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A man in the red coat is seen searching for the cat through a transmitter.

As he gets annoyed by not

finding the sample from the tracker, he uses a bizarre red energy to look for it.

In MC's home, MC gives immediate aid to the injured cat. Kayden feels suspicious as the black cat
grows larger and stronger, which is impossible if it isn't awakened. MC asks Kayden if he wants to say
something to him, and he cannot tell anyone about his powers. Kayden says that if he doubts that,
he will blabber about him being awakened to everyone, which confuses the MC. MC asks what an
awakened is. Kayden, in disbelief, couldn't believe that he didn't know about it, but as expected, he
was scared and had no one to guide him. MC asks if others are like him. Kayden answers that MC is
standing in front of one, which makes MC emotional. Kayden gets shocked that he cried for this. MC
says that once he showed this power to his friends, they called him a monster; since then, he has
kept his powers hidden; he explains how lonely and scared he was, and he is glad that it's not a
disease but a power. Kayden explains to him that people with superpowers are known as awakened
ones; some can move objects or crush them. MC is fascinated by it and says they are like movie
superheroes. Kayden agrees with him and says that he also has speed and many special powers. MC
says he can move fast like that only once a day, but now he can do it 3-5 days a day. Kayden says he
is still weak and too scared to train to get stronger. Meanwhile, MC grovels in hunger, and as he eats
a slice of bread, Kayden grovels in hunger, and Mzc offers him cat food. Kayden was irritated that he
had to eat cat food, but he still ate it because he was very hungry.

Suddenly the red energy enters the house, and the cat wakes up in abnormal condition and runs
away. Kayden grits his teeth that he made a racket. Was it because of that bizarre energy? MC picks
up his cap and says he must find it as it can attack someone. Kayden mockingly says that he will
again save the day, Mr. Hero. MC says he has to do it as he is worried about other people and the
black cat too. With his cat pose, Kayden says that he will come too as something was up with the cat
as he noticed an unpleasant energy outside. MC thanked him for helping. Kayden tells him to stop
yapping and follow him.

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