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Hints on solving Qn2 tutorial No 2

(a) Determine the heat content of the air at the end of the airway in kJ/kg
✓ Sketch the airway configuration, you can mark the points at the inlet as “A”,
Vertically 2,000 m as “B” and at the end of the airway as “C”
✓ Indicate the conditions Given at each point
✓ Using the given Volumetric flow rate at “A”, Calculate the mass flow rate (kg/s) of
air at the inlet. You will also need to read the Specific volume (m3/kg) of air at a
given wet and dry bulb temperature of 13/20°C from the Psychrometric chart of
87.5kPa. Note that the mass flow rate will remain constant throughout the airway
but the volumetric flowrate will change due to change in pressure.
(a) Heat content calculation
✓ Use the Psychrometric chart to determine the initial heat content of air at 13/20°C
and 87.5 kPa.

✓ Determine the heat addition due to auto-compression as air flows from point A to B (Use
the relevant equation presented in your Lecture notes)
✓ Add the given heat addition from the surroundings for the the total of 2,000 m which is
given as 1.2 kJ/kg per 250 m.

✓ Calculate the total heat at B, which is equal to Initial heat content + Heat due to auto-
compression + Heat from the surrounding.
✓ Heat addition in the horizontal airway is given as 2,500 Kw (kJ/s). You will have to convert
this into kJ/kg using the mass flow rate of air calculated earlier.

✓ Heat content at the end of the airway will be equal to the sum of heat content at B and
the heat added in the horizontal airway.

(b) Moisture content calculation

✓ Use the Psychrometric chart to determine the initial moisture content of air at
13/20°C and 87.5 kPa.
✓ Determine the moisture content addition in the air as air flows from A to B for the total
of 2,000 m which is given as 0.5 g/kg per 200 m.

✓ Calculate the total moisture content at B, which is equal to Initial moisture content +
moisture content added from A to B.

✓ In the horizontal airway you’re given that 1.8 l/s of water evaporated into the air.
Use the density of water given as 1 g/cm3 (wrongly written as 1000 g/cm3) to
convert the 1.8l/s to mass flowrate in (g/s). Then use the total mass flowrate of
air calculated earlier to calculate the moisture addition in (g/kg of air)
✓ Moisture content at the end of the airway will be equal to the sum of moisture content
at B and the moisture content added in the horizontal airway.
(c) Wet-bulb and dry-bulb temperature of the air at the end of the airway.
✓ Using the Psychrometric chart at a pressure of 115 kPa and (Heat content and
moisture content at point C) You can read out the wet and dry bulb temperatures.
Note that the Moisture content in the Psychrometric chart is represented by the
“apparent specific humidity” (g/kg)

Hints on solving Qn3 tutorial No 2

(a) Heat is produced in the workings
✓ Using the given volumetric flowrate at the inlet, calculate the mass flowrate of air
as explained earlier in question 2.
✓ Using Psychrometric chart at 115 kPa and 25/28°C, read out the Initial heat
content of air (kJ/kg) at the inlet.
✓ Using Psychrometric chart at 87.5 kPa and 32.5/37°C, read out the Final heat
content of air (kJ/kg) at the outlet.
✓ The difference in the heat content of the outlet and inlet will be the heat added in
the workings (kJ/kg). You can use the mass flowrate of air to convert this heat into
Kw (kJ/s) if you like.
(b) Wet-bulb and dry-bulb temperatures in the return airway

✓ Calculate the heat remained in the workings after removing 500Kw by an in stope
cooler. You can covert 500 kW into (kJ/kg) using a mass flowrate of air.

✓ Heat remained = Heat produced in the working – 500 Kw.

✓ The new heat content at the end of the airway will be EQUAL TO THE Initial heat
content + Heat remained in the working after cooling

✓ Use the calculated new heat content and the Relative Humidity given (80%) to
read off the wet and dry bulb temperature of the air from the Psychrometric chart
@87.5 kPa
(c) Compare the wet bulb temperature obtained to see if it is below 28.5°C. If NOT, the
cooling didn’t manage to reduce the temperature to below 28.5°C.

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