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MTT-IV Chapter 52 Test

1. Electrical impulse sensors are called? A. leads B. styluses C. electrodes D. artifacts 2. Which of the following measures the patient's response to a constant or increasing workload? A. Holter monitor test B. exercise ECG C resting ECG D. ultrasound 3. The pacemaker of the heart is called the? A. AV node B. bundle of His C. SA node D. Purkinje fibers 4. Which of the following is a penlike instrument that records impulse movement on the ECG paper? A. electrode B. stylus C. lead D. deflection 5. If a lead does not appear on an ECG tracing, what should you do before you repeat the tracing? A. recenter the stylus B. set the sensitivity selector to 2

C. reconnect the wire D. increase the paper speed to 50 mm per second 6. Which precordial electrode is placed in the fourth intercostal space to the left of the sternum? A. V6 B. V1 C. V4 D. V2 7. Which of the following can prevent a wandering baseline? A. avoid the use of paper clips on the tracing B. make sure all the leads are connected properly C. eliminate other sources of electricity in the room D. be sure the skin is prepared adequately and the electrodes are applied properly 8. Transmission of electrical impulses in the heart begins in the? A. AV node B. Purkinjie fibers C. bundle of His D. SA node 9. Which of the following would you include in the patient teaching for a patient with a Holter monitor? A. encourage the patient to shower B. tell the patient that using an electrical blanket is permissible C. instruct the patient to record all actiities, emotional upsets, physical symptoms, and medications taken D. tell the patient to wear tight-fitting clothing while wearing the monitor

10. Which of the following results in a flat line on the ECG tracing? A. poor skin preparation

B. dirty electrodes C. detached/loose wire D. muscle movement 11. Which of the following would you include when preparing the room and equipment for an electrocardiography? A. select a room where all electrical equipment is turned off B. perform the procedure in an x-ray department C. place the patient on a metal table D. set the room's temperature control to a very cool setting 12. Which of the following is a correct statement about the stylus temperature control? A. A lower temperature produces a heavier line B. It has no effects on the ECG tracing C. A higher temperature produces a heavier line D. Lower temperatures cause smearing 13. AC interference can be prevented by A. keeping the patient warm to prevent shivering B. making sure lead wires are not crossed and following the contour of the body C. making certain that a lead has not been disconnected from the electrode D. adequate preparation of the skin 14. Which of the following is the process by which a graphic pattern is created from the electrical impulses generated in the heart as it pumps? A. electroencephalography B. electromyography C. electrocardiography D. electroneurography 15. Which of the following would you do to alleviate a patient's anxiety about having an electrocardiography? A. tell the patient that the procedure will last 1 hour

B. explain to the patient that a small amount of electricity passes through the body C. describe to the patient what disease or adnormality the physician is looking for D. encourage the patient to ask questions and verbalize her concerns 16. Which of the following is an erroneous mark or defect that may appear on an ECG strip? A. electrolyte B. deflection C. stylus D. artifact 17. Electrodes for limb leads should be attached to? A. a bony area on the limb B. a real muscular area C. fleshy portions of the limbs D. the wrists and ankles 18. Which precordial electrode is placed in the fifth intercostal space, directly below the middle of the armpit? A. V1 B. V2 C. V4 D. V6 19. Which precordial electrode is located by counting to the fourth intercostal space to the right of the sternum? A. V1 B. V2 C. V4 D. V6 20. The different images produced by the electrical activity of the heart are? A. leads

B. stylus C. electrodes D. deflections 21. Which of these all you to adjust the position of the stylus? A. centering control B. sensitivity C. marker control D. standardization control 22. What is the correct order of placement for the precordial, or chest, leads? A. V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6 B. V2, V3, V1, V4, V5, V6 C. V1, V2, V5, V3, V4, V6 D. V1, V2, V4, V3, V6, V5 23. What is the ground lead of the electrodes? A. the left leg B. the right leg C. the right arm D. the left arm 24. On the ECG paper, the distance across 1 small square represents what? A. 0.08 second B. 0.2 second C. 0.04 second D. 1.0 second 25. After finishing the ECG, the patient should sit up and allow for a moment of rest before standing from the table in case of? A. hypertension B. sleepiness C. postural hypotension D. confusion

26. Pulmonary function tests (PFTs) are used for what purpose(s)? A. evaluate lung volume and capacity B. evaluate shortness of breath C. help detect and classify pulmonary disorders D. all of the above 27. The PFT that measures the total volume of air that can be exhaled after maximum inspiration is? A. Peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) B.Tital volume (Tv) C. Maximal voluntary ventilation (MVV) D. Vital capacity (VC) 28. The PFT that measures greatest volume of air that can be expelled when a person performs rapid, forced expiratory maneuver is? A. Forced expiratory flow (FEF) B. Forced vital capacity (FVC) C. Total lung capacity (TLC) D. Minute volume (MV) 29. Conditions/activities that should be reported before a PFT and may affect the test's accuracy are? A. use of sedative or opioid substance B. viral infection or acute illness within the previous 4-5 weeks C. smoking or eating a heavy meal within 2 hours of the test D. all of the above 30. During preparation of the patient for the PFT, the MA must instruct the patient? A. to loosen tight clothing B. cross their legs C. secure mouthpiece in place with teeth D. all of the above 31. An acceptable maneuver during a PFT must have which feature(s)?

A. a quick and forecful start B. an adequated length of time C. no coughing D. all of the above 32. If the patient is unable to perform the PFT correctly after how many attempts should the MA stop and report the situation to the MD? A. 3 B. 5 C. 8 D. 10 33. What is used to calibrate a spirometer? A. calibration syringe B. the MA performing a correct maneuver C. it does not need to be calibrated D. volume syringe 34. The green zone of peak flow is? A. 30%-50% B. 10%-50% C. 80%-100% D. 80%-50% 35. The yellow zone of peak flow is? A. 50%-80% B. 80%-100% C. less than 50% D. 50%-30% 36. The red zone of peak flow is? A. indication that air is moving well through large airways B. indication that large airways are narrowing C. a medical emergency and requires medical treatment

D. indication the peak flow meter is not working correctly 37. A peak flow meter is commonly used to monitor what? A. COPD B. asthma C. pneumonia D. heart attacks 38. When determining the effectiveness of medication with a spirometry instruct the patient that? A. two sets of manuvers is required B. one set of manuvers will be performed before medication is taken C. readings must be compared D. all of the above 39. A sensor that is placed on a patient's finger to measure the saturation of oxygen in a patient's arterial blood is? A. a peak flow meter B. a spirometer C. a pulse oximetry D. a ECG lead 40. An artifact that may occur during an ECG include? A. AC interference B. somatice interference C. wandering baseline D. all of the above

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