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"The sexual E7 tries to build a bubble of illusion that defends him from suffering, and
becomes so strict in that defense that it ends up turning against him and he has to withdraw
from the real world in order to survive the slightest emotional ups and downs, since the
slightest inconvenience becomes unbearable. Such an attitude is based on a childhood of
emotional withdrawal that ends up being channeled into the world of fantasy and the
substitution of reality for plans and projects that are often abandoned without fulfillment.
Schizoid behavior is gradually replaced by a new way out into the world that is, at the same
time, an escape from oneself."

Noir talked to me about how his younger self was exactly like Kaguya, probably also
referring to a sort of schizoid/withdrawal behavior that was reoccurring during his childhood.
This makes me think about how that tendency probably limited him a lot during the years of
his childhood, so it transformed during his teenage years into that of someone who has to
express a kind of childish behavior, cause he never had the chance to express it while he
was a child; it's clear how wants to be friends with and talk to as many people as possible,
not "refraining" from all of this like he used to. Already as a child, then, the sexual E7 learns
to drug himself emotionally. There are high chances that the SX7 lived in an aversive, harsh
and difficult environment in which he has suffered a great lack of attention, support and
recognition. In this context of lack, painful, wild, the child experiences it like a jungle where
everyone has to find life as best they can. I think this setting already speaks for itself about
how it completely fits Noir.

"It is as if this ability to play and be alone is being lost as he grows older. Loneliness, which
at first is not painful, with the passage of time begins to seem like it, and more and more
difficulties arise to be alone, it being common for adolescents to turn more outward, towards
people, while away from the inner world.
As it grows and the external world demands more and more, the character will be
consolidated. Focuses on cunning to achieve goals with as little effort as possible. Or into
the trap."

As I said, the guy in question seems not to be able to face loneliness, as he is always turning
towards people, even the ones who give him poor feedback. He's also a victim of the
demands of the external world, always worried about doing something they won't accept, but
at the same time consolidating the person he is now through this. He also mentioned
numerous times how he's always seen as "smart" or "intellectual" by others with little to no
effort, which is a prominent tendency of the SX7 as well.

"The sexual Seven has been a child who, from a very young age, already stood out among
those of his age for being more alert, quick and intelligent. He understands right away, and
almost effortlessly reaches what the environment demands of him. Stands out for cunning.
Or for his ability to cheat, manipulate and lie if necessary. However, he is also often
hypersensitive, fragile, sickly, attached to maternal care and phobic to the aggressiveness of
the outside world. He knows how to win over adults with sympathy, grace and flattery, in a
strategy promoted by the mother (and sometimes also by the father), who laughs with the
child, transfers his admiration to him and reinforces the exploitation of his talents."
I think this could be one of the reasons why Noir used to be mistyped as 2E, and also sp6.
He surely does not lack empathy to identify with others and tends to be kind, humane and
even emotional. He's also hypersensitive, cautious, and demanding of protection… but not in
the sp6 way. The latter really is too concentrated on finding protection through warmth, a
thing that Noir is not shown to do as much: he's always saying what he thinks, eventually
teasing others, and he also isn't too compulsive when it comes to giving warmth to others,
not as much as sp6s are. He is characterized by a verbal incontinence, an inability to keep
quiet and a need to have as much knowledge as possible. Yes, he is very nice and tries to
make others feel at ease, but it never seemed to me that he was doing it in the
obsessive/fearful way of the "I'll treat you kindly so you won't hurt me", but more in a
gluttonous way of trying to make new friends in order to make more positive experiences.
Not to mention how he is way too "dominant" when it comes to questioning to possibly be
sp6, a type that constantly thinks that saying what he thinks is dangerous and that he doesn't
know everything, preferring not to ask questions in order to not be humiliated. Now, let's be
real, how could this possibly describe Noir? One of the few people of typologytok that isn't
afraid to keep asking questions and to say his opinion even if controversial. SP6s also
struggle to let people see them as who they are, because he's convinced that, if people saw
him as he really was, they would reject and ridicule him. This doesn't seem to suit this guy as
well, as he has no problem with casually joking about his way of being and eventually telling
small stories about himself. His "fear" is more about being denied the privileges garnered
through his childish character, of being found out in his dealings, of being put on the spot.
So his actual typing, sp6, is not that much of a good option for him, as he seems to be fitting
the childhood settings and behavior of the E7 more.


We are aware of the fact that, when the passion of gluttony invades the sexual instinct, the
emphasis is on an attempt to live in an extraordinary state of exaltation, of idealization full of
possibility and hope. Psychic energy is invested in an enchanted and fanciful approach that
represses the instinctive need to become a mental seduction. Gluttony becomes a desire for
more pleasure through intellectual seduction aimed at satisfying idealizations and dreams
and not instinctual needs. The sexual E7 idealizes the other and lives in his head a
relationship that only serves to maintain an idealization of himself, thus losing the nature of
instinct. The search for intimate and sexual pleasure becomes a romantic dream of multiple
satisfactions, while deep down there is a fear of surrender. He is more interested in being
chronically infatuated with life experiences, people and things.
For some reasons, Noir seems to constantly idealize the people he talks to, putting them on
a pedestal and referring to them as a "source of knowledge". But he doesn't limit himself only
to this: he asks questions, argues back and brings up new ideas in a gluttonous need to
make his knowledge and intelligence be appreciated, unconsciously trying to "seduce" the
other with his ideas ("More than convincing, the Sexual 7 spreads his points of view through
his own conviction). Despite him not being a big presence on typologytok, he is known by a
good amount of people for being the "scared sp6" that everyone likes, constantly making fun
of his fears and making people laugh with the jokes he makes, putting himself in the role of a
clown rather than someone to protect ("the basic motivation of this character is to escape the
pain and frustration that come with living. He defends himself with humor from his
discontentment, deluding himself, tries to prevent any future discomfort"). I think it's very
important to note how this completely fits the sexual Seven's ability of living in the world
without formally complying with rules or requirements and, furthermore, with the
self-confidence of not being noticed much, so that his behavior is not only not interpreted as
a threat but that pleases others.
In one of his videos, he says that he desires to endlessly debate and argue with others
without ever coming to a final conclusion, which shows a lot of the SX7's intellectual gluttony
and tendency to "eat the other with his words". In another video, Noir also said that he
desires to make a potion that causes everyone to argue for his amusement, and that he
would be the type of person who reads twitter drama to argue back and forth on who truly is
on the right side ("The sexual E7 is a particular form of quackery. He tends to talk a lot, even
more than the other subtypes of the Seven. It is a loquacious and talkative character, who
does not stop occupying the space with the word").
We know that he's also very quick to change his mind, especially when it comes to his
typology; actually most of the times, he does it out of boredom, because he finds his actual
typology boring and has a need to change something in order to be content with it: "The
attraction to any rewarding stimulus or that simply catches his attention makes him jumpy
and changeable. He is a quick, mercurial character who, when he wants something, goes for
it shamelessly, being able to border on insolence. The permanent excitement confuses the
feeling, and for that reason it is confused and it is located between the emotional
I think it would also be important to note a video he published some time ago and that fits
this context: "1st Futures (1B) on their way to change their life plan for the billionth time" with
a scary smiling guy with shark teeths in the background. Although Noir anticipates a lot and
acts from the mind, he is often carried away by his impulses. Just like the sexual Seven, Noir
has a low tolerance for frustration and wants to be one step ahead of reality itself, like a
capricious child who, when he wants something, wants it now.
Noir also completely fits the sense of guilt of the sexual E7, which can leak out in the form of
anguish, anxiety, and even nightmares. In order not to assume it, he develops the ability to
point fingers and look for blame in any situation, sometimes bordering on paranoia. Guilt is
attributed to the vicissitudes of life or to others. He said that he knows what he wants to do in
the future, but most of the times doesn't do it because he doesn't want to wrong anyone;
piecing the puzzle together, we could assume that his mask of a "good, passive person" only
serves his false narcissistic image of someone who believes he can do anything and takes
pride in avoiding sadness, helplessness, and the sense of failure; doing this, he doesn't have
to face the goal that he would have failed to achieve or the people he would have hurt, and
so he can easily turn his attention to the next scenario. Deep down, he himself is aware that
he has no real achievements and feels internally fraudulent, quite insecure and fragile.
Like already noted before, on tiktok he pretty much puts on a big facade the "gentle, funny
and gay guy", constantly making fun of himself. But why would anyone do this, if not to
attract attention and to be seen as someone who brings people joy through his own
humiliation? The more attention he receives, the more he comes down and is fed with the
belief that he is "special" and unique, superior. His narcissistic self-inflation attempts to
compensate for his schizoid inner emptiness and less-admissible feelings of unworthiness,
insecurity, and guilt, of which he is often unaware. Deep down, he reassures himself and
self-indulgences so much, through the recognition of others so that, like the SX7, he could
be defined as a "enchanted charmer". With his particular way of constantly attracting
attention, he also shows the E7's exhibitionism: it's exactly like a peacock, only with a
peculiar way of understanding elegance, which is not exactly what the canons command, but
rather that of a mountebank or a buffoon. He's usually very direct and self-assured in his
approach, capable of confronting the source of power (which is usually people with more
knowledge than him) so equally, with such daring, that it borders on irreverence, even
limiting the unpleasant effects of his impudence with jokes and various complications. He
can approach social situations with ease, aided by his low sense of the ridiculous as well as
the courage to use himself as a caricature. He is especially witty at making fun of himself.
As previously said, Noir has little shame and makes fun of his own faults or defects as a way
of taking iron from them. He is adept at parodying his own life, just like the Sexual 7, which is
described as “Clown" with little sense of his ridiculousness. He seems to not be aware of
how to be anywhere other than the joke. Always sharpening everything, almost "abusing" his
own sense of humor.
In one of his first videos, also, he stated to live in the realm of possibilities way more than he
actually does in reality. As far as we are aware, living in our imagination helps us not think
about the problems of reality, so Noir, once again, fits the "dreamy" archetype of the SX7:
someone who does not stop being a dreamer, who needs to spend a good part of his time in
the fantasy worlds he cultivates, disconnected from reality. In addition to his escape from the
real world, Noir seems to be clueless when it comes to practical things in life, often referred
to as being "too innocent" to understand certain things. Optimistic ingenuity is the lubricant
that allows the sexual Seven to glide through existence without the friction of living.

Noir also stated to be really sensitive to physical stimuli, but at the same time to often feel
disconnected from them: this is completely representative of the Sexual 7, which is the E7
who is most disconnected from his body but, at the same time, their constant avoidance of
suffering and repression of pain leads to hypersensitivity to any sign of cal discomfort, which
soon turns into constant worry. The sexual Seven has not received attentive and adequate
care and has not found an attentive listening on the part of the adults who had to protect
him. Let's say that, also in this sense, he has experienced abandonment. Furthermore, by
taking on a minstrel role to alleviate his mother's sorrows, he had to hide his own. This lack
of care and the fear of death itself cause, in the event of any physical symptom, to enter a
state of diffuse anxiety that can turn into hypochondria. This indeterminate form of care on
one hand reveals his deep fear and on the other, an attempt to take care of himself.
Hypochondriasis increases at the moment when, not having the ability to work through their
anxiety, it produces psychosomatic symptoms and a vicious circle is entered.

Sadness is a double-edged emotion in this subtype. It is relatively common to see a sexual

E7 weep, grieve, and even cry with a sensitive movie, an emotional song, art or some
nostalgic situation. But by identification, not because he is in contact with his own pain.
Melancholy, stirred by an external stimulus, does not necessarily put you in touch with your
pending emotional issues or with your most genuine affectivity. In fact, if the situation begins
to move you internally, your alarms and defense mechanisms will be activated to escape
from the present, blocking the sensation. He even uses these situations of perceived
bitterness to compare himself, because of how well he usually feels and how lucky he is,
compared to the misfortune of others: "How lucky I am in life and how well I am," he seems
to say to himself internally. Noir does this constantly: he always jokes around about his
problems, treating them as some kind of funny thing and saying that others have it worse
and that he's lucky. He seems not to be able to properly acknowledge the things that are
really hurting him but, when he starts to feel some kind of "bitter" feeling, he transforms it
into a joke that is supposed to be funny for others. He takes care to give happy meaning
even to sad feelings. Fear, on the other hand, seems to be pretty present in Noir, and it is the
most present in the day to day of a sexual Seven, although in a little way visible.The sexual
E7, with active physical fear, can be a great hypochondriac, a great skittish person who, at
the slightest symptom, begins to activate catastrophic fantasies, suggesting himself with the
fear of getting seriously ill. Obsessiveness can also be activated here, with repetitive
thoughts about the origin or repercussions of these symptoms. Ultimately, in his attempt to
control and secure himself through thought, he ends up provoking pathological fear, in a
neurotic feedback loop. We see Noir not knowing how to face fears in a proper way, so he
tries to escape by transferring his responsibilities to another, trying to take refuge in some
symptom or excuse. It's also noticeable, in his way of doing, the defense mechanism of the
E7: rationalization. Even when he has to deal with negative feelings, Noir always rationalizes
them, pretending to be okay and that everything will be fine in a possible future, always find
a slight of hope, but also attributing to his own acts a motivation that is different and
admirable or more acceptable than the real one (his way of acting like a timid, scared sp6
when in reality that was only to satisfy his gluttonous need for attention).

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