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MC calls for Kayden as Mr Cat as he faints because he can't believe The Great Kayden is an

ugly.....puny cat, and he has to stay in this shameful state until he goes back. MC shakes him in worry
and asks him not to die. Kayden asks him to put him down, and MC gets relieved as he is glad he is
okay. Kayden curses; why did he change into a stupid fat cat? MC calls him Mr cat, for which the cat
tells him to call him Kayden. MC questions him about how he can speak like a human, to which the
cat answers that he is a human, not a cat. MC asks if it is possible for a human to turn into a cat and
how it is possible; which cat answers that the first answer is staring him directly in the eye, and the
second is that it is theoretically possible, but apparently, it is very real. As the environment gets
awkward, MC asks him to eat as he was off for a long time, and as he is a cat, it's not good for cats to
eat human food, so he moves to feed the cats out in the yard. Cat thinks he is right and has to eat to
recover as soon as possible. As he reluctantly tries to eat the food, he is attracted towards it and
chomps the food down.

After some time, MC comes to Kayden and says that he will step out and has to go to the animal
hospital and asks him to come with him. Kayden asks him why he should. MC tells him what if he
blabbers about himself to other people, for which the cat agrees to come. MC picks him, which
angers Kayden not to treat the great Kayden like a cat. But MC pouches him under his jacket. As they
went to the clinic, MC said to the doctor that he had come for some cat food and to check this cat's
health. The doctor examines Kayden by checking his ears, mouth and legs, which embarrasses him.
The doctor says that he is alright and there are no signs of a wound, but more than anything; the cat
needs to be on a diet on which Kayden wishes to kill him.

As they walk towards the home, Kayden asks if a monster cat is in the neighbourhood. As MC sees
behind him, a black strip cat with red eyes and the size of a tiger emerges from the alley. MC
immediately runs away from the cat, but the cat catches up to them and attacks MC. As MC is
cornered, he says that they need some weapon which is a teaser wand. Kayden asks what this is and
how it will work. But as the black cat gets attracted to it tries to catch it. MC says it is time they
should escape, but to his surprise, Kayden is also playing with the wand which dumbfounds him in

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