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Research Design
It is a descriptive research design. This design is chosen to meet the objectives
of the study entitled “Number of Students in grade 10 who are in favour of citizenship
advancement training (CAT) in Junior High School. This study was conducted at Lala
National High School, the respondents were the grade 10 students in the school year
2022-2023. The researcher used stratified sampling method in choosing the sample.
Since there are 18 sections in grade-10, each section is considered as 1 stratum, and
every stratum the researcher used systematic random sampling, so 10 samples were
taken from every group using the systematic sampling method.
This aims to investigate the number of students whose who are in favor of the CAT to
be mandatory in the junior high school. To gather information about the students
perception towards CAT, the researcher adapted a questionnaire from Rielle (2020).In
choosing the sample, systematic sampling techniques was used. The researcher polled
grade 10 students in every section to find out how many of them supported CAT.
Additionally, the researcher employed techniques for data collection for the project titled
'Number of students in grade 10 students who's in favor of CAT.

Strongly Agree 4

Slightly Agree 3

Neither Agree nor Disagree 2

Slightly Disagree 1

1.Citizenship Advancement Training has helped widen thescope of my knowledge and
understanding about militarytactics, activities and the like.
2. Undergoing C.A.T. has encouraged me to partake in the programs of the government
regarding the different issues thatthe Philippines is facing right now.
3. C.A.T. has instilled a sense of nationalism in me which drivesme to contribute more
to the society I live in
.4. The lessons in C.A.T. helped me learn what to do in unfamiliarsituations such as
during times of war and chaos.
5. C.A.T. enhances my interest in voluntarily perfAorming socialactivities like joining
organizations on and off campus.
6. Citizenship Advancement Training taught me about theimportance of discipline and
applying it to my everyday life.
7. Through C.A.T., I realized my purpose as a functioningindividual and the methods I
can do to fulfill this purpose.
8. With the help of C.A.T., I realized that I can do something formy society in order to
change it for the good.
9. C.A.T. made me understand the concept of “bayanihan”, in
which all individuals forming a society should work togetheAr toachieve their primary
goal: peace and development..

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