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1 Regular physical exercise is a vital part of maintaining our health and wellbeing. Even though
health specialists recommend that walking is good for health, people are walking much less than
we used to. This essay is going to going to write about the reasons and how to encourage people
to walk more.
2 Unhealthy food likes fast food or junk foods are becoming increasingly popular especially to
young people. This has led to a numerous negative and serious health effects. In this essay, we
will talk about the reason why unhealthy food became so popular and how to solve this
3 The numbers of people who take nutritious food and do physical activity is increasing rapidly.
This trend is especially popular among the young people. This essay will explain why people are
motivated to live a healthy lifestyle and how to keep this trend going.
4 Even though there have been a lot of remarkable medical innovations, the standard of physical
health in developed countries is decreasing. As a result, people living in developed countries still
have to face a lot of fatal physical health problems. In this essay, I will explain the reason for this
trend and what can be done to reverse this trend.


1. With the rapid growth of technologies in the recent years, such as: Youtube, Dall-E and
more recently is NFT, more and more information and resources relating to arts and
entertainments are being digitized. In my opinion, the advantages that digitizing brings
greatly outweigh its drawbacks.
2. Subjects such as painting or drawing have always been underestimated. Some people said
that it is not needed for students to learn drawing or painting in high school. But I believe
that drawing and painting have their own importance and come with a lot of advantage and
should be made compulsory for high school students.
3. Being a super star means living a life of luxury and frequently travels, but being well-known
also means having no privacy at all. This disadvantage totally outweighs all of the
advantages that being popular bring.
4. Nowadays, advertising play a significant role in our daily life. Some people said that
advertising can influence us on ours purchasing. While others, in contrast, believe that
advertisements have become an useless way of getting people to buy products.


1. As we already know, education plays a vital role in our daily life. All of the innovations that
we have today are all the result of higher education. But unfortunately, not everyone has a
chance to get access to higher education. So, I believe that university education should be
free for all students.
2. It’s believed by many people that students should finish completely their formal education
programs in schools until reaching 18 year of age. In my view, I totally agree with this
3. It is considered by some people that the best way to have a good and secure job is getting a
university degree. But, there are others who think that starting work straight after school is
a better than getting higher education. In this essay, I explain why getting higher education
is a better option.
4. Nowadays, with the advance of technologies, most people think that it is unnecessary to
teach the young handwriting. Instead, it is more important to teach them to use computers.
In my opinion, handwriting still holds a very vital role and it is crucial that the young know
how to handwriting.
5. Some people believe that the main purpose of schools is to create good citizens and workers
for the societies, instead of focusing on individual development. In this essay, I will explain
why school doesn’t only turn students into good citizens and workers but also help students
to benefits themselves as individuals

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