Shops Puzzles

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1 ‘We sell food, drinks and everything else you

need at home.’ What is the name of this

place? _____________

2 ‘We open our shop early so that people can

buy fresh bread and cakes.’ What kind of shop
is it? _______________

3 ‘The fruit and vegetables that I sell are fresh

because they come from local farmers.’
Where does this person work?

4 ‘We have everything you need for school or

your office, such as pens, pencils and paper.’
What is the name of this place?

5 ‘We sell paint, brushes, ladders and lots

more.’ What is the name of this place?

6 ‘If you are looking for a nice present for

someone, e.g. a silver ring or a watch, this is
the shop for you.’ Where does this person
work? _______________

7 ‘We sell a lot in December as people are

looking for presents for their children. But we
sell games, dolls and teddy bears all year
round.’ What kind of shop is it?

8 ‘We sell chicken, beef and other types of

meat. It’s always fresh.’ Where does this
person work? _______________

9 ’We sell trousers, dresses, jackets and so

on.’ What is the name of this place?

10 ‘You can buy here today’s newspaper for

your dad’ What kind of shop is it? __________

11 ‘In this shop you can buy medicines for

your granny’ What is the name of this place?

12 ‘You can get clothes, furniture, gifts and

lots of other things here’ What is the name of
this place? _______________

13 ‘This is a shop that sells cut flowers and

plants for inside the house’ Where does this
person work? _______________

14 ‘This is a place where stamps are sold and

from where letters and parcels are sent’ What
is the name of this place? ______________

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