s7 Mechatronics - Dec-2020

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scrtm,sfln.ncru L!!h D.gr.cIiuD r ion(Rcgul.raidSupph'nomry), Decdnb(:020

Cou*t Naner MaCII{TRo\Ics

A t$tar!ttueJ lt queilii"s, ekh.r les 10 Ntks.
Eiplab !v th schcmari. diiBrem rhe wo'kingolsrnchms. ()
Illun€rc ih. pincipl! ol opc rlon olrurhire merer lbr dE mcasurlmcit oI (,

so'nc lcmperature-cdntdlhd $ritches orc openled by hi,ncralli. srips.

Exphii my nyo larh chaecrcrisricsolaicnsor

Dmr tlr slDbol lor . p.c$urc squcnce valve.
Dsistrrciruil in rvhirh prc$0. scqtr.ncc valve h Ned to innirt m opemrlon
onLy\rrcn morhooperaLior hm bccncomplered
WldG m$nr hy rour) adtrdror?
Dus rano sho* Dpotunrpr s.
wirl, a rcal dirsraii cxDhir thc NolkiDeolpilot opcmtd check valrc

Ahr tn ! )a nt*s,
ttneJult qudla"t luch.uties
lixpLaiDev?po (ior Db.*s lor MIMS trbrlcaiion wilh i. skcrdr, (5)

Co pato dry ctcl,iDgproces *id \er cthirgpmoes (5)

wl,rr i! a gyroscop.? Des bc nE \yorkirrs olMIMS bascd piczoclcdrt plarc (]0)

glrrc!.olE wilh suirabh diaemm. Aho IllLBrale rhe neps i its lrbricrlion
Nrme thc r.d$ quc uscd 10 eliDimt brckl.sl ii a ball {rc*. tlluinlc rhe (6)

tixDL nsonorho'lsuscd b|npul/ourDnr o60csiis in I'LC. (4)

RorrcseirlftbasicstudurcolPLuvilhthchoLpofatilockdirsra'n (51

whsr islhe puposcolcasrdcdrime6ii Pl,C? FxpLrin wilh ermplc. (5)

Ans\oa"lJott.J"u qteius,.o ra testqno r
a) whar arc rhe hasic buiLdins bLo.ks of dcchmical svstcDs?

Ro ingprinciplc oamv onc ljghr basdrm8e lindd (s)

ProDo* a.rodcl ror rhe whcel ofa rdNsv .turiase runnine on r mortl

lllui rclhc rolki g olhmroniudrives *ith skctches

11 DesribethclortingolaDcnnmentnagn DCtuoror! bnsh lc $ pe rmaionl ( L0)

mi8nd rJC motor with diagrds.ldcnrifv (hcndiftcrcnces.

Erpl.in hisrosEm piocc$ii! tohniquc for imalc proce$inE.
De$ borhc applicarions olvision syscms snh e$nplcs
{oAiig olVidicon c.rnoa.
Usiru a schcmdic diagmn. ctpliin rlx
Conparc rhe elllcs ol tsoh[ioi sld qMnrizarion on tlt trsctuhss oI atr

Wirl, L\e help of a blocl diagmm sho* diflcrcnr el.ncns of cd cngire (10)

danrecmeft slno'r. Dx0Laln fuNrions olimponinl componenls

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