6 Class

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1. PRVI, A, O
2. DRUGI, A, O
3. TREĆI, A, O
4. ČETVRTI, A, O 5. PETI, A, O
6. ŠESTI, A, O
7. SEDMI, A, O
8. OSMI, A, O
10. DESETI, A, O

1. Prva knjiga
2. Drugi televizor
3. Treća lampa
4. Četvrta sofa
5. Peta fotelja
6. Šesti računar
7. Sedma stolica
8. Osmi sto
9. Deveta polica
10. Deseti frižider

1. The first book

2. The second TV
3. The third lamp
4. Fourth sofa
5. The fifth chair
6. Sixth computer
7. The seventh chair
8. The eighth hundred
9. Ninth shelf
10. The tenth refrigerator

1. Stivova soba je na trećem spratu.

2. U sobi su dvije fotelje, ali nema sofe.
3. Soba je svijetla, zato što je prozor veliki.
4. Na polici su knjige, a na stolu naočare.
5. Ogledalo je iznad stola.
6. Na stolu su računar i sat.
7. Plafon je bijeli.

1. Steve's room is on the third floor.

2. There are two armchairs in the room, but no sofa.
3. The room is bright, because the window is big.
4. There are books on the shelf and glasses on the table.
5. The mirror is above the table.
6. There is a computer and a watch on the table.
7. The ceiling is white.
1. U sobi su veliki krevet i orman.
2. Na zidu su slike.
3. Komoda je pored vrata.
4. Ispod prozora je mali sto.
5. Radni sto i stolica su u uglu.
6. Na podu je tepih.
7. Na prozoru su zavjese.

1. The room has a large bed and a wardrobe.

2. There are pictures on the wall.
3. The dresser is next to the door.
4. There is a small table under the window.
5. A desk and a chair are in the corner.
6. There is a carpet on the floor.
7. There are curtains on the window.

1. Insert the appropriate forms of the verb MOĆI in the following sentences:

1. Stiv MOŽE da ide na posao peške.

2. Oni MOGU da čitaju engleske novine.
3. Da li MOŽEŠ da razumeš sve programe?
4. Kada MOŽEMO da se vidimo?
5. Ne MOGU da idem u školu.
6. Svako veče MOŽETE da slušate muziku.

1.Steve CAN walk to work.

2. They CAN read English newspapers.
3. Can you understand all the programs?
4. When CAN we see each other?
5. I CAN'T go to school.
6. You CAN listen to music every night.

8. He is at SCHOOL (school) every morning.

Gde je hotel Moskva?

Hotel Moskva je u centru.

1. Gde je lampa? (komoda)

Lampa je na komodi.
2. Gde je knjiga? (polica)
Knjiga je na polici.
3. Gde je Narodno pozorište? (trg)
Narodno pozorište je na trgu.
4. Gde je bioskop Jadran? (centar)
Bioskop je u centru.
5. Gde je slika? (zid)
Slika je na zidu.
6. Gde je zavjesa? (prozor)
Zavjesa je na prozoru.

Where is Hotel Moskva?

Hotel Moskva is in the center.

1. Where is the lamp? (dresser)

The lamp is on the dresser.
2. Where is the book? (shelf)
The book is on the shelf.
3. Where is the National Theater? (square)
The National Theater is on the square.
4. Where is the cinema Jadran? (center)
The cinema is in the center.
5. Where is the picture? (wall)
The picture is on the wall.
6. Where is the curtain? (window)
The curtain is on the window.

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