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Chapter 2


This section contains literature related to the topic being investigated. The

insight herein presented could also underpin discussion on this study. This review

related literature can help you to understand further about the study.

According to Insorio, A. Q., and Olivarez, J. A. (2021), San Pedro College of

Business Administration, Philippines. Facebook and Messenger are well-known social

networking sites used by many students every day. These have greater potential for the

teaching-learning process as a learning management system because they promote

interaction among the students and teachers. Messenger can be used to share learning

materials like videos, pictures, PowerPoint presentations, voice clips, files, and

websites. News that supports collaborative learning and provides question-and-answer

mechanisms. The study employed a practical action research design utilizing surveys,

interviews, and test materials as data collection methods validated by master teachers

and head teachers for 120 students at San Pedro Relocation Center National High

School. The result is that through messenger they able to collaborative learning through

the sharing of resources and learning materials, develop critical thinking and

communicative skills, develop writing skills, provide active participation, and create a

positive attitude towards learning.

Studentsg to Lama (2022), the fact that various applications such as

Messenger, Facebook, WhatsApp, Skype, WeChat, and others are now available to

people of all ages and backgrounds and that their success can be attributed to
advances in technology Their research found that Messenger is useful in helping

students learn the language and improve their knowledge by allowing them to share

information, images, video links, pictures, and so on. Since the emergence of remote

lessons during the pandemic, the messenger app has been popular for exchanging

presentations, notes, videos, and information links, as well as asking questions and

receiving prompt responses. Besides that, the application assists in the formation of

groups among teachers and students and allows users to share information.

Furthermore, to investigate the importance of using Messenger as a learning tool and to

identify students' attitudes and perceptions based on their use.

Yeboah, J., and Ewur, G. D., conducted a study about the intensity of usage of

Facebook Messenger and its impact on the academic performance of students in

tertiary institutions. The study seeks to investigate the perceived impact of Messenger

on the academic performance of university students in Malaysia. A survey and face-to-

face interviews were carried out, which involved 86 part-time students in the survey and

15 students in the interviews. The findings indicated that Messenger has enhanced the

effective flow of information and idea sharing among students. Despite making

communication easier and faster, Messenger has also had a negative impact on the

performance of students. The study revealed that Facebook Messenger has taken

much of students’ study time and concentration because they are bothered by the

incoming messages. This resulted in procrastination due to inability to manage time in

balancing online activities, lack of concentration during lectures, and academic

discussion that distracted students from completing their assignments.

Dela Fuente (2021) stated that the essential attribute of technology is social

media like Facebook Messenger, which provides greater opportunity for teachers to

become creative and innovative to maximize its unique feature as an educational tool in

the teaching-learning process, especially in teaching deaf students.The use of

Facebook Messenger provided a platform for interactive discussions, where deaf

students could participate in real-time conversations, ask questions, and receive

immediate feedback. The study highlights the transformative impact of technology on

deaf students' conceptual understanding and academic performance. The limitations

experienced by deaf students in comprehending subject matter concepts were

overcome through the use of Facebook Messenger. This innovative approach facilitated

a holistic development of deaf students, as it allowed teachers to modify instruction to

suit their individual learning styles and abilities. The findings of the study underscore the

significance of technology in bridging the communication gap between deaf students

and their peers. By utilizing Facebook Messenger, deaf students were able to express

their thoughts, feelings, and learning experiences more effectively. This not only

enhanced their academic performance but also promoted social inclusion and improved

their overall educational experience.

As per Davis K. (2017), Facebook Messenger provides a range of features,

including text messaging, voice and video calls, file sharing, and photo editing. Users

can also create groups and share content on the platform. The app can help establish

social bonds between individuals and groups, and students can use it to collaborate on

assignments by communicating through text, audio, or visual messages. All in all,

Facebook Messenger is a versatile platform for communication and sharing that offers

multiple options for its users.

(Lim, 2021).  Conducted a study aimed to investigate how students perceive the

use of Facebook Messenger as a medium of online instruction during the COVID-19

pandemic. Specifically, the study sought to determine if there were relationships

between students’ profiles and their perceptions of the acceptability level of Facebook

Messenger as a medium of online instruction, focusing on usefulness and ease of use.

The research utilized a descriptive correlational design, aiming to describe the

acceptability of Facebook Messenger as a medium of online instruction and its

relationship to student respondents’ profiles. Results revealed that students find

Facebook messenger as moderately acceptable as a medium of online instruction.

According to (Lepp et al. 2020) At the beginning of 2020, education, among other

aspects of society, was affected by the coronavirus pandemic which necessitated the

transfer of all levels of education to distance learning. Courses offered online in

response to a crisis differ from planned distance learning and can be better described

as emergency remote education using Facebook Messenger. This study aims to

describe the challenges and positives encountered by people in different roles, using

data from the Facebook Messenger Group ‘Homeschooling with technology’. From 6 of

March to 26 of April 2020. Members of the Facebook Messenger Group were divided

into eight role groups. A qualitative method study design was used and inductive

thematic analysis of 130 messages posted by different roles was conducted. 72

messages were coded to express negative sentiments and describing various problems

and challenges, which were then used to create a thematic map with seven main
themes. Seven main themes describing positives in the Facebook messages were

identified using 58 messages coded as expressing positive sentiments.

According to Antazo et al,. (2019) Communication between students and

instructors has improved as a result of Evolved from just face-to-face contact to include

computer-mediated communication. Mediated communication, including the usage of

social media, email, and text messages. Especially on Facebook Messenger. The

purpose of this study is to describe the application of Using Facebook Messenger and

in-person conversations to discuss academic. Issues between teachers and students at

Miriam College. The researchers carried out Interviews with three professors from each

of the homes, 12 female class beadles, and Colleges in the beadles’ class. Using the

Theory of Media Richness and the Theory of Findings from Reasoned Action point to

the great richness of face-to-face communication. Venue for messages about academic

issues to be sent and received. The researchers are interested in investigating

Facebook communication. Because they have encountered lecturers who utilize several

platforms for communication other the standard text message and email. Nowadays,

Facebook Messenger is frequently used by professors as a venue for academic

messaging. The class beadles discuss a variety of subjects with their professors and

can be contacted via Facebook Messenger or in-person conversations. The student

understanding of Facebook Messenger as a platform that Can record a transcript of the

chat for their records. The academics view Facebook Messenger as a convenient

means of communication for both parties because of its internet accessibility and

integrated notifications.
Salazar C. (2022), The study discovered that the Facebook Messenger group

chat trend is beneficial in terms of convenience, accessibility, and telecommunications.

The author was inspired to investigate the advantages and disadvantages of using

Facebook Messenger group chats as experienced by teachers in public schools, as well

as how these experiences reflect the pattern of organizational culture emerging from

their constant use of group chats for work purposes. This study gives research-based

real-world examples of how communication occurs in public schools while teachers and

school officials carry out their DepEd Learning Continuity Plan-related activities. The

study also seeks to comprehend how the adoption of Facebook Messenger group chats

as one of the key communication tools in public schools resulted in the formation of a

new culture within the system. Furthermore, the study's findings offer advice to digital

technology developers on how to improve aspects of their programs and what other

digital technology can yet be invented for educational purposes. This section includes

the results and analysis of the benefits and drawbacks of the Facebook Messenger

group chat trend as experienced by public school instructors, as well as organizational

culture patterns that emerged as a result of these experiences.

Lambić, D. (2016) conduct a study about exploring the application of

Facebook Messenger in the context of education. The study involved 139 students from

the Faculty of Education in Sombor, Serbia. The objective was to examine the

relationship between the frequency of Facebook Messenger use for educational

purposes and students’ academic performance. Additionally, the influence of perceived

usefulness on students’ decision to utilize Facebook Messenger as a learning aid was

investigated. The results establish a positive correlation between the academic

performance of students and the frequency of use of Facebook Messenger for

educational purposes. The factor of perceived usefulness greatly affected the decision

of students to use Facebook Messenger as a learning aid.

Flejoles (2023) conducted a study to explore the utilization of Facebook

Messenger as an educational communication tool. The study specifically focused on its

application in the context of learning among students and teachers. The study observed

that while some individuals may not feel comfortable using Facebook Messenger for

educational purposes, there were those who recognized its potential and reported

positive impacts on students' academic performance. Taking into account the

advantages of Facebook Messenger in facilitating learning, the researcher implemented

a group chat feature to improve the prompt submission of outputs from students

enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology course at Iloilo Science

and Technology University Miagao Campus. The findings of the study indicated an

increase in the number of groups that were able to meet the submission requirements

within the specified deadlines. The purpose of the study was to evaluate learners’

attitudes and perceptions toward the integration of online discussion forum via

Facebook Messenger into the EFL/ literature classroom. The survey research design

was adopted, and questionnaires were distributed to 45 fourth-year students enrolled at


Farhan, R. N., & Yusoff, Z. S. (2019) The purpose of the study was to evaluate

learners’ attitudes and perceptions toward the integration of online discussion forum via

Facebook Messenger into the EFL/ literature classroom. The survey research design

was adopted, and questionnaires were distributed to 45 fourth-year students enrolled at

the Department of English, College of Education for Humanities, and the University of

Anbar in Iraq. Twenty percent (9) of the respondents were male undergraduate students

while the rest, 80% (36) were female students. Their ages ranged from 21 to 24 years

old. The respondents had studied the literature components in their English language

courses for 1 semester and have had an experience of using technology which is

Facebook messenger in other courses. The respondents were divided into 10 groups of

four and 1 group of five students each. Five tasks were given to the students over a

five-week period in the study. Students were given a set of Think Questions each week

to guide their discussions. The findings indicate overall positive attitudes and

perceptions towards the integration of technology in the literature classroom. The

following will present the findings of the study according to the sections of the

questionnaire. The researcher also felt that understanding the respondents’ English

reading habits was relevant to the study as it revolved around the reading of English

literary texts through Facebook messenger. Two questions were dedicated to finding

this out and it can be observed that respondents had good reading habits and

experience in using the said technology which is Facebook messenger. Ninety-one

percent of the respondents claimed that reading trough Facebook messenger was a

daily practice and that novels (56%) were their favorite English reading materials,

followed by short stories (31%), newspapers (9%) and comics (4%). Their reading

habits should contribute to their ability to read English literary texts in the syllabus.

According to Noparat Tananuraksakul (2018) Facebook Messenger can

communicate in Thai and for academic guidance. Reporting on the perspectives of Thai

undergraduate students on the Facebook Messenger usage for academic consultation.

Using Facebook Messenger as a platform for academic advice and communication,

qualitative results from virtual interviews with eleven participants show that these

interactions are more favorable than face-to-face encounters during office hours. As it

gives people feelings of comfort, confidence, a shorter power distance, reduced travel

time, and financial savings, it serves as an extension of their mind and body. The

research findings suggest that Facebook Messenger can also be used as the medium

of mixed academic instruction as the participants are Millennials or Digital Natives who

typically appreciate learning through technology.

According to Insorio (2023) Providing self-learning modules and other printed

materials under modular distance learning in the Philippines does not guarantee the

acquisition of learning competencies, particularly in mathematics, wherein explanation

and illustration of concepts, principles, and procedures demand the teacher’s

clarification. To address this, Facebook Messenger was used as a platform to

communicate with the students and deliver interventions like lectures through posting

slides with voice clips and video lessons. This study aimed to establish the

effectiveness of the said interventions for grade 7 mathematics using practical action

research. Test material, questionnaire, and interview guide were the instruments used

in collecting data validated by a master teacher and two head teachers in mathematics

education. Quantitative data were analyzed using SPSS version 23 and qualitative data

were analyzed using thematic analysis. Based on the findings, lectures and video

lessons through Facebook Messenger helped students understand the mathematical

concepts and procedures for solving mathematical problems. It means that the said

interventions via Facebook Messenger were adequate for the students to cope with the
learning challenges in mathematics brought by modular distance learning. However, the

students suggested that sustain the interventions for a longer time.

According to LESTARI, M. (2021) Recently, there was online learning

implementation during the Covid-19 outbreak at SMA N 1 Abab PALI by using

Facebook Messenger. In this school, all of the teachers used Messenger application

from Facebook as a tool in online teaching and learning activities especially in English

language teaching. The teachers chose Facebook Messenger to share the material,

information, assignments, photos, videos and also links video to their students on group

chat. Facebook Messenger become an alternative way to solve the teaching and

learning process during the Covid-19 outbreak. In Facebook Messenger, the students

get much information about the lessons. There was one feature that always used by the

teachers to share the material that is photo’s feature. The feature is like photo’s feature

in WhatsApp, so that the teachers and students can discuss about the lessons through

that feature. study was conducted at SMA N 1 Abab by interviewing one of the English

teachers and students. The online learning started from in July 2020 since the Covid-19

outbreak. The English teachers used Facebook Messenger as a main media in

teaching. It is line with what one the teacher said that she used Facebook Messenger

when she could not teach face to face during the pandemic of Covid-19. She thought

that Facebook Messenger allows her to give the materials and assignment for reading

class through the photos features without using internet data (DM, personal

communication, June 19th, 2020). This statement was also supported by one of the

students who preferred to use Facebook Messenger when she learned online at home,

it because this application was free (LS, personal communication, September 15th,
2020). Therefore, SMA 1 Abab has proven using Facebook Messenger for teaching

and learning English process. Based on the data analyzed by using thematic analysis,

the researcher found that there were some challenges on the use of Facebook

Messenger in teaching reading that faced by English teachers at SMA N 1 Abab. The

teachers’ challenges were divided into three. The first challenge was the lack of internet

access from students. This challenge was engendered by two problems such as some

of the students had problem in connection instability and the students also had problem

to afford sufficient internet data when they wanted to participate in online learning. This

problem emerged because some of students lived far away from the school that had a

good internet network connection and many students had difficulty in buying internet

data. The second challenge was lack of students’ awareness in online learning. It

happened because the students always submitted their assignment exceeding the

deadline and many students were not able to join the online learning as scheduled.

Then, the last challenge was the lack of participation. This challenge appeared because

many students who to be passive in online reading discussion. They did not actively

participate in EFL reading classroom because most of them had low English proficiency.
Fuente, J. A. D. (2021). Facebook messenger as an educational platform to

scaffold deaf students’ conceptual understanding in environmental science subject: A

single group quasi-experimental study. International Journal of Education, 14(1), 19-29.

Yeboah, J., & Ewur, G. D. (2014). The impact of Facebook messenger usage on

students’ performance in Tertiary Institutions in Ghana. Journal of Education and

practice, 5(6), 157-164.

Alonzo, D., & Oo, C. Z. (2022). The use of Messenger for research collaboration:

An auto-ethnographic study. Frontiers in Psychology, 13.

ANTAZO, P. A. R. O., DOLALAS, J. M. M., & SANTIAGO, F. A. G. (2019). Face-

To-Facebook: Comparing Face-To-Face and Facebook Messenger communication

between Miriam College Higher Education Unit Students and Professors

Lepp, M., & Luik, P. (2021). Challenges and Positives Caused by Changing

Roles during Emergency Remote Education in Estonia as Revealed by Facebook

Messages. Social Sciences, 10(10), 364.

Lambić, D. (2016). Correlation between Facebook use for educational purposes

and academic performance of students. Computers in Human Behavior, 61, 313-320.

Salazar, C. A. (2022). Emerging organizational culture from the benefits and

drawbacks of Facebook messenger group chat trend in public schools. Jurnal Aplikasi

Manajemen, 20(1), 1-11.

Davis, K. (2017). Facebook Messenger: Distraction or collaborative tool?.

Retrieved October 27, 2018.

Lim, E. J. A. Acceptability of Facebook Messenger as a Medium of Online

Instruction during the COVID–19 Pandemic as Perceived by Filipino Students in the


Lama, S. (2022, November 29). Students’ views on messenger as a language

learning tool.

LESTARI, M. (2021). Teachers’ Challenges on the Use of Facebook Messenger

in Teaching Reading: A Case Study at SMA N 1 Abab (Doctoral dissertation, UIN


Insorio, A. O., & Insorio, J. E. (2023). Messenger lectures and video lessons as

mathematics interventions for modular distance learning. International Journal of

Professional Development, Learners and Learning, 5(1), ep2306.

Tananuraksakul, N. (2018, October). Facebook Messenger as the medium of

academic consultation and the message in a Thai context. In eproceedings International

Conference on Communication & Media (pp. 18-19).

Farhan, R. N., & Yusoff, Z. S. (2019). Integration of Facebook Messenger in the

English Literature Classroom: Learner’s Attitudes and Perceptions. Humanities & Social

Science Reviews, 7(6), 988-999.

Flejoles, Rex. (2023). Group Chat via Facebook Messenger to Encourage

Punctual Submission of Student Output. 11. 26-29. 10.5281/zenodo.7868107.

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