Syllabus For Level Pre Ielts A (GVNN-GVVN)

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Expected Outcome: IELTS 4.5

I. Course objectives

This level aims to help students communicate effectively in semi-academic contexts though they are still influenced by the
mother tongue. After finishing the level, students will be able to:
∙ understand semi-authentic texts of various kinds, their gist, details and structures.
∙ write essays of about 200 words on different topics.
∙ comprehend conversations and longer monologues, extracts from radio programs, news and verbally respond in almost all
∙ use English confidently in both common and academic contexts through frequent practice in class.
∙ self-study, effectively apply academic study skills such as listening and note-taking, paraphrasing and summarizing and
giving presentations.
The learner-centered approach is followed throughout the level.
II. Required resources
● Main textbooks: Time Zones 3, National Geographic Learning
Oxford Word Skills Basic, Oxford University Press
Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Cambridge University Press
Complete IELTS band 4-5, Cambridge University Press
● Supplementary materials: Face2Face Elementary, Cambridge University Press
Bridge to IELTS, National Geographic Learning
*** N. B.: Any other relevant materials selected by the teachers are welcomed.

III. Guideline for teaching

⮚ The Communicative Language Teaching and Learner-Centered Approaches are used.
⮚ Feedback for students’ performance should also be given timely and regularly to build up their confidence and improve
their performance.
⮚ Lessons should be planned based on the student’s needs and their learning styles.
⮚ Pronunciation practice should always be focused on during class hours
⮚ Photocopiable activities from teacher’s books are to be made full use of.
⮚ Pair and group-work activities should be applied and encouraged together with the individual ones
⮚ Students are encouraged to take part in class activities.

IV. Assessment
Progress Test and Final test
V. Syllabus in detail: 90 minutes/ session
Week Session Topics Contents Resources Teachers

TIME ZONES 3 Vietnamese teacher

Unit 1: I’d like to be a pilot - Grammar: want & would like (p.6)
- Vocabulary: Jobs/ Job qualities-
1 Pronunciation: Weak forms of
Unit 1: I’d like to be a pilot - Reading: Extreme jobs TIME ZONES 3 Vietnamese teacher
2 (cont.)
- Writing: emails (p.6)

2 Unit 1: I’d like to be a pilot TIME ZONES 3 Vietnamese teacher

(cont.) (p.6)
- Video watching: Volcano
- Review
Unit 44: I can name jobs WORD SKILLS
-Vocabulary: jobs and common
expressions about jobs/career (p114-115)

4 Unit 2: Which one is - Grammar: + Using the one who TIME ZONES 3 Vietnamese teacher
Bruno? (p.18)
+ Adjectives

- Vocabulary: Personality
Adjectives and Compound
- Pronunciation: Syllable stress

Unit 2: Which one is - Reading: Unsung heroes TIME ZONES 3 Vietnamese teacher
5 Bruno? (cont.) (p.18)
- Writing: Blog post

Unit 2: Which one is - Video watching: The Tables TIME ZONES 3 Vietnamese teacher
Bruno? (cont.) (p.18)
- Review
- Vocabulary: Words and phrases
Unit 14: I can talk about (p36-37)
character about people’s characters

4 Unit 3: We have to reduce - Grammar: Language for rules TIME ZONES 3 Vietnamese teacher
trash! (p.30)
- Vocabulary: + Plastic pollution

+ Prefix: re-
+ Suffix: -able

- Pronunciation: Reduction of
have to & has to

8 Unit 3: We have to reduce - Reading: 6 things you can do TIME ZONES 3 Vietnamese teacher
trash! (cont.)
about plastic (p.30)

- Writing: Social media post

Unit 3: We have to reduce - Video watching: Fixing the TIME ZONES 3 Vietnamese teacher
trash! (cont.) plastic problem (p.30)

9 - Review

- Words and phrases about signs WORD SKILLS

Unit 33: I can understand
and notices (p.86)
signs and notices

Unit 4: How do sloths - Grammar: Adjectives & TIME ZONES 3 Vietnamese teacher
move? Adverbs (p.42)
- Vocabulary: + Animals

+ Animal
10 characteristics

+ Phrasal verbs
with come

- Pronunciation: Unstressed
schwa syllables

6 11 Unit 4: How do sloths - Reading: Can animals be nice? TIME ZONES 3 Vietnamese teacher
move? (cont.) (p.42)
- Writing: Online ad

Unit 4: How do sloths TIME ZONES 3 Vietnamese teacher

move? (cont.) (p.42)
- Video watching: Amazing rats

12 -Review

Unit 36: I can describe the - Words and phrases about

countryside animals on the farm/ in the WORD SKILLS
countryside (p94-95)

7 Unit 5: I’m meeting friends - Grammar: Simple present & TIME ZONES 3 Vietnamese teacher
later Present progressive (p.54)

- Vocabulary: + Common
+ Suffixes: -ed & -

- Pronunciation: Stress in
compound noun

14 Unit 5: I’m meeting friends - Reading: Sit with us TIME ZONES 3 Vietnamese teacher
later (cont.) (p.54)
- Writing: Email

Unit 5: I’m meeting friends - Video watching: The boiling TIME ZONES 3 Vietnamese teacher
later (cont.) river (p.54)
Unit 36: I can describe
15 - Review WORD SKILLS
- Words and phrases about
relationships and friends

Unit 6: What will Earth be -Grammar: + Will & Wont TIME ZONES 3 Vietnamese teacher
like in the future? (p.66)
+ more, less & fewer

-Vocabulary: + Climate change

16 + The environment

+ Suffix: -y

- Pronunciation: Reduction of

9 17 Unit 6: What will Earth be - Reading: On thin ice TIME ZONES 3 Vietnamese teacher
like in the future? (cont.) (p.66)
- Writing: Short paragraph
Unit 6: What will Earth be - Video watching: Renewable TIME ZONES 3 Vietnamese teacher
like in the future? (cont.) energy (p.66)

18 - Review
Unit 36: I can talk about
the weather - Words and phrases about WORD SKILLS
weather (p56-57)

Unit 7: When did it -Grammar: + When & How long TIME ZONES 3 Vietnamese teacher
happen? (p.78)
+ Prepositions of time

-Vocabulary: + Events & Dates

+ General and
specific nouns

- Pronunciation: Syllable stress

Unit 7: When did it - Reading: An ancient murder TIME ZONES 3 Vietnamese teacher
20 happen? (cont.) (p.78)
- Writing: Online forum post

11 21 Unit 7: When did it - Video watching: Sailing solo TIME ZONES 3 Vietnamese teacher
happen? (cont.) (p.78)
-Vocabulary about days & dates WORD SKILLS

Unit 3: I can say days and (p16-17)


Unit 8: Have you ever tried - Grammar: Present perfect TIME ZONES 3 Vietnamese teacher
go-karting? (p.90)
- Vocabulary: + Interesting
+ Collocations

- Pronunciation: Reduction of

Unit 8: Have you ever tried - Reading: Bucket lists TIME ZONES 3 Vietnamese teacher
23 go-karting? (cont.) (p.90)
- Writing: Short biography

Unit 8: Have you ever TIME ZONES 3 Vietnamese teacher

tried go-karting? (cont.) (p.90)
- Video watching: The unsinkable
Unit 50: I can talk about
my free time - Words and phrases about
common activities and hobbies
Unit 9: Phones used to be - Grammar: Used to TIME ZONES 3 Vietnamese teacher
much bigger (p.102)
- Vocabulary: + Technology

25 + Computer-related
- Pronunciation: Reduction of
used to

Unit 9: Phones used to be - Reading: The things we used to TIME ZONES 3 Vietnamese teacher
much bigger (cont.) do (p.102)

- Writing: Blog post

14 Unit 9: Phones used to be - Video watching: Creating the TIME ZONES 3 Vietnamese teacher
much bigger (cont.) Internet (p.102)

27 - Review

- Words and phrases about the WORD SKILLS

Unit 46: I can talk about
computer (p118-119)
using a computer

28 Unit 10: They’ve made an -Grammar: + Present perfect TIME ZONES 3 Vietnamese teacher
amazing discovery! (p.114)
+ Using for & since
-Pronunciation: + Different areas
of research

+ Suffix: -logist

- Pronunciation: Reduction of has

& have

Unit 10: They’ve made an - Reading: Turned to stone TIME ZONES 3 Vietnamese teacher
29 amazing discovery! (cont.) (p.114)
- Writing: News story

Unit 10: They’ve made an - Video watching: Lines in the TIME ZONES 3 Vietnamese teacher
amazing discovery! (cont.) sand (p.114)

30 - Review WORD SKILLS

- Words and phrases to describe a
Unit 34: I can talk about
my country country

16 31 Unit 11: Buy one, get one - Grammar: First conditional TIME ZONES 3 Vietnamese teacher
free! (p.126)
- Vocabulary: + Consumer goods

+ Business words

- Pronunciation: Pauses after if


Unit 11: Buy one, get one TIME ZONES 3 Vietnamese teacher
free! (cont.) - Reading: Cause marketing
32 (p.126)
- Writing: Marketing campaign

Unit 11: Buy one, get one - Video watching: Gravity stone TIME ZONES 3 Vietnamese teacher
free! (cont.) (p.126)
- Review
- Vocabulary about money in
Unit 20: I can talk about (p54-55)
money shops and in adverts

Unit 12: Which planet is -Grammar: + Future progressive TIME ZONES 3 Vietnamese teacher
the biggest? (p.138)
+ Tense review

-Vocabulary: + Space
+ Suffix: -like

-Pronunciation: + /w/ & /y/

+ linking sounds

18 35 Unit 12: Which planet is - Reading: Exoplanets TIME ZONES 3 Vietnamese teacher
the biggest? (cont.) (p.138)
- Writing: Paragraph

Unit 12: Which planet is -Video watching: The red planet WORD SKILLS Vietnamese teacher
the biggest? (cont.) (p.174-175)
- Review
- Common adjectives: Emphasis
Unit 71: Common
adjectives & Degree

Progress test Vietnamese and

On Sunday
foreign teachers

Unit 1: Daily life - Vocabulary: daily activities Mindset Foundation Vietnamese teacher
37 - Grammar: present simple & (p.10-13)
adverbs of frequency

19 Unit 1: Daily life (cont.) - Read for details Mindset Foundation Vietnamese teacher

- Write about daily routines (p.14-15)

- Reading: Guess the meaning
from context

20 Unit 1: Daily life (cont.) - Listening for details Mindset Foundation Vietnamese teacher

39 - Speaking: Your day (p.16-19)

- Grammar & Vocabulary

40 Unit 1: Daily life (cont.) Review Mindset Foundation Vietnamese teacher

Skill Modules Unit 1

Unit 2: House & Home -Vocabulary: rooms in a house Mindset Foundation Vietnamese teacher
41 and items in a room (p.20-22)
- Listening for details
Unit 2: House & Home - Reading: Note taking Mindset Foundation Vietnamese teacher
42 (cont.) - Grammar: Simple present (p.23-25)
positive, negative & questions

Unit 2: House & Home - Speaking: Choosing Mindset Foundation Vietnamese teacher
43 (cont.) accommodation (p.26-30)
- Writing an email

Unit 2: House & Home Mindset Foundation Vietnamese teacher

22 - Grammar & Vocabulary
(cont.) (p.31-33)

44 Mindset Foundation
Vietnamese teacher
- Review Skill Modules Unit 2

23 Unit 3: Hobbies, leisure - Vocabulary: Leisure activities Mindset Foundation Vietnamese teacher
45 and entertainment - Listening: Multiple choice (p.34-35)

46 Unit 3: Hobbies, leisure - Grammar: Present simple & Mindset Foundation Vietnamese teacher
and entertainment (cont.)
Present continuous (p.36-39)

- Reading: Use of distraction

Unit 3: Hobbies, leisure Mindset Foundation Vietnamese teacher

and entertainment (cont.) - Speaking: Sports (p.39-42)
- Writing: Responding to a friend

24 Unit 3: Hobbies, leisure Mindset Foundation Vietnamese teacher

-Grammar & Vocabulary
and entertainment (cont.) (p.43-46)
Mindset Foundation
- Review
Skill Modules Unit 3

Unit 4: Travel and holidays Mindset Foundation Vietnamese teacher

- Vocabulary: Holiday activities
49 - Reading: Reading for specific
information and detailed meaning
Unit 4: Travel and holidays Mindset Foundation Vietnamese teacher
- Listening: Interview task
(cont.) (p.50-52)
50 - Speaking: Adding more details
and giving reasons

26 51 Unit 4: Travel and holidays - Grammar: Past simple & Mindset Foundation Vietnamese teacher
(cont.) Present simple (p.52-54)
- Writing: Emails

- Speaking: Experiences

Unit 4: Travel and holidays Mindset Foundation Vietnamese teacher

- Grammar & Vocabulary
(cont.) (p.55-57)
Mindset Foundation
- Review
Skill Modules Unit 4

Unit 5: Food - Vocabulary: Different foods Mindset Foundation Vietnamese teacher

53 - Reading: True/False/Not given

- Listening: Matching
Unit 5: Food (cont.) - Vocabulary: Cooking methods Mindset Foundation Vietnamese teacher
54 - Listening: Sentence completion

- Grammar: a/an/some

28 Unit 5: Food (cont.) - Speaking: Eating habits Mindset Foundation Vietnamese teacher
55 - Sentence completion 1

-Writing: Describe a process

56 Unit 5: Food (cont.) -Sentence completion 2 Mindset Foundation Vietnamese teacher

-Writing: Food in your country (p.65-69)

-Grammar & Vocabulary

Unit 6: Transport and - Vocabulary: Places and Mindset Foundation Vietnamese teacher
places in town Travel/Transport (p.70-72)
- Reading: Multiple choice
Unit 6: Transport and Mindset Foundation Vietnamese teacher
- Listening: Gap-fill
places in town (cont.) (p.72-75)
58 - Grammar: Comparatives and

Unit 6: Transport and -Speaking: Talking about Mindset Foundation Vietnamese teacher
places in town (cont.) transport and towns (p.76-77)
59 -Writing: A longer piece of
continuous writing

- Grammar & Vocabulary

Unit 6: Transport and Mindset Foundation Vietnamese teacher
- Grammar & Vocabulary
places in town (cont.) (p.78-79)
Mindset Foundation
- Review
Skill Modules Unit 6

31 61 Unit 7: Jobs, work and - Vocabulary: Skills and Abilities Mindset Foundation Vietnamese teacher
study - Listening: Note completion (p.80-81)
Unit 7: Jobs, work and -Grammar: Mindset Foundation Vietnamese teacher
study (cont.) can/can’t/could/couldn’t (p.82-83)
-Speaking: Describing skills and

Unit 7: Jobs, work and - Reading: True/False/Not Given Mindset Foundation Vietnamese teacher
63 study (cont.) - Writing: An email for a summer (p.84-87)
Unit 7: Jobs, work and Mindset Foundation Vietnamese teacher
- Writing: An email for a summer
study (cont.) job (cont.) (p.87-91)
- Grammar & Vocabulary

33 Unit 8: Health and - Listening 1: Information Mindset Foundation Vietnamese teacher

medicine matching (p.92-96)
65 - Vocabulary: Physical activities

- Reading: Multiple choice


66 Unit 8: Health and - Grammar 1: Should & Mindset Foundation Vietnamese teacher
medicine (cont.) Shouldn’t/ Should not (p.96-98)
- Speaking: Describing a picture

- Vocabulary: How to relax

- Listening 2: Multiple choice


Unit 8: Health and - Grammar 2: have to & don’t Mindset Foundation Vietnamese teacher
medicine (cont.) have to (p.99-101)
67 - Writing: An email to a friend
giving advice

- Grammar & Vocabulary

Unit 8: Health and - Grammar & Vocabulary (cont.) Mindset Foundation Vietnamese teacher
medicine (cont.) (p.102)
- Review Mindset Foundation
Skill Modules Unit 8

Unit 9: Language - Vocabulary: Ways of learning Mindset Foundation Vietnamese teacher

English (p.103-105)
- Grammar: Going to for future

- Listening: Discussing a
language project

Unit 9: Language (cont.) Mindset Foundation Vietnamese teacher

- Speaking: IELTS part 2: A
longer talk about a topic (p.105-108)
- Reading: Sentence completion
Unit 9: Language (cont.) Mindset Foundation Vietnamese teacher
71 Writing: Short essay on a topic

Unit 9: Language (cont.) Mindset Foundation Vietnamese teacher

36 - Grammar & Vocabulary (p.111-113)

72 Mindset Foundation
- Review Skill Modules Unit

Unit 10: Science and - Vocabulary: Technology Mindset Foundation Vietnamese teacher
technology - Reading: Sentence completion (p.114-116)

Unit 10: Science and Mindset Foundation Vietnamese teacher

- Listening 1: A lecture
37 technology (cont.) (p.116-118)
74 - Grammar: Words to describe

Unit 10: Science and - Writing: Describing a graph Mindset Foundation Vietnamese teacher
technology (cont.) (p.119-120)
75 - Listening 2 & Grammar

38 - Speaking: Describing a gadget

Unit 10: Science and - Grammar & Vocabulary Mindset Foundation Vietnamese teacher
technology (cont.) - Review (p.121-123)
Unit 1: Great places to be - Reading 1: Table completion Complete IELTS Vietnamese teacher

77 - Listening: Form completion band 4-5 (p.8-11)

- Reading 2: Note completion

Unit 1: Great places to be - Vocabulary: Collocations and Complete IELTS Vietnamese teacher
(cont.) prepositional phrases band 4-5 (p.11-13)
- Speaking: Part 1

- Pronunciation: Sentence stress 1

Unit 1: Great places to be - Grammar: Present simple & Complete IELTS Vietnamese teacher
79 (cont.) Present continuous band 4-5 (p.14-16)
- Writing: Task 1
Unit 2: People’s lives - Reading 1: Flow-chart Complete IELTS Vietnamese teacher
completion & Short-answer band 4-5 (p.17-20)
80 questions

- Listening: Note completion

41 Unit 2: People’s lives - Speaking: Part 1 Complete IELTS Vietnamese teacher

81 (cont.) - Grammar: Past simple band 4-5 (p.20-21)

- Pronunciation: Verbs + -ed

82 Unit 2: People’s lives - Reading 2: True/False/Not given Complete IELTS Vietnamese teacher
(cont.) - Vocabulary: Working out the band 4-5 (p.22-25)
meaning of words

- Writing: Task 2

Unit 3: Getting from A to B - Reading 1: Labelling a diagram Complete IELTS Vietnamese teacher

- Listening: Labelling a diagram, band 4-5 (p.28-32)

Multiple choice

42 - Speaking: Part 2

Unit 3: Getting from A to B - Pronunciation: Word stress 1 Complete IELTS Vietnamese teacher

84 (cont.) - Reading 2: Matching headings band 4-5 (p.31-34)

- Vocabulary: cause & make

Unit 3: Getting from A to B - Writing: Task 1 Complete IELTS Vietnamese teacher

(cont.) - Grammar: Making comparisons band 4-5 (p.34-36)

Unit 4: It was all new once - Vocabulary: What type of word Complete IELTS Vietnamese teacher
43 is it? band 4-5 (p.37-39)
86 - Reading 1: Multiple choice

- Listening: Sentence completion,

Pick from a list

44 87 Unit 4: It was all new once - Speaking: Part 2 Complete IELTS Vietnamese teacher
(cont.) - Pronunciation: Chunking 1 band 4-5 (p.39-42)

- Grammar: Present perfect

Unit 4: It was all new once - Reading 2: Summary Complete IELTS Vietnamese teacher
(cont.) completion band 4-5 (p.42-45)
88 -Writing: Task 2

-Spelling: Using and misusing

double letters

Unit 5: Animal world - Reading: Sentence completion Complete IELTS Vietnamese teacher

- Listening: Table completion, band 4-5 (p.48-51)

Labelling a map or plan

- Speaking: Parts 1 & 2

Unit 5: Animal world - Pronunciation: Sentence stress 2 Complete IELTS Vietnamese teacher
(cont.) - Vocabulary: What type of word band 4-5 (p.51-53)
is i?

- Reading 2: Pick from a list

Unit 5: Animal world - Writing: Task 1 Complete IELTS Vietnamese teacher

91 (cont.) - Grammar: Countable & band 4-5 (p.54-56)
Uncountable nouns

46 Unit 6: Being human - Reading 1: Yes/No/Not given Complete IELTS Vietnamese teacher

- Reading 2: Summary band 4-5 (p.57-61)

completion with a box

- Speaking: Part 3
Unit 6: Being human - Pronunciation: Intonation 1 Complete IELTS Vietnamese teacher
(cont.) - Listening: Matching, Pick from band 4-5 (p.62-63)
a list

47 - Vocabulary: Word building

Unit 6: Being human - Writing: Task 2 Complete IELTS Vietnamese teacher

94 (cont.) - Grammar: Zero & First band 4-5 (p.64-65)
conditional (if/unless)

Unit 7: Literacy skills - Listening: Form completion, Complete IELTS Vietnamese teacher
95 Multiple choice band 4-5 (p.68-69)
- Vocabulary: Raise or Rise

48 Unit 7: Literacy skills -Reading: Matching information, Complete IELTS Vietnamese teacher
(cont.) Table completion band 4-5 (p.70-73)
-Speaking: Parts 2 & 3

-Pronunciation: Word stress 2

49 Unit 7: Literacy skills -Writing: Task 1 Complete IELTS Vietnamese teacher

97 (cont.) -Grammar: Prepositions to band 4-5 (p.73-76)
describe graphs

98 Unit 8: Tourist attractions -Reading: Summary completion, Complete IELTS Vietnamese teacher
Matching features band 4-5 (p.77-81)
-Vocabulary: tourism or tourist?
-Listening: Sentence completion,
Table completion

Unit 8: Tourist attractions - Speaking: Parts 1 &2 Complete IELTS Vietnamese teacher
(cont.) - Pronunciation: Chunking 2 band 4-5 (p.82-83)

Unit 8: Tourist attractions - Writing: Task 2 Complete IELTS Vietnamese teacher
100 (cont.) - Grammar: Relative pronounce band 4-5 (p.83-85)
who, which, that, where

Unit 9: Every drop counts -Listening: Matching, Flow-chart Complete IELTS Vietnamese teacher
completion band 4-5 (p.88-91)
101 - Reading: Matching headings,
Sentence completion, Pick from a

51 Unit 9: Every drop counts - Spelling: Some common Complete IELTS Vietnamese teacher
(cont.) mistakes band 4-5 (p.92-94)
- Vocabulary: effect, benefit,
102 advantage and disadvantage

- Speaking: Parts 2-3

- Pronunciation: Intonation 2

52 103 Unit 9: Every drop counts - Writing: Task 1 Complete IELTS Vietnamese teacher
(cont.) - Grammar: The passive band 4-5 (p.94-96)
Unit 10: Building design -Reading: Multiple choice, Complete IELTS Vietnamese teacher
Matching sentence endings, band 4-5 (p.97-101)
104 Yes/No/Not given

- Listening: Note completion

Unit 10: Building design - Vocabulary: Word choice Complete IELTS Vietnamese teacher

105 (cont.) - Speaking: Parts 2 & 3 band 4-5 (p.101-103)

53 - Pronunciation: Sentence stress 3

Unit 10: Building design - Writing: Task 2 Complete IELTS Vietnamese teacher
(cont.) - Grammar: Modal verbs band 4-5 (p.104-105)

107 Speaking practice 1 Parts 1 & 2: Your typical day Designed by teachers Foreign teacher
108 Speaking practice 2 Part 2: Your dream house Designed by teachers Foreign teacher

109 Speaking practice 3 Part 1: Places Designed by teachers Foreign teacher

110 Speaking practice 4 Part 1 & 2: People Designed by teachers Foreign teacher

111 Speaking practice 5 Parts 1 & 2: Animals Designed by teachers Foreign teacher
112 Speaking practice 6 Part 1 & 2: Skills & abilities Designed by teachers Foreign teacher

57 113 Speaking practice 7 Part 1 & 2: Tourist attractions Designed by teachers Foreign teacher

114 Speaking practice 8 Part 1 & 2: Hobbies & leisure Designed by teachers Foreign teacher

115 Speaking practice 9 Part 1, 2 & 3: Holidays Designed by teachers Foreign teacher
116 Speaking practice 10 Part 1 & 2: Food Designed by teachers Foreign teacher

117 Speaking practice 11 Part 1 & 2: Transport & Travel Designed by teachers Foreign teacher
118 Speaking practice 12 Part 1, 2 & 3: Work & study Designed by teachers Foreign teacher

119 Speaking practice 13 Part 1: Likes & dislikes Designed by teachers Foreign teacher
120 Speaking practice 14 Part 1 & 2: Family and friends Designed by teachers Foreign teacher

121 Speaking practice 15 Part 1 & 2: Clothes & fashion Designed by teachers Foreign teacher
122 Speaking practice 16 Part 1: Computers Designed by teachers Foreign teacher

123 Speaking practice 17 Part 1: Going out Designed by teachers Foreign teacher
124 Speaking practice 18 Part 1 & 2: Weather Designed by teachers Foreign teacher

125 Speaking practice 19 Part 1: Hometown Designed by teachers Foreign teacher

126 Speaking practice 20 Part 1 & 2: the Internet Designed by teachers Foreign teacher

127 Speaking practice 21 Part 1: Happiness Designed by teachers Foreign teacher

128 Speaking practice 22 Part 1 & 2: Art Designed by teachers Foreign teacher
129 Speaking practice 23 Part 1: TV Designed by teachers Foreign teacher
130 Speaking practice 24 Part 1 & 2: Language Designed by teachers Foreign teacher

131 Speaking practice 25 Part 1 & 2: Music Designed by teachers Foreign teacher
132 Speaking practice 26 Part 2: Gift Designed by teachers Foreign teacher

133 Speaking practice 27 Part 1 & 2: News Designed by teachers Foreign teacher
134 Speaking practice 28 Part 2: Kindness Designed by teachers Foreign teacher

68 135 Speaking practice 29 Part 1: Pets Designed by teachers Foreign teacher

136 Speaking practice 30 Part 1: Dictionaries Designed by teachers Foreign teacher

137 Speaking practice 31 Part 1: Flowers Designed by teachers Foreign teacher

138 Speaking practice 32 Part 1 & 2: Shopping Designed by teachers Foreign teacher

139 Speaking practice 33 Part 1 & 2: Photograph Designed by teachers Foreign teacher
140 Speaking practice 34 Part 1 & 2: Water Designed by teachers Foreign teacher

Final test (Listening & Vietnamese teacher

On Saturday
Final test (Writing & Vietnamese &
On Sunday
Speaking) foreign teachers

VI. Final test description

(5-6 minutes) IELTS Speaking Part 1: Introduction Phần 1: Giới thiệu
● general questions about oneself ● câu hỏi giới thiệu bản thân
● popular topics ● câu hỏi về các chủ đề quen thuộc
Length: about 3 minutes Thời lượng: khoảng 3 phút

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Mini Presentation Phần 2: Thuyết trình ngắn

A topic card on different topics Một thẻ chủ đề gồm 3 câu hỏi chi tiết
Preparation: 1 minute Chuẩn bị: 1 phút
Speaking: up to 2 minutes Nói: khoảng 2 phút
Length: about 3 minutes Thời lượng: Khoảng 3 phút
LISTENING IELTS Listening Part 1-2 (30 questions – Phần 1-2 bài thi Nghe IELTS (30 câu hỏi – nghe 1
(20 minutes) listening once) lần)
Part 1: a conversation between two people set Phần 1: đoạn hội thoại giữa 2 người xoay quanh tình
in an everyday social context. huống về cuộc sống hàng ngày
Part 2: a monologue set in an everyday social Phần 2: một đoạn độc thoại về các chủ đề cuộc sống
Part 3: a conversation between up to four hàng ngày
people set in an educational or training context. Phần 3: buổi đàm thoại giữa tối đa bốn người trong
bối cảnh học tập
READING IELTS Reading passages 1-2-3 (40 3 bài đọc định dạng bài thi đọc IELTS (40 câu hỏi)
(60 minutes) questions) Các bài đọc được trích dẫn từ sách, tạp chí, báo…dành
Texts are taken from books, journals, cho các độc giả không chuyên.
magazines and newspapers, and have been Định dạng câu hỏi đa dạng như câu hỏi đa lựa chọn,
written for a non-specialist audience nối thông tin, nối tiêu đề, hoàn thành câu, hoàn thành
A variety of question types are used such as bài tóm tát, hoàn thành bảng biểu…
multiple choice, matching information,
matching headings, sentence completion,
summary completion, note completion, table
WRITING - Word formation - Tìm định dạng đúng của từ
(40 minutes) - Sentence building - Dựng câu
- IELTS Writing task 1 - Bài viết IELTS task 1

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