say ‘Sisters,’) she brought thousands of
Οἱ γὰρ Μαθηταὶ Αὐτοῦ For His Disciples had gone into the souls to Christ. After the Resurrection of Christ she was
ἀπεληλύθεισαν εἰς τὴν πόλιν, city to buy food. Baptised with the name of “Photini” (“the Enlightened One.”)
ἵνα τροφὰς ἀγοράσωσι. She and her family went to Carthage to spread the Holy Gospel.
She was eventually martyred with her entire family by order of
Λέγει οὖν αὐτῷ ἡ γυνὴ ἡ The Samaritan Woman said to Him: Emperor Nero. They became Spiritually Perfected when she was
Σαμαρεῖτις· “Πῶς σὺ Ἰουδαῖος “How is it that Thou – a Judean – thrown into a very deep well and her entire family suffered
ὢν παρʼ ἐμοῦ πεῖν αἰτεῖς, οὔσης asks for a drink from me – a various appalling, brutal forms of Martyrdom.
γυναικὸς Σαμαρείτιδος?” woman of Samaria?” We commemorate her memory on 20 March and on the Fifth
Sunday of Holy Pascha.
Οὐ γὰρ συγχρῶνται Ἰουδαῖοι For Judeans had no dealings with • “… Jesus said to her: ‘Give Me a drink…” This was our Lord’s first
Σαμαρείταις. Samaritans. Commandment to the Samarian Woman, which was remarkable
Ἀπεκρίθη Ἰησοῦς καὶ εἶπεν αὐτῇ· Jesus answered her: “If Thou knew for several reasons, as noted below.
“Εἰ ᾔδεις τὴν δωρεὰν τοῦ Θεοῦ the Gift of God, and Who it is • “...His Disciples had gone ...to buy food...” implies that they were
καὶ τίς ἐστιν ὁ λέγων Σοι, ‘δός obedient to Christ by not discriminating against the Samaritans
Who is saying to Thee: ‘Give Me
Μοι πεῖν,’ Σὺ ἂν ᾔτησας Αὐτόν, like the other Judeans who despised and avoided them at all
a drink,’ Thou would have costs because they were regarded as heretical apostates of the
καὶ ἔδωκεν ἄν Σοι Ὕδωρ asked Him and He would have Hebrew Faith.
Ζῶν.” given Thee Living Water.” • It also reminds us that our Lord Jesus Christ and His Disciples
Λέγει αὐτῷ ἡ γυνή· “Κύριε, οὔτε The Woman said to Him: “Sir, Thou provided their own necessities or bought them rather than
being a needless burden on others.
ἄντλημα ἔχεις, καὶ τὸ φρέαρ ἐστὶ hast nothing with which to draw  “...The Samaritan Woman said to Him: ‘How is it that Thou – a
βαθύ· πόθεν οὖν ἔχεις τὸ Ὕδωρ water, and the well is deep. Judean – asks for a drink from me – a woman of Samaria?’ For
τὸ ζῶν? Where dost Thou get that Living Judeans had no dealings with Samaritans....”
Water? • The Samaritans were a mixed Nation of Judeans and pagans, and
thus were traditional enemies of Israel. Although they also
Μὴ Σὺ μείζων εἶ τοῦ Πατρὸς ἡμῶν “Art Thou greater than our Father,
worshipped the God of Israel and awaited the Advent or
Ἰακώβ, ὃς ἔδωκεν ἡμῖν τὸ Jacob, who gave us this well, and Coming of the Messiah – the Christ – they accepted only the

Καὶ πολλῷ πλείους ἐπίστευσαν διὰ And many more believed because φρέαρ, καὶ αὐτὸς ἐξ αὐτοῦ ἔπιε drank from it himself – and his
τὸν Λόγον Αὐτοῦ. of His Word. καὶ οἱ υἱοὶ αὐτοῦ καὶ τὰ sons, and his livestock?”
θρέμματα αὐτοῦ?”
Τῇ τε Γυναικὶ ἔλεγον “Ὄτι οὐκέτι They said to the Woman: “It is no
διὰ τὴν σὴν λαλιὰν Πιστεύομεν· longer because of your words Ἀπεκρίθη Ἰησοῦς καὶ εἶπεν αὐτῇ· Answering, Jesus said to her:
Αὐτοὶ γὰρ ἀκηκόαμεν, καὶ that we believe, for we have “Πᾶς ὁ πίνων ἐκ τοῦ ὕδατος “Everyone who drinks of this
οἴδαμεν ὅτι οὗτός ἐστιν Ἀληθῶς heard Him ourselves, and we τούτου διψήσει πάλιν· Ὃς δʼ ἂν water shall thirst again. Whoever
ὁ Σωτὴρ τοῦ κόσμου, ὁ know that this is Truly the πίῃ ἐκ τοῦ Ὕδατος οὗ Ἐγὼ drinks of the Water that I shall
Χριστὀς.” Saviour of the world, the Christ!” δώσω αὐτῷ, οὐ μὴ διψήσει εἰς give, shalt never ever Thirst
τὸν Αἰῶνα, ἀλλὰ τὸ Ὕδωρ ὃ again, but shall become a Spring
 “…our Lord Jesus went to a city of Samaria, called ‘Sychar,’ near δώσω Αὐτῷ, γενήσεται ἐν Αὐτῷ of Water welling up to Eternal
the field that Jacob gave to his son, Joseph. Jacob’s Well was πηγὴ ὕδατος ἁλλομένου εἰς Ζωὴν Life.”
there…” Αἰώνιον.”
• “…Sychar…” was located along the main road between Jerusalem Λέγει πρὸς Αὐτὸν ἡ Γυνή· “Κύριε, The Woman said to Him: “Lord,
in Judea, through Samaria, to Galilee. δός μοι τοῦτο τὸ Ὕδωρ, ἵνα μὴ give me this Water, that I may
• “...Jacob’s Well...” is not mentioned in the Old Testament although διψῶ μηδὲ ἔρχομαι ἐνθάδε not thirst, nor have to come here
the ancient Patriarch, St Jacob and his family had resided in ἀντλεῖν. to draw.”
that area.
 G e n e s i s 3 3 : 1 9 The ancient Patriarch, St Jacob had “... bought Λέγει αὐτῇ ὁ Ἰησοῦς· “Ὕπαγε To her Jesus said: “Go, fetch Thy
the parcel of land... from Hamor, Shechem’s father, for a hundred φώνησον τὸν ἄνδρα σου καὶ husband, and come here.”
male lambs...” ἐλθὲ ἐνθάδε.
• Having bought a small piece of land, St Jacob set up an Altar and Ἀπεκρίθη ἡ γυνὴ καὶ εἶπεν· “Οὐκ Answering, the Woman said: “I
called on our Lord God. Our Holy Church does the same thing ἔχω ἄνδρα.” have no husband.”
whenever required or possible.
Λέγει αὐτῇ ὁ Ἰησοῦς· “Καλῶς To her Jesus said: “Well said: ‘I
• Wells and all sources of water have always had great significance
because of their rarity and life-saving value - especially in the
εἶπας ‘ὅτι ἄνδρα οὐκ ἔχω·’ have no husband.’ For five
wilderness and desert regions and on islands. Πέντε γὰρ ἄνδρας ἔσχες, καὶ husbands hast Thou had and
• Therefore, wells and all sources of water symbolise life itself. νῦν ὃν ἔχεις οὐκ ἔστι σου ἀνήρ· now he whom Thou hast is not
 P s a l m 3 5 : 9 – 1 0 – “...They shall be intoxicated with the fatness of Thy husband.
Thy House, and Thou shalt give them drink from the Abundant Τοῦτο Ἀληθὲς εἴρηκας.” “This Truthfully Thou spoke.”
Water of Thy Delight, for with Thee is the Fountain of Life.”
Λέγει Αὐτῷ ἡ Γυνή· “Κύριε, The Woman said to Him: “Lord, I
 P s a l m 4 5 : 4 – “...Their waters roared and were troubled...”
θεωρῶ ὅτι Προφήτης εἶ Σύ. Οἱ perceive that Thou art a Prophet.
 I s a i a h 5 5 : 1 – “... You who are thirsty, go to the water... and
Πατέρες ἡμῶν ἐν τῷ ὄρει τούτῳ
drink without money and price...” Our Fathers worshipped on this
προσεκύνησαν· Καὶ ὑμεῖς λέγετε mountain. And you say that
• Christ our God never asks us for money but He does ask us to
ὅτι ἐν Ἱεροσολύμοις ἐστὶν ὁ Jerusalem is the place where
have Faith, which is far more valuable than anything else.
τόπος ὅπου δεῖ προσκυνεῖν.” men ought to worship.”
• Jacob’s Well has been maintained as a Holy Shrine by the Greek
Orthodox Christian Church to this very day and Pilgrims still Λέγει αὐτῇ ὁ Ἰησοῦς· “Γύναι, Jesus said to her: “Woman, believe
drink from it. πίστευσόν μοι ὅτι ἔρχεται Ὣρα Me: for the Hour is coming
• St Philoumenos the New Martyr of Jacob’s Well gave his life for its ὅτε οὔτε ἐν τῷ ὄρει τούτῳ οὔτε when neither on this mountain,
protection and preservation in 1979. ἐν Ἱεροσολύμοις Προσκυνήσετε nor in Jerusalem, shalt you
 “...Wearied as He was with His journey, Jesus sat down beside the τῷ Πατρί. Worship the Father.
Due to His human Nature, our Lord Jesus Christ suffered from
hunger, thirst, tiredness, heat and cold, etc. He experienced all the
Ὑμεῖς Προσκυνεῖτε ὃ οὐκ οἴδατε. “You worship what you do not Ὁ ὁ δὲ εἶπεν αὐτοῖς· “Ἐγὼ He said to them: “I have Food to
Ἡμεῖς προσκυνοῦμεν ὃ know. We Worship what we βρῶσιν ἔχω φαγεῖν, ἣν ὑμεῖς eat of which you do not know.”
οἴδαμεν· ὅτι ἡ Σωτηρία ἐκ τῶν know, for Salvation is from the οὐκ οἴδατε.
Ἰουδαίων ἐστίν. Judeans. Ἔλεγον οὖν οἱ Μαθηταὶ πρὸς The Disciples said to one another:
Ἀλλʼ ἔρχεται Ὥρα - καὶ νῦν ἐστιν - “But the Hour is coming – and now ἀλλήλους· “Μή τις ἤνεγκεν Αὐτῷ “Has anyone brought Him food?”
ὅτε οἱ Ἀληθινοὶ Προσκυνηταὶ is – when the True Worshippers φαγεῖν?”
Προσκυνήσουσι τῷ Πατρὶ ἐν shall Worship the Father in Λέγει αὐτοῖς ὁ Ἰησοῦς· “Ἐμὸν Jesus said to them: “My Food is to
Πνεύματι καὶ Ἀληθείᾳ· καὶ γὰρ Spirit and Truth and thus, for βρῶμά ἐστιν ἵνα ποιῶ τὸ do the Will of Him Who sent Me,
ὁ Πατὴρ τοιούτους ζητεῖ τοὺς such the Father seeks to Θέλημα τοῦ πέμψαντός Με καὶ and to accomplish His Work.
Προσκυνοῦντας Αὐτόν. Worship Him. τελειώσω Αὐτοῦ τὸ Ἔργον.
Πνεῦμα ὁ Θεός, καὶ τοὺς “God is Spirit, and those who Οὐχ ὑμεῖς λέγετε ‘ὅτι ἔτι “Do you not say: ‘There are yet
Προσκυνοῦντας Αὐτὸν ἐν Worship Him must Worship in τετράμηνός ἐστι καὶ ὁ θερισμὸς four months, then comes the
Πνεύματι καὶ Ἀληθείᾳ δεῖ Spirit and Truth.” ἔρχεται?” harvest’?
Ἰδοὺ λέγω ὑμῖν, ἐπάρατε τοὺς “Behold, I tell you: lift up your
Λέγει Αὐτῷ ἡ Γυνή· “Οἶδα ὅτι The Woman said to Him: “I know ὀφθαλμοὺς ὑμῶν καὶ θεάσασθε eyes and see how the fields are
Μεσσίας ἔρχεται ὁ λεγόμενος that the Messiah is coming – He τὰς χώρας, ὅτι λευκαί εἰσι πρὸς already white for Harvesting!
‘Χριστός·’ Ὄταν ἔλθῃ ἐκεῖνος, Who is called ‘Christ.’ When He Θερισμόν!
ἀναγγελεῖ ἡμῖν πάντα.” comes, He shall Reveal all “He Who Reaps receives Wages,
Ἤδη καὶ ὁ Θερίζων Μισθὸν
things.” and gathers Fruit for Eternal
λαμβάνει καὶ συνάγει Καρπὸν
Λέγει αὐτῇ ὁ Ἰησοῦς· “Ἐγώ Εἰμι, Jesus said to her: “I Am He, Who εἰς Ζωὴν Αἰώνιον, ἵνα καὶ ὁ Life, so that the Sower may
ὁ λαλῶν σοι.” speaks to Thee.” Σπείρων ὁμοῦ Χαίρῃ καὶ ὁ Rejoice together with the
Καὶ ἐπὶ τούτῳ ἦλθαν οἱ Μαθηταὶ And when His Disciples returned, Θερίζων!” Reaper!”

Αὐτοῦ, καὶ ἐθαύμασαν ὅτι μετὰ they marvelled, for He was Ἐν γὰρ τούτῳ ὁ λόγος ἐστὶν ὁ “For here the saying holds True,
γυναικὸς ἐλάλει· speaking to a woman. Ἀληθινός, ὅτι ἄλλος ἐστὶν ὁ for One Sows, Another Reaps.
Οὐδεὶς μέντοι εἶπε, “Τί ζητεῖς?” ἤ Yet none said: “What seekest Σπείρων καὶ ἄλλος ὁ Θερίζων.
“Τί λαλεῖς μετʼ αὐτῆς?” Thou?” nor “Why art Thou Ἐγὼ ἀπέστειλα ὑμᾶς Θερίζειν ὃ “I sent you to Reap that for which
talking to her?” οὐχ ὑμεῖς κεκοπιάκατε· Ἄλλοι you did not Labour. Others
κεκοπιάκασι, καὶ ὑμεῖς εἰς τὸν
Ἀφῆκεν οὖν τὴν ὑδρίαν αὐτῆς ἡ Leaving her water jar, the Woman
κόπον αὐτῶν εἰσεληλύθατε.
Laboured and you have entered
Γυνὴ καὶ ἀπῆλθεν εἰς τὴν πόλιν, departed to the city, and said to into their Labour.”
καὶ λέγει τοῖς ἀνθρώποις· the people: “Come! Behold a Ἐκ δὲ τῆς πόλεως ἐκείνης πολλοὶ Many Samaritans from that city
“Δεῦτε! Ἲδετε Ἄνθρωπον ὃς Man Who told me all that I ever ἐπίστευσαν εἰς Αὐτὸν τῶν believed in Him because of the
εἶπέ μοι πάντα ὅσα ἐποίησα! did! Can this be the Christ?” Σαμαρειτῶν διὰ τὸν λόγον τῆς Words of the Woman, testifying
Μήτι οὗτός ἐστιν ὁ Χριστός?” Γυναικός, μαρτυρούσης “ὅτι that “He told me all that I ever
Ἐξῆλθον οὖν ἐκ τῆς πόλεως καὶ They went out of the city, and went εἶπέ μοι πάντα ὅσα ἐποίησα.” did.”
ἤρχοντο πρὸς Αὐτόν. to Him. Ὡς οὖν ἦλθον πρὸς Αὐτὸν οἱ When the Samaritans went to Him,
Ἐν δὲ τῷ μεταξὺ ἠρώτων Αὐτὸν οἱ Meanwhile, the Disciples besought Σαμαρεῖται, ἠρώτων Αὐτὸν they asked Him to stay with
Μαθηταὶ λέγοντες· “Ραββί, μεῖναι παρʼ αὐτοῖς· καὶ ἔμεινεν them – and He stayed there two
Him, saying: “Rabbi, eat.”
φάγε.” ἐκεῖ δύο ἡμέρας. days.


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