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24.A: “_______.” - B: "I've just asked where you are from.


A. Pardon? B. Repeat. C. Excuse me! D. What's your name

25.Two friends are talking about their friend Tom:

A: “Tom has a vey easy job.He’s paid a lot of money to do little”.

B: “___________”

A.It’s a game of luck B.It’s an incredible piece of luck

C.Wish him good luck D. He crossed his figures for luck

26.Sarah is wearing a new dress

Eden: “I do like that shade of pink.Sarah is just your colour”

Sarah: “____”

A. It’s most attractive B. You are doing well

C. I’m fine D. You’re making me blush

27. MC “ If you stop now,you will go home with $10,000.But if you keep
playing,you may get 50,000$”

Contestant: “I’ll stop now a bird in the hand is worth____”

A. two in the bush B. two in the tree

C. a whole flock flying D. two birds in the cage

28.Jim and Laura are talking about their plan for the weekend.

Jim: “ I promise to go shopping with you if you help me with the housework”

Laura: “_______ You are the last person to keep a promise”

A.How come? B. Come off it C. I hate to differ D.That’s great




-a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush: Tốt hơn là bằng lòng với bạn có hơn là
mạo hiểm đánh mất nó bằng cách cố gắng đạt được điều gì đó tốt hơn


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