PHC 2 Community Health Process

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A. Definition
B. Purpose of Community Health Process
C. Components of Community Health Process
D. Community Diagnosis


After studying this topic the student will be able to:

 Discuss the concepts and principles of the community health process.
 Describe the components of the community survey and family survey.
 Identify the difference between community and family survey


Primary health care (PHC) addresses the majority of a person's health needs throughout
their lifetime. This includes physical, mental and social well-being and it is people-centred
rather than disease-centred. Primary care is the first point of contact with health services and
provides a point of entry for the entire health system. Research has shown that access to
primary health services is linked to better health outcomes, including improvements in self-
rated health and a reduction in all-cause mortality. The eight essential elements of PHC
effectively integrate the health and social development aspects of the health system: (a) safe
water and sanitation; (b) food and nutrition; (c) maternal and child health; (d) immunization; (e)
curative care; (f) essential drugs; (g) health education; (h) traditional medicine.

IV. As a future midwife, can you make a reflection on what is community health process and its
importance to our health care delivery system?



Definition: Community Health Process
A group of people in a community reaches a decision to initiate a social action process
(planned intervention) to change their economic, social, cultural, or environmental situation. It
is a process of exploring and knowing a defined community for assessing its health status and
determining the possible factors affecting the health of the people in the community.
 A community health needs assessment is a systematic process involving the community
to identify and analyze community health needs and assets in order to prioritize these
needs and to plan and act upon unmet community health needs.

(075) 600 - 1507

San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan
Bright future starts here |
Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta

 Principles of Community Health (Alma Ata Declaration - WHO 1978)

• Availability of health care for all people and at a cost they can afford
• Promotive and preventive aspects of health care
• Integration of curative and preventive services
• Active participation of individuals and communities in the planning and implementation.

A. Community Survey
> A survey is made up of series of questions (written or oral) for systematic collection of
information from a sample of individuals or families in a community.
> Community assessment is the process of identifying the strengths, assets, needs, and
challenges of a specified community. A compilation of survey questions sent out to a filtered
target audience or specific audience to know more about them, and to understand more about
a particular community.

> Steps
1. Organizing
2. Analyzing
3. Prioritizing
4. Identifying
5. Acting
6. Evaluating

> Importance of Community Survey

1. To determine the health status, and to improve the community’s health and well being
2. To Identify potential risks factors that may cause ill effects on health
3. Finding the existing health problem in the community
4. To form the foundation for building a healthy future of individuals in the community.

> Common Elements of Assessment and Planning Frameworks

• Organize and plan.
• Engage the community.
• Develop a goal or vision.
• Conduct community health assessment(s)
• Prioritize health issues.
• Develop a community health improvement plan.
• Implement and monitor community health improvement plan.
• Evaluate process and outcomes.

How to Conduct Community Survey

• Step 1: Establish a working committee.
Any community development project is a people project; its success depends on how well
people with a stake in the community are involved. The first step for all community initiatives is
to create a survey committee that represents a broad spectrum of local interests. What groups
should be represented on the assessment committee? Identify at least five groups from the

(075) 600 - 1507

San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan
Bright future starts here |
Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta

community whose representatives can serve on your survey committee. It is important that
your committee represents a wide variety of interest groups in the community.
• Step 2: Assess and identify significant needs.
The first task of the survey committee is to identify significant community needs and
opportunities that should be addressed by the survey.
• Step 3: Identify stakeholders/ Participants
Stakeholders are citizens who are affected by the issues addressed in the needs and resource
survey. For many development issues, every citizen is a stakeholder. For other issues, specific
stakeholders can be identified. Stakeholders should be included in planning the survey
instrument and disseminating the results. For example, if your survey includes questions
related to education in the community, then someone from the school district should
participate in the survey process.
• Step 4: Decide what you want to know.
This is the most important step. There is nothing worse than collecting information and still
don't have the answers you need. So, be very clear on what you want to know and why you
want to know it. This will take the discussion with your organizer and the committee.
• Step 5: Select questions.
The questions can be asked in an open-ended format or a closed in format. Both have
advantages and disadvantages. Most questionnaires will allow opportunities for respondents to
answer in both formats.
• Step 6: Identify respondents
Who is to be surveyed? What is the target population from which you will choose the sample?
Is this survey intended to obtain feedback from a special population -- high school students,
elderly people, businesses, farmers, members of an organization? Or is this survey intended for
all the members of the community.
• Step 7: Collect the data and ask the questions.
There are many different methods used to distribute a survey. It is difficult to determine which
is the most effective. Consider how much time you have to invest into this survey, how many
people you have available to work on this project and how much money you have allocated for
the survey.
• Step 8: Analyze the data and review the answers.
After you have collected the information from the survey. Now is the time to analyze the results
– what were the responses to your questions. This should be done by both the project leader
and shared with key committee members. This will allow for a good evaluation of the results.
• Step 9: Write the report.
Organization of the written report executive summary. A brief, interesting summary of the
report's highlights. It should include a description of the population surveyed, the response
rate, and the results of the key issues.

a. Introduction describing the purpose or objective of the report.

b. A description of how the data were collected, the sample size, response rate, etc.
c. A description and interpretation of the most relevant or significant findings.
d. Recommendations for committees to consider issue by issue.

* Step 10: Share the results.

(075) 600 - 1507

San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan
Bright future starts here |
Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta

Where will you disseminate the results of the survey? Members of your survey committee
represent various stakeholder groups in your community. Each member can share these results
with the organization they represent. List each stakeholder group and the date of their next
meeting, where members can present survey results. Can a committee representative share the
survey results at each meeting listed?

• Use the Data. Now that you've collected information and drawn some conclusions, let
people know! They will be interested. There are many ways to share this information with
stakeholders. In addition to widely distributing a formal report, it would be more effective if the
survey results were disseminated at town meetings or at meetings of the various stakeholder
groups involved in the survey.
• The community survey can be used to identify key strategic areas or critical issues that
will be explored in the future. Use the results of the survey to help you identify these key
strategic areas. Focus on the future, on your community vision. Reorganize and begin the long-
range planning process.
• Revisit the major issues. Although many issues were featured in the survey, your
planning committee can address only a few. What are the top issues? Identify the stakeholders
in your community that represents each of the issues you identified on the previous page. You
can have more than one stakeholder group for each issue

B. Family Survey
Definition: Family Survey
This involves a set of actions by which the status of a family as client. It is the gathering of data
about a family, its lifestyle, health related concerns and environment where they live. It aims to
familiarize the concept of community medicine/health medicine.

> The McMaster Model (and thus the FAD) focuses on six dimensions of family functioning:
1. problem solving;
2. communication;
3. roles;
4. affective responsiveness;
5. affective involvement;
6. behavior control.

What is the importance of family health assessment?

1. Assessing the current and past health of a client's family is important because diseases
sometimes have a genetic component.
2. These data provide you with a risk profile for inherited conditions.

Components of family assessment?

Key parts of the process involve:

(075) 600 - 1507
San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan
Bright future starts here |
Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta

1. reviewing existing information,

2. meeting with the family,
3. interviewing children and youth as appropriate,
4. meeting with the staff of other agencies,
5. obtaining specialized assessments,
6. identifying the family needs and circumstances contributing to the need for child
welfare intervention,

 Assessment of health of family and family member is the first step in family health
nursing process. Collection of data is a baseline procedure to find out health status
medical history, Socio-economic status, and health behavior and environment factor.

 Family Survey Guide

 Step One: Analysis of Data

Analysis of Data in Step One helps identify and understand the data. For Indicator 4, data are
gathered through survey methods. These methods differ greatly from state to state and the
instruments also differ. Some states do a census, where all families are surveyed, and some
states sample.
 Step Two: Interpreting the Data to Select Needs
With a good understanding of the data, the needs become evident. However, all the needs
cannot be addressed, so in Step Two the selection and prioritization occurs.

 Step Three: Identify Program Practices from the Needs

The methods used to address the needs are program practices. In Step Three, it is
recommended that for each priority need, practices are identified.

 Step Four: Identify Improvement Activities & Action Steps

There is a lot to consider when identifying improvement activities. These activities are the
interventions you will take to improve services.
 Step Five: Incorporate into the SPP/APR
After the recommended considerations for development of improvement activities in Step Four
arefollowed, Step Five incorporates the results directly into the SPP/APR.

 Step Six: Relate to Survey as a Whole.

1. Organize for action by convening the necessary participants, establishing an
oversight committee for implementation activities, and preparing for
2. Develop realistic and measurable objectives related to each strategic goal and
establish accountability by identifying responsible parties.

(075) 600 - 1507

San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan
Bright future starts here |
Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta

3. Develop action plans aimed at achieving the outcome objectives and addressing
the selected strategies.

A. Family Healthcare Plan
 How to make a health care plan?
 Assess the patient. ...
 Identify and list nursing diagnoses. ...
 Set goals for (and ideally with) the patient. ...
 Implement nursing interventions. ...
 Evaluate progress and change the care plan as needed.

 Health Planning has been defined as the orderly process of defining national health
1. identifying unmet needs and surveying the resources to meet them,
2. establishing priority goals that are realistic and
3. feasible and projecting administrative action to accomplish its purpose


> Family healthcare strategies

1. Review action plans looking for opportunities to coordinate and combine resources for
maximum efficiency and effectiveness.
2. Implement and monitor the progress of the action plans.


1. Prepare for evaluation by engaging stakeholders and describing the activities to be

2. Focus the evaluation design by selecting evaluation questions, the process for answering
these questions, the methodology and plan for carrying out the evaluation, and a strategy for
reporting results.

3. Gather credible evidence that answers the evaluation questions. Justify the conclusions.
4. Ensure that the results of the evaluation are used and shared with others. Celebrate the
successes of the process.


1. Community Health Process
2. - Community Assessment Process
3. Family Survey
(075) 600 - 1507
San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan
Bright future starts here |
Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta

(075) 600 - 1507

San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan
Bright future starts here |

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