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3.1 The Role of S&T in Nation Building – with the significant variables qualifying
S&T  in nation building

The advent of science and technology example of the implementation of

brought progress not only in our country science and technology in every nation. 
but in the entire world. Its development
determines to a large extent the socio- With introduction of modern gadgets in
economic progress of a country. It is a every walk of life, life has become
well-known fact that it is directly simple, and this is possible only
associated with modernity and is an because of implementing science and
essential tool for rapid development and technology together. Without having
progress of a country:  modem equipment in all sectors, be it in
medicine, infrastructure,
aviation electricity, information
technology or any other field, the
advancement, and benefits that we face
today would not have been possible.
The role that science and technology
has played in improving the life of
people across the globe is vivid and has
made life a lot easier and a lot better
with the advancement in medicine,
remarkable development in education,
Science and technology is a field of communication, agriculture, business,
endeavor upon which a two-way and industry. 
interaction operates between the two. 
A nation's development and prosperity is
While science is the intellectual and judged to a large extent by the status of
practical activity encompassing the science and technology of that nation.
systematic study of the structure and Science and technology are key drivers
behavior of the physical and natural to development because technological
world through observation and and scientific revolutions underpin
experiment (Oxford Advanced Learners' economic advances, improvement in
Dictionary, 11 Edition), technology is the health systems, education, and
application of scientific knowledge for infrastructure. 
practical purposes (Oxford). It is the use
of resources made available by nature Today, countries are classified as
to procreate and make changes  developed and developing countries.
The major categorization is based on
National development at any phase is the economy and the application of
always linked with technology and science and technology. Countries
technology happens when there is which have a strong base in science
advancement in science. Modernization and technology are the ones
in every aspect of life is the greatest that developed faster. A few examples
are countries like Japan, Russia, Brazil,
China, and many more. It is estimated Today, we cannot expect our life without
by the World Bank that seven of the ten science and technology revolving
largest economies of the world by 2020 around it every single second. Science
would be in Asia: China, Japan, India, and technology are extremely essential
Thailand, South Korea, and Taiwan. A in our everyday life as they have made
few decades ago, these countries were things more simple, fast, and secured. 
known to have poor policies, low
discipline, and no advancement. But Almost everything that we see around
with the introduction and proper us is the gift of science and technology
Implementation of science and Be it the smartphones, fan, wheel,
technology in an effective manner, they vehicles, cloth, paper, toothbrush,
made great advancements across the electricity, microwave, vehicles, radio,
globe.  television, laptops, etc. Everything is the
result of science and technology. 
Science and technology hold the key to
the progress and development of any Here are What Science and
nation. Technology plays a fundamental Technology do for us: 
role in wealth creation, improvement in
the quality of life and real economic 1. It helps us save time and money.
growth and transformation in any Various contributions of science and
society.  technology have helped us save time
and money.  While science has given us
A nation who is not able to prosper in the knowledge why baked or steam-
these aspects would never be able to cooked food is better than the fried or
sustain its life and may have to depend oily food, technology has gifted us with
on other nations. Without proper microwave and steam-cookers that help
implementation of science and us bake and steam cook our food.
technology, no nation could grow and all Various objects like computers, modes
those nations that were labeled as low of transport, washing machines help us
in growth have proven where they stand ave time and energy  
today and all that happened because of
science and technology. 2. Education. Science and technology
have made significant contribution in the
education field as well. Technology has
made education itself easier. It has
provided us options like smart classes,
multimedia devices, e-libraries, e-books,

3. Internet. Information technology,

including internet, is an excellent gift of
technology. With the help of internet, we
do not get only immense knowledge on
B. Importance of S&T on Personal science and other subjects, but we also
Level  get to stay connected with our friends
and family.  
4. Provides us devices for sources like solar/wind energy
comfortable sleeping, quick cooking, (https:/www.use-of-
and fast commute. With the help of technology/com/society-impact-tech-
objects like AC microwave and vehicles, society/ 
science and technology have made our
sleeping, cooking, and commuting Technology has contributed much to
process easier and faster.   various aspects of life and the following
are some of its examples: 
5. It helps us live better life. While
science has made significant  Technology has improved
contributions in health by providing transportation. Transportation is
treatment for various chronic diseases, one of the basic areas of
technology has benefited us in receiving technological activity. Both society
those treatments through various ways and businesses have benefited
and devices like X-ray, scan machines, from the new transportation
operation devices, pacemaker, and methods. Transportation provides
many more. We are also blessed with mobility for people and goods.
numerous exercising equipment, Transportation, like other
various health apps, online doctor and technologies, can be viewed as a
other things that help us maintain good system. It is a series of parts that
health and life.  are interrelated.  These parts all
work together to meet a certain
goal. Technology has made
possible all types of transportation,
and these Include: (1) road
transport used by automobiles; (2)
air transport which is used by
airplanes: (3) water
transportation which is used by
ships and speedboats; and (4)
space transportation used to go to
the moon. Technologies
Impact of Technology on Society  like automobiles, buses and trucks
have improved the way humans
Technology by itself is not harmful to move and how they transport their
society, but the way society uses goods from one place to another.  
technology to achieve specific goals is  Technology has improved
what results into negative impacts of communication. Communication
technology on the society. Humans is used for a number of purposes.
need to use energy to process products Both society and organizations
in factories, to run cars, to light homes depend on communication to
and also run technological machines transfer information. People use
like computers. But the only way we can technology to communicate with
do this without affecting the environment each other.  Electronic media like
and society is by shifting from radios, televisions, internet, and
exhaustible energy sources to social media have improved the
renewable and inexhaustible energy way we exchange ideas which can
develop our societies. In many internet are being used in
countries, radios and televisions classrooms to boost students’
are used to voice concerns of morale to learn. 
society. They organize live forums
where the community can In the past, when there was no
contribute through mobile phones technological advancement,
or text service systems like tweeter. education was usually difficult to
Communication technologies like access and comprehend.  Today,
televisions, radio and internet are people can get educated even at
used to persuade, entertain and their doorsteps without going to a
inform the people about the various building called university or college
program the government. Small to collect their certificates. Distant
businesses have also used the learning and on-line study have
internet and mobile communication made this possible. 
technology to grow and improve
their business.  
 The World Wide Web has proved
to be an enormous information
base from which information can
be retrieved by means of search
engines. Information from all
around the world is housed on the
web. With the development of
web technology, the information
can be organized in an organized The Role of Science and Technology
manner and relevant information in Nation-Building 
can be retrieved on supplying
search strings to Web search It is a well-established fact that science
engines. Digitization of information and technology impact all aspects of our
has been a major breakthrough in lives as well as the planet we live on.
the world of information The changes induced by science and
technology.   technology have for the most part
 Technology has improved benefited mankind although there is
education and the learning many a case where science and
process. Education is the technology-based innovations have
backbone of every economy. been used for the detriment of mankind
People need well and organized pursued for either wealth and power or
educational infrastructures so that both. It is the responsibility of all
they can learn how to interpret concerned to ensure that science and
information. Many schools have technology is used widely to benefit
integrated educational technologies mankind (Ratnasiri, 2006). 
in their schools with the aim of
improving the way students learn. Science and technology has been one
Technologies like smart of the main driving forces of the
whiteboards, computers, mobile economic growth of nations. Most
phones, iPads, projectors, and developed countries have generated
new technologies with potential to result technologists are to contribute
in dynamic economic performance. This, significantly to social and economic
however, has not been the case with changes resulting in the development of
most of the developing countries and the country, their role should expand
their developmental plans have not beyond generation of new knowledge
given emphasis and importance to and assume the role of advising the
science and technology and in particular decision makers and finally making the
to research in the science and decisions on the science and
technology aspects. Countries like India, technology prospects, choices, and
South Korea, and Taiwan in the region priorities for the country.
have achieved much through science
and technology and stand out as having How can scientists and technologists
demonstrated the absolute contribute to achieving the multiple role
importance of science and technology which is a dire necessity for the
for economic growth. These countries economic development of the country? 
are example for the developing
countries. The impact of technology on Researchers, as creators of new
society without doubt is going to be knowledge, must focus their work on
even more marked in the future.  nationally and globally important and
competitive areas of research which are
It is then of paramount importance to multidisciplinary in nature. This means
generate and develop new knowledge in that the results of research must be goal
science and technology for application and result-oriented, tangible and
nationally through our own research significant. On the other hand, scientists
capability. It is also necessary to and technologists should be totally
concentrate on the rapid transfer and committed to add and develop
exchange of proven technologies from significantly to the knowledge base in
other nations to reap the benefits of the science and technology aspects which
global trends to stimulate our economic are of economic importance to the
growth  nation.

That science and technology plays a

decisive role in the economic growth of
nations is a foregone conclusion. It is
then pertinent to also consider and
rethink about the role of scientists and
technologists in stimulating the
economic well-being of the country. It is
well accepted that scientists and
technologists must necessarily generate
new knowledge by engaging in
The Role of Science and Technology
meaningful and appropriate research
in the Developing World in the 21"
and developmental activities. A question
needs to be posed to the researchers as
to whether their role should be limited to Developments in science and
only the narrow confines of creation of technology are fundamentally altering
new knowledge. If scientists and
the way people live, connect, allowing people with debilitating
communicate, and transact, conditions to live healthy and productive
with profound effects on economic lives. 
development. According to Lee Roy
Chetty (2012), science and technology The extent to which developing
are key drivers to development, economies emerge as economic
because scientific and technological powerhouses depends on their ability to
revolutions underpin economic grasp and apply insights from science
advances, improvements in health and technology and use them creatively.
systems, education, and infrastructure. Innovation is the primary driver of
The technological revolutions of the 21" technological growth and drives higher
century are emerging from entirely new living standards. 
sectors, based on micro-processors,
telecommunications, biotechnology, and To promote technological advances,
nanotechnology. Products are developing countries should invest in
transforming business practices across quality education for youth, continuous
the economy, as well as the lives of all skills training for workers and managers,
who have access to their effects. The and should ensure that knowledge is
most remarkable breakthroughs will shared as widely as possible across
come from the interaction of insights society. 
and applications arising when these
technologies converge.  The state of science and technology
determines the socio-economic
Through breakthroughs in health progress of a country. It is a well-known
services and education, these fact that national progress is highly
technologies have the power to improve correlated to the capacity of a country to
the lives of poor people in developing produce local industrial goods for
countries. Eradicating malaria and cures domestic needs and
for other diseases which are endemic in that industrialization is very much
developing countries are now possible, dependent on the application of science
and technology.
According to Point Park University
(2017), a public policy describes the
actions of the government. Usually
created in response to issues brought
before decision makers, these policies
come in the form of laws and
regulations. They may be created by
any governing body, from the country’s
president down to city council members.
On the other hand, Houghton (2020)
3.2a The Philippine Government S&T simply defined public policy as actions
Agenda  taken by government — its decisions
that are intended to solve problems and
The Philippine government science
improve the quality of life for its citizens. 
and technology agenda is a list of
things it wants to do. Thus, it introduced What is a policy making process?  
and implemented several programs,
projects, and policies to boost the area Houghton (2020) elucidated on it by
of science and technology. The main pointing out that a policy established
government agency tasked to do these and carried out by the government goes
is the Department of Science and through several stages from inception to
Technology, better known for its conclusion. These are agenda building,
acronym, DOST.   formulation, adoption, implementation,
evaluation, and termination that fully
The goal of the said agenda is to comprise the policy making process. 
prepare the whole country and its
people to meet the demands of a Policy making process 
technologically driven world and
capacitate the people to live in a world 1. Agenda building. Before a policy
driven by science.  can be created, a problem must exist
that is called to the attention of the
government such as illegal immigration,
a high level of crimes, and terrorism. As
such, new legislation is needed to
address these problems. 

2. Formulation and adoption. Policy

formulation means coming up with an
approach to solving a problem.
Congress, the executive branch, the
courts, and interest groups may be
What is a public policy?  
involved. A bill to solve a problem goes
before the Congress or a regulatory
agency drafts proposed rules. The and technology upon its citizenry, and
process continues with adoption. A prescribes regulation, if necessary
policy is said to be adopted when (Science Tracer Bullets Online, 2020).
Congress passes legislation, the Those involved in a nation’s science and
regulations become final, or the technology policy analyze and often
Supreme Court renders a decision in a provide in depth studies to determine
case.  the plans, programs and policies of the
government and their effects on
3. Implementation. The implementation domestic and international affairs. Since
or carrying out of a policy is most often many political issues have a scientific
accomplished by institutions other than component, most developed countries
those that formulated and adopted it. A have specific agencies, ministries,
statute decreed by Congress usually or offices that deal with science and
provides just a broad outline of a policy. technology policy. 
For example, Congress may mandate
improved water quality standards, but National Goals
the Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) provides the details on those
standards and the procedures for SCIENCE &
measuring compliance through International TECHNOLOGY
regulations. Successful implementation Treaty 
depends on the complexity of the policy, • Policies
coordination between those putting the
policy into effect, and compliance.  • Programs
Frameworks  • Projects
4. Evaluation and termination.
Evaluation means determining how well
a policy is working, and it is not an easy
task. People inside and outside of Development of
government typically use cost-benefit Social Needs, Science &
analysis to try to find the answer. History
Issues, Technology Policies
& Problems in the Philippines 
has shown that once implemented,
policies are difficult to terminate. When
As shown in the
they are terminated, it is usually
diagram, the development of policies in
because the policy became
science and technology is shaped or
obsolete, clearly did not work, or lost its
influenced by several variables.  These
support among the interest groups and
include policies that need to be aligned
elected officials that placed it on the
to national goals; policies in
agenda in the first place. 
consideration of the country’s
Specifically, what is S&T policy?  international commitments and those
based on legal frameworks; and the
Science and technology policy is one of government response to various social
the public policies that promotes needs, issues, and problems. Science
appropriate funding to advance scientific and technology policies ensure that the
and technological research and whole country and all of its people will
education, studies the impact of science experience the progress that science
can bring. Policies are guides to direct consultations with scientists,
all efforts to a goal of developing a researchers, engineers, policymakers,
scientifically advanced country.  and executives of offices and institutions
across the entire Philippines that would
consolidate policy recommendations
and initiatives in pursuit of the ASEAN
2015 goals (NCRP & DOST, 2011).

The National Research Council of the

Philippines (NRCP) is a collegial body of
researchers formed in 1933 and
mandated to promote basic research for
the continuing improvement of the
research capability of local scientists,
The Department of Science and foster linkages with other scientific
Technology, founded by Pres. Corazon organizations for enhanced cooperation
Aquino on January 30, 1987, is the in the development and sharing of
executive department of the Philippine scientific information, provide advice on
government responsible for the issues of national interest, and promote
coordination of science and technology- scientific culture to all sectors of
related projects in the Philippines and to Philippine society. 
formulate policies and projects in the
fields of science and technology in As mandated by the Department of
support of national development.   Science and Technology, a government
agency in which NRCP is under it, the
Thus, the DOST is considered the NRCP recommended clustering these
premiere science and technology body policies into four, namely: 
in the Philippines charged with the twin
mandate of providing central direction, 1. Social Sciences, Humanities,
leadership and coordination of all Education, International Policies and
scientific and technological activities, Governance … in pursuit of …
and of formulating policies, programs
and projects to support national 1.1 integrating ASEAN awareness in
development.  basic education without adding to
1.2 emphasizing teaching in the mother
1.3 developing school infrastructure
and providing for ICT broadband,  
1.4 local food security,  
1.5 harnessing indigenous knowledge
systems and practices;  

2. Physics, Engineering and Industrial

Research, Earth and Space
On December 6, 2010, the NRCP, as
Sciences, and Mathematics … with
tasked by DOST, spearhead a series of
goals of …
4.4 formulation of common food safety
2.1 emphasizing degrees, licenses, and standards 
employment opportunities,  
2.2 outright grants for peer
2.3 review of RA 9184, and  
2.4 harnessing science and technology
as independent mover of

3. Medical, Chemical, and

Pharmaceutical Sciences … that
intends to attain the following
objectives … 
Government Science &Technology
3.1 ensuring compliance of drug Programmes and Projects 
manufacturing firms with ASEAN
harmonized standards by full But let us first answer the question …
implementation of the Food and How does project differ from a
Drugs Administration,   programme? 
3.2 creating an educational council
dedicated to standardization of A project, according to Ward (2009), is
pharmaceutical services and defined as a temporary undertaking to
cares,  create a unique product or service. A
3.3 empowering food and drugs project has a defined start and endpoint
agencies to conduct evidence and specific objectives that, when
based research as pool of attained, signify completion. A
information,  programme, on the other hand,
3.4 allocating two percent of GDP to is defined as a group of related projects
research, and   managed in a coordinated way to obtain
3.5 legislating a law supporting human broader benefits not available from
genome project;   managing the projects individually.
There are many differences between a
4. Biological Sciences, Agriculture and project and a programme including
Forestry, and Veterinary Medicine … scope, benefits realization, time, and
focusing on …  other variables. One notable difference
is time; for example, a project by
4.1 protecting and conserving definition has a beginning and an end;
biodiversity by full implementation however, certain programmes, while
of existing laws,   having a beginning may not have an
4.2 use of biosafety and standard end. A classic example of one of these
model by all ASEAN countries,   types of programmes is an annual
4.3 promoting indigenous knowledge construction programme of the
systems and indigenous people’s government. 
conservation, and  
There are existing programmes
supported by the Philippine government
through DOST. Some of these are the engineering manpower resources
following: needed by the country. They also
aimed to produce more researches
1. Providing funds for basic research in these fields. 
and patents related to science and
technology. The government funds
basic and applied researches. In a broader sense, it is not only the
Funding of these research and DOST who is the sole agency that
projects are also from the Overseas promotes and supports Science and
Development Aid (ODA) from Technology in the country, but rather,
different countries.  there are numerous public and private
organizations that also provides their
2. Providing scholarships for expertise and assistance. One of which
undergraduate and graduate studies is PAASE. 
of students in the field of science and
technology. The country needs to The Philippine-American Academy of
produce more doctoral graduates in Science and Engineering (PAASE)
the field of science and technology, identified several capacity-building
and produce more research in these programmes that may help further
fields, including engineering,   develop Science and Technology. And
these are as follows: 
3. Establishing more branches of the
1. Establishment of national centers of
Philippine Science High School
System for training young Filipinos in
the field of science and technology 
2. Manpower and institutional
development programs, such as the
4. Creating science and technology
Engineering and Science Education
parks to encourage academe and
Program (ESEP) to produce more
industry partnerships
PhD graduates in science and
5. Balik Scientist Program to encourage
Filipino scientists abroad to come
3. Establishment of regional centers to
home and work in the Philippines or
support specific industries that will
conduct research and projects in
lead the country in different research
collaboration with Philippine-based
and development areas
4. Establishment of science and
6. Developing science and technology technology business centers to
parks in academic campuses to assist, advise, and incubate
encourage and industry partnerships technopreneurship ventures
7. The establishment of the National
Science Complex and National
5. Strengthen science education at an
Engineering Complex within the
early stage through the Philippine
University of the Philippines campus
Science high School system 
in Diliman. These aimed to develop
more science and technology and
In the field of education, several 4. Climate change and global
science-related programs and projects warming 
were created to develop the scientific
literacy of the country.  Special science 5. Increasing food production 
classes were organized and special
science elementary schools were 6. Preservation of natural resources 
established indifferent regions. Aside
from these, science and mathematics in 7. Coping with natural disasters and
basic education were continuously calamities 
8. Infrastructure development 
The current K12 education program
The Philippine Congress has also
included Science, Technology,
created various laws related to science
Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
and technology. These laws serve as a
as one of its major tracks in the senior
legal framework for science and
high school program to encourage more
technology in the country to grow and
students to enroll in science-related
benefits its citizens. These laws vary
fields in college. 
according to different themes such as: 
Lately, the Commission on Higher conservation, health-related,
Education (CHED) launched its technology-building, and supporting
Philippine-California Advanced basic research, among others. Some
Research Institutes (PCARI) Project to laws and policies are in line with
allow several higher education international treaties such as the United
institutions in the Philippines and some Nations (UN), United Nations
US-based laboratories, research Educational, Scientific and Cultural
institutes, and universities to work on Organization (UNESCO), Association of
research and projects related to Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and
science, agriculture, engineering, health, other international agencies.
and technology. This project is hoped to
strengthen the STEM competitiveness
of the country. 

There are many other areas and fields

that are worth taking consideration to by
our government in embarking on various
research and projects. The following are
some of them: 

1. Use of alternative and safe energy 

2. Harnessing mineral resources 

3. Finding cure for various diseases

and illness 
President Corazon Cojuangco Aquino
highlighted the importance of science
and technology in achieving economic
progress. She helped establish the
Department of Science and Technology
(DOST) which formulated the Science
and Technology Master Plan 1991-
2000. At that time, the Philippines aimed
to be a Newly Industrialized Country
3.2b The Philippine Government S&T
Agenda … the Continuation  Succeeding presidents have had their
fair share of policies geared towards
Introduction  improving the sector. President Fidel V.
Ramos introduced laws on inventors'
The role that science and technology incentives and science and technology
has played in improving the life and scholarships. 
conditions of people in the world is vivid.
Because the Philippines is a developing President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
country, the status of science and adopted policies focusing on a national
technology in our country is still below innovation system and promoted
par when compared with countries like technological entrepreneurship under
Japan and USA. There is a great need the Medium-Term Development Plan
therefore to enact more laws and 2004-2010. The most recent National
strengthen existing ones to improve Science and Technology Plan 2002-
science and technology including 2020 is largely focused on building
research and development in the technological self-reliance.  
Meanwhile, the Harmonized Agenda for
science and technology presented to
President Benigno Aquino in 2014
highlighted two critical issues inclusive
growth and disaster risk reduction.
Critical technologies to address these
issues have been developed and this
include LIDAR processing, remote
sensing, and microsatellites (DIWATA-
Science and Technology
Environment from 1986 to 2016 
This Act was approved June 15, 1968 to
encourage, promote, and assist the
development and use of atomic energy
for peaceful purposes as a means to
improve the health and prosperity of the
inhabitants of the Philippines and to
contribute and accelerate scientific,
technological, agricultural, commercial,
and industrial progress. 
Government Policies and Laws  Presidential Decree No. 49, s. 1972
Pertaining to Science and established the Philippine
Technology  Atmospheric, Geophysical and
Astronomical Services (PAGASA).
To improve and strengthen science and Its function was to provide
technology including research environmental protection and to
development, it is necessary that utilize scientific knowledge to ensure
government enact laws.  Several laws the safety of the people  
have been enacted by Congress since  Presidential Decree No. 334, s. 1973
1958 to present. They are as follows: created the Philippine National Oil
Company to promote industrial and
 RA 2067 - Science Act of 1958 - An
economic development through
Act to Integrate, Coordinate and
effective and efficient use of energy
Intensify Scientific and Technological
Research and Development and To
 R.A. 8749 - The Philippine Clean Air
Foster Invention To Provide Funds
Act of 1999 was enacted by
Therefore and for Other Purposes 
Congress on June 23, 1999 to
 RA. 3589 - An Act Amending RA
protect and preserve the
2067 Modifying the National Science
environment and ensure the
Development Board, National
sustainable development of its
Institute of Science and Technology,
natural resources 
and the Philippine Atomic Energy
 RA 8792 - An Act Providing for the
Commission. Extending Tax
Recognition and Use of Electronic
Exemption, Privileges and
Commercial and Non-Commercial
Grants, Requests and Donations for
Transactions and Documents,
Scientific Purposes to Private
Penalties for Unlawful Use Thereof
Educational Institutions and For
and For Other Purposes passed in
Other Purposes enacted June 22,
June 15, 2000. 
 R.A. 5207 - An Act Providing for the This Act aims to facilitate domestic and
Licensing and Regulation of Atomic international dealings, transactions,
Energy Facilities and Materials. assignment agreements, contracts
Establishing the Rules of Liability for and exchanges and storage of
Nuclear Damage and for Other information through the utilization of
Purposes  electronic, optical and similar medium
mode, instrumentality and technology to
recognize the width and reliability of
electronic documents related to such Technology education by fast-tracking
activities and to promote the universal graduates in the science, mathematics,
use of electronic transactions in the and engineering who shall teach in
government and the general public.  secondary schools throughout the
country. Towards this end, scholarships
 RA 9367 - Biofuels Act of 2006 - An shall be provided to finance the
Act to Direct the Use of Biofuels, education of talented and deserving
Establishing for this Purpose the students in the third year of college and
Biofuel Program.  Appropriating pursuing a degree or training in
Funds Therefore, And for Other the areas of science and technology
Purposes.   and to provide incentives for them to
pursue a career in teaching in high
This Act was enacted by Congress on schools in their home regions. 
June 12, 2007, to develop and utilize
indigenous and sustainable sources,  RA 10844 - An Act Creating the
clean energy sources to reduce Department of Information and
dependence on imported oil.  Communication Technology (DICT)
which was signed into law on May
 RA 9513 - The Renewable Energy 23, 2016. 
Act of 2008 was passed by Congress
to accelerate the development of the In accordance with the law, the
country's renewable energy Department of Information and
resources by providing fiscal and Communications Technology (DICT)
non-fiscal incentives to private shall be the primary policy planning,
investors and coordination, implementing, and
equipment manufacturers/fabricators administrative entity of the Executive
/suppliers,  branch of the government that will plan,
 R.A. 10175 - Philippine Cybercrime develop, and promote the national ICT
Prevention Act of 2012 passed development agenda.
September 12, 2012. An Act Defining
Cybercrime, Providing for the
Prevention, Investigation,
Suppression, and the Imposition of
Penalties. Therefore, and For Other
 R.A. 10612 - An Act Expanding the
Coverage of the Science and
Technology Scholarship Program
and Strengthening the Teaching of
Science and Mathematics in
Secondary Schools and For Other Major Science and Technology
Purposes.  Development Plans 

This Act shall be known as the Fast-  Science and Technology Master
Tracked Science and Technology Plan (STMP). This plan was
Scholarship Act of 2018. It shall submitted to the President in March
strengthen the country's Science and 1989 by the presidential task force
composed of the Department of supporting industries, and coconut
Science and Technology (DOST), industry as priority investment area.
Department of Agriculture (DA), The seven identified export winners
Department of Trade Industry (DTI), were computer software; fashion
Department of Transportation and accessories; gifts, toys, and
Communication (DOTC), as well as houseware; marine products; metal
the presidential adviser on public fabrications; furniture; and dried
resources and three academic fruits. The domestic needs included
institutions directly involved in S & T. food, housing, health, clothing,
The development of fifteen (15) transportation, communication,
leading edges to steer the country disaster mitigation, defense,
toward industrial development were: environment, manpower
(1) aquaculture and (2) development, and energy. Because
marine fisheries, (3) forestry and (4) of their linkages with the above
natural resources, (5) process sectors, three additional support
industry, (6) food and (7) feed industries were included in the list of
industry, (8) energy, (9) priority sectors, namely: packaging,
transportation, (10) construction chemicals, and metals.  Lastly,
industry, (11) information technology, because of its strategic importance,
(12) electronics, (13) instrumentation the coconut industry was included in
and control, (14) emerging the list. 
technologies (15) pharmaceuticals.    National Science and Technology
Plan (NSTP 2002-2020). The
To attain the objectives set in the Department of Science and
STMP the following strategies were Technology (DOST), with the
pursued: modernize the production mandate of formulating S&T policies,
sectors through massive technology programs, and projects in support of
transfer from domestic and foreign national development priorities
sources: upgrade the R&D capability has remained driven by these
through intensified activities in high guiding visions stated in the NSTP
priority sector and S&T infrastructure mainly:  
development such as manpower
development, and develop By 2004, S&T shall have contributed
information networks, institutional significantly to the enhancement of
building and S&T culture national productivity and
development.  competitiveness and to the solution
of pressing problems. 
 Science and Technology Agenda
for National Development (STAND By 2010, the Philippines shall have
Philippines 2000). This plan was earned niches and become a world
initiated during the term of President class knowledge provider and user
Ramos and it embodied the country's in selected science and technology
technology development plan in the areas, and shall have developed a
medium term, in particular, for the vibrant S&T culture.  
period 1993-1998. The STAND
identified seven export winners, 11 By 2020, the Philippines shall have
domestic needs, three other developed a wide range of globally
competitive products and services Week 2017, he stated that the budget of
which have a high technological DOST has quadrupled the last seven
content.  years from P50 billion in 2010 to P208
billion in 2017. The budget for research
The 12 priority areas for S&T and development grew by nearly 6X
development are:  over the same period of time from P1
billion in 2009 to P5 8 billion in 2017.
a) Agriculture, forestry & natural This was disclosed in his speech during
resources,   the celebration of the National Science
b) Health and medical services:  and Technology Week at the World
c) Biotechnology  Trade Center in Pasay City on July 11,
d) Information and Communication 2017. 
e) Microelectronics:  In the 10-point economic agenda, the
f) Materials, science, and promotion of science, technology and
engineering:  creative arts was included to enhance
g) Earth and marine services:   innovation and creative capacity
h) Fisheries and aquaculture:  towards self-sustaining inclusive
i) Environment:  development. S&T must create an
j) Natural disaster mitigation:  avenue for development in various
k) Energy, and  sectors, such as in the economy. 
l) Manufacturing and service
engineering, DOST Secretary Fortunato de la Pena
identified the focus of the Department as
technology transfer and
commercialization thus ten percent of its
overall budget was allocated for
technology transfer. This resulted to
generation of 1000 new intellectual
properties that can be adopted in just
one year. 

Major accomplishments of the Duterte

administration are: 
Status of Science and Technology
and Plans for Development under  Entry into the frontiers of space
President Rodrigo Roa Duterte  through its support to the Philippine
Space Technology Program.
The Duterte administration reassured its
DIWATA-1 satellites which was
commitment to science, technology, and
launched in 2016 was made by
innovation sector. This was established
Filipino scientists who were trained
in the increase in the budget of the
in Japan. The DIWATA-2 which will
Department of Science and Technology
be launched in 2018 has improved
(DOST). In a speech of President
the capabilities to better monitor the
Duterte delivered by Budget Secretary
country. This was made by another
Benjamin E. Diokno during the opening
batch of Filipino scientists. This
of the National Science and Technology
space technologies can also be
utilized in other sectors, such as in
agriculture and disaster
 A Memorandum of Agreement
between Russia and the Philippines
regarding the space program will
soon materialize. 
 Republic Act 11035 "An Act
Institutionalizing the Balik Scientist
Program was signed into law by the
President on June15, 2018. This
law would give more incentives to
returning Filipino experts, scientists,
inventors, and engineers
who would share their expertise in
the country 
 On telecommunication, Department
of Information and Communication
Technology, National
Telecommunication Commission
and telecommunication companies
have agreed to standardize voice
call charges to P2.50. 
 On weather, 271 new weather
stations were installed by the
Department of Science and
Technology throughout the country.
The Zamboanga Doppler Weather
Radar System was also installed

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