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1. 3.6 gm of an ideal gas was injected into a bulb of internal volume of 8L at pressure P atm and temp T-
K. The bulb was then placed in a thermostat maintained at (T+15) K. 0.6 gm of the gas was left off to
keep the original pressure. Find P and T if mol weight of gas is 44. [P = 0.062 atm , T = 75 K]
2. A toy balloon originally held 1.0 gm of He gas and had a radius 10 cm. During the night, 0.25 gm of
the gas effused from the balloon. Assuming ideal gas behavior, under these constant P and T
conditions, what was the radius of the balloon the next morning? [9.08 cm]
3. One mole of NH4Cl is kept in an open container & then covered with a lid. The container is now heated
to 600 K where all NH4Cl dissociates into NH3 & HCl. If volume of the container is 24.63 liters,
calculate what will be the final pressure of gases inside the container. Also find whether the lid would
stay or bounce off if it can with stand a pressure difference of 5.5 atm. Assume that outside air is at
300 K and 1 atm pressure. [6 atm, No]
4. 12 g N2, 4 gm H2 and 9 gm O2 are put into a one litre container at 27°C. What is the total pressure?
[66.74 atm]
5. 1.0×10 –2
kg of hydrogen and 6.4×10 –2
kg of oxygen are contained in a 10×10 m flask at 473 K.
–3 3

Calculate the total pressure of the mixture. If a spark ignities the mixture. What will be the final
pressure? [Ptotal = 27.54×105 N/m2 , Pfinal = 19.66×105N/m2]
6. At room temperature, NH3 gas at one atm & HCl gas at “P” atm are allowed to effuse through identical
pin holes to the opposite ends of a glass tube 1m long & uniform cross-section. A white deposit is
observed at a distance of 60 cm from the HCl end. What is “P”? [2.19 atmp]
7. A gas mixture contains equal number of molecules of N 2 and SF6, some of it is passed through a
gaseous effusion apparatus. Calculate how many molecules of N2 are present in the product gas for
every 100 molecules of SF6. [228]
8. Two gases NO and O2 were introduced at the two ends of a one meter long tube simultaneously (tube
of uniform cross- section). At what distance from NO gas end, Brown fumes will be seen. [50.8 cm]
9. Pure O2 diffuses through an aperture in 224 sec, whereas mixture of O 2 and another gas containing
80% O2 diffuses from the same in 234 sec. What is molecular weight of the gas? [46.6]
10. The composition of the equilibrium mixture (Cl2 ⇌ 2Cl) which is attained at 1200ºC is determined
by measuring the rate of effusion through a pin hole. It is observed that at 1.8 mm Hg pressure, the
mixture effuses 1.16 times as fast as Kr effuses under the same conditions. Calculate the fraction of
chlorine molecules dissociated into atoms. [Kr = 84 a. m. u.] [0.137]
11. The time taken for a given volume of gas E to effuse through a hole is 75 sec. Under identical
conditions the same volume of a mix of CO & N 2 (containing 40% of N2 by volume) effused in 70
seconds. Calculate
(i) the relative mol mass of E , and
(ii) the RMS velocity ( in ms –1 units ) of E at 00C [32.14 g / mol , 460.28 m/s]

12. A closed vertical cylinder is divided into two parts by a frictionless piston; each part contains 1 mole of
air. At 27ºC the volume of the upper part is 4 times than that of the lower part. Calculate the
temperature when volume of the upper part will be three times than that of the lower part. [421.9 K]
13. The pressure exerted by 12 g of an ideal gas at temperature t ºC in a vessel of volume V is one atm.
When the temperature is increased by 10 degrees at the same volume, the pressure increases by 10 %.
Calculate the temperature’t’ and volume 'V'. [molecular weight of gas = 120] [–1730C , 0.82 L]
14. An evacuated glass vessel weighs 50.0 g when empty, 148.0 gm when filled with a liquid of density
0.98 g /mL and 50.5 g when filled with an ideal gas at 760 mm Hg at 300K. Determine the molecular
weight of the gas. [123]
15. Using Vander Waals equation, calculate the constant "a" when 2 moles of a gas confined in a 4 liter
flask exerts a pressure of 11.0 atm at a temperature of 300K. The value of "b" is 0.05 liter mol-1
[6.46 atm L2 mol–2]
16. One mole of N2 gas at 0.8 atm takes 38 sec to diffuse through a pin hole, whereas one mole of an
unknown compound of Xenon with F at 1.6 atm takes 57 sec to diffuse through the same hole
.Calculate the molecular formula of the compound.(At. wt. Xe = 138, F = 19) [XeF6]
17. A collapsed balloon is filled with He to a volume of 12.5 L at a pressure of 1.00 atm. Oxygen, O 2, is
then added so that the final volume of the balloon is 26 L with a total pressure of 1.00 atm. The
temperature, which remains constant throughout, is 21.5°C.
(a) What mass of He does the balloon contain? [02.068g]
(b) What is the final partial pressure of He in the balloon? [0.481 atm]
(c) What is the partial pressure of O2 in the balloon? [0.519 atm]
(d) What is the mole fraction of each gas? [0.481 He; 0.519 O2]
18. Hydrazine reacts with O2 according to the following equation: N2H4(g) + O2(g) → N2(g) + 2H2O(ℓ) Assume
the O2 needed for the reaction is in a 450-L tank at 23°C. What must the oxygen pressure be in the
tank to have enough oxygen to consume 1.00 kg of hydrazine completely? [1.7 atm O2]
19. A gas whose molar mass you wish to know effuses through an opening at a rate one third as fast as
that of helium gas. What is the molar mass of the unknown gas? [36 g/mol]
20. A sample of uranium fluoride is found to effuse at the rate of 17.7 mg/h. Under comparable conditions,
gaseous I2 effuses at the rate of 15.0 mg/h. What is the molar mass of the uranium fluoride? (Hint:
Rates must be converted to units of moles per time.) [353.67g/mol]
21. On combustion, 1.0 L of a gaseous compound of hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen gives 2.0 L of CO 2,
3.5 L of H2O vapor, and 0.50 L of N2 at STP. What is the empirical formula of the compound?
22. If 12.0 g of O2 is required to inflate a balloon to a certain size at 27°C, what mass of O2 is required to
inflate it to the same size (and pressure) at 5.0°C?
23. Analysis of a gaseous chlorofluorocarbon, CClxFy, shows that it contains 11.79% C and 69.57% Cl. In
another experiment, you find that 0.107g of the compound fills a 458-mL flask at 25°C with a pressure
of 21.3 mm Hg. What is the molecular formula of the compound? [C2Cl4F2]

24. You want to store 165 g of CO2 gas in a 12.5-L tank at room temperature (25°C). Calculate the
pressure the gas would have using (a) the ideal gas law and (b) the van der Waals equation. (For
CO2, a = 3.59 atm ∙ L2/mol2 and b = 0.0427 L/mol.) [a=7.339atm;b=7.111atm]
25. A gas mixture with a total pressure of 745 mmHg contains each of the following gases at the indicated
partial pressures: CO2, 125 mmHg; Ar, 214 mmHg; and O2, 187 mmHg. The mixture also contains
helium gas. What is the partial pressure of the helium gas? What mass of helium gas is present in a
12.0 L sample of this mixture at 273K? [0.6171g]
26. A mixture of CO( g ) and O2( g ) in a 1.0 L container at 1.0 x 103 K has a total pressure of 2.2 atm. After
some time the total pressure falls to 1.9 atm as the result of the formation of CO2. Determine the mass
(in grams) of CO2 that forms. [0.32 grams]
27. A mixture of CH4(g) and C2H6(g) has a total pressure of 0.53 atm. Just enough O2(g) is added to the
mixture to bring about its complete combustion to CO 2(g) and H2O(g) . The total pressure of the two
product gases is found to be 2.2 atm. Assuming constant volume and temperature, find the mole fraction
of CH4 in the mixture. [0.42 ]
28. A sample of an unknown gas with a mass of 3.620g was made to decompose into 2.172g of O2 and
1.448g of S. Before the decomposition, this sample occupied a volume of 1120 mL at 75.0cm Hg and
25.0 °C. What is the molecular formula of this gas? [SO3]
29. A sample of C2H2(g) has a pressure of 7.8 kPa. After some time a portion of it reacts to form C6H6(g) .
The total pressure of the mixture of gases is then 3.9 kPa. Assume the volume and the temperature
does not change. What fraction of C 2H2(g) has undergone reaction? [0.75]
30. A gas mixture composed of helium and argon has a density of 0.670 g/L at a 755 mmHg and 298 K.
What is the composition of the mixture by volume? [He = 65.3%; Ar = 34.7%]
31. A mixture of gases is prepared from 87.5g of O2 and 12.7g of H2. After the reaction of O2 and H2 is
complete, what is the total pressure of the mixture if its temperature is 162°C and its volume is 12.0 L?
What are the partial pressures of the gases remaining in the mixture? [H2= 0.139; H2O = 0.861]
32. A gas was found to have a density of 0.08747 mg mL-1 at 17.0°C and a pressure of 1.00 atm. What is
its molecular mass? Can you tell what the gas most likely is? [2.08g/mol, H2]
33. A mixture was prepared in a 0.500 L reaction vessel from 0.300 L of O 2 (measured at 25 °C and 74.0
cm Hg) and 0.400 L of H2 (measured at 45°C and 1250torr). The mixture was ignited and the H2 and
O2 reacted to form water. What was the final pressure inside the reaction vessel after the reaction was
over if the temperature was held at 122°C [1.6338 atm]
34. A steel cylinder contains 5.00 mol of graphite (pure carbon) and 5.00 mol of O 2. The mixture is ignited
and all the graphite reacts. Combustion produces a mixture of CO gas and CO 2 gas. After the cylinder
has cooled to its original temperature, it is found that the pressure of the cylinder has increased by
17.0%. Calculate the mole fractions of CO, CO 2, and O2 in the final gaseous mixture.
[0.291, 0.564; 0.145]
35. A sample of oxygen is collected over water at 22 C and 752 mm Hg in a 125-mL flask. The vapor

pressure of water at 220C is 19.8 mm Hg.

(a) What is the partial pressure of oxygen?
(b) How many moles of dry gas are collected?
(c) How many moles of wet gas are in the flask?
(d) If 0.0250g of N2(g) are added to the flask at the same temperature, what is the partial pressure of
nitrogen in the flask?
(e) What is the total pressure in the flask after nitrogen is added?
36. The partial pressure of CH4(g) is 0.175 atm and that of O2(g) is 0.250 atm in a mixture of the two gases.
(a) What is the mole fraction of each gas in the mixture? [χCH4 = 0.412; χO2 = 0.588]
(b) If the mixture occupies a volume of 10.5 L at 65 C, calculate the total number of moles of gas in

the mixture. [Ntotal = 0.161 mol]

(c) Calculate the number of grams of each gas in the mixture. [1.06 g CH4 ; 3.03 g O2 ]
37. Consider the reaction: 2SO2(g) + O2(g) → 2SO3(g)
(a) If 285.5 mL of SO2 reacts with 158.9 mL of O2 (both measured at 315 K and 50.0 mmHg), what
is the limiting reactant and the theoretical yield of SO 3?
(b) If 187.2 mL of SO3 is collected (measured at 315 K and 50.0 mmHg), what is the percent yield
for the reaction?
38. A mixture of N2 and Ne contains equal moles of each gas and has a total mass of 10.0g. What is the
density of this gas mixture at 500K and 15.00 atm? Assume ideal gas behavior. [8.81 g/L]
39. A mixture of Ne and Ar gases at 350K contains twice as many moles of Ne as of Ar and has a total
mass of 50.0 g. If the density of the mixture is 4.00 g/L, what is the partial pressure of Ne? [2.86atm]
40. A mixture contained calcium carbonate, CaCO3, and magnesium carbonate, MgCO3. A sample of this
mixture weighing 7.85 g was reacted with excess hydrochloric acid. If the sample reacted completely
and produced 1.94 L of carbon dioxide, CO 2, at 250C and 785 mmHg, what were the percentages of
CaCO3 and MgCO3 in the mixture? [76%,24%]

1. At a pressure of 760 mm, a mixture of nitrobenzene (C 6H5NO2) and water boils at 99°C. The vapour
pressure of water at this temperature is 733 mm. Find the proportion of water and nitrobenzene in the
distillate obtained by steam distillation of impure C6H5NO2.
Proportion of water to C6H5NO2 in the distillate is approximately 4 : 1
2. A mixture of water and bromobenzene (C 6H5Br) distills at 95°C, and the distillate contains 1.6 times as
much C6H5Br as water by mass. At 95°C the vapour pressure of water and C6H5Br are 640 mm Hg and
120 mm Hg respectively. Calculate the molecular weight of bromobenzene.
Thus the molecular mass of bromobenzene is 153.6
3. Determine the molality of a solution containing 86.53 g of sodium carbonate (mol mass = 105.99) per
litre in water at 20°C. The density of the solution at this temperature is 1.0816 g ml –1
4. A solution contains 25% water, 25% ethanol and 50% ethanoic acid. Calculate the mole fraction of each

Water = 0.503; Ethanol = 0.196; Ethanoic acid = 0.300
5. What is molarity and molality of a 13% solution (by weight) of H2SO4? Its density is 1.09 g/ml.
1.44 M; 1.52 m
6. Calculate the molality of a solution of sodium hydroxide which contains 0.2 g of sodium hydroxide in 50
g of the solvent
0.1 m
7. Calculate the vapour pressure lowering caused by the addition of 100 g of sucrose (mol mass = 342)
to 1000 g of water if the vapour pressure of pure water at 25°C is 23.8 mm Hg
Thus the lowering of vapour pressure = 0.125 mm Hg
8. The vapour pressure of ether (mol mass = 74) is 442 mm Hg at 293 K. If 3g of a compound A are
dissolved in 50 g of ether at this temperature, the vapour pressure falls to 426 mm Hg. Calculate the
molecular mass of A. Assume that the solution of A in ether is very dilute.
Thus the molecular weight of A is 123
9. 18.2 g of urea is dissolved in 100 g of water at 50°C. The lowering of vapour pressure produced is 5
mm Hg. Calculate the molecular mass of urea. The vapour pressure of water at 50°C is 92 mm Hg.
The molecular mass of urea = 57.05
10. A current of dry air was passed through a solution of 2.64 g of benzoic acid in 30.0 g of ether
(C2H5OC2H5) and then through pure ether. The loss in weight of the solution was 0.645 g and the ether
0.0345 g. What is the molecular mass of benzoic acid?
The molecular mass of benzoic acid = 122.
11. A stream of dry air was passed through a bulb containing a solution of 7.50 g of an aromatic compound
in 75.0 g of water and through another globe containing pure water. The loss in mass in the first globe
was 2.810 g and in the second globe it was 0.054 g. Calculate the molecular mass of the aromatic
compound. (Mol mass of water = 18)
Mol mass of solute = 93.6.
12. In an experiment air was drawn successively through a solution of sugar (38.89 g per 100 g water) and
distilled water, and then through anhydrous calcium chloride. It was found that the water lost was 0.0921
g and calcium chloride tubes gained 5.163 g. Find the molecular mass of the sugar. (Mol mass of H2O
= 18).
Mol mass of sugar = 385.
13. The boiling point of a solution containing 0.20 g of a substance X in 20.00 g of ether is 0.17 K higher
than that of pure ether. Calculate the molecular mass of X. Boiling point constant of ether per 1 Kg is
2.16 K.
Molar mass of X= 127.81.
14. Acetone boils at 56.38°C and a solution of 1.41 grams of an organic solid in 20 grams of acetone boils
at 56.88°C. If K for acetone per 100 g is 16.7, calculate the mass of one mole of the organic solid.
Molar mass = 235 g.

15. In a Cottrell determination, 22 g of benzene was used as solvent. The readings on the differential
thermometer before and after adding 0.586 g of naphthalene (mol mass = 128), were 1.262 and 1.799
respectively. In a separate experiment, using the same amount of benzene but this time adding 0.627 g
of an organic compound X, the temperature readings were 1.269 and 1.963. Calculate the molecular
mass of X.
Molar mass of X = 106
16. 0.440 g of a substance dissolved in 22.2 g of benzene lowered the freezing point of benzene by
0.567°C. Calculate the molecular mass of the substance. (Kf = 5.12°C mol–1)
Molecular mass of substance = 178.9.
17. 1.250 g of naphthalene was dissolved in 60 cm of benzene and freezing point of the solution was

found to be 277.515 K, while that of benzene 278.495 K. Density of benzene =0.880 g cm –3, Kf =5.1
K per 1000 g benzene. Calculate the molecular mass of naphthalene.
The molecular weight of naphthalene is 123.
18. A solution of 0.124 g of a substance, X, in 25.0 l of ethanoic acid (acetic acid) has a freezing point
0.324°C below that of the pure acid 16.6°C. Calculate the molecular mass (relative molecular mass) of
X, given that the specific latent heat of fusion of ethanoic acid is 180.75J g –1.
The molecular weight (or relative molecular) mass of X is 59.09.
19. A sample of camphor used in the Rast method of determining molecular masses had a melting point of
176.5°C. The melting point of a solution containing 0.522 g camphor and 0.0386 g of an unknown
substance was 158.8°C. Find the molecular mass of the substance. Kf of camphor per kg is 37.7.
Molecular mass of substance = 157.
20. A solution containing 1.5 g of barium nitrate in 0.1 kg of water freezes at 272.720 K. Calculate the
apparent degree of dissociation of the salt.
0.81 or 81 %
21. Find the degree of ionization for HF (hydrofluoric acid) in 0.100 m aqueous solution if the freezing point
of the solution is – 0.197°C. (Kf for water = 1.86°C)
The degree of dissociation of 0.100 m HF is 0.06, or it is 6% ionized.
22. Phenol (C6H5OH) associates in water to double molecules. When 0.6677 g of phenol is dissolved in
35.5 g of water; it depresses the freezing point by 0.215°C. Calculate the van’t Hoff factor and the
degree of association of phenol. Molal depression constant of water = 1.85°C mole –
Van’t Hoff factor = 0.58, degree of association = 0.838 or Phenol is 83.8% associated.
23. A 0.1 molar solution of urea at room temperature freezes at – 0.25°C at normal pressure. What would
be approximate freezing point of 0.1 molar aqueous solution of aluminium chloride at room temperature
assuming complete ionization? What is the principle underlying the calculation?
Answer. – 0.25°C
24. The values of molal elevation constant and molal depression constant for water are 0.52 and 1.86°C kg
mol–1 respectively. If the elevation in boiling point by dissolving a solute is –0.2°C, what will be the
depression in freezing point of this solution?

Answer. 0.71°C.
25. When a certain amount of solute is added to 100 g of water at 25°C, the vapour pressure reduces to
one-half of that for pure water. The vapour pressure of water is 23.76 mm Hg. Find the amount of salt
Answer. 2.78 moles.
26. 0.3 × 10 –3
kg of camphor (molar mass 154.4 × 10 –3
kg mol ) when added to 25.2 × 10–3 kg of

chloroform raised the boiling point of the solvent by 0.299 K. Calculate the molar elevation constant of
Answer. 3.88°C
27. The molal elevation constant (Kb) and the boiling point for carbon tetra chloride are 5.02 deg/molal and
76.8°C respectively. Calculate the boiling point of 1.0 molal solution of naphthalene in carbon
Answer. 81.82°C
28. 0.946 g of a sugar is dissolved in 150 g of water, the resulting solution is observed to have a freezing
point of – 0.0651°C. What is the molecular mass of the sugar? K f for water is 1.86°.
Answer. 180
29. A freezing point depression of 1/200 molal solution of sodium sulphate in water was found to be
0.0265 K. Calculate the degree of dissociation of the salt at this concentration (Kf for water is 1.86 K
Answer. 0.404.
30. 53.94 g of a substance of molecular mass 182 is dissolved in 1000 g of water at 20°C. At this
temperature the vapour pressure of water is 17.5 mm Hg. Calculate the vapour pressure of this dilute
Answer. 17.4 mmHg.
31. What will be the boiling point of solution containing 0.6 g of urea (molecular mass = 60) in 2.5 g of
water? (Boiling point of water = 373 K; K b = 0.52 K mol–1 kg–1)
Answer. 0.208 K
32. Calculate the molecular weight of a non-volatile solute, if 1.2 × 10–3 kg of it is dissolved in 0.1 kg of
acetone at 292 K. Vapour pressure of the solution = 182.5 mm and vapour pressure of acetone =
Answer. 50.80.
33. Acetic acid associates in benzene to form double molecule. 1.65 × 10 –3
kg of acetic acid when dissolved
in 100 × 10–3 kg of benzene raised the boiling point by 0.36 K. Calculate the van’t Hoff’s factor and
degree of association of acetic acid in benzene (K for benzene = 2.57 K kg –1)
Answer. 0.984; 0.509.
34. A solution containing 2.44 × 10 –3
kg of a solute dissolved in 75 × 10 –3
kg of water boiled at 373.413 K.
Calculate the molar mass of the solute. (Kb for water = 0.52 K kg mol ) –1

Answer. 40.96 × 10–3 kg mol–1

35. When 1.2 g of an organic compound X was dissolved in 51 g of benzene, the freezing point depression
was found to be 0.001°C. Calculate the molar mass of the compound.
Answer. 195.8 × 10–3 kg mol–1
36. The vapour pressure of water at 293 K is 2.337 × 10 3 Nm–2 and the vapour pressure of a solution of
0.108 kg of a non-volatile solute in 1 kg of water at the same temperature is 2.313 × 10 3 Nm2.
Calculate the molar mass of the solute.
Answer. 0.187 kg mol–1
37. An aqueous sucrose solution freezes at – 0.31°C. Calculate the molality of the solution and also its
boiling point. Given that Kf = 1.86° and Kb = 0.51° for water.
Answer. 0.1666 molal; 100.085°C
38. Calculate the freezing point of the solution that contains 7.2 g of glucose in 200 g of water. Normal
freezing point of water is 0°C and cryoscopic constant for water is 1.86°C kg –1.
Answer. – 0.0372°C
39. Calculate the boiling point elevation resulting from dissolution of 2.0 g of C 6Cl6 (mol. mass = 285) in
50.0 g of CCl4. (Ebullioscopic constant for solution in CCl4 is 5.22 K kg mol–1)
Answer. 0.732 K
40. A solution containing 5.0 g of KCl per litre of water boils at 100.065°C at 760 mm pressure. Determine
the degree of dissociation of KCl (K b for water is 0.54°C).
Answer. 0.7935
41. A solution of 12.5 g of an unknown solute in 170 g of water gave a boiling point elevation of 0.63 K.
Calculate the molar mass of the solute. (K b = 0.52 K m–1)
Answer. 60.69.
42. The molal depression constant for benzene is 5.12 K mol–1. A solution containing 1 g solute per 100 g
benzene freezes at 5.1°C. What is the molar mass of the solute? (Freezing point of pure benzene is
Answer. 128
43. The molecular mass of a water soluble non-electrolyte is 58.0. Compute the boiling point of a solution
containing 24.0 g of the solute and 600 g of water at atmospheric pressure (K 1000 for water = 0.573)
Answer. 100.395°C.
44. The boiling point of a solution containing 2.56 g of substance A per 100 g of water is higher by 0.052
ºC than the boiling point of pure water. Calculate the molar mass of the substance if molar elevation
constant of water is 0.512 K kg m–1.
Answer. 252 g mol–1
45. The vapour pressure of methyl alcohol at 298 K is 96 torr. Its mole fraction in a solution with ethyl
alcohol is 0.305, what is its vapour pressure if it obeys Raoult's law.
Answer. 29.28 torr.
46. The vapour pressure of a dilute solution of glucose (C 6 H12O6) is 750 mm of Hg at 373 K. Calculate the
molality and mole fraction of the solute?

Answer. 0.7404 m ; 0.132
47. Calculate the amount of KCl which must be added to 1 kg of water so that the freezing point is
depressed by 2K.
Answer. 80.1 g
48. An aqueous solution contains 30 % by weight of a liquid A (molecular mass 120) has a vapour
pressure of 160 mm at 310 K. Find the vapour pressure of pure liquid A (the vapour pressure of water
at 310 K is 150 mm)
Answer. 1715 mm.
49. A solution of cane-sugar (mol mass = 342) containing 34.2 g litre has an osmotic pressure of 2.4

atm at 20°C. Calculate the value of R in litre-atmospheres.

R = 0.0819 litre - atmosphere K mol.
50. Experiment shows that 10 g of cane sugar (mol mass = 342) in 1 × 10 –3 m3 of solution produces an
osmotic pressure of 6.68 × 104 N m–2 at 273 K. Calculate the value of R in SI units.
R = 8.36 J mol–1 K–1
51. Calculate the osmotic pressure of a 5% solution of glucose (mol wt = 180) at 18°C.
π = 6.64 atm
52. Find the osmotic pressure in millimetres of mercury at 15°C of a solution of naphthalene (C 10H8) in
benzene containing 14 g of naphthalene per litre of solution.
π = 2.586 atm = 1965 mm.
53. Calculate the osmotic pressure of solution obtained by mixing (a) 100 ml of 3.4 per cent solution of
urea (mol mass = 60) and (b) 100 ml of 1.6 per cent solution of cane sugar (mol mass = 342) at
π = 6.81 atm (b) π = 0.56 atm.
Hence the total osmotic pressure of the mixture = 6.81 + 0.56 = 7.37 atm
54. The osmotic pressure of a 0.01 m solution of CaCl2 and sucrose at 298.15 K are 0.605 atm and 0.224
atm respectively. Calculate the van’t Hoff factor and degree of dissociation of CaCl 2
The van’t Hoff factor i = 2.70 and the degree of dissociation (α) = 0.85
55. Find the osmotic pressure of an aqueous solution of BaCl2 at 288 K containing 0.39 g per 60 ml. The
salt is 60% dissociated. (Ba = 137; Cl = 35.5)
π = 1.6256 atm

56. Calculate the osmotic pressure of a 5% solution of glucose (C 6H12O6) at 18°C. (R = 0.082 atm litre
mol–1 deg–1)
Answer. 6.628 atm
57. An aqueous solution contains 20 g of glucose per litre. Calculate the osmotic pressure of the solution at
25°C (mol. mass of glucose = 180).
Answer. 2.715 atm

58. A 1% solution of potassium chloride is 80% dissociated. What is its osmotic pressure at 300 K. (R =
0.082 lit atm deg–1 mol–1; K = 39; Cl = 35.5)
Answer. 5.93 atm.
59. Calculate the molality and osmotic pressure of a 0.5% solution of urea (Mol. mass 60) in water at 0°C.
(R = 0.082 lit. atms K–1 mol–1)
Answer. 0.837 m; 1.86 atm
60. Calculate the molality and osmotic pressure of a 0.5% solution of urea (Mol. mass 60) in water at 0°C.
(R = 0.082 lit. atms K–1 mol–1)
Answer. 0.837 m; 1.86 atm.
61. A solution contains 5 g of urea (mol mass = 60) per 100 g in water. If the density of water at 25°C is
0.998 g cm–3, calculate the osmotic pressure of the solution at the same temperature (R = 0.082 litre
atm deg–1 mol–1)
Answer. 22.34 atm
62. 3.58 g NaCl was dissolved in 120 g of water at 77°C. If the osmotic pressure of solution is 26.31 atm.,
then calculate the degree of dissociation of NaCl.
Answer. 79.54%
63. Calculate the concentration (g/litre) of aqueous glucose (molecular mass = 180) which is isotonic with
blood (osmotic pressure for blood is 7.65 atm. at 37°C. and R = 0.0821 atm. lit. K –1 mol–1)
Answer. 54.10 g/litre
64. Calculate osmotic pressure of human blood at body temperature (36.9°C) which shows a freezing
depression of 0.558°C (assumed to contain no associating or dissociating substances) Molal depression
constant of water is equal to 1.86° C kg mol–1.
Answer. 7.623 atm.
65. Phenol associates in water to form double molecules. When 0.75 g of phenol is dissolved in 45 g of
water, the freezing point is depressed by 0.225°C. Calculate the degree of association of phenol. (K f for
water is 1.88 per 1000 g)
Answer. 0.647
66. The osmotic pressure π of blood is 7.65 atm at 310 K. To inject glucose to a patient intravenously it
has to be isotonic with blood. What would be the concentration of glucose solution in g per litre? (M glucose
= 180 g mol–1, R = 0.082 lit atm K–1 mol–1)
Answer. 54.162 g
67. A 0.1 M aqueous solution of KNO3 shows an osmotic pressure of 4.5 atm at 300 K while the calculated
one is 2.5 atm. What is the van’t Hoff factor ‘i’ for the solution?
Answer. 0.55
68. What is the concentration of cane sugar which is isotonic with solution containing 6 g of urea per litre.
(Molecular masses of urea and cane sugar are 60 and 342 respectively).
Answer. 34.2 g l–1

69. Calculate the osmotic pressure of a solution at 25 oC obtained by mixing 100 cm3 of 4.6 % of glucose
and 200 cm3 of 4.5% solution of glucose.
Answer. 8.332 atm.
70. The osmotic pressure of blood at 37oC is 7.6 atm. A solution that is given intravenously must have the
same osmotic pressure as blood. What should be the molarity of a glucose solution to give an osmotic
pressure of 7.6 atm at 37oC?
Answer. 0.298 mol–1
71. The osmotic pressure of a solution containing 2.0 g of protein in 200 ml of aqueous solution is 0.2 atm
at 300K. Calculate the molar mass of the protein. ( R = 0.082 atm lit K –1 mol–1 )
Answer. 1230 g mol–1
72. A 1.8% solution of an unknown solute is isotonic with 10.26% solution of sugar cane (molecular mass =
342). Calculate the molar mass of the solute.
Answer. 60 g mol–1
73. At 250C an aqueous solution of iodine containing 0.0516 g litre –1 is in equilibrium with a carbon
tetrachloride (CCl4) solution containing 4.412 g litre –1. The solubility of iodine in water at 25 0C is 0.34 g
litre–1. Find the solubility of iodine in carbon tetrachloride.
The solubility of iodine in carbon tetrachloride = 29.07 g litre–1
74. An aqueous solution of succinic acid at 150C, containing 0.07 g in 10 ml is in equilibrium with an
ethereal solution which has 0.013 g in 10 ml. The acid has its normal molecular weight in both the
solvents. What is the concentration of the ethereal solution which is in equilibrium with an aqueous
solution containing 0.024 g in 10 ml?
The concentration of the ethereal solution = 0.00044 g ml –1
75. In the distribution of succinic acid between ether and water at 15 0C, 20 ml of the ethereal layer contains
0.092 g of the acid. Find out the weight of the acid present in 50 ml of the aqueous solution in
equilibrium with it if the distribution coefficient for succinic acid between water and ether is 5.2.
Answer = 1.196 g.
76. .A solid X is added to a mixture of benzene and water. After shaking well and allowing standing, 10 ml
of the benzene layer was found to contain 0.13 g of X and 100 ml of water layer contained 0.22 g of X.
Calculate the value of distribution coefficient.
Answer = 5.9
77. When benzoic acid was shaken with mixtures of benzene and water at constant temperature, the
following results were obtained:
Concentration of acid in benzene (C 1) 0.24 0.55 0.93
Concentration of acid in water (C2) 0.015 0.022 0.029
Comment on the results.
 Thus the distribution coefficient is not constant. Therefore, benzoic acid does not exist as single
molecules in both solvents

 The constant value of partition coefficient now arrived at, suggests that benzoic acid is associated
into double molecules in the benzene layer.
78. The solubility of pure oxygen in water at 200C and 1.00 atm pressure is 1.38 × 10–3 mole/litre.
Calculate the concentration of O2 (mole/litre) at 200C and a partial pressure of 0.21 atm.
Answer = 2.9 × 10–4 mole/litre.
79. A soda-water bottle was opened and the soft drink allowed to come to equilibrium at 250C with air
containing carbon dioxide at a pressure of 4.0 × 10 –4 atm. Find the concentration of CO 2 in the soda
after it had stood open and come to equilibrium. The Henry’s constant for aqueous solution of CO 2 at
250C is
Answer = 1.28 × 10–5 mole/litre.
80. The distribution coefficient of isobutyric acid between ether and water is 3 at 25 0C. What will be the
amount of isobutyric acid removed if 4 g of isobutyric acid in 100 ml of water is extracted with 100 ml of
ethoxyethane (ether) at 250C. What would the effect have been if two successive 50 ml portions of
ether had been used to extract the aqueous layer?
 Extraction with 100 ml ether, answer = 3g. Thus we can separate 3g (75%) of isobutyric acid from
the aqueous layer with 100 ml ether.
 Two extractions with 50 ml ether each = 2.4 g and 0.96 g . That is, two successive extractions
with 50 ml portion of ether each would remove (2.4 g + 0.96g) = 3.36 g (84%) of isobutyric acid
from aqueous layer.
81. A solution of 6 g of substance X in 50 ml of aqueous solution is in equilibrium, at room temperature,
with a solution of X in diethyl ether (ethoxyethane) containing 108 g of X in 100 ml. Calculate the mass
of X extracted by shaking 100 ml of an aqueous solution containing 10 g of X with (a) 100 ml of ether;
(b) 50 ml of ether twice at room temperature.
Mass extracted with 100 ml of ether = 9 g
Two extractions with 50 ml each time (8.2 + 1.47) g = 9.67 g
82. The distribution coefficient of an alkaloid between chloroform and water is 20 in favour of chloroform.
Compare the weights of the alkaloid remaining in aqueous solution when 100 ml containing 1-gram has
been shaken with: 100 ml chloroform; and (b) two successive 50 ml portions.
(a) 0.0476 g (b) 0.0083 g
83. Nernst reported the following results for the distribution of acetic acid between water and CCl 4 :

Conc. of acetic acid in CCl4 (moles/l) 0.292 0.725 1.41

Conc. of acetic acid in H2O (moles/l) 4.87 7.98 10.70
 Assuming that acetic acid has its normal molecular weight in water, calculate its molecular weight in
Answer. 120
84. The following data have been obtained on the distribution of phenol between water and chloroform
C1 0.094 0.163 0.254 0.436

C2 0.254 0.761 1.850 5.430

Where C1 is the concentration in the aqueous layer and C 2 is the concentration in the chloroform layer.
What conclusions do you draw from these results regarding the molecular condition of phenol in the
chloroform solution?
Answer. Phenol exists as dimmer.
85. Succinic acid was shaken with a mixture of water and ether. The concentrations of acid in two layers per
100 cc of the solution are as follows:
Concentration in water layer (CW) 25.4 33.2 42.6
Concentration in ether layer (CE ) 4.2 5.5 7.1

Find out the partition coefficient. If succinic acid has normal molecular weight of 118 in water, find its
molecular weight in ether.
Answer. 6.02; 118.
86. The distribution coefficient of iodine between water and carbon disulphide is 0.0017. One litre of
aqueous solution containing one gram of iodine is shaken with 100 ml of carbon disulphide till the
equilibrium is reached. Find the amount of iodine extracted by carbon disulphide.
Answer. 0.983 g
87. At 298 K, an aqueous solution of iodine containing 0.0387 × 10 –3
kg per dm of solution is in

equilibrium with 3.31 × 10–3 kg/dm3 of iodine in carbon tetrachloride. If solubility of iodine in CCl 4 is
0.0291 kg/ dm3, what is the solubility of iodine in water?
Answer. 0.00034 kg/dm3
88. An organic acid was dissolved in two immiscible solvents (A) and (B). At equilibrium the concentration
of the acid in (A) and (B) was found to be 0.40 and 0.64 mole/litre respectively. Calculate the
distribution coefficient of the organic acid, if it forms dimers in the solvent (B).
Answer. 0.5
89. An organic acid is distributed between 500ml each of a solvent A and water. In water it is dissociated.
The amount of the acid in aqueous layer was 6 gram and in solvent A, it was 0.72 gram. If the
distribution coefficient of the acid between the solvent A and water is 0.16, calculate the degree of
dissociation, assuming that the acid has normal molecular weight in A.
Answer. 0.25
90. A solid X is added to a mixture of benzene and water. After shaking well and allowing it to stand. 10 ml
of benzene layer was found to contain 0.13 gm of X, and 100 ml of water layer contained 0.22 gm of
X. Calculate the value of distribution coefficient.
Answer. 5.9090.
91. If the distribution coefficient of benzoic acid between water and benzene is 3.304 at 20°C, calculate the
number of molecules of benzoic acid which may be extracted from 100 ml of 0.2 molar aqueous solution
by 10 ml of benzene.

Answer. 0.046 mole.
92. In the distribution of benzoic acid between water and benzene, the following results were obtained:

C1 (in water) 1.50 1.95 2.97

C2 (in benzene) 24.20 41.20 97.00
Assuming that benzoic acid exists as single molecules in water, show that it exists as dimmers in
93. 12 g of an organic substance A is present in 100 g of its aqueous solution. How much of it would be
left behind after extracting the solution with two successive applications of 50 ml each of ether? The
distribution coefficient of A between water and ether is 2 in favour of ether.
Answer. 3.0 g.
94. An organic compound is twice more soluble in ether than in water. Calculate the amount of the
compound extracted when 100 ml of aqueous solution containing 1 g of compound is shaken with (i)
100 ml of ether at one time (ii) two successive quantities of 50 ml each.
Answer. (i) 0.67 g; (ii) 1.0 g
95. Calculate how much succinic acid would be extracted from 100 ml of water containing 5 gm of acid if
extracted with 50 ml of ether. Partition coefficient of succinic acid between water and ether is 5.5.
Answer. 4.545 g.
96. The partition coefficient of a substance between benzene and water is 10.1. How much substance will be
extracted from its 250 ml aqueous solution containing 2.5 g of it by using 200 ml benzene in (i) two
equal portions and (ii) a single lot?
Answer. (i) 2.0 g; (ii) 2.4 g.
97. The distribution coefficient of an organic acid between benzene and water is 80. An aqueous solution of
the acid containing 2.25 g in 100 cm3 was extracted with (i) 10 cm3 of benzene in one lot and (ii) twice
with 5cm3 benzene each time. Calculate the amount of acid extracted in each experiment.
Answer. (i) 2 g (ii) 2.16 g
98. In an experiment on distribution of succinic acid between water and ether at 20o C, 10 ml of ethereal
layer contains 0.046 g of acid. Calculate the amount of succinic acid present in 25 ml of the aqueous
solution in equilibrium with it if the distribution coefficient of succinic acid between water and ether is
Answer. 0.598 g.
99. The solubility of iodine in water is 0.35 g lit . Calculate its solubility in carbon tetrachloride, if the

distribution constant of iodine in CCl4 and water is 88.

Answer. 30.8 g lit–1
100. 100 g of an acid was dissolved in 1 litre of water. The distribution coefficient of acid between ether and
water is 3. One litre of ether in one lot was used to extract acid. Calculate the amount of acid extracted.
Answer. 37.5

101. A solid Y was added to mixture of benzene and water. After shaking well and allowing it to stand, 20
cm3 of the benzene was found to contain 0.26 g of Y and 200 cm 3 of water layer contained 0.44 g of
Y. Calculate the value of distribution constant.
Answer. 5.9
102. What pressure is exerted by a mixture of 2.00 g of H 2 and 8.00 g of N2 at 273 K in a 10 litre vessel?
Thus the pressure exerted by the mixture of H2 and N2 is 2.84 atm.
103. A sample of oxygen is collected by the downward displacement of water from an inverted bottle. The
water level inside the bottle is equalised with that in the trough. Barometeric pressure is found to be 757
mm Hg, and the temperature of water is 23.0°C. What is the partial pressure of O 2 ? Vapour pressure
of H2O at 23°C = 19.8 mm Hg.
Thus the partial pressure of O2 is 737.2 mm Hg.
104. If a gas diffuses at a rate of one-half as fast as O2, find the molecular mass of the gas.
Thus the molecular mass of the unknown gas is 128.
105. 0 ml of gas A effuse through a pin-hole in 146 seconds. The same volume of CO 2 under identical
conditions effuses in 115 seconds. Calculate the molecular mass of A.
Molecular mass of A is 71.
106. Calculate the average kinetic energy of a hydrogen molecule at 0°C.
Thus the average kinetic energy of H2 at 0°C is 5.66 × 10–14 erg
107. Calculate the kinetic energy of two moles of N2 at 27°C. (R = 8.314 JK–1 mol–1)
The kinetic energy of two moles of N2 is 7482.6 J.
108. Calculate the root mean square velocity of CO 2 molecule at 1000°C.
u = 84985 cm sec–1 or 849.85 m sec–1
109. Calculate the RMS velocity of chlorine molecules at 12°C and 78 cm pressure.
u = 31652 cm sec–1 or 316.52 m sec–1
110. Oxygen at 1 atmosphere pressure and 0°C has a density of 1.4290 grams per litre. Find the RMS
velocity of oxygen molecules.
u = –1 46138 cm sec-1
111. Calculate the pressure exerted by 1.00 mole of methane (CH 4) in a 250 mL container at 300 K using
van der Waals equation. What pressure will be predicted by ideal gas equation?
a = 2.253 L2 atm mol–2, b = 0.0428 L mol–1; R = 0.0821 L atm mol–1 K
P = 82.8 atm. The ideal gas equation predicts that P = 98.5 atm.
112. One mole of water vapour is confined to a 20 litre flask at 27°C. Calculate its pressure using (a) van
der Waal’s equation (b) Ideal gas equation Given that a = 5.464 litre 2 atm mol-2 b = 0.0305 litre mol–1
R = 0.0821 litre atm. deg–1 mol–1
(a )= 1.21821 atm, (b) = 1.2315 atm
113. A certain amount of gas at 25°C and at a pressure of 0.800 atm is contained in a glass vessel.
Suppose that the vessel can withstand a pressure of 2.00 atm. How high can you raise the temperature
of the gas without bursting the vessel?

745K = 4720C
114. A compound of P and F was analyzed as follows: Heating 0.2324 g of the compound in a 378-cm 3
container turned all of it to gas, which had a pressure of 97.3 mmHg at 77°C. Then the gas was mixed
with calcium chloride solution, which turned all of the F to 0.2631 g of CaF2. Determine the molecular
formula of the compound.
115. Dissolving 3.00 g of an impure sample of calcium carbonate in hydrochloric acid produced 0.656 L of
carbon dioxide (measured at 20.0°C and 792 mmHg). Calculate the percent by mass of calcium
carbonate in the sample. State any assumptions.
116. The volume of a sample of pure HCl gas was 189 mL at 25°C and 108 mmHg. It was completely
dissolved in about 60 mL of water and titrated with an NaOH solution; 15.7 mL of the NaOH solution
were required to neutralize the HCl. Calculate the molarity of the NaOH solution.
[0.0701 M]
117. A mixture of Na2 CO3 and MgCO3 of mass 7.63 g is reacted with an excess of hydrochloric acid. The
CO2 gas generated occupies a volume of 1.67 L at 1.24 atm and 26°C. From these data, calculate the
percent composition by mass of Na 2CO3 in the mixture.
[33.1% Na2CO3]
118. A mixture of calcium carbonate (CaCO3 ) and magnesium carbonate (MgCO3) of mass 6.26 g reacts
completely with hydrochloric acid (HCl) to generate 1.73 L of CO 2 at 48°C and 1.12 atm. Calculate the
mass percentages of CaCO3 and MgCO3 in the mixture.
[6.15% CaCO3 and 93.9% MgCO3]
119. Nitrogen forms several gaseous oxides. One of them has a density of 1.33 g/L measured at 764 mmHg
and 150°C. Write the formula of the compound.
120. A certain hydrate has the formula MgSO 4. xH2O. A quantity of 54.2 g of the compound is heated in an
oven to drive off the water. If the steam generated exerts a pressure of 24.8 atm in a 2.00-L container
at 120°C, calculate x. [ x = 7]
121. The concentrated sulfuric acid we use in the laboratory is 98.0 percent H 2SO4 by mass. Calculate the
molality and molarity of the acid solution. The density of the solution is 1.83 g/mL.
[m =5.0 × 102 m, M =18.3 M]
122. The density of an aqueous solution containing 10.0 percent of ethanol (C 2H5OH) by mass is 0.984
(a) Calculate the molality of this solution.
[2.41 m]
(b) Calculate its molarity.
[2.13 M]
(c) What volume of the solution would contain 0.125 mole of ethanol?

[ 58.7 mL]
123. A solution is prepared by condensing 4.00 L of a gas, measured at 27°C and 748 mmHg pressure, into
58.0 g of benzene. Calculate the freezing point of this solution.
124. The vapor pressure of ethanol (C2H5OH) at 20°C is 44 mmHg, and the vapor pressure of methanol
(CH3OH) at the same temperature is 94 mmHg. A mixture of 30.0 g of methanol and 45.0 g of ethanol
is prepared (and can be assumed to behave as an ideal solution).
(a) Calculate the vapor pressure of methanol and ethanol above this solution at 20°C.
[Pmethanol =46mmHg, Pethanol = 22 mmHg]
(b) Calculate the mole fraction of methanol and ethanol in the vapor above this solution at 20°C.
[Xmethanol = 0.68, Xethanol = 0.32]
(c) Suggest a method for separating the two components of the solution.
[Fractional distillation]
125. A solution containing 0.8330 g of a polymer of unknown structure in 170.0 mL of an organic solvent
was found to have an osmotic pressure of 5.20 mmHg at 25°C. Determine the molar mass of the
[1.75 × 104 g/mol]
126. A quantity of 7.480 g of an organic compound is dissolved in water to make 300.0 mL of solution. The
solution has an osmotic pressure of 1.43 atm at 27°C. The analysis of this compound shows that it
contains 41.8 percent C, 4.7 percent H, 37.3 percent O, and 16.3 percent N. Calculate the molecular
formula of the compound.
[(C3H4O2N)5 or C15H20O10N5]
127. The osmotic pressure of 0.010 M solutions of CaCl2 and urea at 25°C are 0.605 atm and 0.245 atm,
respectively. Calculate the van’t Hoff factor for the CaCl 2 solution
128. At 25°C the vapor pressure of pure water is 23.76 mmHg and that of seawater is 22.98 mmHg.
Assuming that seawater contains only NaCl, estimate its molal concentration.
[0.9420 m]
129. Solutions A and B have osmotic pressures of 2.4 atm and 4.6 atm, respectively, at a certain
temperature. What is the osmotic pressure of a solution prepared by mixing equal volumes of A and B at
the same temperature?
130. A nonvolatile organic compound Z was used to make up two solutions. Solution A contains 5.00 g of Z
dissolved in 100 g of water, and solution B contains 2.31 g of Z dissolved in 100 g of benzene. Solution
A has a vapor pressure of 754.5 mmHg at the normal boiling point of water, and solution B has the
same vapor pressure at the normal boiling point of benzene. Calculate the molar mass of Z in solutions
A and B and account for the difference.

[M = 248 g/mol. The molar mass in benzene is about twice that in water. This suggests some sort of
dimerization is occurring in a nonpolar solvent such as benzene.]
131. A solution of 1.00 g of anhydrous aluminum chloride, AlCl3, in 50.0 g of water freezes at -1.11°C. Does
the molar mass determined from this freezing point agree with that calculated from the formula? Why?
[ i = 4, Thus each AlCl3 dissociates as followsAlCl3(s) → Al3+(aq) + 3Cl−(aq)]
132. A mixture of NaCl and sucrose (C12H22O11) of combined mass 10.2 g is dissolved in enough water to
make up a 250 mL solution. The osmotic pressure of the solution is 7.32 atm at 23°C. Calculate the
mass percent of NaCl in the mixture.
[Mass % NaCl= 14.2%]
133. Acetic acid is a polar molecule and can form hydrogen bonds with water molecules. Therefore, it has a
high solubility in water. Yet acetic acid is also soluble in benzene (C6H6), a nonpolar solvent that lacks
the ability to form hydrogen bonds. A solution of 3.8 g of CH 3COOH in 80 g C6H6 has a freezing point
of 3.5°C. Calculate the molar mass of the solute and suggest what its structure might be. (Hint: Acetic
acid molecules can form hydrogen bonds between themselves.)kf of benzene 5.1 0C/m, freezing point
[1.2 × 102 g/mol , dimmer]
134. Liquids A (molar mass 100 g/mol) and B (molar mass 110 g/mol) form an ideal solution. At 55°C, A
has a vapor pressure of 95 mmHg and B has a vapor pressure of 42 mmHg. A solution is prepared by
mixing equal masses of A and B.
(a) Calculate the mole fraction of each component in the solution.
[ XA = 0524, XB = 0.476]
(b) Calculate the partial pressures of A and B over the solution at 55°C.
[PA = 50 mmHg, PB = 20mmHg]
(c) Suppose that some of the vapor described in (b) is condensed to a liquid. Calculate the mole
fraction of each component in this liquid and the vapor pressure of each component above this
liquid at 55°C.
[PA = 50 mmHg, PB = 20mmHg]
135. A mixture of liquids A and B exhibits ideal behavior. At 84°C, the total vapor pressure of a solution
containing 1.2 moles of A and 2.3 moles of B is 331 mmHg. Upon the addition of another mole of B to
the solution, the vapor pressure increases to 347 mmHg. Calculate the vapor pressures of pure A and B
at 84°C.
[PoB = 402.8 mmHg , PoA = 193.5 mmHg]
136. Two beakers, 1 and 2, containing 50 mL of 0.10 M urea and 50 mL of 0.20 M urea, respectively, are
placed under a tightly sealed container at 298 K. Calculate the mole fraction of urea in the solutions at
equilibrium. Assume ideal behavior.
[2.7 × 10−3]

1. Acetic acid (CH3COOH) associates in benzene to form double molecules. 1.65 g of acetic acid when
dissolved in 100 g of benzene raised the boiling point by 0.36oC. Calculate the Van’t Hoff factor and the

degree of association of acetic acid in benzene. (K b = 2.57 K kg mol ). [ ∝ = 0.981, i = 0.5]


2. At 300 K, the vapour pressure of an ideal solution containing one mole of A and 3 moles of B is 550
mm of Hg. At the same temperature, if one mole of B is added to this solution, the vapour pressure of
the solution increases by 10 mm of Hg. Calculate the V.P. of A and B in their pure state.
[P0A = 400 mm, P0B = 600 mm]
3. The density of a solution containing 13% by mass of sulphuric acid is 1.09 g/mL. Calculate the molarity
of the solution. [1.445 M]
4. Suppose 5gm of CH3COOH is dissolved in one litre of Ethanol. Assume no reaction between them.
Calculate molality of resulting solution if density of Ethanol is 0.789 gm/ml. [0.1056 M]
5. The freezing point of 0.2 molal K2SO4 is –1.1ºC. Calculate Van’t Haff factor and percentage degree of
dissociation of K2SO4. Kf for water is 1.86 0C/m [I = 2.95, 97.5%]
6. The density of a 3 M sodium thiosulphate solution (Na 2S2O3) is 1.25 g/mL. Calculate (i) the percentage
by mass of sodium thiosulphate, (ii) the mole fraction of sodium thiosulphate and (iii) molalities of Na +
and S2O32– ions - [i= 37.92%, ii= 0.065, iii = 7.73 m, 3.86 m]
7. Calculate the pH of solution prepared by mixing 50.0 mL of 0.200 M CH 3COOH and 50.0 mL of 0.100
M NaOH. [Ka(CH3COOH) = 1.8 × 10–5] [4.74]
8. A buffer of pH 9.26 is made by dissolving x moles of ammonium sulphate and 0.1 mole of ammonia
into 100 mL solution. If pKb of ammonia is 4.74, calculate value of x. [0.05 mol]
9. 50 mL of 0.1 M NaOH is added to 75 mL of 0.1 M NH 4Cl to make a basic buffer. If pKa of NH 4 + is
9.26, calculate pH. [9.56]
10. Calculate the pH of a solution made by mixing 50.0 ml of 0.2 M NH4Cl & 75.0 ml of 0.1 M NaOH
[Kb (NH3 ) = 1.8 × 10–5] [9.7324]
11. At what pH does an indicator change colour if the indicator is a weak acid with Kind = 4 × 10 –4. For
which one(s) of the following neutralizations would the indicator be useful? Explain. (b) & (c)
(a) NaOH + CH3COOH
(b) HCl + NH3
(c) HCl + NaOH

12. An acid base indicator has a Ka of 3 × 10 –5 . The acid form of the indicator is red & the basic form is
blue. By how much must the pH change in order to change the indicator form 75% red to 75% blue ?
[∆pH = 0.954]
13. What is the OH concentration of a 0.08 M solution of CH3COONa? [Ka (CH3COOH) = 1.8 × 10–5]

[[OH–] = 6.664 × 10–6]

14. Calculate the hydronium ion concentration and the pH at the equivalence point in a titration of 50.0 mL
of 0.40 M NH3 with 0.40 M HCl.(Kb = 1.8 × 10–5) [pH = 4.98]
15. A weak base (50.0 mL) was titrated with 0.1 M HCl. The pH of the solution after the addition of 10.0
mL and 25.0 mL were found to be 9.84 and 9.24, respectively. Calculate K b of the base and pH at the
equivalence point. [Kb = 1.8×10–5, 5.27]
16. A weak acid (50.0 mL) was titrated with 0.1 M NaOH. The pH values when 10.0 mL and 25.0 mL of
base have been added are found to be 4.16 and 4.76, respectively. Calculate Ka of the acid and pH
the equivalence point. [pH = 8.73]
17. The values of Ksp for the slightly soluble salts MX and QX 2 are each equal to 4.0 × 10 . Which salt is

more soluble? Explain your answer fully. [QX2 is more soluble]

18. What is the solubility (in mol/L) of Fe(OH) 3 in a solution of pH = 8.0 ?
[Ksp for Fe(OH)3 = 1.0 × 10-36] [1 ×10–18 M]
19. 500 mL of 0.01 AgNO3 is mixed with 250 ml each of NaBr and NaCl, each having molarity 0.02 M.
Find equilibrium concentration of Br– (moles/L). Given: Ksp (AgBr) = 5 × 10 –13, Ksp (AgCl) = 10–10.
[2.49 ×10–5M]
20. After electrolysis of NaCl solution with inert electrodes for a certain period of time. 600 mL of the
solution was left. This was found to be 1 N in NaOH. During the same time, 31.75 g of Cu was
deposited in the copper voltameter in series wi th the electrolytic cell. Calculate the percentage yield of
NaOH obtained, if the yield of CuSO4 cell is 100%. [60%]
21. A current of 3.7 A is passed for 6 hrs. between Ni electrodes in 0.5 L of 2M solution of Ni(NO3)2 .
What will be the molarity of solution at the end of electrolysis? [2 M]
22. A metal is known to form fluoride MF 2. When 10A of electricity is passed through a molten salt for 330
sec., 1.95 g of metal is deposited. Find the atomic weight of M. What will be the quantity of electricity
required to deposit the same mass of Cu from CuSO 4? [A = 114, Q = 5926.8C]
23. The specific conductivity of 0.02 M KCl solution at 25°C is 2.768 × 10 –3
ohm cm–1. The resistance of

this solution at 25°C when measured with a particular cell was 250.2 ohm. The resistance of 0.01 M
CuSO4 solution at 25°C measured with the same cell was 8331 ohm. Calculated the molar conductivity
of the copper sulphate solution. [8.312 ohm–1 cm2 mol–1]
24. A decinormal solution of NaCl has specific conductivity equal to 0.0092. If ionic conductances of Na +
and Cl– ions at the same temperature are 43.0 and 65.0 ohm –1 respectively. Calculate the degree of
dissociation of NaCl solution. [0.85]

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25. The specific conductance of saturated solution of AgCl is found to be 1.86 × 10 –6 ohm–1 cm–1 and that of
water is 6 × 10–8 ohm–1 cm–1. Given, Λo AgCl = 137.2 ohm–1 cm2 eq–1. What is the solubility of AgCl?
[1.31×10–5 M]
26. Resistance of a solution (A) is 50 ohm and that of solution (B) is 100 ohm, both solutions being taken
in the same conductivity cell. If equal volumes of solution (A) and (B) are mixed, what will be the
resistance of the mixture, using the same cell? Assume that there is no increase in the degree of
dissociation of (A) and (B) mixing. [66.66 ohm]
27. The resistance of a conductivity cell filled with 0.01 M solution of NaCl is 210 ohm at 18ºC. Calculate
the equivalent conductivity of the solution. The cell constant of the conductivity cell is 0.88 cm –1.
[419 S cm2 equivalent–1]
28. The conductivity of pure water in a conductivity cell with electrodes of cross sectional area 4 cm 2 and 2
cm apart is 8 × 10–7 S cm–1 .(i) What is resistance of conductivity cell ? (ii) What current would flow
through the cell under an applied potential difference of 1 volt? [(i) 6.25 × 105 ohm, (ii) 1.6×10–6 amp]
29. For the strong electrolytes NaOH, NaCl and BaCl2 the molar ionic conductivities at infinite dilution are
248.1×10–4 , 126.5 × 10–4 and 280.0 × 10–4 mho cm2 mol–1 respectively. Calculate the molar
conductivity of Ba(OH)2 at infinite dilution. [523.2×10–4 mho cm2mol–1]
30. The value of Λ𝑚 for HCl, NaCl and CH3CO2Na are 426.1, 126.5 and 91 S cm2 mol–1 respectively.
(i) Calculate the value of Λ𝑚 for acetic acid. If the equivalent conductivity of the given acetic acid
is 48.15 S cm2 equivalent–1 at 25ºC, [(390.6 S cm2 mol–1]
(ii) Calculate its degree of dissociation. [12.32 %]
31. Specific conductance of saturated solution of AgBr is 8.486 × 10 –7
ohm cm at 25ºC. Specific
–1 –1

conductance of pure water at 25ºC is 0.75 × 10 –6

ohm cm .
–1 –1
Λ𝑚 for KBr, AgNO3 and KNO3 are 137.4,
133, 131 (S cm2 mol–1) respectively. Calculate the solubility of AgBr in gm/litre. [1.33×10–4 gm/litre]
32. Hydrofluoric acid is weak acid. At 25ºC, the molar conductivity of 0.002 M HF is 176.2 ohm – 1cm2 mol-1.
If its Λ𝑚 = 405.2 ohm–1 cm2 mole–1 , calculate i ts degree of dissociation and equilibrium constant at
the given concentration [∝ = 0.435, k = 6.7×10–4]
33. Calculate the EMF of the following cell Zn|Zn 2+(0.01 M)||Zn2+(0.1 M)|Zn at 298 K. [0.0295 V]
34. The EMF of the cell M|M (0.02M)||H (1M)|H2(g) (1 atm), Pt at 25ºC is 0.81 V. Calculate the valency
n+ +

of the metal if the standard oxidation of the metal is 0.76 V. [n = 2]

35. Calculate the EMF of a Daniel cell when the concentration of ZnSO 4 and CuSO4 are 0.001 M and 0.1 M
respectively. The standard potential of the cell is 1.1 V [E = 1.159 V]
36. Calculate E0 and E for the cell Sn|Sn (1M)||Pb (10 M)|Pb, E0(Sn |Sn) = – 0.14 V, E0 (Pb2+|Pb) =
2+ 2+ –3 2+

– 0.13 V. Is cell representation is correct?

[EOCell = + 0.01 V, ECell = – 0.0785 V, correct representation is Pb|Pb2+(10–3M)||Sn2+(1M)|Sn]
37. A zinc electrode is placed in a 0.1 M solution at 25 0C. Assuming that the salt is 20% dissociated at this
dilution calculate the electrode potential. E 0(Zn2+|Zn) = – 0.76 V. [E = – 0.81 V]
38. Calculate the equilibrium constant for the reaction Fe + CuSO 4 ⇌ FeSO4 + Cu at 25 C. Given 0

E0(Fe/Fe2+) = 0.44 V, E0(Cu/Cu2+) = – 0.337V. [KC = 1.96×1026]

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Question and answers carrying

1. What are s- block elements?

• S-block elements are those in which the last electron enters the outermost s-orbital. As the s-orbital
can accommodate only two electrons, two groups (1 & 2) belong to the s-block of the Periodic Table.
2. Name the elements present in the 1st Group of the Periodic Table
• Lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, caesium and francium. They are collectively known as the alkali
3. Why I group elements are called alkali metals?
• These are called so because they form hydroxides on reaction with water which are strongly alkaline in
4. Name the elements present in the 2nd Group of the Periodic Table:
• Beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium and radium. These elements with the exception of
beryllium are commonly known as the alkaline earth metals.
5. Why II group elements are called alkaline earth metals?
• These are called so because their oxides and hydroxides are alkaline in nature and these metal oxides
are found in the earth’s crust.
6. What is the reason for the diagonal relationship?
• Diagonal relationship is due to the similarity in ionic sizes and /or charge/radius ratio of the elements.
7. Which is smaller in size between a metal ion and its parent atom?
• The monovalent ions (M+) are smaller than the parent atom.
8. Which group elements show very low ionization enthalpy in the periodic table?
• First group elements (alkali metals)
9. How the ionization enthalpy varies in alkali metals
• Ionization enthalpy decrease down the group from Li to Cs.
10. Arrange the first group elements in the decreasing order of Hydration Enthalpy
• The hydration enthalpies of alkali metal ions decrease with increase in ionic sizes.
Li+> Na+ > K+ > Rb+ > Cs+
11. Why Li salts are hydrated?
• Li+ has maximum degree of hydration and for this reason lithium salts are mostly hydrated, e.g., LiCl·
12. Write the chemical composition of washing soda.
• Na2CO3·10H2O.
13. Give reason for the higher melting point and boiling point of alkali earth metals than alkali metals.
• The melting and boiling points of these metals are higher than the corresponding alkali metals due to
smaller sizes.
14. Why Be and Mg do not impart colour to the flame?

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• The electrons in beryllium and magnesium are too strongly bound to get excited by flame. Hence, these
elements do not impart any colour to the flame.
15. Name the gas liberated when alkali metals react with dil acid?
• The alkaline earth metals readily react with acids liberating dihydrogen gas.
M + 2HCl →MCl2 + H2
16. Name the alkaline earth metal used in radio therapy.
• Radium salts are used in radiotherapy, for example, in the treatment of cancer.
17. Give reason .the compounds of alkaline earth metals are less ionic than alkali metals
• This is due to increased nuclear charge and smaller size.
18. How is Calcium Hydroxide (Slaked lime), Ca(OH) 2 Prepared?
• Calcium hydroxide is prepared by adding water to quick lime, CaO.
19. How milk of lime reacts with chlorine?
• Milk of lime reacts with chlorine to form hypochlorite, a constituent of bleaching powder.
20. What happens when Calcium carbonate is heated to 1200 K?
• When heated to 1200 K, it decomposes to evolve carbon dioxide.
21. Write the general electronic configuration of s-block elements.
[noble gas]ns1 for alkali metals and
[noble gas] ns2 for alkaline earth metals.
22. Lithium and beryllium shows similarity with which elements.
• Lithium shows similarities to magnesium and beryllium to aluminum in many of their properties. This
type of diagonal similarity is commonly referred to as diagonal relationship in the periodic table.
23. Which elements of s- block are largely found in biological fluids & what is its importance?
• Mono valent sodium and potassium ions and divalent magnesium and calcium ions are found in large
proportions in biological fluids. These ions perform important biological functions such as
maintenance of ion balance and nerve impulse conduction.
24. Why alkali metals are highly electro positive & they are not found in free state?
• The loosely held s-electron in the outermost valence shell of these elements makes them the most
electropositive metals. They readily lose electron to give monovalent M+ ions. Hence they are never
found in free state in nature.
25. How the atomic and ionic radii varies in alkali metals
• The atomic and ionic radii of alkali metals increase on moving down the group i.e., they increase in size
while going from Li to Cs.
26. Why the ionization enthalpy decreases down the group ?
• This is because; the Increase in atomic size is more predominant over increasing nuclear charge and
the outer most electrons are very well screened from the nuclear charge by the inner shell electrons
27. Give reason .the melting point and boiling point of alkali metals are low
• The melting and boiling points of the alkali metals are low indicating weak metallic bonding due to the
presence of only a single valence electron in them.
28. Give reason for the colour imparted to the flame by alkali metals
• The alkali metals and their salts impart characteristic colour to an oxidizing flame. This is because the
heat from the flame excites the outermost orbital electron to a higher energy level. When the excited
electron comes back to the ground state, there is emission of radiation in the visible region.

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29. Why are Cs and K used as electrodes in photoelectric cells?
• The alkali metal atoms have the largest sizes in a particular period of the periodic table. With This
property makes caesium and potassium useful as electrodes in photoelectric cells.
30. What happens when alkali metals react with dihydrogen?
• The alkali metals react with dihydrogen at about 673K (lithium at 1073K) to form hydrides. All the
alkali metal hydrides are ionic solids with high melting points.
31. Name the most power full reducing agent & give reason for it.
• The alkali metals are strong reducing agents, lithium being the most and sodium the least powerful
reducing agent. Note--- With the small size of its ion, lithium has the highest hydration enthalpy
which accounts for its high negative E0 value and its high reducing power.
32. Give reason for the low solubility of LiF & CsI in water.
• The low solubility of LiF in water is due to its high lattice enthalpy whereas the low solubility of CsI is
due to smaller hydration enthalpy of its two ions. Other halides of lithium are soluble in ethanol,
acetone and ethyl acetate; LiCl is soluble in pyridine also.
33. What are Oxo-Acids?give ex .
• Oxo-acids are those in which the acidic proton is on a hydroxyl group with an oxo group attached to
the same atom e.g., carbonic acid, H2CO3 (OC(OH)2; sulphuric acid, H2SO4 (O2S(OH)2).
34. Why does Li show anomalous behaviour?
• This is due to the:
 Exceptionally small size of its atom and ion, and
 High polarising power (i.e., charge/ radius ratio).
As a result, there is increased covalent character of lithium compounds which is responsible for their solubility in
organic solvents. And lithium shows diagonal relationship to magnesium.
35. Why Solvay process cannot be extended for the manufacture of potassium carbonate?
• Solvay process cannot be extended to the manufacture of potassium carbonate because potassium
hydrogen carbonate is too soluble to be precipitated by the addition of ammonium hydrogen carbonate
to a saturated solution of potassium chloride.
36. Write any four Uses of washing soda.
 It is used in water softening, laundering and cleaning.
 It is used in the manufacture of glass, soap, borax and caustic soda.
 It is used in paper, paints and textile industries.
 It is an important laboratory reagent both in qualitative and quantitative analysis.
37. How is pure NaCl obtained from crude NaCl?
• To obtain pure sodium chloride, the crude salt is dissolved in minimum amount of water and filtered to
remove insoluble impurities. The solution is then saturated with hydrogen chloride gas. Crystals of pure
sodium chloride separate out. Calcium and magnesium chloride, being more soluble than sodium
chloride, remain in solution.
38. Mention any two Uses of NaCl :
 It is used as a common salt or table salt for domestic purpose.
 It is used for the preparation of Na 2O2, NaOH and Na2CO3.
39. Write anote on the Physical Properties of Sodium hydroxide

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• Sodium hydroxide is a white, translucent solid. It melts at 591 K. It is readily soluble in water to give a
strong alkaline solution. Crystals of sodium hydroxide are deliquescent. The sodium hydroxide solution
at the surface reacts with the CO2 in the atmosphere to form Na2CO3.
40. Mention the uses of NaOH.
• It is used in
 The manufacture of soap, paper, artificial silk and a number of chemicals,
 In petroleum refining,
 In the purification of bauxite,
 In the textile industries for mercerising cotton fabrics,
 For the preparation of pure fats and oils, and
 As a laboratory reagent.
41. Mention the uses of Sodium hydrogen carbonate
 Sodium hydrogen carbonate is a mild antiseptic for skin infections.
 It is used in fire extinguishers.
42. How does the atomic and Ionic Radii of alkaline earth metals vary in comparison to alkali metals?
• The atomic and ionic radii of the alkaline earth metals are smaller than those of the corresponding
alkali metals in the same periods. This is due to the increased nuclear charge in these elements. Within
the group, the atomic and ionic radii increase with increase in atomic number.
43. How does the of Ionization Enthalpy of alkaline earth metals vary in comparison to alkali metals
• The alkaline earth metals have low ionization enthalpies due to fairly large size of the atoms. Since the
atomic size increases down the group, their ionization enthalpy decreases the first ionization enthalpies
of the alkaline earth metals are higher than those of the corresponding Group 1 metals. This is due to
their small size as compared to the corresponding alkali metals. It is interesting to note that the second
ionization enthalpies of the alkaline earth metals are smaller than those of the corresponding alkali
44. How does the of Hydration Enthalpy of alkaline earth metals vary & compare it with alkali metals
• The hydration enthalpies of alkaline earth metal ions decrease with increase in ionic size down the
group. Be2+ > Mg2+ > Ca2+ > Sr2+ > Ba2+ The hydration enthalpies of alkaline earth metal ions are
larger than those of alkali metal ions. Thus, compounds of alkaline earth metals are more extensively
hydrated than those of alkali metals, e.g., MgCl 2 and CaCl2 exist as MgCl2.6H2O and CaCl2· 6H2O while
NaCl and KCl do not form such hydrates.
45. What is the colour imparted to the flame by Ca,Sr and Ba?
• Calcium, strontium and barium impart characteristic brick red, crimson and apple green colours
respectively to the flame. In flame the electrons are excited to higher energy levels and when they drop
back to the ground state, energy is emitted in the form of visible light.
46. Why are Be & Mg inert to O2 & H2O?
• Beryllium and magnesium are kinetically inert to oxygen and water because of the formation of an
oxide film on their surface. However, powdered beryllium burns brilliantly on ignition in air to give
BeO and Be3N2. Magnesium is more electropositive and burns with dazzling brilliance in air to give
MgO and Mg3N2. Calcium, strontium and barium are readily attacked by air to form the oxide and
nitride. They also react with water with increasing vigour even in cold to form hydroxides.
47. How can BeF2 and BeCl2 be prepared conveniently?

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• Thermal decomposition of (NH4)2BeF4 is the best route for the preparation of BeF2, and BeCl2 is
conveniently made from the oxide.
48. Account for the reducing nature of Be even though it has less negative value of reduction potential.
• Like alkali metals, the alkaline earth metals are strong reducing agents. This is indicated by large
negative values of their reduction potentials however their reducing power is less than those of their
corresponding alkali metals. Beryllium has less negative value compared to other alkaline earth metals.
However, its reducing nature is due to large hydration energy associated with the small size of Be 2+ ion
and relatively large value of the atomization enthalpy of the metal.
49. Write the general equation for the reaction of alkali earth metals with NH 3.
• Alkaline earth metals dissolve in liquid ammonia to give deep blue black solutions forming ammoniated
ions. From these solutions, the ammoniates, [M(NH 3)6]2+ can be recovered.
50. Give reason. the sulphate of Be & Mg are soluble in water.
• The sulphates of the alkaline earth metals are all white solids and stable to heat. BeSO4, and MgSO4 are
readily soluble in water; the solubility decreases from CaSO4 to BaSO4. The greater hydration enthalpies
of Be2+ and Mg2+ ions overcome the lattice enthalpy factor and therefore their sulphates are soluble in
51. What happens when nitrates of alkaline earth metal is heated?
• The nitrates are made by dissolution of the carbonates in dilute nitric acid. Magnesium nitrate
crystallizes with six molecules of water, whereas barium nitrate crystallizes as the anhydrous salt. This
again shows a decreasing tendency to form hydrates with increasing size and decreasing hydration
enthalpy. All of them decompose on heating to give the oxide like lithium nitrate.
52. How is Calcium oxide (quick lime), CaO Prepared?
• It is prepared on a commercial scale by heating limestone (CaCO 3) in a rotary kiln at 1070-1270K. The
carbon dioxide is removed as soon as it is produced to enable the reaction to proceed to completion.
53. What happens when CaO is exposed to atmospheric air?
• On exposure to atmosphere, it absorbs moisture and carbon dioxide to form Calcium hydroxide and
Calcium carbonate respectively. Note; The addition of limited amount of water breaks the lump of lime.
This process is called slaking of lime.
54. Write few uses of quick lime.
 It is an important primary material for manufacturing cement and is the cheapest form of alkali.
 It is used in the manufacture of sodium carbonate from caustic soda.
 It is employed in the purification of sugar and in the manufacture of dye stuffs.
55. Write a note on the Physical Properties of Calcium Hydroxide (Slaked lime), Ca(OH)2
• It is a white amorphous powder. It is sparingly soluble in water. The aqueous solution is known as lime
water and a suspension of slaked lime in water is known as milk of lime.
56. How lime water reacts with limited CO2 and excess CO2?
 When carbon dioxide is passed through lime water it turns milky due to the formation of calcium
 On passing excess of carbon dioxide, the precipitate dissolves to form calcium hydrogen carbonate.
57. Write any three uses of Calcium Hydroxide (Slaked lime)
 It is used in the preparation of mortar, a building material.
 I t is used in white wash due to its disinfectant nature.

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 It is used in glass making, in tanning industry, for the preparation of bleaching powder and for
purification of sugar.
58. How do you prepare Calcium carbonate?
• It can be prepared by passing carbon dioxide through slaked lime or by the addition of sodium carbonate
to calcium chloride. Note--Excess of carbon dioxide should be avoided since this leads to the formation of
water soluble calcium hydrogen carbonate.
59. Which gas is liberated when Calcium carbonate is reacted with dil acid?
• It reacts with dilute acid to liberate carbon dioxide.
60. Mention the Uses of Calcium carbonate?
 It is used as a building material in the form of marble and in the manufacture of quick lime.
Calcium carbonate along with magnesium carbonate is used as a flux in the extraction of metals
such as iron. Specially precipitated
 CaCO3 is extensively used in the manufacture of high quality paper. It is also used as an antacid,
mild abrasive in tooth paste, a constituent of chewing gum, and filler in cosmetics.
61. How is Calcium Sulphate (Plaster of Paris), CaSO4·½ H2O (hemihydrate of calcium sulphate) prepared from
• It is obtained when gypsum, CaSO4·2H2O, is heated to 393 K. above 393 K, no water of crystallization is
left and anhydrous calcium sulphate, CaSO4 is formed. This is known as ‘dead burnt plaster’. It has a
remarkable property of setting with water. On mixing with an adequate quantity of water it forms a
plastic mass that gets into a hard solid in 5 to 15 minutes.
62. What are the uses of Plaster of Paris?
• The largest use of Plaster of Paris is in the building industry as well as plasters. It is used for immobilizing
the affected part of organ where there is a bone fracture or sprain. It is also employed in dentistry, in
ornamental work and for making casts of statues and busts.
63. What are the Uses of cement?
• Cement has become a commodity of national necessity for any country next to iron and steel. It is used in
concrete and reinforced concrete, in plastering and in the construction of bridges, dams and buildings.
64. Write a note on the abundance of first and second group elements.
• Among the alkali metals sodium and potassium are abundant and lithium, rubidium and caesium have
much lower abundances. Francium is highly radioactive; its longest-lived isotope 223-Fr has a half-life
of only 21 minutes. Among the alkaline earth metals calcium and magnesium ranks fifth and sixth in
abundance respectively in the earth’s crust. Strontium and barium have much lower abundances.
Beryllium is rare and radium is the rarest of all comprising only 1.0–10 per cent of igneous rocks.
65. Why do the alkali metals tarnish in dry air?
• The alkali metals tarnish in dry air due to the formation of their oxides which in turn react with moisture
to form hydroxides. They burn vigorously in oxygen forming oxides. Lithium forms monoxide, sodium
forms peroxide, the other metals form superoxide. The superoxide O2 – ion is stable only in the presence
of large cations such as K, Rb, Cs. In all these oxides the oxidation state of the alkali metal is +1. Lithium
shows exceptional behaviour in reacting directly with nitrogen of air to form the nitride, Li3N as well.
Because of their high reactivity towards air and water, they are normally kept in kerosene oil.
66. Explain the reactivity of alkali metals towards water.

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• The alkali metals react with water to form hydroxide and dihydrogen.It may be noted that although
lithium has most negative E0 value, its reaction with water is less vigorous than that of sodium which has
the least negative E0 value among the alkali metals. This behavior of lithium is attributed to its small size
and very high hydration energy. Other metals of the group react explosively with water. They also react
with proton donors such as alcohol, gaseous ammonia and alkynes.
67. How does alkali metal react with halogens?
• The alkali metals readily react vigorously with halogens to form ionic halides, M+X–. However, lithium
halides are somewhat covalent. It is because of the high polarisation capability of lithium ion (The
distortion of electron cloud of the anion by the cation is called polarisation). The Li + ion is very small in
size and has high tendency to distort electron cloud around the negative halide ion. Since anion with
large size can be easily distorted, among halides, lithium iodide is the most covalent in nature.
68. Why do the the alkali metals give blue solution, when treated with liq NH 3?
• The alkali metals dissolve in liquid ammonia giving deep blue solutions which are conducting in nature.
The blue colour of the solution is due to the ammoniated electron which absorbs energy in the visible
region of light and thus imparts blue colour to the solution. The solutions are paramagnetic and on
standing slowly liberate hydrogen resulting in the formation of amide. (Where ‘am’ denotes solution in
ammonia.) In concentrated solution, the blue colour changes to bronze colour and become diamagnetic.
69. What are the uses of alkali metals?
• Lithium metal is used to make useful alloys, for example with lead to make ‘white metal’ bearings for
motor engines, with aluminum to make aircraft parts, and with magnesium to make armour plates. It is
used in thermonuclear reactions. Lithium is also used to make electrochemical cells. Sodium is used to
make a Na/Pb alloy needed to make PbEt 4 and PbMe4. These organolead compounds were earlier used as
anti-knock additives to petrol, but nowadays vehicles use lead-free petrol. Liquid sodium metal is used as
a coolant in fast breeder nuclear reactors. Potassium has a vital role in biological systems. Potassium
chloride is used as a fertilizer. Potassium hydroxide is used in the manufacture of soft soap. It is also used
as an excellent absorbent of carbon dioxide. Cesium is used in devising photoelectric cells.
70. What is the reason for the increasing stability of peroxide & superoxide of alkali metals down the group?
 On combustion in excess of air, lithium forms mainly the oxide Li2O (plus some peroxide Li2O2),
sodium forms the peroxide, Na2O2 (and some superoxide NaO2) whilst potassium, rubidium and
caesium form the superoxides, MO2. Under appropriate conditions pure compounds M2O, M2O2 and
MO2 may be prepared.
 The increasing stability of the peroxide or superoxide, as the size of the metal ion increases, is due to
the stabilisation of large anions by larger cations through lattice energy effects. These oxides are
easily hydrolysed by water to form the hydroxides according to the following reactions: The oxides
and the peroxides are colourless when pure, but the superoxides are yellow or orange in colour. The
superoxides are also paramagnetic. Sodium peroxide is widely used as an oxidising agent in
inorganic chemistry.
71. Explain the stability of carbonates & bicarbonates of alkali metals.
• The alkali metals form salts with all the oxo-acids. They are generally soluble in water and thermally
stable. Their carbonates (M2CO3) and in most cases the hydrogen carbonates (MHCO3) also are highly
stable to heat. As the electropositive character increases down the group, the stability of the carbonates
and hydrogen carbonates increases. Lithium carbonate is not so stable to heat; lithium being very small in

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size polarises a large CO32– ion leading to the formation of more stable Li 2O and CO2. Its
hydrogencarbonate does not exist as a solid.
72. Mention the Points of Difference between ‘Lithium and other Alkali Metals’
 Lithium is much harder. Its m.p. and b.p. are higher than the other alkali metals.
 Lithium is least reactive but the strongest reducing agent among all the alkali metals. On combustion
in air it forms mainly monoxide, Li 2O and the nitride, Li3N unlike other alkali metals.
 LiCl is deliquescent and crystallises as a hydrate, LiCl.2H 2O whereas other alkali metal chlorides do
not form hydrates.
 Lithium hydrogencarbonate is not obtained in the solid form while all other elements form solid
hydrogen carbonates.
 Lithium unlike other alkali metals forms no ethynide on reaction with ethyne.
 Lithium nitrate when heated gives lithium oxide, Li 2O, whereas other alkali metal nitrates
decompose to give the corresponding nitrite.
 LiF and Li2O are comparatively much less soluble in water than the corresponding compounds of
other alkali metals.
73. Mention the Points of Similarities between ‘Lithium and Magnesium’
• The similarity between lithium and magnesium is particularly striking and arises because of their similar
sizes : (atomic radii, Li = 152 pm, Mg = 160 pm; ionic radii : Li+ = 76 pm, Mg2+= 72 pm. )
The main points of similarity are:
 Both lithium and magnesium are harder and lighter than other elements in the respective groups.
 Lithium and magnesium react slowly with water. Their oxides and hydroxides are much less soluble and
their hydroxides decompose on heating. Both form a nitride, Li3N and Mg 3N2, by direct combination with
 The oxides, Li2O and MgO do not combine with excess oxygen to give any superoxide.
 The carbonates of lithium and magnesium decompose easily on heating to form the oxides and CO 2. Solid
hydrogen carbonates are not formed by lithium and magnesium.
 Both LiCl and MgCl2 are soluble in ethanol.
 Both LiCl and MgCl2 are deliquescent and crystallize from aqueous solution as hydrates, LiCl·2H2O and
74. How is Sodium Carbonate (Washing Soda), Na 2CO3·10H2O manufactured by “Solvay Process” Principle-
• In this process, advantage is taken of the low solubility of sodium hydrogen carbonate whereby it gets
precipitated in the reaction of sodium chloride with ammonium hydrogen carbonate. The latter is
prepared by passing CO2 to a concentrated solution of sodium chloride saturated with ammonia, where
ammonium carbonates followed by ammonium hydrogen carbonate are formed. Sodium hydrogen
carbonate crystal separates. These are heated to give sodium carbonate. Recovery of some raw material--
In this process NH3 is recovered when the solution containing NH 4Cl is treated with Ca(OH)2. Calcium
chloride is obtained as a by-product.
75. What happens, when washing soda is heated?
• On heating, the decahydrate loses its water of crystallization to form monohydrate. Above 373K, the
monohydrate becomes completely anhydrous and changes to a white powder called soda ash. Carbonate
part of sodium carbonate gets hydrolysed by water to form an alkaline solution.
76. Explain the extraction of Sodium Chloride, NaCl

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• The most abundant source of sodium chloride is sea water which contains 2.7 to 2.9% by mass of the salt.
In tropical countries like India, common salt is generally obtained by evaporation of sea water.
Approximately 50 lakh tons of salt are produced annually in India by solar evaporation. Crude sodium
chloride, generally obtained by crystallization of brine solution, contains sodium sulphate, calcium
sulphate, calcium chloride and magnesium chloride as impurities. Calcium chloride, CaCl2, and
magnesium chloride, MgCl2 are deliquescent impurities (because they absorb moisture easily from the
77. Explain the manufacture of Sodium Hydroxide (Caustic Soda), NaOH by castner kellner cell
• Preperation--Sodium hydroxide is generally prepared commercially by the electrolysis of sodium
chloride in Castner-Kellner cell. A brine solution is electrolysed using a mercury cathode and a carbon
anode. Sodium metal discharged at the cathode combines with mercury to form sodium amalgam.
Chlorine gas is evolved at the anode. The amalgam is treated with water to give sodium hydroxide and
hydrogen gas.
78. How is Sodium Hydrogencarbonate (Baking Soda), NaHCO 3 prepared?
 Sodium hydrogencarbonate is known as baking soda because it decomposes on heating to generate
bubbles of carbon dioxide (leaving holes in cakes or pastries and making them light and fluffy).
 Preparation--Sodium hydrogencarbonate is made by saturating a solution of sodium carbonate with
carbon dioxide. The white crystalline powder of sodium hydrogencarbonate, being less soluble, gets
separated out.
79. Write a note on biological importance of sodium and potassium
• Sodium ions are found primarily on the outside of cells, being located in blood plasma and in the
interstitial fluid which surrounds the cells. These ions participate in the transmission of nerve signals, in
regulating the flow of water across cell membranes and in the transport of sugars and amino acids into
cells. Sodium and potassium, although so similar chemically, differ quantitatively in their ability to
penetrate cell membranes, in their transport mechanisms and in their efficiency to activate enzymes.
Thus, potassium ions are the most abundant cations within cell fluids, where they activate many enzymes,
participate in the oxidation of glucose to produce ATP and, with sodium, are responsible for the
transmission of nerve signals.
80. What are the uses of alkaline earth metals?
• Beryllium is used in the manufacture of alloys. Copper-beryllium alloys are used in the preparation of
high strength springs. Metallic beryllium is used for making windows of X-ray tubes. Magnesium forms
alloys with aluminium, zinc, manganese and tin. Magnesium-aluminium alloys being light in mass are
used in air-craft construction. Magnesium (powder and ribbon) is used in flash powders and bulbs,
incendiary bombs and signals. A suspension of magnesium hydroxide in water (called milk of magnesia)
is used as antacid in medicine. Magnesium carbonate is an ingredient of toothpaste. Calcium is used in
the extraction of metals from oxides which are difficult to reduce with carbon. Calcium and barium
metals, owing to their reactivity with oxygen and nitrogen at elevated temperatures, have often been used
to remove air from vacuum tubes. Radium salts are used in radiotherapy, for example, in the treatment of
81. Explain the structure of BeCl2?
• Except for beryllium halides, all other halides of alkaline earth metals are ionic in nature. Beryllium
halides are essentially covalent and soluble in organic solvents. Beryllium chloride has a chain structure

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in the solid state. In the vapour phase BeCl2 tends to form a chloro-bridged dimer which dissociates into
the linear monomer at high temperatures of the order of 1200 K.

82. Mention the anomalous behaviour of beryllium

• Beryllium, the first member of the Group 2 metals, shows anomalous behaviour as compared to
magnesium and rest of the members. Further, it shows diagonal relationship to aluminium
 Beryllium has exceptionally small atomic and ionic sizes and thus does not compare well with other
members of the group. Because of high ionisation enthalpy and small size it forms compounds which
are largely covalent and get easily hydrolysed.
 Beryllium does not exhibit coordination number more than four as in its valence shell there are only
four orbitals. The remaining members of the group can have a coordination number of six by making
use of d-orbitals.
 The oxide and hydroxide of beryllium, unlike the hydroxides of other elements in the group, are
amphoteric in nature.
83. Mention the Diagonal Relationship between Beryllium and Aluminium
• The ionic radius of Be2+ is estimated to be 31 pm; the charge/radius ratio is nearly the same as that of the
Al3+ ion. Hence beryllium resembles aluminium in some ways. Some of the similarities are:
 Like aluminium, beryllium is not readily attacked by acids because of the presence of an oxide film on
the surface of the metal.
 Beryllium hydroxide dissolves in excess of alkali to give a beryllate ion, [Be(OH) 4]2– just as aluminium
hydroxide gives aluminate ion, [Al(OH) 4]–.
 The chlorides of both beryllium and aluminium have Cl – bridged chloride structure in vapour phase.
 Both the chlorides are soluble in organic solvents and are strong Lewis acids. They are used as Friedel
Craft catalysts.
 Beryllium and aluminium ions have strong tendency to form complexes, BeF42–, AlF63–.
84. Write a note on the manufacture of Cement:
• Cement is an important building material. It was first introduced in England in 1824 by Joseph Aspdin. It
is also called Portland cement because it resembles with the natural limestone quarried in the Isle of
Portland, England. Cement is a product obtained by combining a material rich in lime, CaO with other
material such as clay which contains silica, SiO2 along with the oxides of aluminium, iron and
magnesium. The average composition of Portland cement is: CaO, 50- 60%; SiO2, 20-25%; Al2O3, 5-10%;
MgO, 2- 3%; Fe2O3, 1-2% and SO3, 1-2%. For good quality cement, the ratio of silica (SiO 2) to alumina
(Al2O3) should be between 2.5 and 4 and the ratio of lime (CaO) to the total of the oxides of silicon (SiO 2)
aluminium (Al2O3) and iron (Fe2O3) should be as close as possible to 2. The raw materials for the
manufacture of cement are limestone and clay. When clay and lime are strongly heated together they
fuse and react to form ‘cement clinker’. This clinker is mixed with 2-3% by weight of gypsum
(CaSO4·2H2O) to form cement. Thus important ingredients present in Portland cement are dicalcium
silicate (Ca2SiO4) 26 %, tricalcium silicate (Ca3SiO5) 51% and tricalcium aluminate (Ca3Al2O6) 11%.
85. How does the setting of cement takes place & what is the role of gypsum in setting of cement?
• When mixed with water, the setting of cement takes place to give a hard mass. This is due to the
hydration of the molecules of the constituents and their rearrangement. The purpose of adding gypsum is
only to slow down the process of setting of the cement so that it gets sufficiently hardened.

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86. Write a note on biological importance of magnesium and calcium
• An adult body contains about 25 g of Mg and 1200 g of Ca compared with only 5 g of iron and 0.06 g of
copper. The daily requirement in the human body has been estimated to be 200 – 300 mg. All enzymes
that utilize ATP in phosphate transfer require magnesium as the cofactor. The main pigment for the
absorption of light in plants is chlorophyll which contains magnesium. About 99 % of body calcium is
present in bones and teeth. It also plays important roles in neuromuscular function, interneuronal
transmission, cell membrane integrity and blood coagulation. The calcium concentration in plasma is
regulated at about 100 mgL–1. It is maintained by two hormones: calcitonin and parathyroid hormone. Do
you know that bone is not an inert and unchanging substance but is continuously being solubilised and
redeposited to the extent of 400 mg per day in man? All this calcium passes through the plasma.
87. Why is Group I elements known as the most electropositive element?
• The loosely held s-electron in the outermost valence shell of these elements makes them the most
electropositive metals. They readily lose electron to give monovalent H + ions.
88. Why is lithium salts mostly hydrated?
• Li+ has maximum degree of hydration and for this reason lithium salts are mostly hydrated eg. LiCl,
89. Why are melting and boiling points of alkali metals low?
• The melting and boiling points of the alkali metals are low indicating weak metallic bonding due to the
presence of only a single valence electron in them
90. What do you mean by diagonal relationship in the periodic table?
• The diagonal relationship is due to the similarity in ionic sizes and /or charge / radius ratio of the
91. Why is lithium kept under kerosene oil?
• Because of their high reactivity towards air and water, they are normally kept in kerosene oil.
92. Why are lithium halides covalent in nature?
• Lithium halides are covalent because of the high polarization capability of lithium ion The Li+ ion is
very small is size and has high tendency to distort electron cloud around the negative halide ion.
93. What makes lithium show properties different from rest of the alkali metals?
• Lithium is a small atom and it forms smaller Li +. As a result, it has very high charge to radius ratio. This
is primarily responsible for the anomalous behavior of lithium
94. Why do alkali metals and salts impart color to an oxidizing flame?
• This is because the heat from the flame excites the outer orbital electron to a higher energy level.
95. What type of oxide is made by sodium?
• Sodium mostly form peroxide when reacted with oxygen 2Na +O 2 → Na2O2 peroxide
96. Why is potassium lighter than sodium?
• Potassium is lighter than sodium probably because of an unusual increase in atomic size of potassium.
97. Name the lightest metal
• Lithium is the lithest known metal (density 0.534g cm 3)

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98. Write the elements of group 15?
• The elements of group 15 are Nitrogen (N), Phosphorous (P), Arsenic (As) , Antimony (Sb) and Bismuth (Bi).
99. What is special about the valence configuration of Group 15?
• The valence configuration of 15 group is ns 2np3 the s-orbital is completely filled and p orbital is half filled.
This half filled orbital gives extra stability to elements of this group.
100. The atomic radii increases considerably from N to P but very little increase is observed from As to Bi.
• There is a considerable increase in size from N to P as expected but due to the presence of completely filled d-
orbitals which have very poor shielding effects, the increases in size is very little from As to Bi.
101. Give reason for the following- the first ionization enthalpy of 15th group elements is higher than 16th
group elements?
• Due to extra stability of half filled configuration, the first Ionization enthalpy of 15th group elements is
higher than 16th group configuration ns2np4)
102. How does metallic character vary down the 15 group & why?
• The metallic character increases down the group due to decrease in ionization enthalpy and increase in size of
103. What are the common oxidation states of 15 groups?
• The common oxidation states of the group are- -3 , +3 & +5.
104. What is the maximum covalence shown by N?
• Nitrogen shows a maximum covalence of +4 because only four orbitals, one S and three P- orbitals are
available for bonding in Nitrogen.
105. Bi (v) is a stronger oxidizing agent than Bi(III). Why?
• Bi is more stable in +3 oxidation state in comparison to +5 due to inert pair effect therefore Bi (v) has a strong
tendency to act as oxidizing agent.
106. Give an example showing disproportionation of oxidation state of nitrogen ?
• 3HNO2 → HNO3 + H2O + 2NO
+3 +5 +2
Here Nitrogen is getting oxidized to a higher oxidation state as well as reduced to a lower oxidation state.
107. Give reasons for the following?
(a) Nitrogen does not show catenation.
(b) PCl5 exists but NCl5 does not.
(c) The stability of Hydrides follows the order NH 3 >PH3 > Ar5H3 > SbH3
(d) PH3 is a weaker base than NH3.
(e) Molecular nitrogen is chemically inert.
(a) Nitrogen being small in size has high electron density. Due to strong inter electronic repulsions, N-N
single bond is weak & nitrogen does not undergo catenation.
(b) Due to absence of d-orbitals, nitrogen cannot expand its oxidation state to +5 and NCl 5 does not exist
whereas in P due to presence of empty 3d orbital, +5 oxidation state is attained.
(c) As we move down the group 15, atomic radii increases making the bond of element with Hydrogen
weaker this decreases the stability of hydrides of heavier elements. Therefore the order of stability is.
NH3 >PH3 > Ar5H3 > SbH3

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(d) As Phosphorous atom is larger than N- atom, the lone pair of electrons is distributed over a large surface
area of P-atom than N-atom. Therefore the tendency of P to donate the lone pair of electrons is less.
(e) Molecular nitrogen (N2) is inert because N ≡ N bond energy is very high due to small size of N- atom and
presence of multiple bonds.
108. What are the two isotopes of nitrogen?
• The two isotopes of nitrogen are 14 N and 15N
109. Write two uses of dinitrogen.
• Dinitrogen is used
 In the manufacture of ammonia.
 As a refrigerant to preserve biological material, food items.
 In cryosurgery.
110. What are the optimum conditions for maximum yield of ammonia?
• The optimum conditions for the production of ammonia are- 200×105 Pa or 200 atm pressure, 700K
temperature, and presence of catalyst such as iron oxide with K 2O and Al2O3 as promoters.
111. Ammonia is a Lewis base. Why?
• Due to the presence of lone pairs on nitrogen atom of ammonia, it can donate electron pair and acts as a
Lewis base.
112. Ammonia has higher boiling and melting points than expected .Why?
• In solid and liquid states, ammonia molecules are associated by intermolecular hydrogen bonding. Therefore
ammonia has higher boiling and melting points.
113. Explain the chemistry behind brown ring test for detection of nitrate ions.
• The brown ring test for nitrate ions depends on the ability of Fe 2+ to reduce nitrates to nitric oxide, which
reacts with Fe2+ to form a brown coloured complex.
NO3 - + 3Fe2+ + 4H+ → NO + 3Fe3+ + 2H2O
[Fe (H2O)6] 2+ + NO→ [Fe(H2O)5NO]2+ + H2O
114. Write three differences between white and red phosphorous.
White phosphorous Red phosphorous
It is translucent waxy solid It has iron grey Lustre.
It is poisonous and glows in dark It is non poisonous and does not glow in dark
It is less stable and more reactive. It is more stable and less reactive
115. All five bonds in PCl5 are not equal. Give an equation in support of this statement.
When heated , PCl5 loses a chlorine molecule this shows that two P- Cl bonds are weaker and hence longer
than others. PCl5 PCl3 + Cl2

116. Write the members of 16 Group.
• The elements of group 16 are. Oxygen(O), Sulphur (S), Selenium (Se), Tellurium (Te) and Polonium (Po)
117. Give the general electronic configuration of 16 Group.
• The general electronic configuration of 16 group is ns 2np4.
118. Give reasons :-
(a) Oxygen molecule is diatomic where as sulphur molecule is polyatomic.
• Oxygen being small in size forms effective and strong P π -Pπ bonds with other oxygen atom. Therefore
oxygen molecule is diatomic and discrete whereas Sulphur due to its larger size, its orbitals cannot overlap

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effectively to form Pπ -Pπ bonds & completes valency by forming σ bonds with many sulphur atom. Therefore
sulphur molecule is polyatomic solid.
(b) The most common oxidation state of oxygen is -2.
• Since oxygen is highly electronegative, it has little tendency to give electrons. Therefore its most common
oxidation state is -2.
(c) H2O is liquid whereas H2S is gas at room temperature.
• H2O is liquid at room temperature due to presence of intermolecular Hydrogen bonding which is absent in
(d) The increasing order of acidic character in 16th group hydrides is H 2O < H2S < H2Se < H2Te
• As we move down the group, the size of atom increases this make the bond of the element with hydrogen
weak. Due to weaker bonds, the bond dissociation enthalpy decreases making the molecule more acidic.
Therefore the order of acidic strength is. H 2O < H2S < H2Se < H2Te
(e) SF6 is exceptionally stable, SH6 does not exist.
• SF6 is exceptionally stable due to steric reasons. Hydrogen being electropositive or less electronegative than
fluorine cannot make the s electrons of sulphur to participate in bonding. Therefore SH 6 does not exist.
119. Discuss the different types of oxides.
• A binary compound of oxygen with another element is called oxide. Oxides can be simple or mixed . Simple
oxides can be classified as acidic, basic Amphoteric or neutral. An oxide that combines with water to give an
acid is termed acidic oxide e.g. CO2, SO2 etc. An oxide that combines with water to give a base is called basic
oxide e.g. Na2O, CaO, BaO etc. An oxide that shows characteristics of both acids and bases is Amphoteric
oxide e.g. Al2O3 . An oxide that shows characteristic of neither acid nor base is called neutral oxide e.g. CO,
NO and N2O.
120. Enlist some uses of dioxygen.
• Oxygen is used- (a) In oxyacetylene welding. (b) In manufacture of steel. (c) In hospitals and mountaineering
as oxygen cylinders
121. Write different isotopes of oxygen.
• The isotopes of oxygen are 16 O, 17
O, 18
122. Give reasons-
(a) Halogens have smallest atomic radii in their periods
• Due to maximum effective nuclear charge, halogens have smallest atomic radii.
(b) The negative election gain enthalpy of fluorine is less than that of chlorine.
• Due to small size of fluorine atom, there are strong inter electronic repulsions in the small 2p orbital of
fluorine and thus incoming electron does not experience much attraction and fluorine has less negative
electron gain enthalpy than that of chlorine.
(c) All halogens are colored.
• Halogens absorb radiation in visible region which results in oxidation of electrons to higher energy level by
absorbing different quanta of radiation, they show different colours.
(d) The only possible oxidation state of fluorine -1.
• Since fluorine is most electronegative element and is short of only one electron for completing octet, it shows
the only oxidation state of -1.
(e) Fluorine forms only one oxoacid.
• Due to small size and high electro-negativity, Fluorine forms only one hypohalous acid.

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(f) The stability of hydrides follows the order HF>HCl>HBr>HI.
• As the size of element increases down the group, the bond dissociation enthalpy for HX bond decreases
making the bond weaker and weaker therefore the order of thermal stability is HI < HBr < HCl < HF .
123. Chlorine water on standing loses its yellow colour. Why?
• On standing chlorine water forms HCl and Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) due to which it loses its colour.
Cl2 + H2O → HCl + HOCl
124. Explain the bleaching action of chlorine?
• The bleaching action of chlorine is due to its tendency to give nascent oxygen so that the substance gets
Cl2 + H2O → 2HCl + [O]
Coloured substances + [O] → colourless substance.
125. Write two uses of chlorine?
• Culorine is used for
 Bleaching wood pulp, cotton and textiles
 Manufacturing dyes, drugs, refrigerants etc.
 Sterilizing drinking water.
126. What are interhalogen compounds? Why are they more reactive than halogens?
• When two different halogens react with each other, inter-halogen compounds are formed
e.g. Cl2 + F2 2ClF

They are more reactive than halogens due weak bond between different halogens and high electronic
127. Noble gases have very low melting and boiling points. Why?
• In noble gases, the only types of inter-atomic forces are weak dispersion forces which results in very low
melting and boiling points.


1. Compound A (C4H10) gives two different monochlorides on photochemical chlorination.

Treatment of either of these monochlorides with potassium tert-butoxide in dimethyl sulfoxide
gives the same alkene B (C4H8) as the only product. What are the structures of compound A, the
two monochlorides, and alkene B?
2. An organic compound contains 69.77% carbon, 11.63% hydrogen and the rest is oxygen. The
molecular mass of the compound is 86. It does not reduce Tollens’ reagent but forms an addition
compound with sodium hydrogen sulphite and gives positive iodoform test. On vigorous oxidation
it gives ethanoic and propanoic acids. Deduce the possible structure of the organic compound.
3. An alkyne with molecular formula C6H10 was treated with ozone followed by water to produce only
one type of carboxylic acid. Draw the structure of the starting alkyne and the product of

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4. An unknown alkyne is treated with ozone (followed by hydrolysis) to yield acetic acid and carbon
dioxide. What is the structure of the alkyne?
5. Compound A is an alkyne with molecular formula C5H8. When treated with aqueous sulfuric acid
and mercuric sulfate, two different products with molecular formula C 5H10O are obtained in equal
amounts. Draw the structure of compound A, and draw the two products obtained.
6. A terminal alkyne was treated with NaNH2 followed by propyl iodide. The resulting internal
alkyne was treated with ozone followed by water, giving only one type of carboxylic acid. Provide a
systematic, IUPAC name for the internal alkyne.
7. 1,2-Dichloropentane reacts with excess sodium amide in liquid ammonia (followed by water
workup) to produce compound X. Compound X undergoes acid-catalyzed hydration to produce a
ketone. Draw the structure of the ketone produced upon hydration of compound X.
8. Compound A has molecular formula C7H12. Hydrogenation of compound A produces 2-
methylhexane. Hydroboration-oxidation of compound A produces an aldehyde. Draw the structure
of compound A and draw the structure of the aldehyde produced upon hydroboration oxidation of
compound A.
9. An alkyne with molecular formula C4H6 was treated with ozone followed by water to produce a
carboxylic acid and carbon dioxide. Draw the expected product when the alkyne is treated with
aqueous acid in the presence of mercuric sulfate.

10. An organic compound A has the molecular formula C8H16O2. It gets hydrolysed with dilute
sulphuric acid and gives a carboxylic acid B and an alcohol C. Oxidation of C with chromic acid
also produced B. C on dehydration reaction gives but-1-ene. Write equations for the reactions
11. On the basis of the mechanism of cationic polymerization, predict the alkenes of molecular
formula C12H24 that can most reasonably be formed when 2-methylpropene [(CH3)2C=CH2] is
treated with sulfuric acid.
12. Compound A (C6H14) gives three different monochlorides on photochemical chlorination. One of
these monochlorides is inert to E2 elimination. The other two monochlorides yield the same alkene
B (C6H12) on being heated with potassium tert butoxide in tert-butyl alcohol. Identify compound
A, the three monochlorides, and alkene B.
13. An organic compound (A) {C8H16O2} was hydrolysed with dilute sulphuric acid to give a
carboxylic acid (B) and an alcohol (C). Oxidation of (C) with chromic acid produced (B). (C) on
dehyration gives but-1-ene .Identity A,B,C.
14. Compounds A and B are isomers of molecular formula C9H19Br. Both yield the same alkene C as
the exclusive product of elimination on being treated with potassium tert-butoxide in dimethyl

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sulfoxide. Hydrogenation of alkene C gives 2,3,3,4 tetramethylpentane. What are the structures of
compounds A and B and alkene C?
15. Compound A (C7H13Br) is a tertiary bromide. On treatment with sodium ethoxide in ethanol, A is
converted into B (C7H12). Ozonolysis of B gives C (CH3COCH2CH2CH2CH2COH), as the only
product. Deduce the structures of A and B. What is the symbol for the reaction mechanism by
which A is converted to B under the reaction conditions?
16. In an attempt to prepare propylbenzene, a chemist alkylated benzene with 1-chloropropane and
aluminum chloride. However, two isomeric hydrocarbons were obtained in a ratio of 2:1, the
desired propylbenzene being the minor component. What do you think was the major product?
How did it arise?
17. Chromic acid oxidation of 4-tert-butyl-1,2-dimethylbenzene yielded a single compound having the
molecular formula C12H14O4. What was this compound?
18. Assume that you need to prepare 4-methyl-2-pentyne and discover that the only alkynes on hand
are acetylene and propyne. You also have available methyl iodide, isopropyl bromide, and 1,1-
dichloro-3-methylbutane. Which of these compounds would you choose in order to perform your
synthesis, and how would you carry it out?
19. When 2-heptyne was treated with aqueous sulfuric acid containing mercury (II) sulfate, two
products, each having the molecular formula C7H14O, were obtained in approximately equal
amounts. What are these two compounds?
20. A certain compound of molecular formula C19H38 was isolated from fish oil and from plankton.
On hydrogenation it gave 2, 6, 10, 14-tetramethylpentadecane. Ozonolysis gave (CH3)2C=O and a
16-carbon aldehyde. What is the structure of the natural product? What is the structure of the
21. Reaction of 3,3-dimethyl-1-butene with hydrogen iodide yields two compounds A and B, each
having the molecular formula C6H13I, in the ratio A:B = 90:10. Compound A, on being heated with
potassium hydroxide in n-propyl alcohol, gives only 3,3-dimethyl-1-butene. Compound B
undergoes elimination under these conditions to give 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene as the major product.
Suggest structures for compounds A and B, and write a reasonable mechanism for the formation of
22. On being heated with a solution of sodium ethoxide in ethanol, compound A (C 7H15Br) yielded a
mixture of two alkenes B and C, each having the molecular formula C7H14. Catalytic
hydrogenation of the major isomer B or the minor isomer C gave only 3-ethylpentane. Suggest
structures for compounds A, B, and C consistent with these observations.

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23. Compound A (C7H15Br) is not a primary alkyl bromide. It yields a single alkene (compound B) on
being heated with sodium ethoxide in ethanol. Hydrogenation of compound B yields 2,4-
dimethylpentane. Identify compounds A and B.
24. An organic compound with the molecular formula C9H10O forms 2,4 DNP derivative reduces
tollens reagent and undergoes cannizaro reaction . On vigorous oxidation, it gives 1, 2 benzene
carboxylic acid. Identify the compound.
25. An organic compound (A) with molecular formula C8H8O forms an orange-red precipitate with 2,4
DNP reagent and gives yellow precipitate on heating with iodine in the presence of sodium
hydroxide. It neither reduces tollen’s or Fehling’s reagent , nor does it decolorize bromine water or
Baeyer’s reagents .On drastic oxidation with chromic acid .it gives a carboxylic acid (B) having
molecular formula C7H6O2. Identify the compounds (A) and (B).
26. Two moles of organic compound A on treatment with a strong base gives two compounds B and
C. Compound B on dehydration with Cu gives A while acidification of C yields carboxylic acid D
having molecular formula of CH2O2 .Identify the compounds A,B,C,D.
27. An aliphatic compound ‘A’ with a molecular formula of C3H6O reacts with phenyl hydrazine to
give compound ‘B’. Reaction of ‘A’ with I2 in alkaline medium on warming gives a yellow
precipitate ‘C’. Identify the component A, B, C.
28. A component ‘A’ with molecular formula C5H10O gave a positive 2, 4 DNP test but a negative
tollen’s reagents test. It was oxidised to carboxylic acid ‘B’ with molecular formula C 3H6O2 when
treated with alkaline KMnO4 under vigorous condition. Sodium salt of ‘B’ gave hydrocarbon ‘C’ on
Kolbe electrolysis reduction. Identify A, B, C and D.
29. An organic compound ‘A’ has the molecular formula C5H10O .It does not reduce Fehling’s solution
but forms a bisulphite compound .It also gives positive Iodoform test. What are possible structures
of ‘A’? Explain your reasoning.
30. An organic compound ‘A’ which has characteristic odour , on treatment with NaOH forms two
compounds ‘B’ and ‘C’. Compound ‘B’ has the molecular formula C7H8O which on oxidation gives
back compound ‘A’. Compound ‘C’ is the sodium salt of an acid which when heated with soda
lime yields an aromatic hydrocarbon ‘D’. Deduce A, B, C, D.
31. An organic compound ‘A’ is resistant to oxidation, forms a compound B (C3H8O) on reduction. B
reacts with HBr to form a bromide ‘C’ which on treatment with alcoholic KOH forms an alkene
‘D’ (C3H6). Deduce A, B, C, D.
32. Eherial solution of an organic compound ‘A’ when heated with magnesium gave ‘B’ on treatment
with ethanal followed by acid hydrolysis gave 2-propanol .Identify the compound A. What is B
known as?

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33. Primary alkyl halide C4H9Br (A) reacted with alcoholic KOH to give compound (B), which is
reacted with HBr to give (C) which is an isomer of (A). When (A) is reacted with sodium metal it
gives compound (D) C8H18 that was different from the compound formed when n-butyl bromide is
reacted with sodium. Give the formula of A and write equations.
34. An organic compound ‘A’ having molecular formula C4H8 on treatment with dil.H2SO4 gives B. B
on treatment with conc. HCl and anhydrous ZnCl2 gives C and on treatment with sodium
ethoxide gives back A. Identify A,B,C.
35. Two isomeric compounds A and B having molecular formula C15H11N, both lose N2 on treatment
with HNO2 and gives compound C and D. C is resistant to oxidation but immediately responds to
oxidation to Lucas reagent after 5 minutes and gives a positive Iodoform test. Identify A and B.
36. An organic compound ‘A’ having molecular formula C3H5N on reduction gave another compound
37. ‘B’. The compound B on treatment with HNO2 gave propyl alcohol. B on warming with CHCl3
and alcoholic caustic potash give the offensive smelling C .Identify A, B, C.
38. Iodomethane reacts with KCN to form a major product A .Compound ‘A’ on reduction in
presence of LiAlH4 forms a higher amine ‘B’. Compound B on treatment with CuCl 2 forms a blue
colour complex C. Identify A, B, C.
39. An aliphatic compound A with molecular formula C2H3Cl on treatment with AgCN gives two
isomeric compounds of unequal amount with the molecular formula C 3H3N .The minor of these
two products on complete reduction with H2 in the presence of Ni gives a compound ‘B’ with
molecular formula C3H9N.Identify the compounds.
40. A compound ‘X’ having molecular formula C3H7NO reacts with Br2 in presence of KOH to give
another compound Y. the compound Y reacts with HNO2 to form ethanol N2 gas. Identify X, Y.
41. A compound ‘A’ of molecular formula C3H7O2N reaction with Fe and conc. HCl gives a
compound ‘B’ of molecular formula C3H9N. Compound ‘B’ on treatment with NaNO2 and HCl
gives another compound ‘C’ of molecular formula C3H8O.The compound ‘C’ gives effervescences
with Na on oxidation with CrO3.The compound ‘C’ gives a saturated aldehyde containing three
carbon atom deduce A,B,C.
42. A Chloro compound ‘A’ on reduction with Zn – Cu and alcohol gives the hydro carbon (B) with
five carbon atom. When ‘A’ is dissolved in ether and treated with sodium 2,2,5,5 tetra methyl
hexane is formed structure of A and B?
43. An aromatic compound, A‘on treatment with aqueous ammonia and heating forms compound ,B‘
which on heating with Br2 and KOH forms a compound , C‘ of molecular formula C6H7N. Write
the structures and IUPAC names of compounds A, B and C.

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44. An organic compound (A) having molecular formula C3H7Cl on reaction with alcoholic solution of
KCN gives compound B. The compound B on hydrolysis with dilute HCl gives compound C and
C on reduction with H2/Ni gives I-amino butane. Identify A, B and C.
45. An alcohol A (C4H10O) on oxidation with acidified potassium dichromate gives carboxylic acid B
(C4H8O2). Compound A when dehydrated with conc. H2SO4 at 443 K gives compound C.
Treatment of C with aqueous H2SO4 gives compound D. (C4H10O) which is an isomer of A.
Compound D is resistant to oxidation but compound A can be easily oxidized. Identify A, B, C
and D and write their structures.
46. An organic compound A having molecular formula C6H6O gives a characteristic colour with
aqueous FeCl3. When A is treated with NaOH and CO2 at 400 K under pressure compound B is
obtained. Compound B on acidification gives, compound C which reacts with acetyl chloride to
form D, which is a popular pain killer. Deduce the structure of A, B, C and D. What is the popular
name of Drug D?
47. An ether A (C5H12O) when heated with excess of hot concentrated HI produced two alkyl halides
which on hydrolysis from compounds B and C. Oxidation of B gives an acid D whereas oxidation
of C gave a ketone E. Deduce the structures of A, B, C, D and E.
48. An organic compound, (A) having molecular formula C5H10O gives a positive DNP test. It does
not reduce Tollen’s Reagent but forms an addition compound with Sodium hydrogen sulphite. On
reaction with I2 in alkaline medium, it forms a yellow precipitate of compound B and another
compound C having molecular formula C4H7O2Na. On oxidation with KMnO4 [A] forms two
acids D and E having molecular formula C3H6O2 and C2H4O2 respective. Identity A, B, C, D and
49. Three isomeric amines A, B and C have the molecular formula C3H9N. Compound A on reaction
with benzene sulphonyl chloride forms a product which is soluble in NaOH. Compound B on
reaction with benzene sulphonyl chloride forms a product which is insoluble in NaOH and
compound C does not react with benzene sulphonyl chloride. Identify A, B and C.
50. An organic compound A (C2H3N) is used as a solvent of choice for many organic reactions
because it is not reactive in mild acidic and basic conditions. Compound A on treatment with
Ni/H2 forms B. When B is treated with nitrous acid at 273K ethanol is obtained. When B is
warmed with chloroform and NaOH a foul smelling compound C formed. Identify A, B and C.
51. An organic compound [A] C3H6O2 on reaction wish ammonia followed by heating yield B.
Compound B on reaction with Br2 and alc. NaOH gives compound C, (C2H7N). Compound C
forms a foul smelling compound D on reaction with chloroform and NaOH. Identify A, B, C, D
and the write the equations of reactions involved.

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52. A compound A on oxidation gives B (C2H4O2). A reacts with dil. NaOH and on subsequent
heating forms C. C on catalytic hydrogenation gives D. Identity A, B, C, D and write down the
reactions involved.
53. An organic compound X undergoes acid hydrolysis to form two compounds Y and Z. Y reacts with
Sodium carbonates to form A. A is heated with Soda lime to form B (CH 4). Y on reduction with
LiAlH4 forms Z. Identify X, Y, Z, A, B and write the reactions involved.
54. An aromatic compound (A) on treatment with ammonia followed by heating forms compound (B),
which on heating with Br2 and KOH forms a compound (C) having molecular formula C6H7N.
Give the structures of A, B and C and write the reactions involved.
55. An organic compound (A) has molecular formula (C5H10O). It does not reduce Tollens’ reagent
but forms an orange precipitate with 2.4-DNP reagent. It forms a carboxylic acid (B) with
molecular formula (C3H6O2) when treated with alkaline KMnO4 and a yellow precipitate on
treatment with NaOH and I2. On oxidation under vigorous conditions gives ethanoic acid and
propanoic acid. Sodium salt of (B) gave a hydrocarbon (C) in Kolbe’s Electrolytic Reduction.
Identity (A), (B) and (C) and write the reactions involved.
56. Primary alkyl halide C4H9Br (A) reacted with alcoholic KOH to give compound (B).Compound
(B) is reacted with HBr to give (C) which is an isomer of (A). When (A) is reacted with sodium
metal it gives compound (D), C8H18 which is different from the compound formed when n-butyl
bromide is reacted with sodium. Give the structural formula of (A) and write the equations for all
the reactions.
57. Compound A C6H12O2 on reaction with LiAlH4 yielded two compounds B and C. The compound
B on oxidation gave D, which on treatment with aqueous alkali and subsequent heating furnished
E. E on catalytic hydrogenation gave C. D was oxidized to form F which is a monobasic carboxylic
acid with molecular mass 60. Deduce the structures of A, B, C, D.
58. A compound A give on analysis C, 61.0 percent; H, 15.25 percent; N, 23.7 percent. Treatment of A
with acid and sodium nitrite yielded a compound B of molecular formula C 3H8O. Oxidation of B
with chromic acid gave C with molecular formula C3 H6O. The product C gave a positive iodoform
reaction and formed a crystalline derivative with sodium hydrogen sulphite but did not react with
ammonical silver nitrate. The compound B when treated with ethanoic anhydride gave a product D
corresponding to C5H10O2. Deduce the identity of A, B, C, and D explain. Explain the sequence of
reactions by means involving structural formulae for the organic molecules.
59. A pungent smelling liquid A was analysed and found to contain carbon, hydrogen, chlorine and
possibly oxygen. Upon reaction with aqueous ammonia a neutral compound B was formed. When
this was treated with bromine and potassium hydroxide a base C resulted. In acidic solution
substance C reacted with sodium nitrite, giving nitrogen and an alcohol D. upon mild oxidation,

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the alcohol D was converted into a compound E of molecular formula C 2H4O which gave a
positive test with ammonical silver nitrate solution. Described the chemical involved involved in
these reactions and identify the compounds A, B, C, D, and E.
60. A neutral compound P, C9H12O2, fumes when treated with phosphorous penta-chloride and, when
heated with acidified sodium dichromate solution another neutral compound, Q, is formed. Q
produces a characteristic orange – red precipitate with a solution of 2,4-dinitrophenyl hydrazine
but Q does not react with anmmonical solution of silver oxide. P give a yellow precipitate with
iodine and alkali and if the filtrate from this reaction is acidified, an acid, R , C 8H8O3, is produced.
R on boiling with hydrogen iodide gives a further acid, S. A familiar smell of oil of winter green is
produced if S is warmed with methanol contain a little concentrated sulphuric acid as catalyst.
Deduce the nature of compounds P, Q, R and S and explain fully all the reactions.
61. 60.0cm3 of gaseous hydrocarbon, A, was exploded with 400cm3 of oxygen. On cooling to room
temperature and pressure, the residual gas occupied a volume of 280cm3. On shaking with aqueous
potassium hydroxide, the volume left occupied 40cm3. Treatment of compound A, with hydrogen
chloride gas, yielded a compound B. When B was treated with aqueous sodium hydroxide,
compound C was obtained which when reacted with ethanoic acid, produced a compound D.
Compound D had had an empirical formula of C3H6O. Compound C was found to be resistant to
a. Determine molecular formula of A and write the structures of the possible isomers of this
b. Give names and structural formulae of B, C, and D and explain, with the aid of equations, the
reason for your deductions.
c. Explain using equations, how you would convert
i) B into A
ii) A into methanol
iii) C into B
62. A substance A (C4H6O2) rapidly decolorized a solution of potassium permanganate in the cold. On
treatment trioxygen and hydrolysis of the products, A gave a neutral substance B (C2H4O) and
acidic substance C (C2H2O3), both of which give a silver mirrors with ammoniacal silver solutions,
and orange precipitates with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine in aqueous methanol (DNPH). B, on
oxidation, gave an acid D, whose calcium salt, on heating, gave E, C 3H6O, which gave an orange
precipitate with DNPH, but did not react with the ammoniacal silver solution. Oxidation of C gave
an acid F, which decolorized acidified potassium permanganate on warming, and which, on heating
with concentrated sulfuric acid gave off some gas. This gas was passed through lime water, which

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turned cloudy, and the effluent gas was formed to burn in air. Deduce the structures of A, B, C, D,
E, and F, and outline the course of the above reactions.
63. When 2-methylpropane is treated with bromine in the presence of UV light, one product
(a) Identify the structure of the product.
(b) Draw the structure of the expected minor product.
(c) Draw a mechanism for formation of the major product.
(d) Draw a mechanism for formation of the minor product.
(e) Using the mechanisms that you just drew, explain why we expect very little of the minor
64. Compound A has molecular formula C5H12, and monobromination of compound A produces only
compound B. When compound B is treated with a strong base, a mixture is obtained containing
compound C and compound D. Using this information, answer the following questions:
(a) Draw the structure of compound A.
(b) Draw the structure of compound B.
(c) Draw the structures of compounds C and D.
(d) When compound B is treated with potassium tert-butoxide, which product predominates: C
or D? Explain your choice.
(e) When compound B is treated with sodium ethoxide, which product predominates: C or D?
Explain your choice
65. A colorless liquid, A, contains 58.5 percent of carbon, 7.32 percent of hydrogen and 34.14 percent
of nitrogen. When boiled with hydrochloric acid, A produced a compound B. When a pure sample
of B was fused with soda lime; a colorless inflammable gas was formed. When A was treated with
dilute sulphuric acid and zinc, a colorless liquid, C. was formed, which reacted with iron (III)
chloride to give a brown precipitate. Identify A, B, and C and explain, giving equations, the
reaction which occurred above. Described two reactions by which A could be made.
66. An organic acid P, on treatment with phosphorous pentachloride yielded a substance Q, which
contained 78.0 percent of chlorine and has a molecular weight of 182. Q when heated with dilute
sodium carbonate solution yielded a substance R, which when crystallized and heated with soda
lime produced a volatile liquid S. The product when heated with phenyl amine and sodium
hydroxide yielded a substances possessing highly offensive smell. Derive a formula for P and
explain the course of reactions described.
67. 2.00 g of a neutral aliphatic compound X, contain a carbon, hydrogen and oxygen only, gave on
composition 3.617 g of carbon dioxide and 1.233 g of water. If the vapour density of X is 73,
calculate its molecular formula. When X was refluxed with aqueous sodium hydroxide and then

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distilled, the distillate contains only one organic compound and this gave a positive response to the
iodoform test. The solution left in the flask was evaporated to give a solid, which reacted with hot
concentrated sulphuric acid to give a mixture of two gases , one of which turn lime water milky
whilst the other burnt with a blue flame. Identify X, give its structural formula and explain fully
the reaction which have been used to find out what it is.
68. When 0.357 g of colorless liquid, A which was almost insoluble in water, was burnt 0.616 g of
carbon dioxide and 0.189 g of water were obtained. When A was warmed with an excess of
aqueous sodium hydroxide and the resulting solid obtained on evaporation was strongly heated, a
gas B was evolved. When 10cm3 of B was exploded with 30cm3 of oxygen (an excess) and the
resulting gas, after cooling, was shaken with caustic potash solution there was a diminution in the
volume of the gas by 10cm3. When A was warmed with aqueous ammonia, under suitable
conditions a crystalline solid, C. was obtained, which contained 23.75 % of nitrogen. Identify A, B
and C and explain the reactions that take place. What would happen if A was heated with calcium
hydroxide in equal molecular proportions?
69. A neutral compound, A has empirical formula of C8H7O2. When 0.4824 g of A dissolved in 40.20 g
of benzene, the boiling point is raised by 0.1190C (the boiling constant, k, for benzene = 2.670C per
1000 g of benzene). Treatment of A with an excess of boiling aqueous potash give a clear solution
which when saturated with carbon dioxide affords a liquid turning to a low melting solid, B,
molecular formula C6H6O. B gives a purple colour with iron (III) chloride solution and a white
precipitate when treated with bromine water. Acidification (with mineral acid) of the aqueous
solution after removal of B yields a solid acid, C, empirical formula C 2H3O2, and this gives a
neutral compound , D, when it is boiled with methanol in the presences of a trace of acid. The
empirical formula of D is C3H5O2 and the vapor density, 73. Also when C is heated it loose water
to give E, a neutral substance with molecular formula C4H4O3. Deduce the structure of A and
explain the formation of the substance s B, C, D, and E.
70. When a compound P was heated with concentrated aqueous sodium hydroxide solution and the
reaction product acidified, equimolar amounts of Q, containing C, 77.8 %; H, 7.4%; and R,
containing C, 68.8 %; H, 4.9 % were obtained. Mild oxidation of Q gave P, but more vigorous
oxidation gave R. When 25cm3 of a solution of R, containing 11.0 g/dm3 , were titrated with 0.10M
sodium hydroxide, 22.6 cm3 were required for neutralization (POP) , When R was heated with
soda lime it gave hydrocarbon S, containing C. 92.4%; H, 7.6 %. Identify P, Q, R and S and give
equation for the reactions involved in the above sequence.

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