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N e u ro e n d o c r i n e Tu m o r s o f

t h e P a n c re a t o b i l i a r y a n d
G a s t ro i n t e s t i n a l Tra c t s
a a,b,
Morgan Bonds, MD , Flavio G. Rocha, MD *

 Neuroendocrine  Carcinoid  Small intestine  Pancreas  Appendix
 Liver metastases

 Incidence of neuroendocrine tumors is increasing.
 Somatostatin receptor PET is an ideal modality for localization and staging.
 Lymph node metastases are a significant predictor of recurrence and survival in gastro-
enteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors.
 Cytoreduction may improve overall survival in metastatic neuroendocrine tumors.


Neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) are rare neoplasms of the gastroenteropancreatic

tract. As a result, these tumors tend to be discovered incidentally, on either radiologic
or pathologic review. The incidence of NETs in the gastroenteropancreatic tract has
significantly increased since the 1970s, with many of these being localized at the
time of diagnosis.1,2 These factors lead to significant involvement from the general
surgeon in the management of these tumors. This article focuses on recent updates
in the pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of NETs of the pancrea-
tobiliary (PB) and gastrointestinal (GI) tracts.


Neuroendocrine cells arise from the neural crest cells of the embryonic ectoderm.
They comprise 1% of the gut mucosa and 1% to 2% of the pancreatic gland volume;
the extrahepatic bile duct mucosa also contains neuroendocrine cells.3 In their normal
state, different types of neuroendocrine cells produce specific hormones to aid in
digestive or metabolic functions, such as gut motility, stimulation of digestive

Section of General, Vascular, and Thoracic Surgery, Virginia Mason Medical Center, 1100
Ninth Avenue, CS-G6, Seattle, WA 98101, USA; b University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
* Corresponding author. 1100 Ninth Avenue, CS-G6, Seattle, WA 98101.
E-mail address:

Surg Clin N Am - (2020) -–-
0039-6109/20/ª 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 Bonds & Rocha

enzymes, or glucose storage. Tumors can arise from any of these neuroendocrine
cells, and as such, malignancies can develop throughout the gastroenteropancreatic
tract (Box 1).
When NETs form, they can be nonfunctioning. Functioning tumors that arise in the
midgut or hindgut do not result in symptoms because the liver removes the hormones
from the blood, a phenomenon called first-pass effect. However, hormonal symptoms
from these tumors can manifest once liver metastases have occurred and the excess
hormones are able to enter the systemic circulation directly. Table 1 lists the names of
functioning NETs, the hormone produced, and possible primary tumor location.

Nonfunctioning NETs typically have few associated symptoms in early stages. The
most common presentation for these tumors is nonspecific abdominal pain that leads
to cross-sectional imaging. Intestinal NETs may present with GI bleed and anemia.
Occasionally, the NETs will grow large enough to obstruct the extrahepatic bile duct
or the GI tract, causing jaundice or bowel obstruction, respectively. Many appendiceal
NETs cause appendicitis-like symptoms (right lower quadrant pain and nausea).
Rarely, an intraabdominal mass is palpated on physical examination, leading to further
diagnostic workup.

Patients with functioning NETs present symptoms of the excess hormones they pro-
duce. These symptoms are typically severe enough to initiate diagnostic workup; how-
ever, they may present with abdominal pain or obstructive symptoms as described
 Serotonin-producing (carcinoid): Presenting symptoms are diarrhea, sudden skin
flushing, asthmalike wheezing/shortness of breath, and edema. This syndrome
can also lead to right-sided heart valvular disease, resulting in these patients pre-
senting with right-sided heart failure. It should be noted that these symptoms
typically only present once distant metastases have developed.4
 Insulinoma: Patients with insulinomas present with symptoms of hypoglycemia
due to excess insulin production. These symptoms include fatigue, anxiety,
sweating, unsteadiness, pale skin, and new onset cardiac arrhythmias. Whipple
triad is the classically described presentation of hyperinsulinemia: symptoms

Box 1
Anatomic locations pancreatobiliary and gastrointestinal of neuroendocrine tumors

Small intestine
Extrahepatic bile ducts
Ampulla of Vater
Neuroendocrine Tumors 3

Table 1
Functioning neuroendocrine tumors and primary location

Primary Tumor
Tumor Name Hormone Produced Locations
Carcinoida Serotonin Small intestine
Ampulla of Vater
Extrahepatic bile duct
Insulinoma Insulin Pancreas
Glucagonoma Glucagon Pancreas
Gastrinoma Gastrin Stomach
Small intestine
Ampulla of Vater
Somatostatinoma Somatostatin Small intestine
Ampulla of Vater
VIPoma Vasoactive intestinal peptide Pancreas
Symptoms only occur once distant metastases occur.

consistent with hypoglycemia, documented hypoglycemia (<55 mg/dL) when

those symptoms are present, and resolution of symptoms with documented in-
crease in blood glucose levels.5 Excess insulin administration must be excluded
by measuring c-peptide, a component of endogenous proinsulin molecules.
 Glucagonoma: The classic presentation for glucagonoma is necrolytic migratory
erythema, stomatitis, weight loss, and diabetes.6
 Gastrinoma: This NET produces Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, which consists of
abdominal pain from gastric ulcer, gastroesophageal reflux, and watery diar-
rhea.7 Recalcitrant peptic ulcer disease should raise concern for the presence
of a gastrinoma. This is the most common pancreatic NET in multiple endocrine
neoplasia type 1.
 Somatostatinoma: Somatostatinoma is a rare NET that presents with hypochlo-
rhydria, steatorrhea, and diabetes.8
 Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)oma: These tumors secrete excess levels
of vasoactive intestinal peptide that results in hypersecretory diarrhea similar to
cholera. This results in weight loss and acute kidney injury.9


The diagnostic algorithm for gastroenteropancreatic NETs can be seen in Fig. 1. With
the increased utilization of computed tomography (CT) imaging, nonfunctioning NETs
tend to be found incidentally during the workup for vague symptoms. The use of intra-
venous contrast timed in both the arterial and the portal venous phase is instrumental
in identifying these lesions because they tend to be hyperenhancing on arterial phase
and isoenhancing in later phases. This characteristic holds true for NETs in all loca-
tions, as can be seen in Fig. 2. Benefits of CT include its wide availability, rapidity
of the examination, and relative convenience for the patient. However, this modality
4 Bonds & Rocha

Fig. 1. Diagnostic procedures for suspected NET.

has a tendency to miss small liver metastases as well as primary tumors, especially in
the small bowel.
MRI is an additional tool in the diagnosis of NETs. It is a particularly useful examina-
tion for investigating lesions in the liver. The use of hepatocyte-phase contrast has
been shown to improve the contrast-to-noise ratio as well as increase interobserver
agreement regarding the number and size of NET metastases in the liver when
compared with intravenous contrast imaging alone.10 The drawbacks of MRI are the
prolonged test time and patient limitations (metallic implants, claustrophobia, or
inability to hold breath).
Biopsy of suspected NETs is recommended when found on imaging or endoscopy.
Biopsy allows for a definitive diagnosis to be established as well as evaluation of tumor
Neuroendocrine Tumors 5

Fig. 2. CT scan of PB and GI NETs. (A) NET in the terminal ileum (white arrow). (B) PNET in the
pancreatic tail (yellow arrow).

characteristics, such as grade, that can alter testing and treatment decisions. NETs of
the colon, rectum, stomach, and duodenum can be biopsied via endoscopy, and this
generally occurs at the time of discovery. Endoscopic ultrasound can provide access
tumors in the pancreas. Liver metastases are best sampled percutaneously, although
endoscopic ultrasound is a secondary option.
Tumor staging is not indicated for all NETs. Colorectal and appendiceal NETs that
are smaller than 2 cm have very low potential for metastases; thus, these tumors do
not require a complete staging workup. However, if a biopsy of these smaller tumors
have high-risk features (high Ki67, poorly differentiated), staging should be consid-
ered. Tumors in the small bowel are typically diagnosed at a later stage because
they are difficult to visualize on cross-sectional imaging and rarely cause symptoms
until after they have metastasized (typically to lymph nodes). For this reason, small
bowel NETs, large NETs in the aforementioned locations, and metastatic NETs should
be staged before initiating treatment. Somatostatin receptor (SSRT)-PET is the imag-
ing modality of choice to stage NETs. This test uses 68Ga-DOTATATE, which binds to
SSRTs, allowing localization of NETs. An intersociety consensus statement deemed
SSRT-PET imaging the most appropriate imaging modality for staging NETs because
of its superiority over octreotide scintigraphy and cross-sectional imaging. Use of
intravenous contrast in conjunction with this nuclear medicine study improves sensi-
tivity.11 Often, liver metastases are the initial presentation of gastroenteropancreatic
NETs. Locating the primary tumor can be done with SSRT-PET. A prospective study
compared blinded reports of SSRT-PET with the same patient’s pentetreotide scintig-
raphy and anatomic imaging (CT or MRI). SSRT-PET was the only modality to identify
a primary lesion that was previously unknown and detected a total of 95.1% of all le-
sions compared with 45.3% and 30.9% by anatomic imaging and pentetreotide scin-
tigraphy, respectively.12 Because of its improved sensitivity, SSRT-PET has replaced
octreotide scintigraphy as the modality of choice for localizing and staging NETs.
Fig. 3 demonstrates how SSRT-PET can localize the primary tumor in a patient diag-
nosed with NET liver metastases.
The most common serum test for NETs is chromogranin A. Chromogranins are a
class of secreted proteins produced by neuroendocrine cells, and they are produced
by a variety of organs.13 As such, elevated chromogranin levels raise suspicion for the
presence of NET but provide no indication of where the tumor is located. This
6 Bonds & Rocha

Fig. 3. SSRT PET. (A, B) CT scan of patient with biopsy-proven NET liver metastasis (blue ar-
row) and unknown primary. (C, D) SSRT-PET imaging demonstrating the primary tumor in
the terminal ileum (yellow arrow) and again demonstrating the liver metastasis.

biomarker can be positive in functional and nonfunctional NETs. Even small residual
NET will result in persistent elevation of chromogranin levels.14 The only commercially
available test is for chromogranin A, which is not elevated in all patients with NETs.
When chromogranin A is elevated, it is generally used to monitor for recurrence or
treatment response of NETs. Clinicians should be aware that use of proton pump in-
hibitors can falsely elevate these levels. However, there is evidence to suggest that
elevated chromogranin A levels can be useful in prognosis. A recently published paper
Neuroendocrine Tumors 7

looking to develop a recurrence risk score for pancreatic NETs found that a pretreat-
ment chromogranin A level greater than 5 times the upper limit of normal was associ-
ated with worse overall survival and recurrence-free survival.15 This extreme elevation
in chromogranin A often presents without other high-risk features, and the investiga-
tors included it in their suggested recurrence risk scoring system for counseling
Carcinoid syndrome occurs rarely (10%) in the setting of NETs. As described above,
patients with carcinoid syndrome experience flushing and diarrhea because of an
overproduction of serotonin by the neoplastic cells. The liver typically metabolizes
excess serotonin secreted by gastroenteropancreatic NETs before it reaches sys-
temic circulation to cause symptoms. A metabolite of this process is 5-hydroxyindole-
acetic acid (5-HIAA), which is excreted in the urine. A 24-hour urine 5-HIAA level can
be elevated in patients with or without carcinoid syndrome and can aid in diagnosis of
NET. It can also be used as a monitoring test. However, be aware that certain foods
and medications can cause false elevation of urine 5-HIAA level. This test is rarely
used because functional imaging has improved.
Other functional NETs, typically pancreatic NETs, have individual biomarkers that
are used for their diagnosis. Insulinomas will produce excess insulin, resulting in
Whipple triad symptoms described above. A serum c-peptide should always be
drawn to rule out exogenous insulin as the culprit. Gastrinomas create gastric ulcers
because copious amounts of hydrochloric acid are produced in response to excess
gastrin stimulation. It is recommended that gastrin levels be measured off proton
pump inhibitors because it can falsely elevate serum gastrin levels. Equivocal gastrin
serum levels (<2000 pg/mL fasting) require a gastrin stimulation test be performed,
whereby secretin is administered followed by serum gastrin examination. An increase
greater than 110 pg/mL is diagnostic of a gastrinoma. Serum levels of glucagon, so-
matostatin, and VIP can be measured to confirm clinical diagnoses of functional
pancreatic NETs.


The ideal treatment of NETs is resection of all macroscopic disease seen at presenta-
tion. However, this is not always an option depending on the anatomic distribution of
metastatic disease in the lymph nodes and liver. Because gastroenteropancreatic
NETs occur in a range of locations, the surgical options also vary.

Small Intestine
Small bowel NETs are the most common NET to develop distant metastases. They
tend to present in later stages because they rarely have specific symptoms and are
difficult to visualize on cross-sectional imaging. However, despite these unfortunate
circumstances, patients who present with small bowel NET in advanced stages
have a median survival of 56 months.2 Overall survival increases to 161 months
when cytoreduction is undertaken.16 Thus, an aggressive approach should be pur-
sued for all patients with small intestine NETs.
Oncologic resection of localized small bowel NET is the gold standard. The North
American Neuroendocrine Tumor Society (NANETS) still recommends performing
open resection because it allows for the palpation of the entire small bowel for syn-
chronous bowel tumors. However, laparoscopic exploration is recognized as a valid
approach in certain cases.17 Laparoscopy allows for a thorough peritoneal search
for metastases (an essential step) without requiring large incisions that can be debil-
itating to the patient. An alternative to the open surgical approach is to perform the
8 Bonds & Rocha

small bowel resection laparoscopically and then run the small bowel through a small
extraction incision before performing the anastomosis.
Small intestine oncologic resection includes resection of regional lymph nodes and
is typically done by resecting the mesentery associated with the segmental arterial
supply of the primary tumor. A 2019 multi-institutional study of small intestine NETs
found that finding a positive lymph node was more likely if 8 or more regional lymph
nodes were sampled. The same study found that patients with fewer than 8 lymph
nodes examined had similar 3-year recurrence-free survival regardless of how many
of the nodes were positive. However, patients with 8 or more lymph nodes resected
did demonstrate a difference in 3-year recurrence-free survival between patients
with 4 nodes positive for NET (79.9%) versus those with 1 to 3 nodes positive
(89.6%) versus those with negative lymph nodes (92.9%).18 This finding suggests
that the surgeon should aim to harvest at least 8 lymph nodes for adequate staging
in small bowel NETs. Grossly positive nodes involving the base of the mesentery
should be referred to an NET specialty center for evaluation of resection, particularly
if they are causing symptoms.17
As mentioned earlier, cytoreduction of metastatic small bowel NETs improves over-
all survival. Woltering and colleagues16 reported their experience with cytoreduction of
metastatic NETs originating from all sites, of which 65% were small bowel NETs. The
most common intraoperative finding at the time of cytoreduction was encasement of
the mesenteric vessels followed by direct mesenteric extension of the tumor without
mesenteric vessel involvement. Median overall survival was 161 months with 5-, 10-
, and 20-year overall survival of 84%, 67%, and 31%, respectively, after cytoreduction
of small intestine NETs. In the group that could only have 70% to 89% of their NET
disease resected, the median overall survival was 148 months. The NANETS guide-
lines agree that peritoneal and liver metastases debulking should occur when possible
for small intestine NETs but do not currently support the use of hyperthermic intraper-
itoneal chemotherapy.17

In contrast to small bowel NETs, appendiceal NETs are typically found in early stages
because they can occlude the appendiceal lumen and cause appendicitis even when
they are relatively small in size. Most of these tumors are diagnosed on pathologic ex-
amination after appendectomy, so generally there is limited preoperative diagnostic
Lymph node metastases are a significant predictor of survival in appendiceal NETs.
A study using the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Result database looked at 613
patients with appendiceal NETs, both pure and mixed types. When looking at the
entire cohort, having a pure NET type and tumor less than 2 cm independently pre-
dicted an improved survival on multivariate analysis, whereas lymph node positivity
was associated with worse overall survival (hazard ratio of 11.682). Lymph node me-
tastases remained a significant independent factor for poor overall survival when the 2
subtypes were separated for analysis; however, it was a worse prognostic sign for
mixed type NETs (hazard ratio 17.471 mixed type vs 5.295 for pure type).19
Because lymph nodes are important for staging appendiceal NETs, and lymph
nodes are not usually harvested at the time of appendectomy, the decision of when
to perform an oncologic resection can be challenging (Box 2). Guidelines from the Na-
tional Comprehensive Cancer Network recommend that appendiceal NETs confined
to the appendix measuring 2 cm or smaller can be treated by appendectomy alone,
whereas tumors greater than 2 cm, positive resection margin, or grossly positive
lymph nodes should undergo staging imaging of CT, MRI, or SSRT-PET followed by
Neuroendocrine Tumors 9

Box 2
Indications for right hemicolectomy in appendiceal neuroendocrine tumors

Right hemicolectomy recommended for all of the following:

 Greater than 2 cm
 Located at the appendiceal base
 Positive resection margin after appendectomy
 Grossly positive lymph nodes
Mid or tip of appendix 1 to 2 cm should be considered for right hemicolectomy if the following:
 Lymphatic invasion present
 Vascular invasion present
 Grade 2

right hemicolectomy.20 The European Neuroendocrine Tumor Society consensus

guidelines recommend right hemicolectomy for all tumors greater than 2 cm, any
size tumor that involves the appendiceal base, positive resection margins after appen-
dectomy, or more than 3 mm of mesoappendiceal extension. For tumors between 1
and 2 cm located in the tip or mid portion of the appendix, these guidelines recom-
mend considering right hemicolectomy if vascular or lymphatic invasion is seen on pa-
thology and for tumors that are grade 2 (Ki67, 3%–20%).21 Despite these guidelines, it
has recently been reported that one-third of appendiceal NETs smaller than 2 cm are
undergoing right hemicolectomy and one-third of tumors larger than 2 cm are being
treated with appendectomy alone.22 Lack of appropriate staging, although not
affecting survival, does limit the discussion the surgeon has with the patient regarding
prognosis and choosing appropriate surveillance.

Nonfunctioning pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (PNET) are being diagnosed more
frequently in the era of modern imaging. These tumors, compared with pancreatic
adenocarcinoma, have low malignant potential. This has led to much debate about
what to do with nonfunctional PNETs that are not associated with genetic syndromes
because the patient may not experience any negative effects during their lifetime. A
retrospective study at a single institution found on histology that 14.4% of PNETs
less than 2 cm had microinvasion or nodal metastases, and zero had liver metastases.
This article concluded that these lesions can be observed.23 A case-control study
comparing resection and observation of PNETs less than 3 cm supported this conclu-
sion. During the follow-up interval, the median tumor size had not changed, and there
was no evidence of metastases in the observation group. Most of the resected group
(95%) had low-grade pathologic condition. No patient died of their NET whether they
were observed or resected.24 This finding supports observing smaller PNETs. Howev-
er, there are studies that support resection of all PNETs, including those smaller than
2 cm. A National Cancer Data Base study of PNETs less than 2 cm found the 5-year
overall survival to be significantly lower in the observed cohort compared with those
who underwent resection (34.3% vs 82.2%). Observation was also independently
associated with death when controlled for tumor grade, tumor size, tumor location,
nodal status, age, and comorbidities.25 The decision of whether to observe small
PNETs must be individualized to the patient. They must be reliable and willing to un-
dergo routine surveillance. The decision should be made by the patient after having an
10 Bonds & Rocha

informed discussion with the surgeon and review of the case at a multidisciplinary tu-
mor board.
Small PNETs that do not involve the main pancreatic duct can be resected by simply
enucleating the tumor. Resection of larger PNETs (>2 cm) typically requires a formal
pancreatectomy. Lesions in the head of the pancreas are resected via pancreatico-
duodenectomy and those in the tail are resected by distal pancreatectomy. Tumors
in the body of the pancreas can be approached in several ways. A subtotal pancrea-
tectomy can be performed, but a large volume of healthy gland will be sacrificed for a
lesion with low malignant potential. Another option is central pancreatectomy, which
involves dividing the pancreas proximal and distal to the tumor and constructing either
a pancreaticogastrostomy or pancreaticojejunostomy with the distal portion of the
gland (Fig. 4). This procedure is a difficult one with a high risk of pancreatic fistula
and must be approached cautiously.
Of the operations mentioned above, central pancreatectomy and enucleation tend
to result in low nodal harvest. Positive lymph nodes have been shown to be indepen-
dently associated with PNET disease-specific survival. Node positivity correlates with
tumor size. Greater than 50% of PNETs greater than 2 cm have positive nodes on
resection, and 25% of tumors 1 to 1.9 cm have positive nodes.26 Because lymph
nodes are required for accurate staging, they need to be considered when devising
the surgical approach.
Surveillance after the resection of PNETs is an important component of caring for
these patients. However, the risk of recurrence is not the same for all of these tumors
because of heterogeneity of this group. A recent study proposed a novel score to pre-
dict recurrence of PNETs. It assigned different points for the following variables: lymph
node positivity, tumor functionality, tumor size, and tumor Ki67. Low, intermediate,
and high risk of recurrence groups were then created and validated. This international
group recommended 12-month surveillance for the low-risk group, 6-month surveil-
lance for the intermediate group, and 3-month surveillance for the high-risk group.27

Gastric Carcinoid
Gastric NETs (or carcinoids as they are commonly named) are rare tumors even
among other NETs. These tumors arise from enterochromaffin-like cells that regulate

Fig. 4. Pancreaticogastrostomy in a central pancreatectomy. The tail of the pancreas is

brought through the posterior wall of the stomach, and the pancreatic capsule is sutured
full thickness to the posterior stomach. The anterior gastrostomy is then closed in 2 layers.
Neuroendocrine Tumors 11

gastric acid production via histamine. As such, these neoplasms are associated with
elevated gastrin levels and achlorhydria. There are 4 types of gastric NETs,28 as
 Type I: This type is the most common type of gastric carcinoid comprising 70%
to 80% of these tumors. They arise from autoimmune chronic atrophic gastritis,
which can lead to intrinsic factor deficiency. Women are more likely to be diag-
nosed with this type than men. They are often multifocal.
 Type II: Type II lesions are associated with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome and mul-
tiple endocrine neoplasm type 1 disorders as discussed above. It is estimated
that 30% of this type of gastric carcinoid will metastasize.
 Type III: This type is the most aggressive with 50% to 100% estimated to metas-
tasize. They are more common in men than women. These sporadic lesions arise
from normal gastric mucosa and have no associated elevation in gastrin.
 Type IV: These are poorly differentiated NETs that are typically not amenable to
surgical resection and are best treated with systemic chemotherapy.
A recent retrospective study of 79 patients investigated the impact of surgical
approach on the outcomes of patients with gastric carcinoids. The group found that
patients with type II and IV tumors almost universally had a formal gastrectomy,
whereas those with type I and type III tumors had equal rate of formal gastrectomy
versus local resection. Interestingly, overall survival was worse in those undergoing
formal gastrectomy than in those who had a local resection even when types II and
IV were excluded. It was concluded that tumor biology contributes more to survival
than resection strategy when treating gastric NETs.29

Liver Metastases
The management of metastases of NETs to the liver is a complex topic. Extensive
progress has been made in this area in recent years, especially in the nonsurgical
management. In this section, the authors discuss the role surgery has in this disease
and briefly describes the available medical therapy.
Complete resection of liver NET metastases is indicated if feasible. Patients with
hormonal symptoms, such as carcinoid syndrome, show a reduction in symptoms
with resection of liver metastases.30 However, often the disease within the liver is so
diffuse that complete resection and preservation of enough liver to retain function is
not possible. Debulking of NET liver metastases has been shown to improve median
survival of patients with nonhormonal symptoms when compared with those undergo-
ing resection for palliation in retrospective studies (89.2 months vs 50.0 months); pa-
tients with complete resection of liver metastases have a median survival of
112.5 months.31 The question of how much tumor needs to be removed to provide
a survival benefit is constantly being readdressed as nonsurgical therapy improves.
It has been shown that achieving greater than 70% cytoreduction of PNET liver metas-
tases improves progression-free and overall survival and improves the progression-
free survival in small bowel NET metastases. Progression-free survival is improved
when 90% cytoreduction of liver metastases can be achieved, but not overall sur-
vival.32 Combination of resection and ablation can be used in attempt to preserve liver
Historically, octreotide has been the first line of treatment for patients with metasta-
tic and symptomatic gastroenteropancreatic NETs. Octreotide long-acting release
treatment has been shown to stabilize two-thirds of disease in metastatic midgut
NETs. The effect was more prominent in patients with low-volume liver disease and
those who had undergone resection of their primary tumor.33 Everolimus has had
12 Bonds & Rocha

similar results in delaying progression of metastatic PB and GI tract NETs as well as

trend to longer overall survival.34 Peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT) with
lutetium-177–labeled somatostatin analogues can extend overall survival of metasta-
tic PNETs to 71 months and metastatic midgut NETs to 60 months.35 PRRT response
can be predicted by the maximum standardized uptake value (maxSUV) on SSRT-PET
imaging and is likely not beneficial for tumors with maxSUV less than 16.4.36 The eval-
uation and treatment of metastatic PB and GI NETs are complicated and multimodal.
A multidisciplinary approach at an experienced center is recommended.


The diagnosis and treatment of gastroenteropancreatic NETs have evolved signifi-

cantly. Currently, with proper surgical and medical management, the outcomes of
these tumors can be improved even in the setting of metastatic disease. The use of
SSRT-PET has improved the ability to detect small tumors, which allows for appro-
priate surveillance or therapy based on the evidence stated above. General surgeons
need to be aware of what is available when managing patients with NETs as the inci-
dence of this disease continues to increase.


The authors have nothing to disclose.


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