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4/17/23, 3:21 PM LPE2403 SDL Worksheet 5: Responding to opinions, expressing agreement/disagreement and using appropriate tenses in discus…

LPE2403 SDL Worksheet 5: Responding

to opinions, expressing
agreement/disagreement and using
appropriate tenses in discussion
Total points 19/20

Answer all the questions below. 

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Exercise 1 5 of 5 points… 1/11
4/17/23, 3:21 PM LPE2403 SDL Worksheet 5: Responding to opinions, expressing agreement/disagreement and using appropriate tenses in discus…

Choose the correct answer.

1. What is the purpose of responding to someone's opinion in an *1/1

academic discussion?

1. To prove them wrong

2. To engage in the discussion and exchange ideas

3. To show off your own knowledge

4. To deliver effective group discussion skills

2. Below are some techniques that people can use to respond to others’ *1/1
opinions except...

1. Listen to the opinion of others attentively

2. Respect other people's opinion

3. Do not give chance to the other group members to speak

4. Provide support or evidence to respond to opinions

3. You are not allowed to show any non verbal signals when responding *1/1
to opinion.

1. True

2. False… 2/11
4/17/23, 3:21 PM LPE2403 SDL Worksheet 5: Responding to opinions, expressing agreement/disagreement and using appropriate tenses in discus…

4. When responding to someone's opinion in an academic discussion, it is *1/1

important to…

1. Acknowledge their perspective and find areas of agreement.

2. Immediately refute their opinion with evidence.

3. Ignore their opinion and move on to your own point.

4. Use emotional appeals to persuade others.

5. When responding to an opinion in an academic discussion, why is it *1/1

important to acknowledge the other person's point of view?

1. To show respect for the other person's opinion.

2. To make the other person feel heard and valued.

3. To create a more positive discussion environment.

4. All of the above.

Exercise 2 5 of 5 points

Choose the correct answer.… 3/11
4/17/23, 3:21 PM LPE2403 SDL Worksheet 5: Responding to opinions, expressing agreement/disagreement and using appropriate tenses in discus…

1. What phrase can you use to express complete agreement with *1/1
someone's point of view?

1. I couldn't agree more.

2. I don't see how anyone could disagree.

3. I agree to an extent.

4. I mostly agree with you.

2. Which of the following phrases can be used to express agreement *1/1

while also adding additional information to the discussion?

1. That's a good point.

2. I see what you mean.

3. You're absolutely right, and I also think that...

4. I'm not sure I entirely agree with you, but I do see your point.

3. When disagreeing with someone's opinion, what should you avoid *1/1

1. Listening actively

2. Asking questions to clarify their point

3. Interrupting them mid-sentence

4. Persuasively stating your own opinion… 4/11
4/17/23, 3:21 PM LPE2403 SDL Worksheet 5: Responding to opinions, expressing agreement/disagreement and using appropriate tenses in discus…

4. How can you express partial agreement with someone's statement? * 1/1

1. I completely agree with you.

2. You're right.

3. I have to say I disagree with your idea.

4. I don't agree with everything you're saying, but I do see your point.

5. How can you politely express disagreement with someone in a *1/1

professional setting?

1. I'm sorry, but I don't agree with you.

2. I don't get what you mean and I totally disagree.

3. You're completely wrong and here's why.

4. I'm not sure I agree with that suggestion, but I appreciate your input.

Exercise 3 5 of 5 points

Choose the correct language expression based on the given dialogues.… 5/11
4/17/23, 3:21 PM LPE2403 SDL Worksheet 5: Responding to opinions, expressing agreement/disagreement and using appropriate tenses in discus…

Dialogue 1: *1/1

Ethan: I think we should switch to a more eco-friendly office space.

Emma: I completely agree. It's important to be mindful of our impact on

the environment.

1. Expressing agreement

2. Expressing disagreement

3. Expressing partial agreement

Dialogue 2: *1/1

Oliver: I don't think we need to hire another employee. We can manage the
workload ourselves.

Isabelle: I respectfully disagree. We're already stretched thin and could

use the extra help.

1. Expressing agreement

2. Expressing disagreement

3. Expressing partial agreement… 6/11
4/17/23, 3:21 PM LPE2403 SDL Worksheet 5: Responding to opinions, expressing agreement/disagreement and using appropriate tenses in discus…

Dialogue 3: *1/1

Amelia 1: I think we should only use social media for marketing purposes.

Michael: I partially agree. While social media can be a valuable tool for
marketing, it can also be used to build relationships with customers.

1. Expressing agreement

2. Expressing disagreement

3. Expressing partial agreement

Dialogue 4: *1/1

William: I don't think we should invest in that new technology. It's too

James: I can see your point, but I disagree. The new technology would
streamline our processes and save us money in the long run.

1. Expressing agreement

2. Expressing disagreement

3. Expressing partial agreement… 7/11
4/17/23, 3:21 PM LPE2403 SDL Worksheet 5: Responding to opinions, expressing agreement/disagreement and using appropriate tenses in discus…

Dialogue 5: *1/1

Abigail: I think we should try a more collaborative approach to project


Henry: I agree to some extent, but we should also ensure that individual
contributions are recognized and valued.

1. Expressing agreement

2. Expressing disagreement

3. Expressing partial agreement

Exercise 4 4 of 5 points

Read the dialogue below and fill in the blanks with the correct tenses.

Satoshi : Hey guys, have you ever thought about the disadvantages of handouts?

Yuna : What do you mean? Handouts are great! They provide us with important information
for our classes.

Wei : I think I know what Satoshi is talking about. Handouts can have some negative effects
on our learning.

Satoshi : Exactly. For one, it 1. ____________________ (promote) a culture of dependency. We

rely on handouts to tell us what we need to know instead of taking the time to do our own
research and learn for ourselves.

Yuna : I can see your point, but I don't think it's that big of a deal. In the past, we read and 2.
____________________ (study) textbooks to understand the material.

Wei : Another disadvantage is that handouts can be incomplete or inaccurate. If we rely

solely on handouts, we may miss important information that wasn't included.

Satoshi : And if the handouts 3. ____________________ (be) inaccurate, we may end up

learning the wrong information, which can be detrimental to our education.… 8/11
4/17/23, 3:21 PM LPE2403 SDL Worksheet 5: Responding to opinions, expressing agreement/disagreement and using appropriate tenses in discus…

Yuna : Okay, I 4. ____________________ (see) where you're both coming from. But what about
the cost? Handouts can be expensive to produce and distribute, and that cost is often
passed on to students.

Wei : And not to mention the environmental impact. Last week’s newspaper 5.
____________________ (state) that all those papers added up and contributed to deforestation.

Satoshi : That's true. So, what is the alternative? How can we avoid the negative effects of

Yuna : Maybe we could supplement handouts with other materials, like online resources or

Wei : Or we could take notes in class and do our own research to fill in any gaps in our

Satoshi : Those are good ideas. Ultimately, we need to be proactive in our own learning and
not rely solely on handouts.

1. ____________________ (promote)  * 1/1


2. ____________________ (study)  * 1/1


3. ____________________ (be) * ···/1


Correct answer

are… 9/11
4/17/23, 3:21 PM LPE2403 SDL Worksheet 5: Responding to opinions, expressing agreement/disagreement and using appropriate tenses in discus…

4. ____________________ (see) * 1/1


5. ____________________ (state) * 1/1


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