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f CdGCOUVOCEY Mbbddda @ NNUAUVUNUU UU CUI ud CS Dalero6-dan go4s Polynomial Rings Defin ation + Ring 6h, Polynemiats wea RK. © Le R be a commutative Ring. « The set af Sormel, Symbols READ = F agar anix™ty—- +axtde | WweR, 7 Is o Non-negative integer 5 : IS Called @ the ang. ab polynomials over R in the Vndeteeminate Nové 2— a — poly.nomral over kin oven Ry meant! an €aPprecsion of dhe -fosre 7 Got Mux + Gyxt4 —- + ane" 4 - - — where aceR and only a finite. numbes ey there ores are mut equal te 0 the veto clement /-ad identity of aR. Dekinakion — Two elements peo et ey 8 GI Ae eos a ane bet" + bmp~emt 4+ --- + bixt bo une Considered equad te and enly tf Ce for all nwn-negative integers rv ogee: aca when Un bozo when cm era! Aadtron and yaukt pli cad ton 1 oe ut R be a Commutative Ring ancl Let fin) = One? 4 Ongt2+ -- 4 ind and gonr= bm + basa + —- tbathe oy to ROD. Then tat foot gw- (Ostbs) a5 + (4a tbsi)ant + _ . tlaph)t + (atta) Wwheve S is the maaimum af mand n | Qo fe c>n and bL=o fre Com, oe Ce FF Ge ee UShete Cys Ox bet Qeibit --- Abe + Gobr ) fee, k=O 8 | moh coke Th Ze] for Qu3p 224 attr OOS ony Qatd forge) = a4 Orr 4x43 ; FOO grea) = YAS + 6X4 4 One + arHCAED 4 Br] , &, ®% ftgD = fen Bs gory ~ 2a%40xIa+0 = 223400 ; i 2 2 4 3 Lpox. arege = foe 2S OrT+ LAZy OATHONE DV = eP+ Qa, Home work. Te snow Roel te, o any when Ros 4 on Cornmut ative, Ring O l Paynation try hes deyree n [deg tena TS Fez anxne LGA to ano . i dy -- 7 > The +esm a, is Called tre leading Coetffaeut af Fv Sell Tg the leading Coop cient is the Multtplrcative, > Tdenti de element | unity. af Ro, we son toy fs “> monic Palynoming ~s <5 2 The faryromiat in which oll “the Coefigerents 2 eqpel do 0 fs called the Zev pelymoriad of Rey = SSNeTE. ag D> = The paynomal ooze has no degree. z ig > The Polynomials of the form foorde are colterl =p constant Polynomial. =) = “Theo: [b-1: IF D is an tagral domain then Of1)] & > an integral domain. => C —y Tntegeel Domain:~ 6 commutative Ring. worth unuhy. wentch => have no evo dmisoys. i zevo-divisars! A non- 220 element af commutatre Bing & 4 Sun dak there fo hen zev elemet beR a st ab=0 =b4. 2 _y Prog we need to Show thak DEad & &@ COmmutat 2 Kine with Oo and, have no Ze denrsors > — a2 ~~ We Know that Df) Is a wing. . = hs DS commut ative, wo a "ee DOAJ kb & Ommetecting Ring also — let 1 be the Unity elemert” of D. Te -foyz4 Is the Unedy-- clement” ef DLAI FF let FOS O14 QM tant Or, Onto | and 7 mtg bom oUt to + bi%tb, | bmto Then by dekinotion. —D 3 fuga has leading Coeffictert Anbm & Since. D Is an Tuctegal domosn— © Th has no duvisexs | 66 Gabm +0 " | Hence dca} har No zed dauisos- $o PI Is an Ta Demetn Pod Dekinathon: The_dwiison_algoretins. aret Consequences : Ty aBb ape integers and bt , Hen F Unique indpess { 4 ard 2 Suen azby te where 0 m=0 w Tp deg For=o tren fx) 1S & Comstant . ca -for and x) axe both nm-zero Constat>- polyoma Ferny %e FO Ah Gv) = be $d. : fz (a.p2) be +o 7 = ; i ih ter Soy Ths ea Pheer PUR whe € shel pow assume thet 4n mM) ; © com. ts tO Wher te Peyreniels aud then we Shall Shoi8 trot Nz i lA FO = FO)- ( Anbr) arm ged —a A fo > Canbmt) x" "909 +4) Then FO =0 o& lng Si ON} a2 joo=@n Py Trebuction Hypothesis 3 pap 1 EF) or FOO = Where 2,0) 20% dag) < wy lo ) Thus fe1)= (Anbo ) 2 any tef;00 fron O = a : Lonbss) 2-909 +700) go 44,09.) Png OMA Zfinbuit) xc mm + icy 7 gex3f ¥0r) — gone + x00 qi) = Anlom+ oe 4 Gr ) om zen) > TOU uniqueness of po _cinel YO0S “Sppse teat fons googerr 2%) ane fod = Jew JOO FBO - ee hse ¥(22 OF eg were See gou) ard = FON=0 ot 7 UX) i) x? Thon Subpaetis, they Utero €4 — BOL YV-YHT afr FO J =0 2 Ge Lyoo- BI = FOF a) ) Thus E@o- 20) is aes ey Foo- wm & Gt Jeast thet oF FOO, dala y 2 deg (Gur ‘av bet Ge prow Met deg (FOIADY) € dey gor) i Tp Go0-qeo #0 then (gr -G09. you #O aud Fe is without eto dwiscss alto ten te degree of- (po-Gr\Fn is at feast m But weA)- FO ether fo ze80 pel! norreh of else dogs “f; Ces OD te lege Hee @ feles 5 if Bor gr =? frat 90 = JEN) awl rs nnd -FEA)-VOOTO Coay= Vor). Notes Tha Porwetits gpd and Read A" Callec( fag oa quatiet” arf tarnoindes. Jn Fre olursere Ae fr by Fr)« Deg : lt D be o Tidepra Pomer . Tf feo and GP bebog 4o POI | then we 5 tet x” clueless fo) in DEXJ and wndd Fru fo). ya ce) an by in Dory Such fst frxo= Gr hoc) - tn His Case, WE Call ar ae fcron ye —x ——"* —x —* then RIX] {Ss o ain d rauttipli cation of Poly —* —* © Proof * Let QR bea Ring. : to tne. add ktor an Let fos ot ai%+ aunt —---- - gow = bet beet b+ —- - @ ROAT e RcxJ eee ee = leh foot goo = #20 whae Ws athe , then weR e207 Closuas_wrte adaitioy _ eREs) since Ris a Rin ' fherefpre fod+goo € REX] oy le hos Ct Cnt x4 — -- then foot L900 4huy) = Sot Siret $a90>+ where Sc at Cbta) we lz? and (foot goo) ere re ate erty re ees her i= (acth)+co wv Cz0 we Know that assectakturty tanto addin held rR ) Also , Bo (actbe)+ec Siac betes) isa ; Set Fe » Hence (foot 9M). +hoy = foo + (ace thoo) : , y > The Polynomial 200) = ppuat orto —--. ERE ; such that , fon + 2) = (ate) a (Arbo Carts) —~ — = GW tar t+ qn + Cig? + : aad foo Hence Z(x) Ts the Zeke es pee _ 4 = for evesy Fearne At arta —— e RDI a dere Syst paynomial Haye eat (and et C92) 2058 — Such trek foot f= (actlag t latcayat — ~ = (Me @) t COA) AF (ar-u)e+ — ERD = Otert a+ — —— = 20%) Addctve DuschibyeZe0 elemet of ROI fo foot fie tad fo Clemet af ROD hove +hs adblitur Juror de a Hence REx} 'S abel write addtin alp pdynsmtcly => let fon, goo hey ERDI a precdeted byto. Let foo gow) = dot dnt div} cyrx3- —--- . Theh dic = TZ ah Gjzk ler (fess am) hoy = Cot ect Coxr+eswd y+ — - ee = Fake tile: = a oe Peano les = E cats) Simi)az! if Fon (gephoo) = ft howther4 fo+ — — fez ZB WL bj) Cts ) Since (Abi) C= QL bj Ce) 5 ee Se ov tz0 Hence (foogen)n) 2 foo Cgovheo J Hence aygo Crabiuuy heldy UWracto nuclltpl cations =7 tet foo, goo, hoo EREXT thee, -foo [goo tho] = (dor ant ard +) [(betbet bate.) tClot Gat Coxr+ —-- )] 2 (tot da taatt---) [ (bt) + ate ctlortayety -- I Again fovgen) +fov hes = (dot dix tax -—- D4 (got got poet — --) = (det ge) + artgn et Cott - Here the Coeftiuent af ak (Ss det gies E, aby + ZAG = Z (cbt 2G) Cj zie Gyele CHE we C20 ,Jz0 hee WR Ps cn( bj46)) = aby + UG) Te felled teat oe z Quel bj+C3) = Zeb + AG) ea ‘ wy) ts deg Pe deg yo =O Then ban fx) ard goo ‘ue tonstearty bee Sa and 4) = abeP e “ ado, bee Nas fwy=e = ae =8 bhi (= Bintiy of E) ccavncn GRE Hate (0 fsaddifvetdchty o F fox) 2 Yp.yoor roy Ushers, 4y= abt © FOO , 0 20 CFCA) o> Result hddy for nz0 Ned te us oamune thet nfs pastlha Cnr) tow gasume Hot fre Acct 6s duit for ALL palynemval 4,00 wenese degree 3» Jess than deg Seven. Le frye On Anyant + bm" + bm20"t + and bm #0 4 axt+ 4% b e FLX ord 9 * _ bbixt be PLAY where Into ea foo = foo tanbr) 2 gi) -—D hes (Gnbwst) 20° gon +4100 LAABRAAAAAPALANAANAANARaAKRAaae ~~ ia or deg F100 < deg. Foen Then days =° Ty fie Ip qpo=0 hoe qp0 = @nbrit) ane and ro0=0 LOD < deg feos a aren Hypotnosd's for JOO 4 Yoo and 50 FRY 8 a. FOO = PO god + A100 ether 200 20 or deg BOO < 469 gem). $° FD = @nbrod) 2 goU + Fivy = Canbat JO gory + 400 FOI + 4100 Canbiat.oo™ + 4.09)- qos 2100) srry qo) € FOI Tale genre Cambri = 09 €FD) and SO) = ushere deg FO) < IG gx) fel Thus, by | of motnemoaticel Trduction , 3 Loniqueness: eff 4.00 ancl OO * Let fox) = 490 ge) + FOO _ gortey = Fogo 4$FOO (here Gun, FO, 4 end wo) € FIal and ethet = aexyr0 oe = deg. FOU qwgmten = 1) Joo + ZOO a BH -ay) = [4to- FJ -gou pore Gther ZEO)- 41%) =o m de Hey (CO) 2 AV RHF IM | But we Know thal dey (E00 - < 99 “am =—TOU <0 ARM = rm)! = pet abs» [4p0-Fxy}yoor0 => lovatbo post Fhe paly nome al qov and roy oe Calte d question Ad Aomeunder. azaperkids ln dunson af fou le gon. Teeminology :_ | let D bev an Tatepal Doman, let for, goo € DLAI we Soy thet goy dwides Foy IF there eust ho Eda Sud) thot fos goo-hoo and wuk ger) foo , dip We Say trot goo 6 a faster af foo. => fm elemet a Is Zero (or a sont) af & Polynomial aot) (£ Fl0)=0. € This means subshtute % by a In 72) we Sey that ‘a’ Is Zed of multpliady K(k ZL) Ocos ts a factor ap foo but Gra) ts nat a eh fe. 41> When F is a Field » QeF and Fx) € FLX) - i ie @ayk| foo Buk Cray / fos a Remainder Theo: - gia re ik Ee be a fed cee, ond foe rad. Wen 7) 4 fo the vemalndey In the division ay foo by ara < prot By DNiclan Algonttha. J gqoy and roy ef OI] & Such hob fooz 9O0-(%-A) + 4~O tithee apy=d on dey 00 < deg (-a) a4 = dey te0=0 oe de (WOO) 20 <1 a Faq coo) =o then FOS S (Comput whew SEF) $o ftom . Apps (a-a). qou +5 a 2S venander | (replace aby &) CorouARy 2: Pacha Theos! | io pe te a ee, Ge foy EF DJ © te 6 Oe @ factor af fo). Prmf suppose that a! Then by dwison algornthe. for foo. Such that fou rs and only (p a-a’ ts 5 azen of FO. | (le fiad=0) A qo) ea & FOJ +a) = ora) goo + fa) a FOO (a) qry, (-fiadz0) ~ Ga) 5 a foctos of G0 proves Conversely > suppose (1a) ts a facter af foo «then 3 hoye FOI Such thet — fy = @-ayhod weplaging % by a fla) = (aa hoy) fia) +0 fe eee a et Theor 6.2 + Polynemicts ag Degene mn howe 2b (eek 1 2 a -fielol hos at most A pelynornial deqree nN ove. nezers , counting Mubti’plicy.. proof vee. choll prove the vesule by Induskion on lt fear= axtb €FIX), ayo For Nek dren 4 --atb ts) the tevo af SCX) me anly 2 $(-atb) = Al-atb)+h = = (watb)+b -—btrb=0 Mow suppose thet the result holels for alt tre petpronvels d Y degtee lex thoy 1 oven RB, Now let fon SFlx) Such thet deg foo =n ler acF be a Zesd % Foo having. muttiplerty kK foo = Cea) Kaen) fer Some 4p) EF Dc] p 400 to DD > wed aya kt deg 4oo As deg qo 2 deg qos aK (b-a)k Etb)=0 from eg @ = gtb)=0 ‘ ‘ 4 ( + BIS Q ZED af 40) , where dy qposn-k 0 t By Induction Hypothesis, ‘ yoy Can have at most (n-k) zesveg , (Counting ratty) fo fem Can have at most (N-k)+k zeros In ie foo Con hare at most n Zerg In P Coons Heme By 2M Poinespel af} Mecthe mattcal Thanetin, This aagutt holds . Procol Rernask.” This Theasm holes Seo Polynemials ove Fields Only Te fo tsa Palynomiat af degree 1, over a Ring R which Is not a fietol , hen Se) can have more | than ny zeros . fn Ry Sxample — 2743x42, hos 4. Zeros in %& tet fos 434-2 ten fo) & (4) =O f=0 , far fu) = p Ft 5)= 0 Hex) have 4 Vers iN Ze = ® 424,65 satel sis AAAARMAANMAAAA vewvevews pw vvwvuvewvyuy Example:2, “Me Complex Zevas a, A. fee ML Tap, ae(aegy teen) 7 K2O1A)--~ We. Zetos af fOO- ( Gy Demoivre's Thea) Thies each af) @>, HL, W,L0%, -- pr is a zero Hd al Phe ted T+ ee Nim On lS coud preiie, 1H of Unddy- Rincipal Teleal Domain (PID) Principal Tcleal Domain Is an Tategrod Domain RIn Ware, eu ray ideal aa the form HF goo fsa nmzere Pejpremred as minimum degsee [aay oof \e A Bf ar % pred Exomple 4 > JOU = a - we 42 ph 2 e 2&2) arb pur 2 i BETS yy apo tL 3x ppt fot ape ha gl Youd 2? 4 S% ar) Bn $O3 YO? 44 Ct hur po) (or? ww x)+O1t8) ford * Gr VE > 4 xen Prewe} Example £3 $- Consider 1 RII E daw) = Fut) ¥ for € RIX] © & fc well depined- @® ¢ is wing Homomorphism @ ts onto, > ta foy = Want 4x +0 = o ec E RU and gou= bmi 2. - + bjx +be : fart gw= (astbs °F oa where $= maxkhy and. OC Ae br=e Fa = (S94 gO]= Castbs) ESE —- FL (Sty. tac+a) + +bit tbe) es (ay thy) + Oot bo =o Vit 4 Com tb)Ut a. tbe . (ast + O51 (_bstS+ bot (st =~ = fwt ge? $l Rory) = ose) +4 (9) 4 Cet Also Fe. g = oo oa. where Cea dubet Araby t - + Obey tAebi, (40 my Conan UO" +O +Co ie i 4,04 Me) of UE oe 4bit-+bo) = glo): )- dtgor) by jst Tsoino xprsm Theonm—~ Rod aca on AC REXT an be ) er ae onto * let atthe — o 1 foo arbre @ RIX] _Suels fot dio) = FO = atth fog CREAT) = a ALY) _ kes ae b (00 t= FL wth & Kerf on 2270 potynomvet ob 7 =O wtLisa n “ms in ae Keap= < WELD ee [x See p(Roxd) Enewcipe 93 show Zen $0,234.55 qhat 2243x442 Neo fous Zewed in 2 Sol fo = g49+2 = 2 fu) = teHrt2=® £05) = pane ts © Le olen CAR ate $e) = O+0+2>2 fU) = 44342 20 foy= 4464270 fine, 243%4+2 hos four Zeros ng - snow fuck is @ commuted oe Ri cage chav ® Th R Gx I: cherR>° Then there Is wo poste. wuteger n such thst neso -FreR ee a Lor ChoaR=h for some ne zt a nice 47 nis tre least positive wkege® suche jest a) + T+ eRe , lee fy = Anwe ana t+ — “Ther nfoo= -—n)larprt ana t prt) nar + Nae = nanxne nani? + - S paspoott+ = onto = 9 by O ot n is least posit ve wtezer , Hod we uxLL prove ph Let charRtxJ = ™ be an Ideal in 2L%). tee FS Suppose thet the (deel I= <2/x7 in ZI*J Is Then there eust fone Zfa] Such hot ee es peneipe gone ZED Sun thot * 2eI , Bo there eust 2= -fogoo Hence deg fo tdeg GOO = deg Fogo = dteg> =0 o des Fee) = deg Goo = 0 Thus = fora 2 Gar 4%. Q= ab Bowe have astl of $2 abe U- Tg 2th then <2a,x> =<17: Hen wher. arb 20y s006 ZEA) Such tat H2 2400 + K-S00. Equasing- anstant tems In these polyramual We pt + f= 20> 2 ley Contradacting. KOE Z Do a=42 then <2,X>5 <2>. + Heme a uot) E za] St we 2Uey Then ue 24, tmntirclict i UCOS 20x47 Thin proves tnot §=<2.x> Ts nen pringpel Pole, po zZlad ts net Prinapal Peleg Domaly Pov iY Ss v ec Let fix) @FIXT, where F is afield. let a be a ze, ch FO of multi plicaky mn, ard mic foy- G-aynqod Tk bt is azer ef 4$%) Shas that sh : ss ey the same mubiphaty as & zero of 4 as ue does for fou. é 7 Let m be the multiplicity of b in qoo . The Nn we me sully qooz ey Yd and -foos 0-4)" 400 be foor UO" Ceby"Yod » yoo ertx], Par his means that & Is % ze of Fo: q'lb)7 0 Of multi ple at Aeort m Th b Is zew at fod greates 4nen. ™, then 6 Is & zero ok gixd= foc) Vase = B-aNYoD But nen 0 = gb) = (b-a)%qilb) > git =0 which is cot redder] $o FOO = 0-9) by" Yed, and bi's Zero ap fo) ott ap fo ap meplety ot Heat Peg positive integer n, a field € an have vbberdddddddddddddddudeae 920° Prove Hot -for Ang Ne at most & finde number af clemets ay multip ications, ie deder at most”. a beovt Tk there WAZ Ingi mtely mary elemects ay oder a apnosk _then. fer Some Ks, there would a. woe Inpinckelyy, ancy Zane elements af order K. Le but then -Mere would be ite many zerves ® ogy Poof aK-L — Tus untradicts He Cornbloty, 3 aff Theorm 16-2 ed) \ Le & polynomial al ac e owr a fide thas ot mE ™ Lews, Courting alk ee 423: let P be A fiell. and let fod, goo CF Ix] . Ip tere he pel momicd &(r posit ve, degree in FIXT Het duvieles both fia) end fo. [ Tn nis Ce foo and gon are sald te be relatively Prime “J, Prove thot there oust . Pejynemials ch ang Ki) ih FE) vatth the prepety - | FoohOd + Joo kwo = ar EE center the Ideal <-+foos+< go> of Flx] £F00> + = pr FOO 4ROD FOO pho, kop EF LAI} | Sma. FIxJ is an principal Tdesl Domaly ; ‘ ne < foo? #54099 = < doo> for some dame FRI. . A ' FR < food | = < dard ' \ and. < foo Hegeo> = Sine «40, «tsa unt in P, so « fs a Ont th fix). Ty fay FKGOODS © < daysy = > Henw 3 polzremicds hOY Koy CFR suey tof hon fF) + Koygoo ea 24: let F be an infin -fiell. « let Foo, goye FIXI. | IS Seay=jeay fer ingioately many elemots app a af F Shes that -FOO> J) Pv fF be an inginde, field » fin, yoo € FEI suah not veld Fe #lad= ea) ese Inginately many eremerts of fi : Ebel eee ¢ feos goo ‘fre ink mary. Chern eR geospon hes wnaitegy many $0 by Q:22, hw=0 “Tuy Po0> J Wee ut bine 2 Held ands tS Se ae fou.geoerta and 4g doo < 4g? pix. and. dey jou < deg poo Shut dine Foot < poor= goot = gootst TE FOO # GOV ane leg ($09-gor) fs sears) As fon goo & ve fase oo ascmet heee A SPN bo 4g fia — gu? 8-9 jeu Bi pe > pes ans member o(-- 215 OEY en 91 Ip te Rings Rand ¢ are [somoyphic +» Shes that- £OO] and SCA axe tsumoyphic jue) : . : C converse Wot Tf sR Is, a aing Homo moyphism « cegine Pll Ts REAIA. SAT by Gnatt ~-- tae) = lana - - + He) e - a 2 5 Shue thet Gis a rng Homomot phism ‘ yeof Giweh O2R55 isa Reg Homomosphism_ $i RE) PstI Bl ae + HA) = Han)" Hany —— +hAd) ‘Let FO ,goO ERE] A FoO= Ooxnfo—- +4e GO = bnaM + —— - tbe a ot be) _ Ther Bl-Foo+Goo) = Glantbn)ant --- + Slat ‘ gr) = OL . _ +h laa) +e) = planyan+ plese t ~~ “Weayary— + 4lay )+(o(byant ~ O09 = lseo) + $tgoo) RAHA ) Smiley — G0 geo) = B (Cn ond 20" -.. =. +(asbs)) et = $(anbn) 24 - — — + $(@sba) = = (tan). db purin ~~ = Flas) lbs) Pa & G15 an homemerpher fo RS ee] = blan) x”. bloyai4 =. +4 lay 9(by) SJ =(Planjant —-- + lad) (pUbs)et4 ——— + 6U)) ey §( = bfeo. $469 . ww Heath FIRCAI—SLAT oS aM Hamemerphism— pe RS ) x 92 Rand s ax tsomorphic: that 1S a gr Ros ——» one-one e > owro & saa) Ring Hom ome yphisyn x a qe Let 9 PREAIMSLxI] lis a mopar Suh qual © B(x" - FO) = Hlan)x"+- - + $ (ao) \ _ a TWs mappings Is Reg Hemimec pon ( Rewctty— Provo } Me-one’ — Let ts gis ane-ne Mop = PIR>S $0 Can) = blbn) => an= bm i \ . 4 ‘ dla) = lbs) => ‘aya bo Now Canxny — - 4a) = B Ubra+ —- - ies) Se a ace + (bo) a Compartieg- compo nectuise- lan) = olbn) > anzby t . (a= Ub») > Gerke bo $lanyang —-- t4lay = HlbnAet + 6lbe) tmpes i arnt —- tas = bnat+ - — - the be Is one- one Map’ gw i- Site > Is onto! Bo Vtech kges bes J face (veR Suh frat — plat) = be Nod Let for= @ bnxw4+ --- elermeut jon for each be , C='0,),2--n there & unlque. Of, (20,1, Such Hatem olay = be, LE Ora +bo & SH] be ay BO fr bnah4 - - th, BS Planyaty — + $la6) > gtayant ——— +t $l) a planm+ - ao) Jno ie oo Coach bnah} - +b.e SEQ @ the oy are ae Read sun thet BCanan4 -—- 149 = brant +e > Pro so “6 IS ovto map. 23 go Is psomoxphism, ROSS SI Pre there any. nen constart Pognem ols (tn 20x) thet powe multiplicative Prverre 2 f~ Let fove ZPxjJ wth deg. foo et foo = Ox 4 Ang nt 4 ~ __ +UX4 Mo, avew Sy foo have multtplecctive. Dunse in 20x 7, a go ler gor Loe: be + ha k, Such thet - foo geo = f , goto. deg GOO BL" Sire Z Is an Iutegred _Domoun (se Kuwusd) ) then by deyee Rule dey (fo). 300) = deg fot dey gor eg) Oe aaae which fs an absured. beex Bo thee 1S pet any nem Gonstout pojynomrals “in ZIx) thet have rrudttiplicetive Tnvepe- i _— O15 Shes thet oo Pelynonaral, Ry X41 © ZylraJ he mutpueetive Quverse In 24 0x) let foo= PHL, Let pfs Prultipticos Pr 6S fro | ee ee ie : _ oe Hh Pe onus Ta ae eH aad ae ae Caen = th ZyOcT $o (Axti) IS tS own, fnvese in Zylx9 Ay gy Let foor Q8¢ an 143 and goo= aM $ BAB} 24 A 439K where FOO, Joo € 2D1, Compete fod +9) and foo god i Hart god = 4h 4 2x3 ORF IRT2: : = Bab4 2134 ate > > 400. Food 2 ante 2b + ut +4h an 4 Cb 254 WP SAE + > neg ax SH axl 4 mh qurc an Wr tt Ux Sera : a anhy EL ELY 4 52H) + UHH) + - ~ D2(Qt3+4) + 02Y 4145742 OHH) @ > = ont xb 694 BHF OX 4+ 32Et w+ & —» Foo.goy > anttaxt pF 4 IK + BAt4 2K4 Br 2 AW =» ie Chas aie = 62 In 23{x] , Show Het 4ne. distin nom - = and we, determine ine same funche fom a2 es aM. SSP = > © ‘ 1 = : ® L_, 1, z 1» 12 1a i» 1A 1.4 ja 1 Ll a ia A TT A a RA AC uae We Pues Olver an example 6 a Co k mmeutotive Rin, ng. tor'th Un. and gq manimal Ideal “Tay Ro such ted not a martmal Idocl ef RUD. — cot a se lek REE commutative. Ring vty Ondy ler I=<2> Is maximal Ideal * Rad 2 LS = = uy 2 (ge = [Ajer = tohidh tg mntegred domain, but nok fred. vente. 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