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Mice Nerve

Measure compound action potentials (CAPs) from an isolated frog sciatic nerve to explore the
basic physiological properties of nerve impulses.

The fundamental unit of the nervous system is the neuron. Neurons and other excitable cells
produce action potentials when they receive electrical or chemical stimulation. The action
potential occurs when specialized voltage-sensitive membrane sodium channels are activated.
The large increase in sodium permeability results in membrane depolarization. This is followed
by repolarization as the sodium permeability returns to its low baseline value and potassium
permeability is transiently increased. From the beginning of the action potential to the
restoration of the resting membrane potential, the neuron is incapable of producing another
action potential. This period is referred to as the refractory period, which can be divided into
two phases. Initially there is the absolute refractory period, where it is impossible to initiate a
second action potential. This is followed by the relative refractory period, where a stimulus of
greater than normal intensity can elicit a response.
Action potentials are “all-or-none” events. Once an action potential begins, it propagates
down the length of the axon. When the action potential reaches the end of the axon, a
neurotransmitter is typically released into the synapse.
Measuring action potentials from single axons requires highly specialized equipment. Instead,
you will record from an isolated peripheral nerve, the frog sciatic nerve, which contains some
thousands of axons.

- Mice
- Gloves
- Dissection kit
- Dissection tray
- Ringer's solution
- Nerve chamber
- SD9 electronic stimulator
- PowerLab/PC station

1- Dissect the mice and cut the nerve at both ends so that your thread ties remain attached to
your nerve segment.
2- When the nerve is completely free, transfer it to the chamber and fill the chamber with
Ringer's solution to.
3- Set up the SD9 and double-check these settings, then turn the stimulator ON
4- Start the stimulator and the scope display by clicking on the Start button.
5- Measure and record conductance distances as the distance from the stimulating cathode to
the nearest recording electrode.
6- Measure CAP latencies as the time from the stimulus artifact to the first CAP peak.


Stimulus CAP (mv)

2 0.00
5 0.00
20 0.00
100 11
200 5
500 0.00

- The Compound Action Potential
When the positive and negative recording electrodes are on the same healthy section of a
nerve, a biphasic compound action potential (CAP) is recorded. The upward deflection of the
biphasic CAP occurs when the potentials propagating down the axons in the nerve pass the first
(negative) recording electrode, and are recorded in reference to the voltage at the second
(positive) recording electrode. The downward deflection of the biphasic CAP occurs when the
potentials propagating down the axons pass the second (positive) recording electrode, and are
recorded in reference to the voltage at the first (negative) recording electrode. When a biphasic
CAP is recorded, the Aα fibers are usually the only fiber type seen in the CAP. When a
monophasic CAP is recorded, other fiber types (Aβ, Aγ, Aδ, C) may appear in the recording in
addition to the Aα fibers. To record a monophasic CAP move the positive recording electrode
from the healthy section of nerve to the thread holding the nerve in place. B fibers, which are
preganglionic autonomic types, are not found in the sciatic nerve.

- Stimulus and Response

At 100
Each of the axons in a nerve will generate its own action potentials when the strength of the
stimulus exceeds the threshold of that axon. The action potentials, that are generated by the
many axons in the nerve, sum to form the compound action potential of the nerve.

- Refractory Period
At 200
In the short period of time after an axon generates an action potential, the axon is unable to
generate a second action potential. This period of time, in which the axon is not responsive to
any strength of stimulus, is known as the absolute refractory period. With additional time to
recover, the axon is able to generate a second action potential, but the strength of the stimulus
needed is greater than the threshold stimulus that can normally trigger an action potential. This
period, in which the responsiveness of the axon is reduced, is known as the relative refractory
period. As the axon is given more time to recover, the strength of the stimulus required to
trigger a second action potential decrease. In fact, the end of the relative refractory period is
defined as the time when the stimulus required to trigger the second action potential is the
same as the threshold stimulus that triggered the first action potential.

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