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Activity 1

1. What image have you chosen?

I chose the first image

2. What does the picture tell?

The picture tells us how these family strives hard to live and tell us that we are lucky
enough because we are not experiencing hardship just to have water to consume.

3. What is the motif?

The motif of the image is to show how we are so lucky that we almost get everything
easily while others go through a lot of things. The image wanted to tell us to be
contented and also to be hardworking because everything don’t come easily.

4. How does it affect you and the viewers?

I feel pity for the children because at the early age they have to work for their family
instead of playing and enjoying their childhood. But if you look at the bright side, you’ll
appreciate the hard work of these children. It will affect the viewers emotionally and will
come up with a realization that they should be contented with their lives because thet
are lucky enough that they don’t need to work on for a bucket of water.

Activity 2.
The left side of the image shows the real and inner emotion of a person that he never
wanted to show to others. On the right side, it portrait the emotion that he shows to
everyone and that’s also the emotion that everyone wanted to see.

Activity 3.

Sender of the message The company

Medium/ mode used The medium used is image.
Target Audience The target audience are men.
Images and words used They used persuasive words so that
people will join their promo.
What the images and words are saying The company suggest to buy the product
and join the promo
Intention/ Biases/ power Relations The advertisement intended to increase
revealed the sale of Colt 45
Potential impact on the attitudes, beliefs The target audience will have desires to
and values of the target audience win the promo. They will believe that
when they buy more, the probability of
winning is high.
How various readers/ listeners/ viewers The audience will try to join and buy the
may respond product. The regular customer may buy
more Colt 45 than usual and the non
customer may try it because of the desire
of winning the promo.

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