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As MC and Kayden run.

Kayden says he is now sure his speed and related abilities have developed
well. MC asks what the other abilities are. Kayden explains that, except for his speed, there are
relative abilities like good reflexes, dynamic vision, etc. He has physical abilities like that on top of his
speed as Kayden directs him where to go by feeling the abnormal energy. He says that if he is right,
it's all related to one awakened one, and that's where the cat is.

In an alley, the black cat moves toward the red coat man, who says he looks weaker and shouldn't
have broken the special cage. As the black cat remembers how miserably he has gone through
because of this man's madness, it tries to attack him. The man says that it's more aggressive now,
and the energy is getting stronger, and of course, it has awakened. As MC sees this, Kayden tells him
to wait and hide first. Kayden glances and says that the man beside the cat is awakened and can't
jump on him rashly. As the black cat tries to attack the man, the man uses his power and punches
him to the wall and then again holds him in the air and punches it to the wall. Kayden says he's
stronger than he thought as he's controlling his powers just by flicking his hand and doubting if his
power is psychokinesis. The man puts his shoes on the cat and says his movement skills and
durability are better than normal cats, but it's not enough. MC grits its teeth in anger and says he
doesn't know what's happening but needs to save him as the cat's weak because it fought him.
Kayden warns him not to be stupid as he's an awakened one and does he think it'll be the same as
taking on a cat. MC says he knows it'll be different, but even awakened ones can't do it. Kayden
screams at him to not be naive and will that guy stand and watch as he takes away the cat. He
questions him if he is ready to fight with his life on the line as he didn't even know that he was
awakened, and now he is going to fight one. He tells him that he cannot win and to know his limits.

As the black cat tries to run away from the man, the man catches it with his powers and crunches it
down. He says it's a pity that performance wasn't enough to snuff, but at least he learned something
valuable. MC tells Kayden that he'll try to save the cat with his powers, for which Kayden screams at
him that the man will notice his moments as he is awakened.MC says that he is sorry for not
listening and that maybe his power is useless and he may get hurt, but he wants to save the cat, and
SWISH MC disappears into thin air and appears in front of the cat. The man is surprised and tries to
attack him, but MC is already gone before he can even reach it, leaving him astonished.

As Kayden and MC run away, MC says, we did it. Kayden tells him and calls him an idiot as the man
knows that he exists and it will be more dangerous for him. MC says he couldn't leave the cat behind
when he could save him. Kayden tells him to shut up and thinks that MC moved much more quickly
than he expected. MC says that he is excited as he realizes that the power he tried to hide is a bit of
the problem, and he did something to be proud of with his newfound powers; that is why he is
excited, for which Kayden tells him to shut up.

In a laboratory, the man yells that he worked so hard to build the sample and lost it. He tells a boy
named Wooin that his sample ran away, but it was a success, but he lost it to a tracker, and they
have to get away, for which the boy agrees.

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