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estion paper contains 3 printed pages) Rott No. [| fea ae + 72052802 cca fed eer sity etter + B.A, Prog.) CBCS (AECC) pu Maximum Marks : 75. con fru my fruits era ae an organs fafa 1) We a aaa wy art | Fa i) 10 (mscommunication) #t SAME FA ETS A oom art arnt a1 ate aife 1 PTO. efemer site arate eee ar srl ere eet EE Si A sre wR 0 am fem fre : os aie S wend w seta Fe Ty ae aes o mama wal! net K wor Sere 1 F a rae i dae @ meni a ‘dae’ et yee et ore aia | v0 | afte emt at ge Ses sreat! aA yer TC TART “afer | seme fred ate care fre ace ete oA west she se wt tae if) of frees se feo fof: ob @ er Sater geet de at gta | ’ so00 Satay i ese zn ma - their child's admission tothe First Standard (0) Explain any nro types of non-verbal communication (®) Explain the functions and merits of communication. (©) What are the merits and demerits of the formal ct ‘of communication ? (0) How can one overcome the barriers communication 5 Read the questions very carefilly before answering and kee 10 the point = (@) Write a short dialogue between the Recopionist a a hotel and a Tourist, . 5 o Write a short dialogue between & Doc and » Paint eat By being master of oneset he mean Fst ‘who is suffering from a headache ? : : Pro. 2 knowing oneself, one’s own faults and weaknesses and ‘one’s own good points, without making any pretence and ‘without being vain, and then being able to control oneset ‘This knowledge of himself was what helped a man to be courageous, and the courageous man has a very impor. tant sort of freedom from fear. Soortes himself, Because the was not afraid of the consequences, always fle fee to teach what he thought was right, however unpopular this might make him with the powerful people in Athens Questions (Who is truly “free™ according to Socrates ? 2 (How does knowledge of oneseIf help 2 person ? (iy How did Socrates apply the above principle"? (Give antonyms (words with opposite meanings) of the following words 2| (Weakness “oH ta 2 2) Important ©) Fear 4) Unpopular Do any one of the following 5 Using your own words, write a summary of the following passage jn about $0 words ‘Money can be abused as any other thing can be abused Money i four day means power, and if a man uses tha power to buy off men so that they may betray thet tee tied or their country, or if man uses his money for purely selfish proses he is abusing his power All ‘young people want money, but money to be worthwhile, most be eared. person who inherits money of get money from gambling or profiteering in anyother way in which he does not earn it never knows the real vaiue Pro, @ o> 602 and purpose of money. Ofien he abuses it rather than ses it, What are the wses of money 2 Money is a median ‘oF exchange, Its 10 be saved not heared, for sickness, cl en Sr ler gn away to relieve suffering, for study, for mission, for welfare wo i ang it mse Word eer -appier place 10 live in. o Briofy discuss the various types of translation, Write letter to the Editor ofa Newspaper regarding rash ‘and reckless diving by the drivers of DTC buses. 10 or "You are the Purchase Manager ina company. You ordered 20 computers ftom Ms Gupta Traders, New Delhi. On Aelivery, $ (five) computers arrived in a damaged condition, Weite a complaint leer in this regard > bo VP S/FAE) 7 ‘This question paper contains 4 printed pages.) Your Roll No. No.of Question Paper : 8580 GC-4 hique Paper Code 62051203 ame of the Paper Hindi ~ B ame of the Course: BLA. (Prog.) CBCS smester u aration : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75 ais fee fer eo reru & Rerd B swe Fee Pes ea we ae ag ‘ee wi we ated #1 eB A sre A rn we (5) aa or WA a, Re we rT hee ew, as a Fon = el were Revel fey, ge Yar We ai J PTO. —— ——— 8580 ) ™ 2 —_— 580 3 sre we oe, Ewe RT (mee, 0 ae, aqaity 8 gga, de we MF oe re ne rat ae fea at a any we eae, Fe Rg sare Te aa, ATER E (io) waa (6) err get tor sor kes Re Foe ee wr al (0) “Se FH ae eg We, TMT HEHE oe TTT To eater wey Renee, at wre Coe Ree ) NERA Ree se ee Rr ore ‘fete een gods We BS we, er ge oC BT @) Rare fe ee FAR we, wee He Frere) FARE HT ore eer a ee err ae FRE (10) ( Ce) (ee) Freer % & edt a we om Faery (5) Foy, MR (i) to ere, amen ws Hi aR ae eat I-Ie F iri (es) Preates 3 & fret at ox omit fier: (5+5=10) weave wd oe M1 (i) safer an arresce, (ii) Gorse aren: aaa, 94 9a, HI-OE PTO. 8580 (ji) ea are, (iv) sarees paper contains 4 printed pages.) Your Roll No. of Question Paper : 8645 ec per Code: 62311204 of the Paper: History a nda, 300 CE to 1200 CE (New Course) 2 BA. (Prog) CBCS im Maximum Marks : 75 oie 75 your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of estion paper. any Five questions, ers may be written either in English or Hindi; but the ‘medium should be used throughout the paper. AT Te it a BE Fr es mY Ae, AT et a yes Baa ae | P.O. 8645 2 1. Write an essay on the society and economy of 1 Guptas. eas ors ot aheger we om Per ARE 2. Discuss the achievements of Samudragupta on the basis Allahabad inscription. Fare wafer F aa we ayes St srefeRt a wel Aaa 3. Describe the extent and administration of Harsha Kingdom, 4 Soom fer wi ser ar wit aa) 4, Bring out the main features of Chola administration wi due reference to its working at the village level. srt esta erat # fhe week ahr eT A ge Pee: Ht tei aA 5. Examine the changes that occurred in the socio-econom! and political spheres in north India during the post Gup) period at we Foe wer ¥ aan sais et ont Be ar Rae we 545 3 “Highlight the main features of Pallava administration. eas Heme oe Pte we ser TAA | Explain the struggle between the Reshtrakutas, Palas and Pratiharas for political supremacy. ames eer fae OGRE, Te Met Be ed a aT aR What are the various theories regarding the origin of the Rajputs ? Explain. Tagg A sea 3 weir Aer Praia wer 7 he Aire Account for the success of the Arabs in Sindh and its impact ? fa F seat ween ed seh we Soe et Write a short notes on any two (8) Gupta art and literature (®) Chalukyas PTO. 8645 4 (©) Vaishnavism and Shaivism (@) Turkish Invasion Fat Dm tits Pont fre (a) ga va eo after (at) weer (=) tore we as of @ 34 ae 7 paper contains 4 printed pages.) ae! Neo of Question Paper: fnique Paper Code fame of the Paper LESH e) Your Roll Noses 8645 cc 62311204 History of India c. 300 CE to 1200 CE (New Course) ‘ame of the Course B.A. Prog.) CBCS ‘emester st furation : 3 hours ‘Maximum Marks : 75 a3 we pie : 75 structions for Candidates | Write your Roll No, on the top immediately on receipt of ‘this question paper. | Attempt any Five questions. Alll questions carry equal marks. Answers may be written either in English or Hindi: but the ‘same medium should be used throughout the paper. state etn Tamers fa A are fg me Pea eae ore gS ‘faferg 1 Feit her weit & oer aa | woh ie Sse wert BR were a gc sft FA Pat Ue eT Are, APT eH Sater aner we at ter ate | P.T.O. 8645, 2 3 1, Write an essay on the society and economy of Guptas. ‘main features of Pallava administration. faders ve eH aR games woe eo onbrre ge er Pte FAR ; struggle between the Reshtrakutas, Palas and 2, Diseuss the achievements of Samudragupte on the bass ee Allahabad inscription. eevee waits Bore aE A sea A TH five cg, er er Ss A me 4, Deseribe the extent and administration of Harsh Kingdom. spk Boe Pree ea gene Tr A 4, Bring out the main features of Chola admini ue reference to its working at the village level { for the success of the Arabs in Sindh and its 5, Examine the changes that occurred in the socio-eco® ‘and political spheres in north India during the post period. gate wa Fore ors F eras aan ra ee ated a Rede HER PTO. 8645 4 (© Veishnavism and Shaivism (© Turkish Invasion edt oe ars Rent RA: (3) ya or et ai (on) sa (x) tom ed te af (@) ga oer Bf SFE ion paper contains 4 printed pages.] Your Roll No, sie tion Paper : 8646 cc Code 62311204 Paper History of India c. 300 CE to 1200 CE : (New Course) Course B.A. (Programme) CBCS u ‘Maximum Marks : 75 pie: 75 ur Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of jon paper. any Five questions. ns carry equal marks. may be written either in English or Hindi; but the jum should he used throughout the paper. a fe ae fe ay Fes eae we ane SE re @ ser a Se oh fre er oe HA, Ae a a 8 Her ate | P.O. 8646 2 3 1, Discuss the salient features of Gupta administration, Prensa: faathres a Pallave af and sea wanert en teat Sah AA searcer ge be er ARR 2. Assess the contribution of the Guptas in the field of ar, literature, al essay on the tripartite struggle. el atfaa | ewe aretaerer Frat FER | the emergence of the Rajputs during the early 3. Write an essay on Harsha’s achievements. period. pf ah sree wer Fa faere F amgh sen sh aren aft | 4, Do you agree with the view that the Chola state w: the political and cultural impact of the Arab ‘segmentary” state? Explain. of Sind. saa amt eae 2 wen fe ee ew eer carer ae A Ream er corte ea gfe ee ar Fete Examine the new trends which emerged in society notes on any two ‘economy during the Post-Gupta period. ta aaa wre ¥ afer ed anf da 9 a ogee Ae PTO. 8646 (©) Chalukya Art (@) Turkish Invasion fai A alts owt fat (a) eee (a1) sae ta), ae ease aes 8008 j ee (A) Distinguish between mofopoly and perfect competition market using suitable dsgram. Rafer Ft wer 8 aif: (8) _ Under what conditions a nonopolit would exerise price “key Teatres of oigopoly market ” Explain isrimination ? 96 (wef take # ga enter i sft arom # frie aif) : (@) fea seta 7 eanfeert ster fete ze wh? leadership. move! of oligopoly. fh equilibrium with the help of an (8) Explain diagrammatically long-run eqlibiam of fr in monopolistic competion, Why al fis this markt cam only normal profit in the long ? (0) show wih te Help OF» lagan the prevalence of exe capaci in monopolistic competion ? 10s (@) fier aheint wee ehfares age #1 Tefen free wif ga aoe A fare Apt et dag ower om Gd oo ot x7 “Is public provision of public goods ? ar Pro. C4) (3) 3m 4 sf Sarena § are sien a owen tees at wea 8 oh, sifa) rs 4) a8 takes place between two countries ? Explain the I en mde: tory of icrtional vad What he main drawbacks of this theory > is me ata ome wa tin & 2 senigig era ms Sr om fart ai ored wifes eq wl yer afta shah & 2 Whot fs market fale ? Explain the varous instruments of internalizing externalities, q Fite short notes on any two of the following : 7575 arom freein en & 2 arama Fae Pati | Trade Barriers ‘ats ar win aise) * information Explain how nature of demand and supply in factor market Races ‘differ from goods market 2 Derive the supply curve of the Prisoners dilemma, eH a fet at we afin foot fee : ) SIR arent arp ort Widow and under wat circumstances it becomes tack bending ? 6 ert ame # xin ei yt at weft aq aor #8 fis 2 wh Sif) oe Soom oe ‘fg oer we for tt id wh ane ath woth t 2 4 gem earn co) Principles of Microcconomics- + CBCS Part, B.A. (Programme) an ‘Maximum Marks: 75 ‘nthe op immedleely in reel ofthis qwston paper) bbe writen either in English or in Hindi ‘medium should be used throughout the Ma a ant abst ar fet fer ua sre G Aer wt oni a em we a a is paper consists of 8 questions, Answer any $ questions. Pro. cz = aL 909 n) seater % faeihea ath am atc ah een ifr (0) Using appropriate diagram make a comparative analysis of social cost under perfect competition and monopoly (6) Define price discrimination. Explain perfect price iserimination with & diagram. < 96 the process of market adjustment wen demand ¥ | increases and decreases. What i the role of Goverment and bargaining in ineraizng externalities 2 What ar the major ius (@ whem fie at orem sire) Ow tanh a wernt 3 pf ate fie at oven aif) of these approach 2 a a) aie om mh & mon a amta at sien at oren aif Meme & amie Fo gem at yf oe Sort A ea yen ee aoe st Te afoneh shat € 2 “What do you understand by markt fire ? What are Define monopolistic competition market. Using diagrams F determine the price and ouput in short-run and long-ran in| i this market 1 Imajpe sources of market failure ? hat are the characteristics of public goods ? Explain (@) Explain the kinked demand curve model of oligopoly ‘these characteristics with suitable examples. 96 ip model of oli ()Diseuss the price leadership igopoy. e 4.49 es.) 809 fon any v0 of the following © 77% (9) wae farwcn A omy wa wR E 7 feo yor ata staat? (@ wetatrs aa at fitund en € 7 est saga sere a THe (2) Define economicrent, Using suitable diagrams exple ‘economic rent when elasticity of supply is zero an Explain the theory of comparative cost advantage ol Intemational trade: Highlight the main arguments ia favour of free ade. 5 seaiety eae germs emma a feria omen sf) yer oI Sova Ha aA wa ger val A sore aie, contains 442 printed pages) No. 7354 inzrsz04 « ‘India andthe nian Ocean Economy, «1500-1800 B.A. (H) Economies GEICBCS " ‘Maximum Marks: 75 on the op meaty rep of is gestion ver) “a Free Fe ew se ges fee) ‘may be writen either in English or in Hind: same medium should be ysed throughout the A Sm siitgt ar fet fart TH TAT wiht aed ar me oe BA Pro. (20% ese asa ‘Autempt ay. Five questions re oro EY wt Ewes oe wa sit mefpi a a7 ‘rarest Satie tex “'22-eirad er & Sor C1 em ft & sere ea All questions carty equal marks (1S marks cach). fort ule wei Son dif 1 wit ge sis au E (ar B15 six): How would you describe India's poston in the structure of Indian Ocean Trade, ciea 1500 when the Europeans too bess India Company (VOC) distinguished ise from to come in and participate ? Companies by integrating “a large-scale offical wraa meme ore Pa FH as00 & ateas, ora a feeft a1 ow om Ba we wa gh stad ot om om A om? in a highly profitable network of intr Asian tits overall trade strategy. Flucidate Examine the hypothesis put forward by Nils Steensgnard i ‘he Dutch and the English companies were insrument ‘shring in an “Institutional revoaton in the organiza nd conduct of EurovAsian Trade” with tec joining in the early seventeenth century, Pro. Peas asa ‘What Formed the basis of the effectiveness ofthe commersa | agree with the understanding tha the involve ‘of the socially and politclly powerful them- ties which bound the Armenian diaspora in the Indian Oesiy from around 1500-1800 ? Explain. act of smuzeting made it so much more difficult ar sats of tala (Ged ch Ina) to eke WH 1500 8 1800 we fg mera # onttfray sented st set ara enrich at warren Pp: fe ter wen ome 7? aren wif “Sap = 1a aetiee ey & attract cri = WS ae oe S apie om (Ta D > fm wa we a fren ok ot wer 2 ‘Could the Portuguese entry and their attempt towards mono- polization alter the stuctires of Affo-Asian trade ? What politcal pressures in fact compelled them later on (0 tm for support towards the same set of merchants of coastal ce ak Gay ines atic swestem India whom they had earlier Wied 10 oust ? ime trade, some of them however, imposed severe e- Jon Such trade in their respective regions in the wan yioet wfafte aa sre waif at six fet ae are uwt-eferm oma tea wh ae ee? ae § fr unite cad a oe ode aie one oat at aye Fads = fore ore H freee fren, Fae SET we orgs we owas fren om ? 1 Ocean trading network, Discus, fig Herark om Fem Soames atred i ag sae a aay aa a, fine a Sa A ot satires aii #88 ona we aii pro. Bring out the importance of precious metals in the 87354, 6 C67 sion paper contains 16 printed pages} No. Q. Paper 687 GC-4 Paper Code: 12271201 of the Course -A. (Hons.) ‘Economics (Choice ‘Based Credit System) ‘OccairSouth China Sea Maritime complex economy d three centuries begining. 1500. a 1500 @ ge eA at de wae fie merarr-zfin a arr a FT AEST ota opt Fae sare she 4 Macroeconomics i 23 Hours Maximum Marks : 75 ms for Candidates : ‘Write your Roll No. on the top immedi: on receipt of this question paper. ge rena & ore OF ae gia hf oe sro Re Aae es All questions are to be attempted. omit ast & sex dic) | Part (A) of each question is compulsory. wee we a art (A) sifrard B Answer may be written either in English "or in Hindi; but the same medium should be used throughout the paper. Aes a soe ooh aT RD Reh oe Saet 9 die, af mt sac ce et ar F BF sec) PTO. 687 - Part-A is compulsory. Do any 2 out of parts B, Cand D. ore sitar 81 aT B,C a DH aig 2 az) (A) The following data is given for an economy for the year 2015 + FR sraft 2015 & fee ey orfareer & fee Freaetars ites eee ()X purchases used house from ¥ for 8 100, 000 and the real estate agent charges 2% commission each from X and ¥. $ 100, 000 4X Ay @ ae. ory etl oer vie XT a 2 Sierra Fret Gi) Government's cost of providing public education is $ 20 ‘billion, es ardatrs fen et eet a went ‘arr § 20 fatter 8 Gi) Change in inventory investment § 10 billion rtetl Pte A oftaets § 10 ter B1 fiv) A pays a market price of $ 200,000 to purchase a newly constructed house in the year 2015. A, 2015 % Patter wep aan sear 3 fare $ 200,000 atone aie Ger F 1 6 Government's cost of providing national defense $ 20 billion. “ost Gear eM A ay eeerG aI $ 20 Faftrar 81 2 8687 contribution of the Cetivties to GDP for the ‘government's contribution ed? ¢ government's net income, @ ENP from following data (all billion dollars). ‘payments from abroad = 50 3 sites @ emt ft gg a7 GDP ren oti (ent Stee a 3 PTO. 8687 (ii) Write the national income identity an open economy and show that g ee ree exports shall be positive if domestic spending is less th national income (¥). (C) () What is the fundamental balance of ayments identity ? Suppose country forgives $ 100,000 in debt owed to it the Country B, Show how are country A balance of payments accounts affected ? sor tie fe Br a'6 100000 "Se sory, Do any 3 out of part B, BiwiBc Dante ays Fisher effect ? Calculate ex-ante real interest rates from the below : 8, st ta BS ar 8 87 he fee a offs @ Saige 8 As rs de eT qerde mete or et (ii) "A country's current account balance 2013 2014 equals its change in net foreign wealth". Do you agree? Discuss. 2 “ae a ot eg are ae eA Te feathery Fee ame 6 come wer # ? orem Rt 0.15(15%) —0.15(15%) (D) (i) What is GDP deflator ? How is it different 0.05(5%) —-0.10(10%) from consumer price index ? How does CPI inflation overstate the increases in Boe% 6.05e% cost of living ? 3 4 5 PTO. 8687 (B) (i) "What are determined in bond mari are not interest rates, but bond prices, In this context distinguish between ‘expansionary and contractionary opeq market operations. How do they affect the balance sheet of central bank and bond prices and interest sates? 9 eqs ats are # ot Praffter Sor tae. hie ses ee ” a Ton wast @ ae ae ae we artta Se a Bara ae & ats ateat oe ear et BY SA sue wet B 7 ) Suppose that money demand is given by M!=.$ ¥ (0.35-i), where $ Y is 100, ‘Also, suppose that the supply of money is $ 20. Assume equilibrium in financial market: & 2 art arg i gar att M*= $ ¥ (0.95-i) ara ame, oi $Y 100 Bi we Sh far a oS 2081 farts aac # ager B (a) What is the interest rate ? vast ee aT B? (0) If the central bank wants 0 increase interest rate by 1 percentage points (i.e, from say to 12% ) at what level it should se the supply of money ? 6 8687 aft aft Se at xx =F 10 after ese (8 28 sae 3 ager area Bi 8 ot Ft We fer att t By Explain how the demand for and supply of central bank money determines the “equilibrium interest rate in an economy with currency and checkable deposits ? Explain ‘using formal analysis and diagrams. 5 Bren at $8 Gdaq ot g steht & Be og setae 3 apr 3 Bee air Frater wed 2 ae Let's consider a special case where People hold only checkable deposits, which means currency to money demand ratio (c) = 0. Assume that eserves to depusits ratio (9) = 0-1 1.1 (10%) 81 ) What is the value of money multiplier > La a yer a BP 7 PTO. 8687 (©) Suppose the central bank conducts open market purchase of bonds worth $ 100 Billion. What will be its impact on overall supply of money ? at eifre Pe aa Se § 100 Rie 8 ergs wr as aI whe oes So Ser it eet Se Ha use 7 (D){i) Suppose the Government chooses a constant rate of nominal money growth and maintains that forever, how much Seignorage will this constant rate of nominal money growth generate ? Discuss the empirical relation between Seignorage and nominal money growth ? Explain using formal analysis and diagrams. (Gi) Suppose the Government is running a budget deficit equal to 10% of real income and decides to finance it through Seignorage, so deficit/Y = Seignorage/Y = 0.10. Suppose people hold real balance equal to 1 month of income, so (M/P)/Y = 1. What should be the nominal moncy growth per month ? 2 8687 at meat a are Ter arate 10% % waar 8 cen ae FST Aerts ara set ar Prete ath 2, a Y = feria ¥ = 0.10 81 ar Pep cir arenes ate 1 HE a oT zae. 81 sft are aisites Sar sar ort afer ? does hyperinflation affect activity ? Explain s ae A, safes Prensit a Be rater 8? omen at) ond promises to pay $ 100 in one What is the interest rate on the nd if the price of the bond is $ 75 '$ 85 ? What is the relationship en the price of the bond and rates ? a aa at § 10029 ar arer axa ais oh aia $754 $85 a at wa 37 orth? ats a ster Re ata aay die & 7 ipulsory, Do any 3 out of part B, HSBC DITERA AE azz is crowding out ? Explain with lelp ofa suitable diagram. 3 Sse a 8? oqgad fr a wre | 9 PTO. 8687 (ii) Consider the folowing Classical Money supply = 1,000, Velocity Money = 3 and Output = 1,500, Derive aggregate demand curve the above information and plot it rater errand tsar a free = 1,000, yar'@r 1 = 3 See 2500 Sater get a ee Fi aw ayy sar ee Re Gem ey oe atte (8) (i) “In the classical model, a cut in marginal inconie tax rate side effects" Define velocity of money. What fact determine the velocity of money in. classical system ? What is relationship between velocity a Cambridge coefficient (transactions demand for money to income ratio) ? to rt segura) (iii) Consider the following Keynesian ~ model: (TR) = 80 wer Bt = 0.25 ¥ (25%) are ? afer eer wey ae Suppose Government cuts -_ {sutonomous] income taxes : Show in the IS-LM model the impact of tax cut under two assumptions (a) the Severnment keeps interest rate _ Sonstant through an accommodating __onetary policy (b) the money supply “Femains unchanged. Explain the ifference in results. 5 rt P.O. Gi) (iii) am dire aay oma ad 9 art (wate) wet & IS-LM ates Fa arrest & ore ae wet Sree at safer (a) con eer ies fer re weer aa ee BY eh ce (b) apr Hg sree cee B 1 Feo 8 stare arom BT What is liquidity trap ? Is monetary Policy ineffective in this case? 3 emer ore er BP war ae feat ® ies ae soar B 2 Consider the following Keynesian model : 2 Marginal propensity to consume out of disposable income (c) » 0.8, Taxes (TA) = 0.25 Y (25%), equilibrium level income (¥,) = 600. Suppose Government decides to reduce transfer payments (TR) by 10 (ATR = = 10), but to increase government purchases of goods and services by an equal amount (AG = +10) (ie., AG =~ ATR). Find: (@) the change, in equilibrium teve! of income and (b) change in budget surplus. 12 (2) Excess supply of goods and excess 8687 Frevforcr ater steer oe fare at sia srt 4 & eis savior safer (c) = 0.88, ee (TA) = 0.25 ¥ (25%) oy a HORT EE (Y,) = 60081 art afer fas Gem ate scyerea Se 8 aes SaIsi Beard mtr ot were GN ‘agtt aed B (AG=+10) (staf AG=- ATR) aie at: (a) 97 & igas wre # acre ar (b) sre safer % area i) Within the IS-LM model of income determination, explain how interest rate and output adjust towards ‘equilibrium in case demand for money supply of money. How the assumption of rapid money market adjustment affects the adjustment Process. Explain using diagrams, sm Prefer & 1S-LM ster & sierta, Eeerer 38 gr feafeat Faq ax a Sart dar a six aarti 8a & (a) reget a ff 3 5 & Pe Seniesa Pro 687 (ii) (iii) What is an investment subsidy ? What are its effect on equilibrium level of income, interest rate, consumption and investment ? Explain using diagram. 3 Consider the following Keynesian model : 2 Marginal propensity to consume out of disposable income (c) = 0.8 Taxes = 0.25 Y (25%) Compute the change in budget surplus followed by an increase in government spending by $ 10 billion ? If the initial budget surplus is $ 3.75 billion, what shall be the new budget surplus? Prafeiter afte sea ge fare at : Sa omy 8 & etsict Sasi weft (c) = 0.8 BE =0.25Y (25%) “4 3687 ar § 10 fret fee snes % oferta ah ore orf ame sritea § 3.75 8 ot ser are sates ear ar? the following IS-LM model determination : C= 100+ 0.8y, T= 400-50: G=500 T=0.25Y M*= 0.40 -50i MP = 1200 P=2 IS-LM Mts ve Prax Answer the following questions ; Prsfeiter set owe z () Write down the 18 ang 4 equations. Solve the system equilibrium level of income af interest rate. se: B.A.(Hons.)Bconomics IS 8 LM ao & fire ot een ees ge ona ee a 5 3 fee gore at ear at) bes Paper +: Mathematical Methods (i) Find out Budget Surplus and Saving-Investment Ga ‘corresponding to equilibrium: of income, Ta z ii 15 wr Roll No. on the top immediately onfire @ cept of tis question paper (iii) Derive the vaiues of fiscal and FS ors os se Gee a oe ore S f v monetary policy multiplier be written either in English Toes @ tie ie gare a ii) but the same medium should BRU are wt ee aca a >) If the nominal money supply is Fees Seer aah Sat te Wo increased by 100, what shall be rc the change in equilibrium level are five questions in all. of income ? ome tions are compulsory. crfrert simple calculator is allowed. or Serghet at sear Rom or wer 81 (aeae24l) ts of a question should be answered 3800 Soh ort ew A em eet PTO. 8688 1. Answer any four of the following : 456 Perit 8 Prt ere & sae ee (a) (i) (ii) ) @ 8688 1s invertible and find its inverse. i nes) at For any wo non-zero vectors sand b, SB sf ne et ea afesit att TH (one) Bee ee oe Rg (Permutation matrix) om BI or 2x2 RES SATE 1 1 P sfaeinita & aa ore ab= derof—NYe—of ie afer 01 that if the vecto: Show that any positive odd integral Show that if the set of vectors 0 See (Gite a eliceedyinterconcl skew-symmetric. and (C,.0,p.0-,;) are any scalars, then the set of vectors (a,-c, a, a,, Omens Veta 8) inalen nears inesrenied the equation of the line ‘L’ passing was Pe afk afta er agaa trough the points P (1,3,2) and (0,02, a,) teha wes @ sft (2,5,-6). Where does this line (pCyrereeee yy) WE safer B oa aie PH ABET (aC, chy, 0.50, gpenenen gg Cu Og) oH Reet eB A square matrix of zeros and ones in which the sum of elements in each row and each column is exactly one is called a Permutation matrix. Show that any 2x2 Permutation matrix -2,4) and b= (6,1,-5) a°(1,-2,4) ob = (6,1,-5) & asim (Cauchy-Schwarz) arene sore 3 2 PTO. 8688 (4) Consider an input-output model with three industries A,B and C. Suppose that the input requirements are given by the following table : a Sih AB cdc & ay ome-frhy Mtge oe Ate aiiforr arr ahfor fs FreafaPer mie aR se ora ue Industry A Industry B Industry C sar A site wittc IndustryA 4.70.0 a,-0.2 a, 0.3 sim A IndustryB a,=04 —a90.0 a, 0.5 ‘sit B IndustryC a0. ayat a7 0.0 sat C 1800) 200 ‘900 The final demand is given by a vector 1800) ‘ifr ar eer after aver Rear ara | 200 900 4 8688 it is the economic interpretation of the dition a,=0 for all i? 70 Th & re cafes Riker war ? it is the economic interpretation (if any) “of the sum a,,ta,,+a,, ? FT Aa, tata, & (AG caer een? i) What is the economic interpretation (if ‘any) of the sum a,,%a,,+a,, ? FH A a, tasta,,2 (ae BE) safer FTE ? it is the economic interpretation of the element 1800 in the final demand vector ? aifter vit after 9 ueeq 1800 a sais fete sr & ? |Write the Leontief system for this model. BH teat & fore eres (Leontiel) da fee Show that the following system of ‘equations : autgr fm Preafeftes atte fre Axt+y+e=1 xthytzeh xtythen an” ‘has a unique solution provided 2. #-2 and _ 2.1, Find the solution. Explain the nature of the solution when 2 = 1 ar iia or & ak 14-2 ed ASL. “Fis airs er A= 1 at eet a epi at SACI 5 PTO. 8688 8688 2. Answer any two of the following : 5 agea Sa sue ver omer 8 ae Prafaftea & & Pel @ ga ae: yeSte 2e|0,1] a(t -A)x+ Ay es (a) Show that any function x = x (t) that afrarat at aceite eed ge afer ‘satisfies the equation (t-a)? + x?= a? is q fe aafy freafafers age solution of the following differential eh Rican aaie, SE oer x= xt) ot whom y)ve+\¥ <1} takestoest toe wert & Posse two ofthe towing! 25 fa Ra @ feed aS aoe Ae: ax? x0 the level curves for the following ‘at heights specified by k : (b) Show that the differential equation of the ily of circles passing through the origin. af eh Sandal & ers A Prfererr and having center on the y-axis i Be we RE cafe 5 get wyE ot ge fry gett ) f(xy) = y°— x, at the height k ek y sia oe BRR 8, Soe rate TTT ‘ z 7 fey) =¥- x, Said k= 0 (-y)S2-29y =0 (c) A set $ in R¥is said to be convex if x € 8, jose z = f (xy) has continuous yeS, and 2e(0,1] (1-2) x+ hy € S d-order partial derivatives with Using this definition, verify whether the Pes and y= ora. following set is convex (A diagram is not * sufficient answer). Berend)? 2. 6 PTO. 8688 8688 zat ixerts shone ft Gy) Ree Prefer arr aire z= f(x, y) Tt he Hepa Re y= drs % Bee fatter ee ifs ore By j te: ie - fy) = xIn Ox). a om Se. | % et FS om om (ii) Let z= x?+ 3 xy-y*, Suppose x chang q ; i eho Olaaiy chore Roel "what direction should one move from 2.98. Find and compare the values of the point (2,1) to increase the value of Azand dz. the function most rapidly ? What is the ara -x'+ 9 27~ a riaximum rate of increase ? 28 201 oetet oe Bate y fe ff fixy) = xe, ET 3S 20g snare wer 8 at ae sheds bere St aes hers one 8 ae gerd St ee AP few fea 4 erm anite 2 erotfeey gfe oh (c) Consider the Cobb-Douglas production ae am 8? function f (uy) = x'y° (a,b are constant : : ence ES Ag tore iat tid Bee cation ofthe tangent plane Concave if and only if it exhibits constant "and the normal line to the surface Sr decreasing returns to scale. (sy) = x2+ y+ ew at the point (1,0, ere ee ane a) 0,0< <1) £ (cy) = x In (9). rc (7>0,0<8 <1) Hence, sketch the domain in the xy-plan® Y is national income, C 9 PTO. 8 8688 5 ane consumption, I, investment, G, public ) = 2x2-4x + yidy # 1 be defined expenditure and T tax revenue. ae area bounded by the straight lines x ow y- 2and y ~ 2x. Find and classify Find 5 and 3g- S extreme points of this function. i the extreme values of the Foey) ¥ R fle, y) = 2x? ax + y?— ay + 1 a 2 me y =x are eft 5, ‘Wes are Ager & ase ere eae afte ot Y afta om, ¢ soriny 1, Rae, 6, aati am aarp ar arr B softener Beet we & fore eo aes ¥=C+1,+G, aH ergs, a art ete Goer fhx,y) Cea+p WT) (a >0,0

0,0<5< Lagrangean method to find the a ie LEA O88 Sa) values of fIx, y) = x? + 2y? on the a i AB ye age ral om ara wa BL ga x's y (c) \ Which of the following functions are 1 homogeneous/homoathetie ? Give reasons { for your answers. fPreatee Fa aaa gat wee ( (homogeneous) a @H42 (homothetic) ® ? penta ssitel cae: Peet tcrtin acx xa 4) Fea) = oF, oot ‘ara ere 6 Gi) bis) = 19 '/y'), (#0, y20) 5. Ansvawer any three of the following: 3*7 "49° 1 3-24-99, Prafefates 4 8 fed dts & sar fe 10 ts for the following function. +9y°- F x1- 24-9 a PTO, 8688 (@ A consumer faces the following uti ; maximization problem, paper contains 3 printed pages] Max U(xy)=100~e*-e7 subjecttopxtqy =p ong Where x> 0, y>0.Here, p and q are pe gah prives of goods x and y respectively. and mig 18690 -GC-4 the consumer’s money ineame : Serhan Freer seater ons SRE a AT HET Bi + B.A, (Hons.) English | ‘Max.U(%,5] =100 ~ e*-c a px + ay acs x>0,y>0. at p ott q mm aq 4 + British Poetry and tte y a ste gan ate & aor m Drama: 14% to 17%.C a8 ies ra Bi fe (i) Find the necessary conditions for : solution of the problem and solve them Maximum Marks : 75 for the two demand funetions x = {p.q,m) and y = g (p.q,mn) by using the or Candidate: saiernaeee tbe frite your Roll No. on the top immediately a Fae at sua we ex =f reipt of this question paper. Sy = g (pam) HiT wert & ca erst ai ee Bet me ra at I tempt all questions. arg (ii) What happens to the optimal values of hort notes of the following : 10x3=30 xand y itper unit prices of both g00d and consumer's money income @ doubled ? xh y #8 eeo4 (optimal) wet # ane steals Shut ait at aot aaa Ard ver seater a Ae apt et ome 7 2 + 8690 (b) Role of Mephostophilis in Faustus’ damnation iss. oR Concept of ‘heaven’ and ‘hell’ in Doct Faustus (c) Sir Toby Belch OR ‘The apparitions that witches show to Macbeth Macbeth is a play about crime and punishment, do you agree ? Give a reasoned answer. 15 oR Do you think that Macbeth is a victim of ‘own ambition ? Or do you think there are o factors contributing to his downfall. Elaborate, Do you think Spenser follows the Petrarch conventions of love poetry. Give a reasoned argument. OR Comment on The Sunne Rising @s metaphysical poem. 2 8690 fare central to the plot of Twelfth 15. is “ A Renaieeance man who had to 4¢ medieval price for being one” (RM ‘Comment on faustus asa tragic hero of this statement. 3900 paper contains 3 printed pages] Paper : 8690 GC-4 Code 12031202 Course +: BA. (Hons) English cBCs Paper: British Poetry and Drama: 14% to 17 C 20 Maximum Marks : 75 for Candidates : ite your Roll No. on the top immediately of this question paper. notes of the following : 10*3-30 of Bath on marriage oR “One day [wrote her name....” as PTO. 8690 8690 (©) Role of Mephostophilis in Faustus’s) are central to the plot of Twelfth wo cs x a = fo Semby oa eee oR : light of this statement. Macbeth Macbeth is a play about crime and punishment. do you agree ? Give a reasoned answer. 15 oR Do you think that Macbeth is a vietim of his ‘own ambition ? Or do you think there are other factors contributing to his downfall. Elaborate: Do you think Spenser follows the Petrarchan conventions of love poetry. Give a reason’ argument. 18 OR Comment on The Sunne Rising a5 * metaphysical poem. ef 3 3900 Paper :8689 © GC-4 code + 12031201 Course: BAA(Hons.) English (CBCS) Paper +: Indian Writing in English 2 Maximum Marks : 75 4s for Candidates : your Rell No. on the top immediately ipt of this question paper. alt questions. jons No. 1, 2, 3 are of 10 marks each. tion No. 4,5,6 are of 15 marks cach. _-SECTION- A q short note on the geographic and | setting of Mirpore in Anita Desi 8689 oR “No woman in Anita Desai’s novels ...has been fortunate enough to free herself from the shackles of femininity.” Comment on the author’s portrayal of women characters in the nuvel In Custody with reference to this statement. + Social Formations and Ci Patterns of the Medieval World ~ 11 (Old Course) .A, (Hons.) History (CBCS) : hours 275: 5. “... itis difficult to see how they (Indian poets writing in English) can develop as poets in a language which they have learnt from books and seldom hear spoken in the streets or even, in their own homes.” Do you think Indian English poetry captures the “authentic” Indian reality? Explain with reference to the work of ‘two poets you have read, your Rol No, on the top immediately ‘on receipt of this question paper) Be titeay be writen either in English or in fs but the same medium should be used the paper. eran a sat stat ar fect Ph rH citer, aeaea ait set ar Te Oe a ater oR Discuss Nissim Ezekiel’s “Enterprise” as a journey, a search for home, of both an individual and a community, Attempt any four questions. "All questions carry equal marks. Pat are weit & er afere | Be eit & iw ara B 6. Write an essay on the colonial education system in Swami and Friends. oR What is the significance of the title of Mistry’ S story “The Swimming Lessons” ? nature of social struggles that the period of the Roman Republic 4 3900 Pro wa, 3 wma ert meen 35 ret Fate TET et af eae aire ‘Chnistianity influence the social and cultural “Europe? Discuss. 2 How far did the process of Pax-Romans (Re peace) contribute to the establishment of order stability in the Roman Empire? Give reasons, teedern cor wif) at aire 3 ar wa, qeren we fen ena at ast an fen? ferare afer for the emergence and success of Islam ‘the Umayyad Caliphate. frees oe eee & Bq we HRT A TE fergetaor afore | 3, Analyse the role of slavery in ancient Rome. rds 8 cramer wi after ar feeder fy short notes on any two of the following: a) Roman Senate Julius Caesar e) Crisis in Feudalism Abbasid Caliphate. AR Feat St ve afin feomit ferfere 4. Evaluate the important developments int emergence of feudalism in Western Europe. after ay A aniarg & save A meer wee aa abe aif 5. Assess the significance of the growth of towns a3 trade in the feudal economy and society of Wester Europe between 12th and 13th centuries. ‘anivarg 8 diez + 8696 Gc-4 + 12911202 : B.A. (Hons.) History ‘cBCS + History of India-Il (Old Course) 2 Maximum Marks : 75 for Candidates : ite your Roll No, on the top immediately +r may be written either in English "in Hindi, but the same medium should d through out the paper. Bet sr sere oft at Ret Prt A ise, a adh set ar are os sac | 8696 8696 (6) Attempt four queestions in all ean essay on the Kushana and aR a et & come ar) 1ana polity. (4) AML questions canrry equal marks ed wien er meer ae ee Pret wh ae & ster 5 wart BI the debate on the problem of urban line, with reference to trade, currency and settlements from 4% century CE to 7 Critically examine tithe Mauzyan economy on the basis of availablete sources. same ait & smeare oe ah onboxrear a coneterrers wher AGE | sioelt fet & erect eee Gee ee ere, Laer wt att afer & aan A are oer Bae TC ae ee Rare colar aA Desoribe the nature e of social stratification i terms of varna, jati, a and gender differentiation from 200 BCE to 3000 CE. 200 fat @ 300 ¥ dekh B ate of, aft ace the growth and development Puranic Ritts & @a F areinttre erteet & ret eistic cults during the period of study. aris fe @ te thats gear dat & Describe the featurres of Asoka’s policy a ee ar Dhamma and evaluate its impact on th downfall of the Maurryan dynasty rates 6h er Bea adores ar ah ed hd ada & seman oe ees soe si lukya art and architecture, genes wer othe ero aft er area Pree rere 22 3 PTO. 8696 8. Write short notes on any two of the follo Frevfetere # feat @t e ater Fem (a) Mathura and Gandhara Art aga. ct ater at (@) Varnashramdharma and Sameliaras acter of el aE (c) Sanskrit literature deg are (4) Beginning of Tantricism sie of or ome .(Fons.) Hindi CBCS the Paper: Hindi Kavita (Reetikalin Kavya) 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75 & fee area Pit: Ra meer F omer BF oe gee ah ge one De der rat sat sranear ar Reaver sine 2 aeaT & sredeed or Baer aAfirc SH aPaeea a oie ac! 12 PTO. 8695 srerar ‘Peers B gore Reser’ of Fate ange 3. ware & arr 8 oe a oa 3 srr sab af sera A ser sora gata fees & oncte 38 raarer ah Rear fae on ‘4 T&S wees a Pere Afr) n Serer = . GRaP Sor 8 Per arora gai 5. unit arom ating : 2 (05) er 1 waht ot BR BR igo cig a ae BB BY Fg Roh gn aL 3509 a Uy Pere re Pra a asa thr a Ber ong Reet sire OFT Gs side | sree Su da Oe afte, aa ste face ae) ert fm gin ft, eta aaa a ‘ior ter Bor ak, Page Rote At Foose cha Redtten, oitr agree Sa 2 8695 ene PP om ae area Yor oe TeT HoH ce gga afters: Ay etre oe st aw po ees cor feet coat gree oe shen res: ae gr Rigs Sa gram 8 ere fat aa_oe et aaes pce ae oe ae Rrra By rear Rion oar atte i, we oF a ga Soe gat aft tee, ot sine Geers SK sie guere, o% aa sia ot cet ar te oft ng, eb stot at exe Be Pitter wht, git FAT ser Sore BS HH, one anh B Aan Rey Rat @ oger Ped @ samcit ar verkae te eT 2 Par wat og fo aay Pert gor ae es : Prats seth ad ware & fa a wa ae OR et et ot ay y OA acme aie hart (ster at) a. PTO. mn paper conmains 3 printed pages) renive [] I aaa FQuesion Paper = 87224, (es) ar hs Fen, ter afer Safe gt Serr are cone es ae ey Code rastn204 o Paper 4} Social Formations and Cultural Patterns Pra get Sera weft a ay ie ofthe Ancient and Medina! Work He se ona ae ore yr ee (New Course) the Couse BLA. (Hons) Hitory, RCS (NC) (9) shes ont orb emt er ener ers Fi ee ee 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 78 a oe pS Fe eo fe fn wt ene efor) aa aromas herrger af Rat omer area Al it the same medium shold be sed throw me (aaric a fein wh ‘paper. (2) 38 se are ee, Ter AMR aE See a Sue sits at fr rch er emer or er 98 oe, am fe gr Be ey EE se ee Fe FE SCR EET BEN, GUT aa Pr sh cree ste gor 82, maf of we ART (Pree al Attempt four questions inal © A guestions cay equal marks. SR at wri st om aif Wi vei & sis cen € Pro, Crs " ; ' sma | Overview oF the historical he historic! condos which ted 16 the se Of Kiam in Ara, jeri & feos a asian a em tm a | Pirates Aten ap evaluate the role and signifiance of slavery in Ancient Discuss the developments of: political institutions in A 8 neure Of Caliphates under the Umayyad and Roman economy. a aa wi te aH stores cre at sé so are ren artis wif) = notes on AMY Meo OF the following Cultre ion ligion and Cure in ‘Examine the important developments in the transi ass medieval Europe a er in medieval Araby wore 3 stir fresh . ee am BNF oie seat in medieval Europe ? a : werent ah ar forme eT HE wero eh raz) What was the impact of towns and wade on fda met we we? 4.000 paper contains 4 printed pages] 18757 Gc + 12315210 1 B.A.(Hons.) History cEcs-cEr 1 Issues in the Contemporary World : 1945-2000 (New Course) Hr rs Maximum Marks : 75 for Candidates : your Roll No. on the top immediately ipt of this question paper. 8757 a 8757 (c) Attempt any four questions. ‘the socialist revolution affect the fre are aet & aoe & rope ? (a) All questions carry equal marks, A after et Bt Foe Sere sree wh seit & ots cart Br ‘on ecolos jovements in India, What is Globalization ? What is its impact on igs coological me developing nations ? Sedoer wr 8 2 Remar Te oe ges aT ‘extent the feminist movements has sare oar B 2 in achieving the goal of emancipation ? Explain, & otea of safer 9 arfrare aatdtert 6 wore Ft? Write an essay on the United Nations Organization. ‘get Te oe es rte fee ‘media and communication change the How did superpowers rivalry affect Afghanistan? seraierdt at sft A oremP ens it Pot were sae feat? contemporary society ? der 3 anet Foret aa sare sftets Par? 3 PTO. 8757 contsins 4 printed pass] 8, Write short notes on any two of the followin, I rafter & Fart oe RR RE ay No. (a) Colonialism ong sate 12135908 « (0) Cuban Missile Crisis, = Indian Epigraphy and Pakography gar freer ee + AAHY/B.Com (Hy. Sanskrit (c} Digital Age exes A) cabal mv (a) Consumerism eaten Maximum Marks: 78 (e) Disintegration of USSR ao the fp mel on rec of easton peer) ier eto Fest ae Se etn ee oe SE arr 3 Ow, wen Faw SeRT AS) aT sith Peel ya wer A Gg we sei at ae ww Ga ata otherwise required in a question, answers should neither in Sanskrit o in Hind or in English, but ‘medium should be used throughout the paper wt om afar €1 Allquestions are compulsry pro, ave ‘a ave ‘a’ (Gestion A) 1 Bw abe & sfirerell & afte wert we wer afer! Tryow light on me Adminive ofeers described Ashokan inerptons types of Insritions are there ? Explain on the ject matter. ‘rarer @ ween at arte Katina ater ferferes note on anciquty of writing in India. Aw «oem Sees ms 9 ae ote afwtet # afin ‘wa! st or a aa oatam & 2 dia ait wire Deseribe brief, what [s the signifiance of “Dharnnal the modern world as discussed in the king As Importance of tnserpins Inscrnions. eel 2am afta Some K TETA at seat ( aris fe PAoxge det ah we sare afer! Describe the achievement of ‘Samudragupta’ on the ing taterial used in the inscriptions fran Isription bees re (Section ©) (on aa aafa & fated fear mt oh mete deer afin ar ae aay 4 1m write the summary of Meharault tron itr Jos ian origin thooriés of he Brahmi Sein ict Po. sat sree feed stores fre oe wife) Evaluate the history of the study of ancient serips sai area forages aft ffi a) ore Explain the tradition of Indian dating. system. fraferea 48 feat St mm weft S ae S cme avert we fer femme fer: o @ iy HH. TER (oy) ieee dere ater Write shor notes in any swe of the following onthe cont made in the feld of Epigraphy 0 ny i, ) ‘fiea afi Princep CCuningham D.C. Sicar G.H.jha paper contains 2 printed pages.) question ‘Your Roll No. ‘of Question Paper : 8818 oc yue Paper Code 11015207 of the Paper Photography (Generic Elective) of the Course B.A. (Hons) Journalism, 2017 (CBCS) iu Maximum Marks : 75 ‘Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper. “Attempt all questions. AIL questions carry equal marks. ‘Trace the origin of Photography and describe its journey upto the present digital era as) OR Define Photography. Explain what is Camera Obscura, | Enlist the important accessories used with a camera, Discuss their use in detail. as oR How docs a camera work? Explain with the help of 3 diagram. P10 8818 2 3 Explain with the help of diagram a three point i paper contains 4 printed pages.) Your Roll No... up for a studio portrait shot. Explain the effet Paper: 874A Goo light, le 12321202 on Cod 3212 ‘What isthe importance of lighting in photography ? Paper Political Processes in India the different sources of lighting used in photogra =... BA ONS GTES What is photojournalism? What are other bra no : photography that come under the ambit of photo} Explain with examples. eer Maximum Marks : OE your Roll No. on the top immediatly ‘ (on receipt ofthis question paper) ‘What in your opinion is a better option: fashion phot sports photography, nature photography and why’? Briefly explain the salient features of any one photo software, oR Write short notes on any three of the following: (2) Shuter Speed (0) Aperture (©) Photo Feature @ Rule of Thirds (©) Cropping (6 Profi Of three famous photographers WR a sere aah ar fee Prd ger sar Bier wh ont ar may ew Haar ate Attempt any four questions (ro wer vm @ fad aw fey oe rer ear ot ser separa: ee) ‘may be writin either im Englith or in Hindi: but the ‘medium should be used throughout the paper, AML questions carry equal marks. 4 We UR wet & or Ady Wh rei & oe aor B P70. 87244 2; 1. What do you understand by “Congress System jg jy analyze the impact of caste in India Polities What were the reasons for is deéline? Diseus, the sensone fee delist 0 aaa Fa Sow aA occisrere aren aif ore ¥ wie ort” Bore wer wR #7 oe oy var 2? fear sf the issue of affirmative action policies in India, jou think they have proved Healthy for Indian ey? A eenem wiat ARF SR wT she wifi a a Hawa dete 3 fy creeds fe HY 2. What are the contemporary trends in the voting by of 1a electorate? Discuss, wre wea yh wr eva wea wh fiw we alization has changed the nature of Indian state’ 3. Discuss the different stages of federal reorgeni r states in India. Has it satisfied all the regional asp ane 3 rca car A ER ae A Reon Ae wre URS ot Flor ier wet of tet J short notes on any two of the following ‘wor yeh ore woh date arena ge fe HY 98 feet A sites Bont fe, 4. What do you mean by “Secularism”? Discuss tht debates on secularism in Indie, vader & one wey eae 87 ae H anfecert fate Are ‘ommunal riots in India 9 aise = PTO. 8724A i (o) Secularism sitet (@ Bhartiya Janata Party raha set WE paper contains 4 printed pages.) Your Roll Now 1874s” GC 2 12321202, + Political Process .A. (Hons) CBCS :1 ‘Maximum Marks : 75 ‘your Roll No: on the top immediaiely ‘on receipt ofthis question paper.) mera # fed A awe Re ay! ear area sega: RR) ri ar ae oF ar Pint Path wor rr Biter wit set er mee eae A Ber sree) Altompt any four questions TAM questions carry equal mars, By un ret # oe Gt) wt get o xe war F) Pro. 87244 2 the impact of easte in India Politics. aft @ wrt A otecrerr =ren sie 1. What do you understand by “Congress System i What were the reasons for its declitfe? Discuss, ores Feit worst” Bone we eM #7 sah ser 27 fear fre, ssue of affirmative action policies in India. they have proved Healthy for Indian 2. What are the contemporary trends in the voting of India electorate? Discuss. seateng feat Fae a ster sf wT aT srecher seererst yT eTe H arTE yf dads S fy emads fis we e7 ‘tse er hhas changed the nature of Indian state’ 3. Discuss the different stages of federal reorgan’ states in India, Has it satisfied all the regional esp oe oa A yh ws 2 Y Revt sel wae # aat Bodie prior AT WoT eu Tet oe A eH St orient a ge PT notes on any two of the following: Fast awe alte Pont fir: 4. What do you mean by “Secularism? Discuss debates on secularism in India. pectin Nadi wdpetaat @ an en aad #7 ona H adhere a ‘fie wire reforms PTO. 87240 (©) Secularism rife (@ Bhartiya Janata Party seg sitet tet ‘contains 4 printed pages.) ‘Your Roll No. 1 873A GC4 12321201 + Political Theory : Concepts and Debates + B.A. (Ions) CRES Pol. Se. 1 ‘Maximum Marks : 75 Roll No. on the top immediately ‘receipt of this question paper.) ger fied ot ow fe Farr arr separ fi) ‘he writen either n English or in Hindi: ut the should be used throughout the paper. Sa wr oe wat a AA fit ow ve wo ord ar meen eer A er IB) ae questions carry equal marks. gy ue ret # ox ai et re? & oie ar FY who. 8723A 2 1, Write 2 éritical essay on the negative and positive cong of liberty. iscuss John Rawls’ theory of justice in the light of the jnist and communitarian critiques. ete SO et wT ses oe SMEAR aR ed gene ordhenst twee ¥ ate et Fores a asf Are! ‘Diseues the importance and Limits of the freeslam of ep feplain the concept of human rights, How does ‘cultural and expression in a liberal democracy. tivism’ affect the universality of human rights? em erent stata are ste ofa eae et rst we wef re free A saeco ware “alee ater” ret care ae a arbiter Ya edt 37 3. Critically examine the concept of ‘equality of resources" advanced by Ronald Dworkin, uate the debates on capital punishment, sae fe my feat ar yeas afr eres a aa aes “eet A ee! A TOT = are ote Aaa frite short notes on any two of the following. 4. How docs affirmative action promote egalitarianism i 39 fret waits emt fee society? Explain with suitable examples. Tea of political obligation to state fee cen ‘ome aint! ee oRERE wa A Ee . ve goqe sare au aren 1 aot Fa ‘otis afte mt Rae Hicepebtity approach to equality P.O. 8723 4 ere wm aed or (© Global Justice Aes = (@) Three generations of rights afte at ir eal ofQ.Paper : 8705 co-4 Paper Code: 12101202 of the Course: B.A. (Hons.) Philosophy BCs. ofthe Paper: Ethics mt 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75 | Write your Roll No. on the top immediately n receipt of this question paper. Re ress & ore at oe gees hd ae soe Oa ar fre Attempt any five questions. Ret die oxit S sae fies All questions carry equal marks. PTO. 8705 8705 sit is better to be a Socrates dissatisfied than ‘a fool satisfied; itis better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied”. Discuss with reference to Mill’s Utilitarianism. ees SANE GUT Bre wo ge TE a Sere F, ce orig ager Sat we age THT F Fear Bra & seaiPtorare % det A Rae Te (d) Answer may be written either in or in Hindi; but the same medium be used throughout the paper. ae seas a7 Ger ofish a Rt at a wee ret 3 ffm, Ser ah sae ew a ar ates 1. How is reflective morality different froi conventional morality ? Do you think reflective morality is ethically more tenable comparet to conventional morality,? Explain with di justifications. sere After Rea ce saree Afterar & 8 7 sm ont ae © fe arom Fite Aftaat & Ate we A Bee B 2 catia ifr examine Kant’s conception of moral law as Categorical Imperative. How Categorical Imperative is different from Hypothetical Imperative ? Discuss. are & Prda ora S See Ran A reer ar eter Ste) Reet sere Peter ome TIT omar @ Pret & Y fazer whe Examine Bhagavad Gita’s ethics of Niskamakarma. Explain whether it is a form of deontological or teleological ethics. srraetion & Aft Praca Rewseet of Rear wafre aar ae fers Prete ar often area Sis Rerarer & 7 saree =forg 2, What do you understand by virtue ethie Discuss with reference to Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics. weg & Sitar @ sry er ceed E 2 ore Pratatres Pea & cee 7 fee aoe! 2 3 PTO. 8704 (4) Answer may be written either in English or in Hindi; but the same medium should ‘be used throughout the paper. A SeT-8a or ae SiO or Rt Be wee arm 3 fife, Sf ehh sare cH ar 287 enfeas 1. Critically discuss the salient features of the pre Socratic philosophy. E qi-gaentt ater & wer fedtemell aA oriterrers wat afore oR wera Barly Greek dsiukers were really doing natural science’. Discuss. ‘firey sep fees are # septs faery a seh wax tO" fer afore 2. What is the nature of reality according to Parmenides ? How is it to be known ? wtaiiisa % ogee meat ar aed amr & et 8 avn on wat & 7 a 8704 oR sera Jain the doctrine of flux in Heraclitus. What the significance of logos’ in his philosophy ? @ sare & Prerer s srear se She ates & ore Prete ants Rear fates aire! oR serat ‘Man is the measure of all things’. discuss. wa shot arate & 1 fare sire! How does Plato show that a just man is happier than an unjust man ? erat fara ware aad Pe ow cra AT CH seared sata & carer gett & ? 3 PIT.O. 8704 oR were jis question paper contains 4 printed pages} ‘our Roll No. Sl.No. of Q. Paper: 8707 Gc-4 Unique Paper Code 12111204 Name of the Course: B.A. (Hons.) Psychology (cBcs) Examine Plato argument that the indivi ‘ individual has the same virtue as the state. is 28% ye ae aH ote sree re Pe eee A py 5. Write short notes on any two of the following Freier & & Peet at ce aifrer fest fre + (a) Nature and change (Aristotle) , segfer cer afta (sre) (b) Virtue is knowledge (Socrates) Bag &t arr & (gare) (c) Censorship of poetry (Plato) aT oe olga (ez) ‘Name of the Paper _ Psychology of Individual Differences Semester : Time : 3 Hours Maximum Markes : 75 Instructions for Candidates : (a) Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper. are Sore BA ae gee eh we STAT ‘te tae fret (0) Attempt all five questions. wht da net & one Gre 4 1000 PTO. 8707 (c) Answer may be written either in English or in Hindi; but the same medium should be used throughout the paper. Se aero at sue off ar RR Rt ear 8 Are, aft ent sae oe Hare a are 1. Explain the concept of Personality. Discuss the influence of cultural factors on Personality. _ (5:10) aaftrer 3 cine Sf omen at) atte S aret Ue Btegite srmrat ay ao wt oR sear Define Personality. Critically examine any one apptuach Wo Personality. aftr 6 aren at) miftrer & Ret oe oor A site neta ea & st) 2. Discuss the cognitive approaches to Intelligence. 15 gfe & doers sum of af at a oR wes ixamine the interaction of Heredity and invironment in Intelligence. 3 orgie ote caarer are oreo afte et jiscuss the nature of Self ahd Identity in lian thought, (05) oie afte eres ores ofthe 1 oR sera jescribe the varied features explaining the ture of Selfhiood in the Indian framework. def 9 8wagft A are we fahren a erect aire Self-determination theory focuses on tinctions between intrinsic and extrinsic mntrol of motivated behaviour”. Discuss. 15 Prater Riera afer seer 3 sate ae Frias & afte sine ge Shar 8") ahr 1 +8 PTO. oR sear ‘Theoretically examine the domains that foster Creativity 15 aera a are BF ae art at ote Fes a 8 AP 5. Write any two short notes from the following : (75,75) refers Rare oA a re rer FRI rt (a) Cognitive perspective of Personality wife 3 are SoH (&) Extremes of Intelligence BB wes eo (6) Culture and Self ‘siege she ‘Ter (4) Self enhancement ms aia 4 700, [This question paper contains 7 printed pages) Your Roll No. SL.No. of Q. Paper: 8706 GC-4 Unique Paper Code +320111208 Name of the Course + B.A. (Hons.) Psychology (encs) Name of the Paper: Biopsychology Semester ry Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75 Instructions for Candidater (a) Write your Roll No, on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper. a neeas & ara GA oe gta at oe OTT ae sae frets () Attempt all questions. wy set & oar fe) ‘e+ All questions carry equal martes wh oat 3 sie wa 1 PTO. 8706 2. With the help of a diagram deseribe the basic seructure of « neuron. discuss the process of communication withim a neuron, (5,10) Ten es sree @ ge A ew TET! RRR Borge hu B woe tre ABET asin et) oR overt Explain the structure of synapse. How synaptic transmission takes place ? (6,10) Seeger @ cea Maren fe) sitter rer Pot seat eb 3. Discuss the structure ané functions of spinal cord, Name various cranial nerves and give *their functions: a) aye TE A ater othe sant eae PE fafteer armercfrenot & a sire ward REE) a PTO.

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