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Doi song sinh vien vong quanh the gioi

Mo ta

Mot doan van mo ta ve mot nguoi ban cung


Nen tang cua moi quoc gia la nen giao duc cua gioi tre
1. Ten cua ban la gi?
2. Ban den tu dau?
3. Ban dang hoc nhung lop nao?
4. Ban thich dieu gi ve truong hoc
5. Ban thich lam gi vao thoi gian ranh?
6. Ke hoach cho tuong lai cua ban la gi?
Classes: lop hoc
Free-time activities: hoat
dong thoi gian ranh
Future plans: ke hoach tuong
lai physics: vat ly reading books travel self-confident: tu tin
Other New Vocabulary: cac math: toan
go out with friends English teacher fascinating: tuyet voi
tu vung moi studious: nghiem tuc
chemistry: hoa hoc chat (hang out) manager
science: khoa hoc
listen to music doctor upgrade: cap nhat

A fact: dua thong tin co

the duoc chung minh

An opinion: idea: y kien

(tu nhan xet)

Viet cau chu de
- Y chinh cua mot doan van
- Moi cau trong doan van
lien quan toi cau chu de
- Khong qua chung chung
hoac qua cu the
- Khong nen su dung cac
cum tu nhu I am going to
write about ____, hoac
This paragraph is about
Chon cau chu de dung nhat

1. Add information: Them thong tin

and: lien ket 2 ve cau, ngan cach bang dau phay
truoc and
and: lien ket 2 cum co cung chuc nang
also: cung (dat o cau thu 2, Sau BE truoc V

2. Introduce a result: gioi thieu ket qua

____________, so__________. lien ket 2 ve cau

3. Indicate contrasting information: chi ra thong tin

doi lap
______________, but__________. lien ket 2 ve cau
And: lien ket giua 2 ve cau, co dau phay truoc
And lien ket giua 2 hoac nhieu hon 2 cum
lien ket nhung phan khac nhau cung 1 chu de
2. Amelia eats breakfast and lunch in the cafeteria.

3. Reiko is 19 years old and likes music a lot.

4. Salma is married and a student.

5. Enrique likes soccer and plays every Saturday.

the school's= its:

so huu so it
6. The school offers a good program in business, and its recreational facilities are excellent.

6. The school offers a good program in business and excellent recreational facilities.

Also: Sau Be truoc V

Dat o cau 2

1. David likes baseball. he also likes rock music.

2. Hamid is tall. He is also very athletic.
3. In her free time, Maddie plays basketball. She also likes to swim.
4. Efraim works part- time. he also takes care of his four children.
and: lien ket 2 ve cau co cung chu de

but: lien ket 2 ve cau trai nghia (tuong

phan nghia)

2. Yara can speak English well, but she needs more writing practice.

location: vi tri
library: thu vien 3. Western Adult School is in a beautiful location, but it doesn't have very good library
facilities: trang thiet bi facilities.
be proud of: tu hao

4. Yara is Syrian, but she is studying in Lebanon.

5. Yara's father is proud of her, and he's happy that she's studying in Lebanon.
But: tuong phan nghia
So: vi the, dua ra ket qua

________, so______.
________, but _____.

2. He likes his English class, but he doesn't think the American students are very friendly.

3. Her company is opening an office in the United States, so it needs English-speaking


4. She likes academic life, but she is homesick for her family. homesick: nho nha

5. Pedro wants to work in Japan, so he needs to learn Japanese.

A New Class Member
Wichai Tongkhio is a new member
of the English composition class.
He is 18 years old and from a
village in the North. There are many
classes at ACC. He is studying
business administration, English,
and accounting. He plans to visit
the United States next summer, so
he needs to learn English. In
general, he likes life in Bangkok
and Amarin Community College,
but he doesn't like his dormitory. In
his free time, he plays basketball.
He also goes to movies.
Trai nghiem thien nhien

van mo ta
A descriptive paragraph about your beloved hometown.
Viet mot doan van mo ta ve que huong yeu men cua ban

Trong tat ca moi thu cua thien nhien co mot vai dieu gi do tuyet voi
1. title: tieu de: Watson and the Shark

2. A shark

3. Watson is the naked man

4. there are 10 (9 in a rowboat and 1 in the water)

5. try to rescue Watson

6. The picture makes me feel______.

7. the harbor: cang bien

Nouns: danh tu
background: nen
harbor: cang bien
oar: may cheo
rope: soi day
rowboat: thuyen cheo
shark: ca map
ship: con tau
spear: ngon giao
teeth: nhung cai rang
Adjectives: tinh tu
afraid: lo so
dark: toi
dramatic: kich tinh
frightening: so hai
huge: to lon
naked: tran trui
Verbs: dong tu
attack: tan cong
hold: nam giu
kill: giet chet
reach: cham toi
rescue: cuu song
try: co gang
General information:
Topic sentence: A Sunday on La
Grande Jatte..... sunny: title, author,
the content of the picture (painting)

General discription: Although the

scene is quite ....peaceful.

Specific information:
On the left
on the lake
in a canoe
On the shore
In the background
On the right
at their feet
In the center
8. Chon cau chu de dung nhat

Cau chu de mo ta buc tranh gom tieu de,

tac gia va noi dung cua buc tranh
above: phia tren
at: o tai
behind: phia sau
beside: ben canh
in: trong
in front of: phia truoc
in the middle of: o giua
near: o gan
next to: ke ben
on: o tren
under: o duoi
in the center of: o trung tam

Cum gioi tu dat o dau cau, giua cau (bo sung cho cum danh tu), hoac cuoi cau
at a table: o ban
to the left: o ben trai
to the right: o ben phai
under the tree of life: duoi cai cay su song
out of the tree: ra khoi cai cay
in the center: o giua

under the tree of life

out of the tree

at a table
To the left

To the right
Subject pronouns:
dai tu lam chu tu
dung truoc dong tu

Object pronouns: dai

tu lam tan ngu: duoc
sau dong tu va gioi tu

8. Chuyen danh tu thanh dai tu



They them


Thi hien tai tiep dien: am/ is/ are + V-ing

1. V-e => bo e va them -ing

2. V-ie=> V-ying (ie=>y)

3. Consonant + 1 vowel (a, e, o, u, i) + C => double

the last consonant + -ing (except for x, w, y, h:
khong gap doi x, w, y, h)
4. Dong tu co 2 van, dau nhan o van 2, gap doi phu am cuoi (giong quy luat so 3)

5. Dong tu co 2 van, dau nhan o van 1 thi khong gap doi

6. Nhung truong hop khac them -ing vao dong tu nguyen mau


staring looking
trying biting
throwing seeing
standing referring

Indefinite articles: mao

tu khong xac dinh: a/ an

a/an: mot
an+ N bat dau bang 1
nguyen am (a, o, e, u, i)
Noi den lan thu 1

Definite Articles: mao tu

xac dinh: the
Khi nguoi noi va nguoi
nghe xac dinh do la gi
trong 1 tinh huong cu the
Noi den lan 2
Vat duy nhat
Hoan thanh cac cau sau voi a/ an/ the

the the The

a a a
The The a A

the a

the a the a
The Starry Night is the painting by Vincent
Van Gogh, a Dutch artist. It is the beautiful
scene of a sky full of bright stars. In the
center is a church. There are some houses
and buildings around the church. In the
foreground of the painting are some tall,
curving trees, and in the background are
some rolling mountains. The stars, trees,
mountains look like they are moving. Our
eyes follow their shapes up, around, down,
and back again, like a ride on a roller
Song de an hay an de song?

van mo ta
Write a descriptive paragraph about your favorite holiday and why it is your
favorite. (viet mot doan van mo ta ky nghi yeu thich cua ban va tai sao no la ky
nghi yeu thich

Hay noi cho toi biet ban an gi, va toi se noi cho ban biet ban la gi
Celebrate: to chuc special: dac biet traditionally (adv) mot cach truyen thong
specialty: dac san mix: tron especially (adv) dac biet la
traditional: truyen
9. Sap xep trat tu doan van
1. Ten cua ky nghi la gi?
2. Ban to chuc nhung gi vao ky nghi?
3. Ban lam gi vao ky nghi?
4. Gia dinh ban an gi vao ky nghi?
5. Ban cam thay nhu the nao ve ky nghi?
su dung such as: vi du nhu de cho vi du ve danh tu so nhieu
Su dung dong vi ngu, la cum tu giai thich cho danh tu phia truoc, duoc ngan cach
bang dau phay

Ket hop cau voi dong vi ngu (appositives)

2. We like to eat Fajitas, slices of chickens or beef wrapped in a tortilla with fried peppers and onions.
3. My grandmother is famous for her tempura, a traditional Japanese preparation of shellfish
and vegetables.

4. A favorite Iranian dish is fesenjan, chicken in a spicy pomegranate sauce.

Special Christmas Foods

Christmas is an important
holiday for many people.
People in North America
prepare many special
Christmas foods from all
over the world. Many
Christmas specialties
such as fruitcake and
eggnog come from Great
Britain. North Americans
make fruitcakes with fruits
nuts and liquors. Eggnog,
a drink of eggs, milk, and
sometimes rum, is a very
creamy and delicious appositive
drink. Americans also eat
a lot of Christmas
cookies. I love many
special Christmas foods
as Americans do.

Liet ke: su dung dau phay o cac phan duoc liet ke, co dau phay
truoc and neu liet ke tu thanh phan thu 3

Su dung and de ngan cach dong vi ngu (appositive) la cum

giai thich cho danh tu dung truoc no
3. Viet hinh thuc so nhieu cua danh tu
Them -s sau danh tu
Them -es sau danh tu co tan cung la o, s, z, ch, x, sh
oranges tomatoes
dishes knives fe/ f=> ves
pancakes servings

cherries boxes

- nguyen am + -y => giu nguyen va them -s

phu am + -y => doi thanh i+ es


watches washes

cooks drinks

eats dries

Thi hien tai don (chu tu la ngoi thu 3 so it: he, she, it)

He/ she/ it + V-s/ V-es

Neu dong tu tan cung la o, s, z, ch, x, sh + -es

Dong tu tan cung la y

nguyen am+ -y thi giu nguyen va them s
phu am + -y thi chuyen thanh ies
Trong cong dong

Viet mot la thu than thien (khong trang trong) cho mot
nguoi ban

su dung thi hien tai don va be going to+ Vo

Su dung gioi tu chi vi tri, chi
huong va khoang cach

Chung ta phai hoc cach song cung nhau nhu anh em hoac diet vong cung nhau nhu nhung ke ngoc
Watch films in the cinema Sell and buy things in the market

Watch football match in the stadium Drink coffee and hang out with each other
beach: bai bien
Vien bao tang temple: den
mall: trung tam mua sam church: nha tho
market: cho War Remnant Museum: vien bao tang
chung tich chien tranh
floating market: cho noi
park: cong vien Independence palace: Dinh Doc Lap
coffee shop: quan cafe library: thu vien
mountain: nui, hill: doi, valley: thung lung

go for a park
drink coffee/ beer go jogging
go shopping plant trees
go to the cinema take photos
play football do housework and take care of family
go fishing go to the church
Sap xep doan trong la

1. Doan 1: chao hoi, ban

ve chuyen vieng tham,
mo ta mot vai hoat dong
ban va ban cua ban
cung lam
2. Doan 2: chi duong
den nha minh
3. Doan 3: chao tam biet
va ket thuc thu

November 26th, 2022

Dear Peter,
I'm glad to hear that you are doing
well. There's a concert at the City
Auditorium. It won't be easy to get
theater tickets. We can also go to a
baseball game.
It won't be hard to find my house.
There's a gas station on the corner.
Make a left turn on Maple Avenue.
See you in two weeks.
Gach bo thong tin khong can thiet
Simple present: thi hien
tai don
I, We, You, They + Vo
He, She, It + V-s/ -es
V-es: o, s, z, ch, x,
sh (chu cuoi cua dong
- Thoi quen: every+ time
always, usually, often,
sometimes, rarely,
seldom, never: sau be,
truoc V
- Su that hien nhien

Future with
be going to + Vo
- Su viec da len ke
- Mot du doan co tinh

1. are
2. are going to have
3. is going to be
4. is
5. know
6. is going to give
7. is going to have
8. going to be
9. go
2. to

3. at
4. on
6. at
5. for
6. at
7. on
2. It

3. there

4. there 5. it

6. There 7. there 8. There

9. It

June 15, 20__

Dear Moustapha,
I'm very glad that you are
going to visit me next week.
We are going to have a
good time. The weather is
warm, so we can go hiking
and swimming. Please bring
1 1
your photo album. I want to
see the pictures of your 2 2
2 2
It is easy to find my house.
Make a left turn at the 2
corner of Broadway and 2
Fifth Street. Drive down Fifth
for two blocks. Make a right 2 1
turn on Henry Street. There
is a park on the corner. My 1 1
house is on the left side. It is
numer 150.
See you later, P.3: say goodbye, end the letter
Best wishes, Name or signature

tuong thuat

Mot doan van tuong thuat ve mot phan cuoc doi cua ban

Nha cua toi khong phai la mot noi, no la con nguoi (tinh cam cua nhung nguoi trong nha moi tao nen ngoi nha)
Su kien Cam giac

twin: mot be song sinh

different: khac secure: an toan
be scared of: so hai
strangers: nhung nguoi la
seperation: bi tach ra
difficult: kho khan

childhood: thoi tho au

teenager: 13- 19: thanh thieu nien shy: ngai
swim- swam: boi loi ngung
e: tu tin

graduate: tot nghiep

7. Chon cau chu de dung nhat

a benefit

a challenge

difficult at first

ended happily
Viet tieu de
Viet hoa tu dau tien
Viet hoa nhung tu mang y
nghia noi dung nhu danh
tu, tinh tu, dong tu, trang tu


- Lien tu: and, but, so
- Mao tu: a, an, the
- Gioi tu: at, by, in, of, on,
out, to, up, about, with

An Exciting Life
All's Well That Ends Wel

A Gift of Hope
The Best Years of My Life

Going Away
A Happing Ending
Life in a New City
Best Friends

A New Beginning

A Wonderful Experience
Simple past: thi qua khu don V2/-ed

be- was/ were

was: I, he, she, it, 1. was
were: we, you, they, so 2. had
3. was
cry: tan cung y va truoc y
la phu am thi chuyen y=> 4. had
5. fed
play: truoc y la nguyen am
thi giu nguyen va them -ed 6. played 7. cried

Dong tu co san -e thi chi 8. did

them d
Dong tu tan cung la 1 9. needed
nguyen am+ 1 phu am thi
gap doi phu am cuoi 10. wanted 11 wasn't

12. was

13. worked

Dien lien tu before, after, when

because, and, but, so

2. When


when/ after

and/ so
6. Because


and After/ When

5. Ket hop cau

2. I graduated from high school when I was 16.

3. My mother went to work after my father died.

I found a job as soon as I finished high school.

5. I stopped studying, so I was unhappy.

How I Became a Jazz

I fell in love with jazz when I

was five years old. I always
heard jazz in the streets, but
for my fifth birthday my
brother took me to a concert.
There I saw a great
saxophonist, so I decided to
learn to play the saxophone.
First I needed a saxophone,
and I asked my father. My
father said he had no money
for a saxophone. Therefore I
worked for my brother,
uncles, cousins. I made a
little money, and then my
father saw I worked hard, so
he gave me money for a
saxophone. I listened to
recordings, and my brother
taught me. I practiced every
day, and soon I was a good
saxophone player.
2. correct

3. correct

4. We moved to Colorado because the doctors said I needed a dry climate.

5. When I first came here, I loved the excitement of New York.

I came to the city when I was five.

Van hoa cua the gioi

ke chuyen

Write a narrative paragraph from 120 to 150 words to

tell about a folktale that you learned (Chapter 6). What
is the moral of the story? How was it affected your life?

Mot nguoi viet gioi (mot nha van) co ban la mot nguoi ke chuyen, khong phai la mot hoc gia
hay mot dang cuu the cua nhan loai.
S+ was/ were+ V-ing when S+ V2/-ed: hanh dong dang dien ra khi co hanh dong cat
ngang (V2/-ed).
can leu
a bushel: mot thung
greedy: tham lam
miner: tho mo
generous: hao phong
beef: thit bo
palace: cung dien
jealous ganh ty
When va while duoc su dung de mo ta hai su viec xay ra trong qua khu

De gioi thieu mot hanh dong cat ngang hanh dong khac, su dung when
S+ was/ were+ V-ing when S+ V2/-ed.
De ke ve hai su viec da xay ra
S+ V2/-ed when S+ V2/-ed. (I met her when I was 8.)
Su dung while voi hanh dong dang dien ra
While S+ was/ were+ V-ing, S+ V2/ -ed. Hoac While S+ was/ were+ V-ing, S+ was/ were+ V-ing

When hanh dong 1, ket qua cua hanh dong 1 (thuong chi cam xuc hoac hanh
dong keo theo sau hanh dong 1)

1. Ket hop cau su dung when va while

While the king was hunting, he got lost in the forest.

2. When the king saw the hut, he decided to ask for help.

3. While the miner was talking to the king, his wife was working at home.

4. When the miner gave the potatoes to the king, the king was pleased.

5. When the king gave the woman the coin, she was surprised.
As soon as: ngay khi
As soon as hanh dong 1, hanh dong 2 la ket qua cua hanh dong 1
hoac hanh dong tiep theo cua hanh dong 1

2. As soon as the king talked to the brother, the king knew that he was a liar.

3. As soon as the king ate dinner, he fell asleep.

4. As soon as the miner got the farm, he quit his job.

Then: dau cau cua hanh dong so 2

2. The woman gave the king a plate of potatoes. Then she gave him a blanket.

3. The king gave the woman a coin. Then he gave the miner a house and a farm.

4. The brother found a bushel of potatoes. Then he took them to the king.
As soon as




was riding


hear+ O + Vo/ V-ing

sai chinh ta

cau khong hoan chinh

viet thuong

Bo di tu, chu cai, dau cau

Them dau cau

suc khoe

Write a paragraph from 120 to 150 words about how to live healthily
Viet mot doan van tu 120 den 150 tu ve cach song khoe manh

Suc khoe gia tri hon hoc tap


traditional herbs: thao duoc truyen thong

pharmaceuticals: duoc pham acupuncture: cham cuu

symptoms (n) trieu chung
a fever (n) sot
sore (adj) dau
hurt (v) dau
painful (adj) dau
relieve (v) giam
effectively (adv) mot cach hieu qua
= effective + ly
treatment (n) su dieu tri = treat + ment
safe (adj) an toan
reliever= relieve+ (e)r (n) thuoc giam dau
take (v) uong
a healer = heal+ er: thay thuoc
herbal (adj) = herb+ -al: thao duoc
teas (n) cac loai tra
pain (n) su dau don
acupuncture (n) su cham cuu
treat (v) dieu tri
an herb (n) thao duoc
needles (n) kim cham
effective (adj) hieu qua
8. Chon cau chu de dung nhat
Su dung dai tu quan he de
ket noi cau
Who/ that
Who: nguoi who
that: nguoi hoac vat

Bo tu giong nhau o cau 2

Thay the cho tu giong nhau
o cau 2 bang "who hoac that
Mang nguyen menh de co
chua "who hoac that" dat
ngay sau danh tu cua cau 1


2. she is a very skilled acupuncturist who has cured many people


3. People who suffer from different diseases look for good acupuncturists.

4. Acupuncturists also use herbs that help treat heath problems.

5.Poor digestion is a common health prolem that can be treated with acupuncture.

In addition: them thong tin, ben canh do, ngoai ra

_______. In addition, ________

_______. Also _______ hoac sau BE Truoc V

________. For example, ______

______. However, _______ Hoac ____; however, ____


For example


In addition
In addtion, they are good for flu and cough.

However she is still overweight. (obesity)

In addition, these therapists are good for relieving stress.

For example, you can eat vegetables, fish, eggs, etc.

Giving reasons: dua ly do

Because+ S+ V, S+ V
Because of+ cum

To+ Vo: de lam gi

In order to + Vo
so that + S+V
=> tra loi cho cau hoi "
why" hoac "what ....for"
3. To Vo
To treat a cold
to cure a cold
to help me breathe better Lemon juice is good for colds because it kills germs.

2. Because
scientists...., honey,
Scientists don't have a
modern drug to cure
cancer. However, some
people can cure
themselves of cancer with
traditional treatments. For
example, I know a woman
who cured herself of
cancer by fasting. She
didn't eat for one month,
and then she slowly began
to eat again. When she
completed the fast, she
had completely cured
herself of cancer. In
addition, I read about a
man who cured his cancer
using a traditional Chinese
diet. As soon as he started
the diet, he began to get
better. Even though there
is no modern cure for
cancer, some traditional
cures may exist.
Give to S.O
Give S.O sth
The healer gave a foot massage to my friend.

3. Three years ago he had a stomachache.

His leg did not hurt. / His leg was not cured. / His leg did not heal.

5. My friend didn't like to go to doctors, so he went to a psychic.

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