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TEACHERS NAME………………………………………………….SCHOOL………………………….TERM……………………
1 TOOLS Household By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs, What are Charts. Checklist.
1 . hand tools. learner should be able to: individually,learners are guided to; household hand Pictures. Oral
(a) a) define the terms tool,hand brainstorm the meaning of tools? Digital questions.
Identification tool and household hand tool,hand tool and household hand Which are the devices. Assessment
of household tool. tool. household hand Realia. rubric.
hand tools in b) name some of the household mention some of the household tools? Top Scholar Observatio
the locality . hand tools in the locality. hand tools. Pre- n.
c) draw some of the household use realia and visual aids to Technical Portfolio.
hand tools in the locality. identify household hand tools. Studies pg
draw and name some of the 67-68.
household hand tools.
2 TOOLS Household By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs, How do you Digital Assessment
. hand tools. learner should be able to: individually,learners are guided to: categorise the devices. rubric.
(b). a) Categorize household hand discuss the uses of different household hand Charts. Oral
Categorizatio tools based on their uses. categories of household hand tools. tools? Photos. questions.
n of b) Give examples in each of the Categorize the tools in figure 3.1 Which are the Realia. Checklist.
household category of household hand according to their uses. categories of Top Scholar Written
hand tools tools. Use digital devices to search household hand Pre- test.
according to c) Draw the household hand photos of some of the household tools? Technical
their uses. tools in each category. hand tools in different categories. Studies pg
draw household hand tools in each 69-71.
category on charts and exercise
3 TOOLS Household By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs, What are the Digital Oral
. hand tools. learner should be able to: individually,learners are guided to; specific uses of devices. questions
(c). Using a) Identify the different mention some of the common some of household Top Scholar Written
household household hand tools. household hand tools used at hand tools? Charts. tests.
hand tools b) State the specific uses of home. Pre- Checklist.
safely. the identified household state the specific uses of the Technical
hand tools. household hand tools. Studies pg
c) Appreciate the specific use digital devices to search for 72.
uses of different more household hand tools and
household hand tools. their specific uses.
match household hand tools with
their corresponding uses correctly.

4 TOOLS Household By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs, What are the Pictures. Observatio
. hand tools. learner should be able to: individually,learners are guided to: safety measures to Realia. Top n.
(d). using a) discuss how household hand brainstorm how household hand observe when Scholar Pre- Checklist.
household tools are used safely to tools are used safely to perform using household Technical Oral
hand items. perform tasks. tasks. hand tools? Studies pg questions.
b) use household hand tools to role play safe use and storage of 73-75.
perform given tasks household hand tools.
correctly. practice how to perform simple
c) Enjoy using household hand practical tasks that involve using
tools in performing tasks. household hand tools.
5 TOOLS Household By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs, How can one care Digital Written
. Tools. learner should be able to: individually,learners are guided to: and maintain devices. tests.
(e).Care for a) identify the maintenance brainstorm the maintenance household hand Realia. Top Checklist.
and practices one should adopt practices that should be followed tools after use? Scholar Pre- Oral
maintenance after using household hand after using household hand tools. What is the Technical questions.
of household tools to perform a task. discuss the proper care, importance of Studies pg Assessment
hand tools. b) care and maintain household maintenance and safe storage of caring and 76-77. rubric.
hand tools appropriately household hand tools. maintaining
after use. practise how to take care for and household hand
c) Show care to household maintain different household hand tools?
hand tools. tools.
1 TOOLS Household By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs,learners are guided What can you do Digital Oral
2 . hand tools. learner should be able to: to: with household devices. questions.
(f). Careers a) Name careers related to explore the careers related to hand tools to earn Pictures. Top Checklist.
related to household hand tools. household hand tools. a living? Scholar Pre- Written
household b) Discuss the careers related Mention the careers related to Technical test.
hand tools. to household hand tools. household hand tools in their Studies pg Observatio
c) Appreciate the careers locality. 77-78. n.
related to household hand discuss the careers related to
tools. household hand tools.
2 TOOLS Household By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs, What are the roles Digital Oral
. hand tools. learner should be able to: individually,learners are guided to; of household hand devices. questions.
(g). The role a) List the role of brainstorm what would happen in tools in the Top Scholar Written
of household household hand tools in their homes or community if there community? Pre- tests.
hand tools in the community. was no household hand tools. Technical Checklist.
the b) discuss the role of identify the roles of household Studies pg Assessment
community. household hand tools in hand tools in the community. 78. rubric.
the community. explain the role of household hand Charts.
c) appreciate the role of tools in the community.
household hand tools in collaborate with teachers,parents
the community. or guardians to perform simple
tasks using household hand tools.
3 TOOLS Farming By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs, What is a farming Digital Observatio
. hand tools. learner should be able to: individually,learners are guided to; hand tool? devices. n.
(a). a) define the term farming explain the meaning of farming What are some of Realia. Oral
Identification hand tool. hand tools. the farming hand Charts. questions.
of farming b) identify farming hand list some of the farming hand tools tools? Top Scholar Checklist.
hand tools. tools in the locality. in the locality. Pre- Assessment
c) Draw and name the use realia and visual aids to Technical rubric.
farming hand tools. identify farming hand tools used in Studies pg Written
d) Enjoy drawing the the locality. 79-80. test.
farming hand tools. draw and name the farming hand
download and watch video clips
and observe charts on farming
hand tools.
4 TOOLS Farming By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs, What are the Digital Checklists.
. hand tools. learner should be able to: individually,learners are guided to; different devices. Written
(b). a) discuss the uses of different categorize the farming hand tools categories of Top Scholar tests.
Categorisatio categories of farming hand in figure 3.9. farming hand Pre- Assessment
n of farming tools. discuss the uses of different tools? Technical rubric.
hand tools. b) categorize farming hand categories of farming hand tools. How do you Studies pg observation
tools according to their uses. draw the farming hand tools in categorize the 80-82. .
c) draw farming hand tools in each category. farming hand Charts.
each category. categorize farming hand tools tools? Pictures.
according to use Realia.
5 TOOLS Farming By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs,learners are guided What are the Digital Assessment
. hand tools. learner should be able to: to; specific uses of devices. rubric.
(c). The a) mention various farming mention the various farming hand different farming Charts. Checklist.
specific uses hand tools used in the tools. hand tools? Top Scholar Written
of farming locality. state and discuss the specific uses Pre- tests.
hand tools. b) state the specific uses of the of the farming hand tools. Technical oral
mentioned farming hand match the farming hand tools with Studies pg questions.
tools. their corresponding uses. 83-84.
c) appreciate the specific uses Pictures.
of the different farming hand
3 1 TOOLS Farming By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs, What are the Digital Observatio
. hand tools. learner should be able to: individually,learners are guided to; safety measures to devices. n.
(d). Using a) list the safety measures to be mention and discuss the safety observe when Realia. Assessment
farming hand observed when using measures to be observed when using farming Top Scholar rubric.
tools safely. farming hand tools to using farming hand tools. hand tools? Pre- Oral
perform tasks. practise how to perform simple Technical questions.
b) discuss the safety measures practical tasks using farming hand Studies pg Checklists.
to be observed when using tools at school. 85-86.
farming hand tools. visit a neaby farm to observe how Pictures.
c) practise safe use of farming farming tools are used safely.
hand tools.
2 TOOLS Farming By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs, How do you care Digital Observatio
. hand tools. learner should be able to: Individually,learners are guided to: for the farming devices. n.
(e). Care for a) identify the maintenance mention the maintenance practices hand tools after Top Scholar Assessment
and practices to be adopted after that should be observed after using performing tasks? Pre- rubric.
maintenance using farming hand tools. farming hand tools to perform What are Technical Written
of farming b) discuss the caring and tasks. maintenance Studies PG tests.
hand tools. maintenance practices for discuss on the proper care, practices to be 87-88. oral
farming hand tools. maintenance and safe storage of adopted after pictures. questions.
c) practice how to properly farming hand tools. using farming
care for and maintain use a digital device to search the hand tools to
different farming hand tools internet for information on other perform tasks?
after performing tasks. maintenance practices done on
d) show care to farming hand farming hand tools.
tools after performing tasks.
3 TOOLS Farming By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs, What are some of Digital Checklist.
. hand tools. learner should be able to: individually,learners are guided to; the careers related devices. oral
(f). Careers a) list the careers related to observe and relate farming hand to farming hand Top Scholar questions.
related to farming hand tools. tools to careers. tools? Pre- Written
farming hand b) recognize the careers related discuss some of the careers related What can you do Technical tests.
tools. to farming hand tools. to farming hand tools. with the farming Studies pg
c) appreciate the careers related use digital devices to search on hand tools to earn 88-89.
to farming hand tools. careers related to farming hand a living. pictures.
4 TOOLS Farming By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs, How are farming Realia. Observatio
. hand tools. learner should be able to: individually,learners are guided to; hand tools helpful Top Scholar n.
(g). The role a) State the role of farming outline the roles of farming hand in the community? Pre- Oral
of farming hand tools in their tools in the community. What are the roles Technical questions.
hand tools in community. discuss the role of farming tools in of farming hand Studies pg Written
our b) Discuss the role of farming their home, school and tools in the 89. test.
community. hand tools in their home, community. community? Digital
school and community. collaborate with teachers,parents devices.
c) appreciate the importance of or guardians to perform simple
farming hand tools in the tasks using farming hand tools.
5 TOOLS Project By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs,learners are guided What items are Top Scholar Oral
. Activity 2: learner should be able to: to; suitable for Pre- questions.
Project a) Suggest an item that may refer to the problems identified in solving the Technical
Design. solve the problem identified Task 1.1 on pg 65. problems in your Studies pg 65
Task 2.1. in project activity 1. discuss the possible items to solve community? & 90.
b) Discuss the possible items to the problem. Digital
solve the problem. devices.
4 1 TOOLS Project By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs,learners are guided What are the key Top Scholar Oral
. Activity 2. learner should be able to: to: features of the Pre- questions.
Task 2.1. a) identify the most suitable decide on the most suitable item to chosen item to Technical observation
item to solve the problem. solve the problem. solve the problem? Studies pg .
b) state the key features of the summarise the key features of the Which criteria did 90.
item chosen to solve the item they have chosen to solve the you use to select Digital
problem. problem. the item? devices.

2 TOOLS Project By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs,learners are guided How can you Drawing observation
. Activity 2. learner should be able to: to: design the item instruments. .
Task 2.2 . a) design the item that may refer to the item identified in Task selected to solve Top Scholar checklists.
solve the problem identified 2.1. the identified Pre- portfolios.
in project activity 1. use visual aids to design items that problem? Technical
b) enjoy drawing the item to may solve the problems identified Studies pg
chosen to solve the problem. in project activity 1. 90.
make a free hand sketch of the Digital
item selected. devices.
draw the item to scale using
drawing instruments.
label the drawing to show the
different parts of the item.
3 TOOLS Project By the end of the lesson, the In groups, pairs,learners are guided What are the parts Digital Checklist.
. Activity 2. learner should be able to: to; of the item in the devices. Oral
Task 2.3 a) prepare a part list of the item prepare a parts list of the item in drawing? Top Scholar questions.
in the drawing. the drawing. Pre-
b) determine the quantities of determine the quantities of the Technical
the materials for making the materials for making the item. Studies pg
item. 90.
4 TOOLS Project By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs, What are the Digital Oral
. Activity 2. learner should be able to: individually,learners are guided to: prices of the prices devices. questions.
Task 2.3. a) Inquire the prices of the use a resource person or digital for the materials Resource
materials required to devices find out the prices of the required to make person.
make the item. materials required to make the the item? Top Scholar
item. Pre-
Studies pg
5 TOOLS Project By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs,learners are guided What is the Digital Checklist.
. Activity 2. learner should be able to: to; estimate cost of devices.
Task 2.3. a) price all the parts of the price all the parts of the item. the item? Top Scholar
item. summarise the estimated cost of Pre-
b) prepare a cost estimate for the the item. Technical
designed item. Studies pg
5 1 DRAW Types of By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs, learners are guided What is an artistic Digital Assessment
ING. drawings. learner should be able to: to; drawing? devices. rubric.
(a). a) identify different types of research and identify the different What is a Pictures. Oral
Identification drawings used in the types of drawings used in the technical drawing? Top Scholar questions.
of types of technical fields. technical fields. Pre- Written
drawings. b) discuss the different types of discuss about the artistic and Technical test.
drawings used in technical technical drawings and give Studies pg
fields and give examples. examples in each. 91-92.
c) appreciate the different types Summarise points about artistic
of drawings used in and technical drawing.
technical fields.
2 DRAW Types of By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs,learners are guided What are the Digital Observatio
ING. drawings. learner should be able to: to; differences devices. n.
(b). a) distinguish between artistic identify the differences between between artistic Charts. Checklists.
Differences and technical drawings. artistic and technical drawings. and technical Top Scholar Assessment
between b) discuss the differences discuss the differences between drawings? Pre- rubric.
artistic and between the artistic and artistic and technical drawings. How do Technical Written
technical technical drawings. use digital devices to search the distinguish an Studies pg tests.
drawings. c) appreciate the differences internet for other differences artistic drawing 92-93. Oral
between the artistic and between artistic and technical from a technical Pictures. questions.
technical drawings. drawings. drawing?
Summarize the differences
between artistic and technical
drawings on charts and display in
3 DRAW Types of By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs,learners are guided What are the uses Digital Written
ING. drawings. learner should be able to: to; of technical devices. tests.
(c). Use of a) identify the uses of artistic use downloaded video clips to drawings? Video clips. Assessment
artistic and and technical drawings. identify the uses of artistic and What are the uses Top Scholar rubric.
technical b) describe the uses of artistic technical drawings. of artistic Pre- Oral
drawings. and technical drawings. discuss the uses of the technical drawings? Technical questions.
c) appreciate the uses of artistic and artistic drawings. Studies pg Observatio
and technical drawings. use digital devices to search the 94-95. n.
internet for other uses of artistic Pictures.
and technical drawings.
4 DRAW Types of By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs, What are some of Digital Assessment
ING. drawings. learner should be able to: individually,learners are guided to: the careers related devices. rubric.
(d). a) identify the careers that use digital devices to search to use of Top Scholar Written
Application requires drawing skills. careers that are related to drawings? Pre- tests.
of drawings b) discuss the careers related to drawings. How are drawings Technical Checklist.
in various the use of drawings. identify and discuss the careers used in various Studies pg Oral
careers. c) recognize the application of that requires drawing skills. careers? 96-98. questions.
drawings in various careers. discuss the application of drawing Video clips.
d) appreciate the careers related in other careers
to use of drawings.
5 DRAW Types of By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs,learners are guided Why are drawings Digital Assessment
ING. drawings. learner should be able to: to; important in our devices. rubric.
(e). The a) identify the importance of identify objects at home, school or day to day life? Top Scholar Written
importance drawing in day to day life. in the community where drawing What are the Pre- test.
of drawing. b) discuss the importance of has been used to make them. importances of Technical oral
drawing in day to day life. discuss the importance of drawing drawing in day to Studies pg questions.
c) appreciate the importance of in day to day life. day life? 98-99.
drawing in day to day life. use digital devices to search the
internet for the importance of
drawing in the day to day life.
7 1 DRAW Drawing By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs, individually,learners What are the Digital devices. observation
ING. instruments learner should be able to: are guided to: drawing Top Scholar .
and a) identify the various drawing list the instruments and equipment instruments Pre-Technical Assessment
equipment. instruments and equipment. used in technical drawing in the and Studies pg 99- rubric.
(a). b) discuss the instruments and notebook. equipment? 100. Checklist.
Identification equipment used in technical discuss the instruments and equipment Pictures. Written
of drawing drawing. used in technical drawing. Realia. test.
instruments c) draw and name the various draw and name the drawing Charts.
and drawing instruments and instruments and equipment.
equipment. equipment. use digital device to search the internet
d) appreciate the various for more technical drawing instruments
drawing instruments and and equipment.
2 DRAW Drawing By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs, individually,learners How are the Digital devices. Assessment
ING. instruments learner should be able to: are guided to; drawing Top Scholar rubric.
and a) mention the uses of identify and state the uses of different instruments Pre-Technical Written
equipment. different drawing drawing instruments. and Studies pg 101- test.
(b). Use of instruments and discuss the uses of different drawing equipment 102. Oral
drawing equipment. equipment and instruments. used? Charts. questions.
instruments b) describe the use of use digital devices to search and watch What are the Pictures. Checklists.
and drawing instruments and videos from the internet about use of uses of Realia.
equipment. equipment in technical technical drawing instruments and different
drawing. equipment. drawing
c) Enjoy using the drawing instruments
instruments and and
equipment. equipment?
3 DRAW Drawing By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs, individually,learners What are the Digital devices. Assessment
ING. instruments learner should be able to: are guided to; steps to Drawing rubric.
and a) Outline the steps to follow outline the steps to follow when follow when instruments and Checklist.
equipment. when drawing a straight drawing a straight line and simple drawing a equipment. observation
(c). Drawing line and simple shapes. shapes. straight line Top Scholar .
lines and b) discuss the steps to follow discuss the steps to follow when and simple Pre-Technical
shapes. when drawing straight drawing a straight line and simple shapes? Studies pg 102-
lines and simple shapes. shapes. 103.
c) draw lines and shapes summarize the steps to follow when Drawings.
using drawing instruments drawing a straight line and simple
and equipment. shapes in their notebook.
d) enjoy drawing lines and use drawing instruments to draw
simple shapes using straight lines and simple shapes and
different drawing display in class.
instruments and
4 DRAW Drawing By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs, individually,learners How do you Digital devices. Assessment
ING. instruments learner should be able to: are guided to: care for and Top Scholar rubric.
and a) outline ways for caring discuss how to care for and maintain Pre-Technical Observatio
equipment. and maintaining technical maintenance of technical drawing drawing Studies pg 103- n.
(e). Care for drawing instruments and instruments and equipment. equipment 104. Written
and equipment. summarise points about proper care and Realia. test.
maintenance b) demonstrate proper care and maintenance of technical drawing instruments? Oral
of drawing and maintenance of instruments and equipment. Why is it questions.
instruments drawing instruments and practise how to care for and important to
and equipment. maintenance of technical drawing care for and
equipment. c) Have a desire to care and instruments and equipment. maintain
maintain the drawing drawing
instruments and instruments
equipment. and
5 DRAW Drawing By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs, individually,learners How are Digital devices.
ING. instruments learner should be able to: are guided to; drawing Top Scholar
and a) identify the use of drawing discuss the uses of drawing equipment instruments Pre-Technical
equipment. instruments and equipment and instruments in different careers. and Studies pg 104-
(e). The use in different careers. summarise the use of drawing equipment 105.
of drawing b) discuss the use of drawing instruments and equipment in different used in
instruments instruments and equipment career. different
and in different careers. watch video clips on the use of careers?
equipment in c) appreciate the use of drawing instruments and equipment in
different drawing instruments and various careers.
careers. equipment in various
8 1 DRAW Free hand By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs, individually,learners What is Digital devices. Assessment
ING. sketching. learner should be able to: are guided to; freehand Top Scholar rubric.
(a). Freehand a) define the term Freehand explain the meaning of freehand sketching? Pre-Technical Checklist.
sketching of sketching. sketching. Studies pg 105- Observatio
straight line. b) identify and describe the describe the types of straight lines. 106. n.
types of straight lines. discuss how to draw a straight line Pencils and
c) sketch straight lines using using free hand. papers.
free hand. use pencils and drawing papers to
d) enjoy sketching straight sketch lines.
2 DRAW Freehand By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs, individually,learners What is a Pencils and Observatio
ING. Sketching. learner should be able to: are guided to: two- drawing papers. n.
(b). Freehand a) define a two-dimensional explain what is a two-dimensional dimensional Digital devices. Checklist.
sketching of shape. shapes. shape? Top Scholar Assessment
two- b) mention examples of two- discuss how to draw two-dimensional How do you Pre-Technical rubric.
dimensional dimensional shapes. shapes using freehand. sketch a two- Studies pg 107-
shapes. c) discuss how to draw two- use pencils and drawing papers to dimensional 108.
dimensional shapes using sketch two-dimensional shapes. shape using
freehand. freehand?
d) sketch two-dimensional
shapes using freehand.
e) enjoy sketching two-
dimensional shapes.
3 DRAW Freehand By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs, individually,learners What are still Digital devices. Observatio
ING. sketching. learner should be able to: are guided to: life and Top Scholar n.
(c). a) explain the meaning of explain the meaning of still life objects perspective Pre-Technical Assessment
Sketching of still life drawing and and perspective drawing. drawings ? Studies pg 108- rubric.
still life perspective drawing. outline and discuss the steps to follow How do you 110. Portfolios.
objects in b) discuss how to draw still when sketching still life object in sketch still Realia. Checklist.
perspective life objects in perspective perspective drawing using freehand. life objects in
drawing. drawing using freehand. use realia to sketch still life objects. perspective
c) sketch still life objects in drawing?
perspective drawing.
d) enjoy sketching still life
objects in perspective
4 DRAW Freehand By the end of the lesson, the In groups, pairs,learners are guided to: How are Digital devices. Written
ING. sketching. learner should be able to: use digital media to observe how freehand Top Scholar test.
(d). Uses of a) identify the uses of freehand sketches express artistic ideas sketches used Pre-Technical Oral
freehand freehand sketching in in different career fields. to express Studies pg 110- questions.
sketching in expression of artistic ideas discuss the use of freehand sketches in artistic ideas 111. Assessment
artistic in different career fields. expression of artistic ideas in different in different rubric.
drawing. b) discuss the use of freehand career fields. career fields?
sketches in expression of summarize points about the use of
artistic ideas in different freehand sketches in expression of
career fields. artistic ideas in different career fields.
c) recognize the use of
freehand sketches in
expression of artistic ideas
in different career fields.
5 DRAW Free hand By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs, individually,learners Why is Digital devices. Written
ING. sketching. learner should be able to: are guided to: freehand Realia. test.
(e). The a) outline the importance of identify and explain the importance of sketching Top Scholar Oral
importance freehand sketching in day freehand sketching in day to day life. important? Pre-Technical questions.
of freehand to day life. summarise the importance of freehand Studies pg 111. Assessment
sketching. b) discuss the importance of sketching in day to day life. rubric.
freehand sketching in day visit a resource center in the locality to
to day life. appreciate the importance of freehand
c) appreciate the importance sketching in the day to day life.
of free hand sketching in
day to day life.
9 1 DRAW Freehand By the end of the lesson, the In pairs, groups, individually,learners How do you Top Scholar Observatio
ING. sketching. learner should be able to: are guided to: develop a Pre-Technical n.
a) take photos of the take photos of the sketches and portfolio? Studies pg 105- Portfolios.
sketches and drawings. drawings for the development of 110.
b) develop portfolios of the portfolios. Digital devices.
photos of sketches and use digital devices to develop Photos.
drawings. portfolios. Drawings.
c) enjoy taking photos of the
sketches and drawings
using digital devices.
2 DRAW Geometric By the end of the lesson, the Individually,in pairs,in groups,learners How do you Top Scholar Assessment
ING. constructions learner should be able to: are guided to: construct a Pre-Technical rubric.
. a) define the term bisecting. explain the meaning of bisecting. perpendicular Studies pg 112- Observatio
(a). b) mention the requirements outline the steps for constructing a at a given 116. n.
Construction for bisecting lines and perpendicular at a given point on a line point on a Rulers and pair Checklist.
of angles. angles. and constructing a perpendicular line? of compasses.
c) construct a perpendicular bisector. How do you
at a given point on a line. construct a perpendicular at a given construct a
d) construct a perpendicular point on a line. perpendicular
bisector. construct a perpendicular bisector. bisector?
e) enjoy constructing a
perpendicular line and
bisecting a line.
3 DRAW Geometric By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs, individually,learners How do you Top Scholar Assessment
ING. constructions learner should be able to: are guided to; bisect an Pre-Technical rubric.
. a) outline the steps for outline the steps to follow in bisecting angle? Studies pg 117- Checklist.
(b) Bisecting bisecting an angle. angles. 119. Observatio
an angle. b) bisect an angle following bisect angles. Pair of n.
the outlined steps. compasses,
c) enjoy bisecting angles. pencils and
4 DRAW Geometric By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs, individually,learners How do you Top Scholar observation
ING. constructions learner should be able to: are guided to; construct Pre-Technical .
. a) outline steps to follow Outline the steps in constructing angle angle of 30° Studies pg 119- Checklist.
(c). in constructing angle of 30° and 60°. and 60°? 123. Assessment
constructing of 30° and 60°. construct angle of 30° and 60°. Digital devices. rubric.
angle of 60° b) construct angle of 30° illustrate to other learners how to Pencils,pair of Rating
and 30°. and 60°. construct angle 30° and 60° compasses and scale.
c) enjoy constructing rulers.
angle of 30° and 60°.
5 DRAW Geometric By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs, individually,learners How do you Top Scholar Checklist.
ING. constructions learner should be able to: are guided to; construct a Pre-Technical Observatio
. a) outline the steps in outline the steps in constructing a 90° 90° angle and Studies pg 123- n.
(d). constructing a 90° angle and angle of 45°. angle of 45°? 129. Rating
constructing angle and angle of construct a 90° angle and angle of 45°. Digital devices. scales.
angle 90° and 45°. illustrate to other learners how to Rulers,pair of Assessment
angle of 45°. b) Construct a 90° angle construct a 90° angle and angle of 45°. compasses and rubric.
and angle of 45°. pencils.
c) enjoy constructing a
90° angle and angle of
10 1 DRAW Geometric By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs, individually,learners How do you Digital devices. observation
ING. constructions learner should be able to: are guided to; construct an Top Scholar .
. a) outline the steps in outline and explain the steps in angle of Pre-Technical Rating
(e). constructing angle of 120°. constructing angle of 120°. 120°? Studies pg 129- scales.
constructing b) Construct angle of 120° construct angle of 120°. 131. Checklist.
angle of 120° following the outlined illustrate to other learners how to Rulers,pair of
. steps. construct angle of 120° compasses and
c) enjoy constructing angle pencils.
of 120°.
2 DRAW Geometric By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs, individually,learners How do you Digital devices. Checklist.
ING. constructions learner should be able to: are guided to; construct Top Scholar Rating
. a) outline the steps in outline the steps in constructing angle angle of Pre-Technical scales.
(f) constructing angle of 150°. of 150°. 150°? Studies pg 131- Observatio
constructing b) construct angle of 150°. construct angles of 150°. 134. n.
angle of c) enjoy constructing angle illustrate to other learners how to Pencils, Rulers
150°. of 150°. construct angle of 150°. and pair of
3 DRAW Geometric By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs, individually,learners What is a Top Scholar Checklist.
ING. constructions learner should be able to: are guided to: triangle? Pre-Technical Assessment
. a) define a triangle. define the term triangle. What are the Studies pg 134- rubric.
(a). b) identify the types of identify the different types of triangles properties of 136. Written
construction triangles and state and state their properties. the different Pencil,Ruler and test.
of triangles. their properties. illustrate how to construct equilateral types of pair of
c) construct an and isosceles triangles. triangles? compasses.
equilateral and construct equilateral and isosceles Digital devices.
isosceles triangle. triangles.
d) enjoy constructing an
equilateral and
isosceles triangle.
4 DRAW Geometric By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs, individually,learners How do you Top Scholar Assessment
ING. constructions learner should be able to: are guided to; construct Pre-Technical rubric.
. a) outline steps to construct a outline and explain the steps in scalene and Studies pg 136- Checklist.
(b) scalene and right-angled constructing a scalene and right-angled right-angled 137. Observatio
construction triangle. triangles. triangles? Rulers,pair of n.
of scalene b) construct scalene and construct scalene and right-angled compasses and
and right- right-angled triangles. triangles and display them in the pencils.
angled c) enjoy drawing scalene and classroom.
triangle. right-angled triangles.
5 DRAW Geometric By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs, individually,learners What is a Top Scholar Assessment
ING. constructions learner should be able to: are guided to: quadrilateral? Pre-Technical rubric.
. a) define a quadrilateral. explain what is a quadrilateral. What are the Studies pg 138- Checklist.
(a). b) identify the types of identify the types of quadrilaterals and properties of 143. Written
Construction quadrilaterals and state state their properties. the different Pencils, rulers test.
of their properties. construct a square given the length of types of and pair of
quadrilaterals c) outline the steps to follow one side and rectangle given the length quadrilaterals compasses.
. in constructing a square of adjacent sides. ?
and rectangle.
d) enjoy constructing a
square and rectangle.
11 1 DRAW Geometrical By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs, individually,learners How do you Top Scholar Checklist.
ING. construction. learner should be able to: are guided to; construct a Pre-Technical observation
construction a) outline the steps to follow outline the steps to follow in rhombus Studies pg 143- .
of rhombus. in constructing a rhombus. constructing a rhombus. given length 144. Assessment
b) construct a rhombus given construct a rhombus given the length of one side Pencils,rulers rubric.
the length of one side and of one side and one diagonal. and one and pair of written test.
one diagonal. practice constructing rhombuses in diagonal? compasses.
c) enjoy constructing plane geometry.
2 DRAW Geometrical By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs, individually,learners What are the Pictures. Assessment
ING. construction. learner should be able to: are guided to: parts of a Drawings. rubric.
(a). a) define a circle and give explain what is a circle and give circle? Top Scholar Written
Construction examples of circular examples of circular objects. How do you Pre-Technical test.
of circles. objects. identify and explain the parts of a construct a Studies pg 145- oral
b) draw a circle and identify circle. circle given 146. questions.
the parts of a circle. outline the steps of constructing a the diameter? Digital devices. observation
c) construct a circle given the circle given the diameter. .
diameter construct circles given the diameter.
3 DRAW Geometrical By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs, individually,learners How do you Top Scholar Assessment
ING. construction. learner should be able to: are guided to: construct a Pre-Technical rubric.
(b) a) outline the steps in outline and explain the steps to follow circle Studies pg 147- Checklist.
construction constructing a circle in constructing a circle inscribed in a inscribed in a 148. observation
of circle inscribed in a triangle. triangle. triangle? Digital devices. .
inscribed in a b) construct a circle inscribed construct a circle inscribed in a Pencil,pair of Rating
triangle. in a triangle. triangle. compasses and scales.
c) Practice and enjoy Use a digital device to search and rulers. written test.
constructing a circle watch a video clip showing how to
inscribed in a triangle. construct a circle inscribed in a
practice constructing circles inscribed
in triangles.
4 DRAW Geometrical By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs, individually,learners How do you Top Scholar Assessment
ING. construction. learner should be able to: are guided to: construct Pre-Technical rubric.
(c) a) outline the steps in outline the steps to follow in circumscribe Studies pg 149- observation
constructing constructing a circle constructing a circle circumscribed on d circles? 151. .
a circle circumscribed on a a triangle. Digital devices. Rating
circumscribe triangle. use a digital device to search videos on Rulers,pair of scale.
d on a b) illustrate how to construct how to construct circle circumscribed compasses and Checklist.
triangle. a circle circumscribed on a circles. pencils. Written
triangle. construct circles circumscribed on test.
c) construct a circle triangles.
circumscribed on a practice constructing circumscribed
triangle. circles.
d) enjoy constructing circles
circumscribed on triangles.
5 DRAW Geometrical By the end of the lesson, the In groups,pairs and How do you Top Scholar observation
ING. construction. learner should be able to: individually,learners are guided to: construct Pre-Technical .
(a). a) define the term discuss combined shapes in plane combined Studies pg 151- Rating
construction combined shape. geometry shapes? 152. scales.
of combined b) outline the procedure observe various combined shapes. What is a checklist.
shapes. for constructing a outline and discuss the procedure for combined Digital devices.
combined shape in constructing combined shapes. shape? drawing
plane geometry. practice how to construct combined instruments.
c) construct combined shapes in plane geometry.
shapes. use digital devices to search videos on
d) enjoy constructing how to construct combined shapes.
combined shapes.

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