Lab2 - Strings

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1st Level | struct. Prog.

| Lab 2

Program#1: Write a C# program that concatenates Your Firstname and Lastname and
then prints your fullName inverted.

using System;
namespace invertedName
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string firstname, lastname;
Console.WriteLine("Plz Enter your FirstName: ");
firstname = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("Plz Enter your LastName: ");
lastname = Console.ReadLine();
string Name = string.Concat(firstname," ", lastname);
Console.WriteLine("***Inverted Name**** : ");
for (int i = Name.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)



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1st Level | struct. Prog. | Lab 2

Program#2: Write a C# Code that accepts your National ID and then

prints the last four numbers.
using System;

namespace Mtable
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string NationalId;
Console.WriteLine("Plz Enter Your National ID: ");
NationalId = Console.ReadLine();
string Last4nums = NationalId.Substring(10, 4);
Console.WriteLine("The last 4 nums are: {0}", Last4nums);


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1st Level | struct. Prog. | Lab 2
Program#3: Write a C# code that produces the number of index of c# in the string “
Welcome to c# programming Language. ” , removes all its empty characters and finally
prints the size of the new string.

using System;

namespace index
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string str = "Welcome to c# programming Language. ";
int index = str.IndexOf("c#");
string str1=string.Format("index of c# in \"Welcome to c# programming
Language. \" is : \n {0} ",index);
string emptychar= str.Replace(" ", "");
Console.WriteLine("My String without empty charactr : \n {0} ", emptychar);
Console.WriteLine("the size of empty string is : \n {0} ",



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1st Level | struct. Prog. | Lab 2
Program#4: Write a C# program to list all substrings in agiven string.
using System;

namespace substrings
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string substring;
string[] a = new string[5];
Console.WriteLine("Enter the String : ");
string value = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("All Possible Substrings of the Given String are :");
for (int i = 1; i <= value.Length; i++)
for (int j = 0; j <= value.Length - i; j++)
substring = value.Substring(j, i);
a[j] = substring;



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