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4/17/23, 3:35 PM LPE2403 SDL Worksheet 6: Asking for and giving clarifications & asking perception checking questions

LPE2403 SDL Worksheet 6:  Asking for

and giving clarifications & asking
perception checking questions
Total points 11/15

Answer all the questions below. 

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0 of 0 points

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Exercise 1 7 of 10 points… 1/10
4/17/23, 3:35 PM LPE2403 SDL Worksheet 6: Asking for and giving clarifications & asking perception checking questions

Choose the correct answer.

1. What is the purpose of asking for clarification? * 0/1

1. To show that you didn't understand

2. To prove someone wrong

3. To participate in the discussion

Correct answer

To show that you didn't understand

2. Which of the following is an appropriate way to ask for clarification? * 1/1

1. I am sorry but have no idea what you're talking about.

2. Can you please explain that again?

3. You're not making any sense with your point.

3. What is the best way to give clarification? * 1/1

1. Speak quickly so the person does not have to wait

2. Use complex jargon to provide a better explanation

3. Speak clearly and explain thoroughly… 2/10
4/17/23, 3:35 PM LPE2403 SDL Worksheet 6: Asking for and giving clarifications & asking perception checking questions

4. Which of the following is an appropriate way to give clarification? * 1/1

1. We don't have time for this, we will figure this out later.

2. Let me try to explain that in a different way.

3. I already provided an example for you. Do you need another one?

5. When should you ask for clarification? * 1/1

1. When you are confused or unsure about something

2. When you want to challenge someone's opinion

3. When you want to share your knowledge

6. Why is it important to give clarification? * 1/1

1. To help the person understand better

2. To share your knowledge

3. To make the person feel appreciated

7. What should you do if you do not understand something? * 1/1

1. Pretend you understand to avoid conflict

2. Ask for clarification

3. Keep quiet and hope you figure it out later… 3/10
4/17/23, 3:35 PM LPE2403 SDL Worksheet 6: Asking for and giving clarifications & asking perception checking questions

8. What should you do if you are asked to clarify something? * 1/1

1. Speak quickly and hope the person gets it

2. Repeat the same thing over and over again

3. Speak clearly and try to simplify the explanation

9. Why is it important to ask for clarification? * 0/1

1. To avoid misunderstandings

2. To share your knowledge

3. To show that you know better than the other group members

Correct answer

To avoid misunderstandings

10. What are some strategies that can help ensure clear communication *0/1
when giving clarification?

1. Using technical jargon to demonstrate expertise

2. Speaking in a monotone voice to emphasise important points

3. Using concrete examples and visuals to illustrate key concepts

Correct answer

Using concrete examples and visuals to illustrate key concepts

Exercise 2 4 of 5 points… 4/10
4/17/23, 3:35 PM LPE2403 SDL Worksheet 6: Asking for and giving clarifications & asking perception checking questions

Choose the correct answer.

1. What is a perception-checking question? * 1/1

1. A question that asks for more information

2. A question that confirms or clarifies your understanding of someone else's


3. A question that is designed to encourage participation

2. Why is it important to use perception-checking questions in a *1/1


1. To show the other person that you are listening and understanding their

2. To control the discussion at a comfortable pace

3. To avoid conflict at all costs

3. Which of the following is an example of a poorly phrased perception- *0/1

checking question?

1. Is that clearer?

2. I'm not sure I understand. Do I?

3. Did I understand you correctly?

Correct answer

I'm not sure I understand. Do I?… 5/10
4/17/23, 3:35 PM LPE2403 SDL Worksheet 6: Asking for and giving clarifications & asking perception checking questions

4. Which of the following is an example of a well phrased perception- *1/1

checking question?

1. Do you really understand the issue of our discussion?

2. Are you trying to suggest a different point of view?

3. Did I explain the point clearly?

5. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using perception-checking *1/1


1. Building trust and rapport with the other person

2. Improving your understanding and empathy

3. Proving that you have better discussion skills

Exercise 3 0 of 0 points

appropriate responses using language expressions of asking for clarification,
giving clarification and asking a perception-checking question.… 6/10
4/17/23, 3:35 PM LPE2403 SDL Worksheet 6: Asking for and giving clarifications & asking perception checking questions

Daphne : In my understanding, e-readers can cause eye strain and headaches. *

Soraya : _______________________ (to ask for clarification)

Daphne : I understand the confusion. What I'm saying is the blue light emitted by
screen will cause retinal damage and it will lead to headaches. Do you get what
I'm trying to say?

I'm a little bit confused about how you developed the notion. could you elaborate on that?


Sample answer: I'm sorry, I didn't quite understand that. Could you please explain?

The goal of asking for clarification is to avoid misunderstandings or miscommunications,

and to make sure that both parties are on the same page.… 7/10
4/17/23, 3:35 PM LPE2403 SDL Worksheet 6: Asking for and giving clarifications & asking perception checking questions

Elena : In my opinion, the number of Covid-19 cases is rising day by day because *
people no longer follow the standard operating procedures (SOP). They do not
wear masks properly and do not keep the physical distancing.

Soraya : I'm not sure I understand your viewpoint your argument. Could you
elaborate on that?

Daphne : ______________________ (to clarify) the high number of Covid-9 cases

these days is caused by the negligence from the public. They do not follow the
standard operating procedures (SOP) enforced by the government, thus leading to
the rapid spread of infection. Is that clearer?

To clarify my point, what I'm sayings is


Sample answer: To be more precise

When giving clarification, it is important to be clear, concise, and specific in your

communication.… 8/10
4/17/23, 3:35 PM LPE2403 SDL Worksheet 6: Asking for and giving clarifications & asking perception checking questions

Adelia : I believe that the contributing factor of violence among youths is the *
influence of the media.

Rifqi : Could you please explain in detail?

Adelia : What I am saying is media portrayals of violent behavior as a common

and appropriate way to solve problems lead young people to become
desensitized to and accepting of violence. Such images can also increase
students’ fears, which can encourage them to carry weapons or become involved
in violent activities as a mean of protection. ________________________(to ask
perception-checking question)

Am I right so far?


Sample answer: Do you get what I mean?

The goal of perception-checking questions is to confirm the others' understanding of our

ideas, opinions, or arguments.

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 Forms… 9/10
4/17/23, 3:35 PM LPE2403 SDL Worksheet 6: Asking for and giving clarifications & asking perception checking questions… 10/10

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