Group 10 Prega News

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Consumer Behaviour

Name of the Project: -

Mankind Prega News

Submitted By:

Group Number: - 10

Name of Group Members:

1) Devdatta Chahande 21A1HP091

2) Rushi Panchal 21A3HP608
3) Sachin Kumar 21A1HP098
4) Vaibhav Narang 21A1HP103
5) Harsh Raj 21A1HP059
6) Durgesh Gaurav 21A3HP603

Submitted to: - Dr. Nitin Gupta

Q1) Needs and Motivation Concept being Highlighted in the ads: -
Earlier their where only some signs which indicated whether women are pregnant or not like,
like if she pukes or faints. But there are also other signs which a gives indication whether she
is pregnant or not like if she misses her periods, for which they must go to gynaecologist to
confirm it.
Prega News introduced a pregnancy detection kit which helped them to confirm whether they
are pregnant or not within just minutes when they miss their periods. So, whenever a woman
having a slightest of doubt regarding her pregnancy, she can use the kit for conforming it.
In rural areas where there are fewer medical facilities, where women may have to travel a lot
for availing good medical facilities, this prega news kit used under proper guidance will help
many women from rural area to check whether they are pregnant or not within minutes. It’s
easy to use and inexpensive kit and can save the travelling and medical expenses which they
must incur by visiting the doctor.
Not only in rural areas, in urban areas also, unmarried woman hesitates to consult the doctor
regarding their pregnancy, they think of first confirming the news and then consulting the
It uses a physiological need arousal. Means if a woman misses her periods, pukes or faints,
this sign may trigger the feeling that it might be pregnancy. And to confirm this
uncomfortable tension Prega news pregnancy detection kit was introduced.
Mankind Pharma used Projective Technique Story Telling concept. They Launched
many Ads and campaigns on the topics related to pregnancy like supporting the women
during their pregnancy, making them comfortable during their pregnancy, what all moods and
depressions they go through during their pregnancy and many more. They mainly target
occasions such as woman’s day, mothers’ day for spreading awareness among people.

Ads related to a campaign #JustTakeTheTest: (Exhibit 1)

There are some myths that missing periods or having a craving for pickle, feeling low,
gaining extra kilos are considered as a sign of being pregnant, but this is not true in every
case. For such cases prega news motivated people that whatever may be the case, even if you
are having a slightest of doubt, it’s not necessary to consult a doctor every time, they used the
campaign #JustTakeTheTest simply use prega news pregnancy detection kit and confirm
whether you are pregnant or not anytime anywhere within minutes. The main purpose of this
Ads is that there are thousands of so-called indications regarding pregnancy, but the only sure
and accurate way of conforming it is by using the Prega news pregnancy detection kit.

Ads Featuring the idea that a Woman can do both the Task: (Exhibit 2)
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need: Here the concept of Inwardly directed egoistic need from
Maslow’s hierarchy which be applied, where the women sitting and working in the 2Nd Ad
focus on that being a mother would affect her success, her independence, her freedom. Prega
News through its Ads motives the ladies of this generation those who avoid being mothers
because they want to focus on their career that having a baby during early period of their
carrier is not an end of their carrier, freedom, or individuality, it’s like having a new identity
of a MOM, one who can carry both, the professional part and personal part as well. It’s a
beautiful feeling.

Emotional Arousal:
Ads featuring the campaign #YourSecondHome: (Exhibit 3)
Prega News through its ad’s spreads information regarding the precautions to be taken during
the pregnancy. Prega news urges people to support new moms during their postpartum
Depression and through their ads urges people to make them feel comfortable. They try to
motivate other people to support the pregnant lady during her pregnancy, try to make her
office life less burden full, motivating and cheering her, giving her the confidence that “Being
a mother is not an Easy Task” and we all are here for making your life a less stressful. Giving
her the Feeling of “Second Home”.

Ads Featuring Bollywood’s Would-be mothers: -(Exhibit 4)

Mankind has started featuring the would-be mothers of Bollywood, they shared their story,
sharing their feeling after knowing the “Good News” and how prega news helped them in
conforming that Good News. Through this Ads they attracted many women to try the
Like in 2012, featuring Shilpa Shetty in the prega news Ad to share her feeling of being a
mother and joyfulness and cheerfulness the “Good News” brings. In 2015 prega news did an
Ad campaign with Kareena Kapoor the would-be-mother. The purpose of featuring Kareena
Kapoor was to show the dedication which Kareen Kapoor showed by being the showstopper
in a ramp walk and gave a message to the world that being pregnant doesn’t stop her from
working, and that women can manage both the things.

Q2) The Personality and Self-Concepts the Ads Are Catering.

Personality signifies inner psychological characteristics that determine how a person reacts to
his environment. It affects individual buying behavior and the selection of various products
and brands. Understanding consumer personality characteristics can help marketers in
formulating a marketing strategy.
Self-concept is how people perceive themselves, the way they think, and their perceptions of
themselves which leads to the purchase of products or services.
• The first advertisement is catered to verbalizers or persons who pay more attention to
verbal messages. This campaign is also aimed toward innovators or people who are
willing to test new products and are open to new ideas. (Exhibit 1)

• The second advertisement addresses other-directed people since it was observed that
Malini's model friend was initially hesitant about her career, but after learning how the
SSP of Jhansi manages both her social and personal life, she felt a sense of social
acceptance. This ad also somewhere caters to aggressive individuals from Neo-
Freudian theory since the lady was moving against others and after the guidance got a
desire to excel and win admiration. Furthermore, the ideal self-image notion is
incorporated into his advertisement because it demonstrates strong personal aspirations
and feeling better about oneself. (Exhibit 2)

• The third advertisement shows that the boss, as well as employees from Shweta's
workplace, are taking steps to ensure that she does not feel stressed or have any
difficulties while working. This shows that the boss and employees fall under a
compliant individual group who moves toward others. This advertisement also appeals
to people who have a high OSL (optimum stimulation level) and enjoy novel and
complex experiences. (Exhibit 3)

• Because the fourth ad emphasizes product features and targets consumers who are
willing to test new items and are open to new ideas, it caters to consumers with inner-
directed personality qualities. (Exhibit 4)

• The fifth advertisement targets people with high NFC who crave the enjoyment of
thinking. This advertisement also appeals to people who are visualizers and prefer
visual and graphic communications. (Exhibit 5)

Q3) What perception is the Brand trying to create?

To understand the perception that prega news is trying to build, we first must understand the
profiling of customers and retailers that company has done. The company has a different
marketing strategy for urban and rural India.
In tier 1 cities the brand strives to establish itself as more progressive and empowering. It tries
to build very strong emotional bond with its consumers by carrying on advertisement campaign
like #SheCanCarryBoth and by spreading awareness on Women issues like Postpartum
Depression. The advertisement portrays true spirit of women who can take on many roles and
responsibilities without even slightest hesitation. Society in general have this misconception
that having a job limits a woman option in all facets of life The common notion that for a
woman to remain focused and successful in the workplace, she must forgo the myriad joys of
Portrayal of three very diverse characters in the video depicts the insecurities of women
wonderfully. One has happily entered the stage of motherhood, the other is extremely sceptical
about the career choices as a model following her pregnancy, and there is another ambitious
woman who is confused by the idea of motherhood and wants to fly high in her work.

Prega News' advertisement aims to dispel any stereotyped inhibitions that women may have
and break the myth that having a kid will be the end of their career. Such advertisements helped
the company to engage its customer and reduce perceived psychological and social risk
associated with the product.
Also, the advertisement cleverly inducts the pic of Jhansi ki rani carrying her baby in the
background creating subliminal perception.
In urban India unplanned pregnancy poses different set of problems. Women in urban India
are more focused on aspirations, individuality and are more ambitious, unplanned pregnancy
can take a serious toll on all these aspects. So Prega news tries to portray itself as a brand
which empathize with women on such issues and supports them with their decisions.
Unplanned pregnancy is a far more recurring phenomena in the hinterland then in urban
India. This problem become even worse due to lack of awareness of products and confusion
around their usage and on top of that unorganized market is filled with products that have
very less accuracy. So, to counter these problems Mankind came up with innovative Rural
outreach programme. Where the company tie-up with local NGOs and Asha workers to
penetrate deeper into the regional market.
The objective of such programmes is to educate the consumers about different myths
surrounding pregnancy. By associating itself with asha and angarvardi workers and endorsing
its product through well known celebrities like Shilpa Shetty and tv star like Shivangi joshi.
prega news is already preparing to be a monopoly at the bottom of the pyramid. Since
preganews is going to be the first and perhaps the only brand that these people know of with
in sometime the term prega news is going to be directly synonymous with pregnancy
detection kit because a rural woman rarely going to ask or even know the term pregnancy
detection kit they will just know preganews. This is the power of synonymity wherein the
brand name becomes more popular than the actual product itself.
Asha and angarvardi workers also helped the brand to gain selective attention in customer’s
Perception from the point of view of retailers (local chemist shops). Since the mankind offers
highest margins to the chemist in the entire industry and provides enough extrinsic cues
through celebrity endorsements and through the image of mankind itself, chemist from across
the country are keen on providing the product with shelf space. Their decision is reinforced
when customers only demand preganews not any alternative products. They see the brand as
a reliable source of getting good profit margin and unchallenged king in the market.

Q4) How Consumer learning is being induced:

Consumer learning is process by which the consumer acquires purchase and consumption
knowledge and applies the learned behaviour to future buying behaviour.
This knowledge comes from experience, observations, and interaction with others. It includes
consumer reflex to marketing stimuli to learning abstract concepts and making complex
purchase decisions. It has components like:
• Motives: the consumer motivation that comes from unfulfilled needs.
• Cues: the marketing ads that direct the motivated consumer towards a product.
• Responses: the response that consumer gives towards product or service that may or
may not result in a sale.
• Reinforcement: the reward before or after getting the product or service.
Here, for the company Prega News has placed several types of ads under numerous
campaigns that aim towards a common goal of sale of the product while addressing many
taboos associated with the concept of the product.
One of many campaigns that the company ran was #JustTakeTheTest’ (Exhibit 1)
The ads shown above were run to make aware the consumers about the product.
As consumer learning, the consumer applies a negative reinforcement learning leading to
purchase situation. This can be explained as
• The ads are trying to address the taboo associated with the situation under which the
product could be bought.
• The society in general has false notions that buying pickle or having head spins are
a sign of pregnancy.
• To avoid the beliefs, the consumer takes the test leading to a purchase situation.

Such social media ads are from the digital marketing team of the company.
This was under the campaign ‘#PregaMeansGoodNews’. (Exhibit 5)
Here the consumer learning is by cognitive learning. This is done as:
• The consumer when exposed to the advertisement makes a cognitive process that
registers the process of detecting a pregnancy.
• The ad’s repetitions can lead to data retention.
• The situation the advertisement addresses can also elicit organic discussions leading
to data rehearsal about the brand.
• The consumer during purchase situation will make such mental processes retrieving
data about the brand leading to brand recall and ultimately product sale.
One such ad was run to allow the consumer learning to happen in the form of observational
• Here, the consumer is exposed to such office situations where the consumer can recall
the brand.
• This besides leading to improved brand awareness, there is learning process that
showcases a positive outcome while in such situations. The consumer makes nodes
around the brand with such situations in his mental map or associative network
memory model.
• The rewards received in terms of social support in a workplace induces a positive
outcome from brand use under the process of pregnancy.
• Thus, leading to product purchase behaviour from the consumer.
Q5) What all Attitude models are being followed:
The favourable or unfavourable behaviour towards an object is termed as an attitude towards
the object. It can be towards the object by way of its attributes or the emotional connect that
the object elicits within a consumer.
Some attitude models showcase consumers’ responses’ to be a function of their assessment of
the object’s attributes. These are termed as multi-attribute attitude models.
They can be like:
• Attitude towards Object model: as a function of consumers’ assessment of product
attributes and how such benefit them.
• Attitude towards behaviour model: as a function of how consumers behave with
respect to an object or product and not just attitude towards the product itself.
• Attitude towards ad model, Theory of reasoned action etc.
Some attitude models reflect:
• Cognitive: consumers’ knowledge and perceptions about the product.
• Affective: how a consumer feels towards the product
• Conative: how much degree a consumer would intend to act towards getting the
Here we discuss some already discussed and some more attitude models around the ads from
Prega company.
➔ Refer to Exhibit 3
The affective component towards a consumer is being elicited here.
It can be seen as:
• The ad highlights how a workplace can become more supportive towards a person
during the pregnancy process.
• The ad emphasises on the difficulties a woman faces during the pregnancy.
• The taboo around putting women out of work during pregnancy is one of many false
notions in the society that may firms fail to address and thus adding on the difficulties
women face.
Second can be seen is theory of reasoned action as an attitude model:
There is taboo around the women in the workplace during a pregnancy. This has been
highlighted as normative beliefs that a firm holds and some more in the society as well.
For a consumer, there are relevant others that he/she looks for towards advice during
making decisions around pregnancy. When the consumers are facing such decisions, the ad
highlights how motivation to comply to the relevant others can be easy since some
normative beliefs are not justified and are simply false notions.
Thus, reducing dissonance around using the product Prega company has to offer.
➔ Refer to Exhibit 2
Here, the ad showcases an affective component of attitude as:
The lady during pregnancy is facing decisions to pursue career a well when during a
pregnancy. The motivation although comes from two ladies who are handling career
responsibilities while being involved in post pregnancy activities like baby’s nourishment and
When addressing the challenges a woman faces, here choosing between career and taking
care of a baby, consumers feel an emotional connect towards the ad.
This ad being released on women’s day supplements the idea of women taking more
responsibilities like during pregnancy, taking care of career as well.
Thus, there is more likelihood that such feelings elicited by the company’s products can
result in a purchase behaviour.
◼ Both ads are depicting a positive attitude towards ad model.
o This can be seen as more people who realise taboos associated to pregnancy
being addressed and being proven as false notions are more likely to have a
positive feeling towards the ad.
o Thus, such positive feelings towards such outcomes can elicit a purchase
behaviour towards the company’s products.

➔ Refer to Exhibit 1
This print ad was developed under the company’s campaign ‘#JustTakeTheTest’.
The ads have a conative component that addresses yet more false notions of the society.
They emphasise on situations in which a woman could likely be pregnant and thus during
such situations concluding that they are in fact pregnant.
The company by way of its campaign and ads thus wanted to allow consumers to not
conclude during the situations per se but use one of company’s products and get proof for the
Because these situations by virtue of human tendency and tastes are common, thus making
higher conclusions should be considered as contempt.
Thus, in occurrences of such situations, can elicit more purchase behaviour from the
consumer to get proof around pregnancy.
Q6) How is the brand trying to change consumer attitude?
Preganews divided its marketing strategy in two parts – first one is raising awareness about the
brand and educating women making them feel comfortable in taking a pregnancy test at home
and make them feel assured with the accuracy of result.
Second part of its marketing program is to raise socially relevant issues to have strong
association and to increase penetration among secondary audience.
Changing beliefs of stereotyping around pregnancy detection
#Just take the test campaign (Exhibit 1)
Referring to this ad showcasing how Preganews is trying to change the consumer attitude by
changing their beliefs using their first part of strategy.
Using this print media ad Preganews is trying to change the beliefs and tries to break the myths
believed by woman’s and their families like craving for pickle, missing mensuration cycle date,
gaining weight, feeling low considered notions that one is expecting baby. Preganews tries to
break this speculation by encouraging people to just take the test and get accurate, fast results
switching to Preganews. In rural parts they take the helps of NGOs and Asha worker to educate
women about pregnancy detection and its benefits. Second Phase which is more about raising
social issue around women and celebrating womanhood.
#She can carry both campaign on Women’s Day highlights – (Exhibit 2)
The value Expressive function -
How urban progressive women have insecurities but it’s all about perception, she can be both
a progressive woman with motherhood.
The campaign focuses on breaking insecurities arising in every woman’s mind that having a
child could stop them from achieving their dreams and goals in carrier. But the ad showcases
the huge strength that women have can do both roles and not shy away from taking
responsibilities. The ad motivates women to celebrate various phase of womanhood without
compromising on their dreams and goals.
#Your Second Home Campaign (Celebrate Motherhood with Preganews) #Happy
Mother’s Day (Exhibit 3)
The main reason for the initiative to highlight that mostly women in India work till the last
stage of pregnancy and most of their time spent in the offices. Little things like unclean toilet,
uncomfortable furniture, climbing stairs can really make their life hard. So, the initiative main
agenda is to generate awareness at workplace and how we can contribute in their life to make
things easier as a colleagues and family.
Associating the product with societal issues and events -
Now being a category leader in the segment with having a market share above 80%, the brand
is trying to associate itself with social issues, focuses on highlighting issues and difficulties
faced by soon to be mother, pregnant working women, post and pre pregnancy issues like –
stress, infertility, gender neutrality and many more to have a strong and emotional bond with
expectant mothers and people around her.
• During this campaign Preganews opened a new website in
which they shared dos and don’ts of how corporates can make their space more
comfortable for pregnant women and how colleagues can play an important role during
this time
• Any firm can join the campaign and can call Preganews team for workshops at their
This helps Preganews to have a Product-cause association which results in -
• To have an emotional connect with targeted audience Preganews focus on social good
content which acts as a mode of communication between brand and its consumer.
• Preganews now focus more on storytelling, to have a strong bond and loyal relationship
with its consumer
• Focuses more on socially engaging content on social media, that makes the brand stand
out from the clutter of branded content floating outside and its competitors.
ELM Model and new category pregnancy detection kit (Exhibit 4)
Central and peripheral routes combined used in this ad, the advertisement had a focus on brand
message and to convey that message they used a well-known celebrity face that is Shilpa
Rural India
Having well known celebrities such as Shilpa Shetty as their brand promoter – which helped
them to have a wider reach also helped them to raise awareness & benefits in rural areas to
some extent larger issue still exist such as limited reach of ad and social stigma.
Preganews still lack awareness in rural India which restricts its penetration & sales. The
problems Preganews is facing is people are hesitant to ask about the product, women lack
awareness about the product it’s benefits and uses, lack of social media reach & socially
relevant content these all factors are acting as a roadblock. To increase the penetration among
rural audience Preganews is connecting with local people such as NGOs, Asha workers, local
women doctors and others who make women aware about its benefit and uses.
References: -
Exhibit 1:

Exhibit 2:

Exhibit 3:

Exhibit 4: -
Exhibit 5:

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