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to display your subject name and subject instructor name of current academic semester.

console.log("Subject Name: Web Technology Workshop-2");

console.log("Subject Instructor Name: ANIKET(Asst. prof. CSE,ITER)");
(Example string: ‘WTW’ Expected output: W,WT,WTW,T,TW)
function allCombinations(str) {
let result = [];
let len = str.length;
let power = Math.pow(2, len);
for (let i = 0; i < power; i++) {
let temp = "";
for (let j = 0; j < len; j++) {
if (i & Math.pow(2, j)) {
temp += str[j];
} }
if (temp !== "") {
} }
return result.join(",");
3. Write a JavaScript function that reverse a number.
function reverseNumber(num) {
return parseInt(num.toString().split("").reverse().join(""));
4. Write a JavaScript function that checks whether a passed string is palindrome or not?
function isPalindrome(str) {
return (
str ===str
5.Write a program in JavaScript using typeof operator
let str = "Hello";
str += 123;
console.log(typeof str);
6. using objects to display 5 dictionary words and maps its meaning.
let dictionary = {
"apple": "a round fruit with red or green skin and firm white flesh",
"banana": "a long curved fruit which grows in clusters",
"cherry": "a small round fruit with a red or black skin and a single hard stone",
"grape": "a small green or purple fruit that grows in bunches",
"orange": "a large round juicy citrus fruit with a tough bright reddish-yellow rind"
for (let word in dictionary) {
console.log(word + ": " + dictionary[word]);
7.using ternary operator , to check the valid age of driving in INDIA.
let age = prompt("Enter your age:");
let validAge = age >= 18 ? true : false;
8. number of occurrences of each letter in specified string.
function countLetters(str) {
let result = {};
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
if (result[str[i]]) {
} else {
result[str[i]] = 1;
return result;}
Var variables can be updated and re-declared within its scope; let variables can be updated but not
re-declared; const variables can neither be updated nor re-declared. They are all hoisted to the top
of their scope. But while var variables are initialized with undefined , let and const variables are not
The this keyword refers to the current object in a method or constructor. The most common use of
the this keyword is to eliminate the confusion between class attributes and parameters with the
same name (because a class attribute is shadowed by a method or constructor parameter).
JavaScript, an object is a standalone entity, with properties and type.
Constructor is a special function that creates and initializes an object instance of a class. In
JavaScript, a constructor gets called when an object is created using the new keyword. The purpose
of a constructor is to create a new object and set values for any existing object properties.
Functions enable programmers to break down or decompose a problem into smaller chunks, each of
which performs a particular task. Once a function is created, the details of how it works can almost
be forgotten about.
JavaScript has 8 Datatypes : String , Number , Bigint , Boolean , Undefined , Null , Symbol. Object.
Steps to define and call a function –
• Declare the variable
• Define a function with a parameter
• Use the parameter
• Assign the function to a variable
• Call the function with arguments
Ways to declare a function –
aBook = function (){ console. Log(“hello”)}aBook();
function aBook(){console. Log(“hello”)} aBook();
A parameter is the variable listed inside the parentheses in the function definition. An argument is
the value that is sent to the function when it is called.

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